BEAVER DAM LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT: ACQ-Southeast Library Lake Land Acquisition


The Beaver Dam Lake Management District is sponsoring a grant which will provide funding for a fee title land acquisition project iinvolving property on the southeast side of Library Lake. This acquisition is one of a number of acquisitions proposed to be used by the City of Cumberland for installation of a stormwater treatment facility. Ownership of the property will be transfered to the City of Cumberland. Project activities include the acquisition of the property and associated closing activities; demonlition of the structure on the parcel to be acquired.

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Lakes Grant
Lake Protection Grant
Reports and Documents
The acquisition of the parcel is to allow construction of stormwater facilities to reduce pollutant loading to Library Lake.
Maps of the location of the land acquisition.
Activities & Recommendations
Lakes Protection Grant
Grant Awarded
The Beaver Dam Lake Management District is sponsoring a grant which will provide funding for a fee title land acquisition project iinvolving property on the southeast side of Library Lake. This acquisition is one of a number of acquisitions proposed to be used by the City of Cumberland for installation of a stormwater treatment facility. Ownership of the property will be transfered to the City of Cumberland. Project activities include the acquisition of the property and associated closing activities; demonlition of the structure on the parcel to be acquired.
Land Acquisition
Land Acquisition
The Beaver Dam Lake Management District is sponsoring a grant which will provide funding for a fee title land acquisition project involving property on the southeast side of Library Lake.