Lakes Grant
Lake Protection Grant
Grant Awarded
Douglas County Land & Water Conservation Department is sponsoring a multi-year project to implement the St. Croix Headwaters watershed plan. The project will fund a Watershed Stewardship Coordinator; coordinate project activities including a Watershed Advisory Panel, and implement shoreland health best practices throughout the watershed (i.e. southern Douglas and Bayfield Counties).
Project deliverables include: 1) Headwaters Watershed Advisory Panel: participation and recommendations; 2) 5-year Action Plan; 3) Summary of watershed report/project tool dissemination and ordinance updates or changes; 4) Information and education summary or examples of products (e.g. brochures, powerpoint presentations) and workshops/events with detail on types and numbers of audiences reached; 5) Installed best practices, including rain gardens, runoff infiltration practices, fish sticks, shoreline restoration, land protection agreements, etc. These practices will be documented in a database or spreadsheet that includes property location and completed project photos; 6) Shoreline inventory database and maps that describe habitat status of selected lakes.
Best Management Practices, Implement
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment, Inventory
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment or Inventory
County Land and Water Management Plan
Douglas County Land & Water Conservation Department is sponsoring a multi-year project to implement the St. Croix Headwaters watershed plan. The project will fund a Watershed Stewardship Coordinator; coordinate project activities including a Watershed Advisory Panel, and implement shoreland health best practices throughout the watershed (i.e. southern Douglas and Bayfield Counties).