Citizen-Based Stream Monitoring
Collect chemical, physical, and/or biological water quality data to assess the current overall stream health. The data can inform management decisions and may be used to identify impaired waters for biennial lists.
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
Chemistry samples for total phosphorus and Chlorophyll a will be collected in Lake Arbutus to determine if current in-lake conditions meet water quality standards and to verify, per WisCALM guidance, whether 303(d) listing is appropriate for this lake. This project will fund the first of two years of sampling.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Category 3. 2018 TP Results: May Exceed. Station: 613086. AU: 201404.
Rivers Management Grant
The Friends of the Black River proposes to continue funding its program development specialist position to coordinate new and existing FBR programs including: 1) water quality testing, 2) native and invasive species identification, 3) maintenance of local access sites, 4) river clean-up events, 5) new member recruitment, 6) strategic planning, 7) organizational leadership training.
Partnership Project
Friends of the Black River proposes to hire a Program Development Specialist to coordinate a public Conservation Forum for the purpose of identifying partner organizations and recruiting volunteers, and to lay the groundwork for and organize future studies, activities and events to enhance understanding and protection of the Black River ecosystem. FBR will also pursue organizational development and leadership training through the Wisconsin River Alliance.
Engage Volunteers in Monitoring/Restoration
The Taylor County Land Conservation Department will lead an effort to educate the public on water resources, establish a citizen based stream monitoring network, conduct stream monitoring, and organize a county wide waterway association. Specific activities will be to: * Develop partner organization to support and complete the project. * Establish citizen based stream monitoring program and conduct monitoring. * Conduct educational and monitoring training for interested participants. * Advocate for the formation of new local river organizations in Taylor County. Specific products or deliverables will include: * Stream monitoring data and GIS maps of monitoring locations. * Published results of the education and monitoring activities. * A final public informational meeting to encourage continuation of river protection activities.
Partnership Project
Jackson County, in coordination with the DNR's Black-Buffalo-Trempealeau (BBT) Basin Partnership Team, proposes to sponsor the start-up of an organization focused on preservation, conservation and education regarding the Black River basin. Key project elements to include: 1) hiring of an executive director, 2) generation of public interest through river clean-up event, 3) workshops, 4) development, use and distribution of newsletters, a brochure, powerpoint presentation and other publicity materials, 5) development and distribution of a final report. Information produced and publicity regarding events will be shared with the UW-Extension Water Action Volunteer network and with the public through workshops, articles and mailings.
Partnership Project
Jackson County proposes to sponsor, in cooperation with the DNR Black-Buffalo-Trempealeau Basin Partnership Team, an effort to further develop an organization for preservation, conservation and education associated with the Black River basin, and to establish a strategic plan. Major elements of the project to include: 1) hire an executive director, 2) organize and conduct a river clean-up event, 3) production of education and outreach materials, 4) conduct workshops toward development of a strategic plan, 5) final report. Educational materials will be made available to the public through canoe rental shops, the camper of commerce, mailings and through meetings, workshops and other events. The strategic plan will be presented to local land use decision makers and DNR staff.
Water Quality Planning
The BR03 watershed contains six HUC 12 watersheds. The six HUC 12 watersheds to be assessed in this project include Rathbone-Soper, Spencer-Big, Roaring-Black, Douglas, Davis-Black and Sand. Of these six watersheds, two were identified for Targeted Watershed Assessment (TWA). The Sand Creek HUC 12 watershed was identified as healthy but threatened designated for protection. The Rathbone and Soper Creeks HUC 12 watershed was identified for evaluation due to stressed biological surveys. The Rathbone - Soper HUC 12 watershed was selected as one of the TWA’s for the Western District to monitor in the 2014 field season
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
The lower 90% CI is 75.869. This is barely over the standard. The next 2 sites US in the next AU, near Chelsea, the TP are not that high. Those were DNR and looks like DNR and Taylor Co samples. These new samples are collected by Taylor Co, I think the data is probably OK as I look at their other sites and after talking to the LCD, but with lower TP values just US in a different AU and the lower CI so close to 75. I am not sure if these values are reflective of this AU. I?m cautious about listing a stream so close to the standard. We should hold off listing for this cycle and see if Taylor Co continues to sample and see if the values stay high.
Monitoring Ecosystem
A comprehensive mussel survey should be conducted on the Black River and its major tributaries. Before any decision is made to riprap eroding sand banks of
the Black River, a mussel survey should be conducted.
Runoff Evaluation
DNR Water Division staff should assess nonpoint sources and other potential sources which appear to have caused a decline in the trout population in the Black River above Medford.
Lakes Planning Grant
The following lakes should be considered high priorities for a
lakes planning grant for developing lake management alternatives:
Black River Flowage
Wazee Lake
Oakwood Lake
Trow Lake
Lake Arbutus
Snyder Lake
Sportsman Lake
Diamond Lake
Hulls Lake
Richter Lake
Clear Lake
Esadore Lake
Sackett Lake
Bugle Lake
Crystal Lake
Lake Henry
Martha Lake
Mirror Lake
Monitor Fish Tissue
1676700 name Black R. (Below Medford) TMDL ID 582 Start Mile 132.67 End Mile 168.4
Monitor Fish Tissue
1676700 name Black River TMDL ID 2012-56, 51, 707 Start Mile 0 End Mile 24.44
Monitor Fish Tissue
1676700 name Black River TMDL ID 51 Start Mile 77.18 End Mile 90.64
Monitor Fish Tissue
1676700 name Black River, Hwy H To Rock Creek TMDL ID 50 Start Mile 98.14 End Mile 107.12
Wastewater Monitoring or Management
The Town of Onalaska, the Onalaska Lake District, and major industries in the Brice Prairie area should re-examine
sewering all or portions of the Brice Prairie.
Monitor to Evaluate Projects
Water Division staff should conduct fishery surveys on streams in the Lower Black River watershed to document fish community changes since implementation of best management practices. (Type B)
Wastewater Monitoring or Management
Water Division staff should work with the Black River Correctional Center to determine if an upgrade or a new wastewater treatment facility is needed. (Type B)
This water, from Medford to CTH M, is a Class III Trout Stream, and from CTH M to the headwaters it is a Class II Troutwater.