Big-Douglas and Rathbone - Soper TWA, 2017


Western District proposes to conduct HUC 10 watershed assessment monitoring in the Big and Douglas Creeks watershed located in Jackson, Monroe, Trempealeau and La Crosse counties. For this project we will be using the watershed delineation designated as BR03 - Big & Douglas Creeks Watershed in the Black-Buffalo-Trempealeau Basin Report. Plan Summary and full document: Big-Douglas and Rathbone - Soper Creeks TWA WQM DRAFT Plan 2017

The BR03 watershed contains six HUC 12 watersheds. The six HUC 12 watersheds to be assessed in this project include Rathbone-Soper, Spencer-Big, Roaring-Black, Douglas, Davis-Black and Sand. Of these six watersheds, two were identified for Targeted Watershed Assessment (TWA). The Sand Creek HUC 12 watershed was identified as healthy but threatened designated for protection. The Rathbone and Soper Creeks HUC 12 watershed was identified for evaluation due to stressed biological surveys. The Rathbone - Soper HUC 12 watershed was selected as one of the TWA’s for the Western District to monitor in the 2014 field season. However, funding this expanded project would essentially allow monitoring activities to be completed in another TWA located in the HUC 10 watershed. For lack of better words, more bang for the buck.

The monitoring activities will be completed by Western District staff; including but not limited to, Kurt Rasmussen, Mark Hazuga, Scott Provost, Matt Jacobson and Adam Scheunemann. This project is geographically close to Mark Hazuga’s proposed HUC 10 project on Beaver Creek and would potentially allow us partner up, share resources and personnel to complete these projects as cost effectively as possible.

Data collection will include fish and qualitative habitat surveys and macroinvertebrate samples. Physical and chemical stream characteristics will also be documented during each visit. Continuous temperature loggers will be deployed where warranted.

The field work component of this project will be completed between May and November of 2014. Database updates and reports will be generated the following year when all the data becomes available.


The objective of this project is to collect information and assess the Big and Douglas Creeks HUC 10 watershed. The data will be used to evaluate and document current stream conditions and potential impairments.

Fish and qualitative habitat surveys and macroinvertebrate samples will be collected at 20 sites throughout the Spencer-Big, Roaring-Black, Douglas, Davis-Black and Sand HUC 12 subwatersheds within the Big and Douglas Creeks HUC 10 watershed. The same monitoring will take place at eight sites in the Rathbone-Soper HUC 12 subwatershed using TWA funds. Growing season TP sampling (monthly May through Octoboer) will be completed at the pour point of the five HUC 12 watersheds.

All of the data collected for this project and the historic data will be assessed to evaluate the health of the watershed. This data will also be used to identify potential impairments throughout the watershed. In addition, the data will be compiled and used to update the watershed on the WATERS database for EPA reporting. Specifically 80 LTE hours are requested to complete the WATERs update for the Cunningham and ONeil Creek Watershed. Data for this watershed was collected in 2013.


Fish and qualitative habitat surveys and macroinvertebrate samples will be collected at 20 sites throughout the Spencer-Big, Roaring-Black, Douglas, Davis-Black and Sand HUC 12 subwatersheds within the Big and Douglas Creeks HUC 10 watershed. Continuous temperature loggers will be deployed where warranted.

For FY14 this project will have 2 sampling events (1) recon/temp loggers and (2) fish and habitat. These sampling events would result in a total of four trips into the field in FY14. For FY15 this project will also have 2 sampling events (1) finishing the fish and habitat surveys and (2) macroinvertebrate sampling/temp logger recovery. These sampling events would result in a total of eight trips into the field in FY15. Recon and temp loggers deployment will start in late May or early June and macroinvertebrate samples will be collected in October. Fish and habitat surveys will be conducted throughout the months of June through August. HUC 10 watershed assessment and TWA monitoring will be completed in the Big and Douglas Creeks watershed. Data will be used to evaluate and document current stream conditions and potential impairments. A final report will be generated and the WATERS database will be updated for EPA reporting.

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Targeted Watershed Approach
Planning (WQ, Nine Key Element)
Reports and Documents
Assessments and recommendations for the Watershed. Big-Douglas and Rathbone - Soper Creek TWA WQM PLAN 2017 (BR03)
Big-Douglas and Rathbone - Soper Creeks TWA WQM Plan 2017 Presentation
Big-Douglas and Rathbone - Soper Creeks TWA WQM Plan 2017 Presentation
Rathbone Creek downstream from Catbird Road Temp Logger (1694000) photo by Camille Bruhn
Soper Creek downstreem from Deerwood Rd Temp Logger (1693400) photo by Camille Bruhn
Soper Creek above County Trunk Hwy B Temp Logger (1693400) photo by Camille Bruhn
Rathbone Creek downstream from Benton Road at DNR property Temp Logger (1694000) photo by Camille Bruhn
Rathbone Creek upstream from 27 above pond Temp Logger (1694000) photo by Camille Bruhn
Dustin Creek downstream from County Trunk Hwy S Temp Logger (1693400) photo by Camille Bruhn
Jenkins Valley Creek downstream from Dayton Ave Temp Logger (1693500) photo by Camille Bruhn
WCR_07_CMP14 status 10 13 2016
Soper Creek at Deerwood Rd (1693400) photo by Camille Bruhn
Brook Trout from Soper Creek at Deerwood Rd (2) (1693400) photo by Camille Bruhn
Big Creek-Douglas Creek (HUC 10) and Rathbone Creek-Soper Creek (HUC 12) Watershed TWA project 4058bigspring_300 photo by Camille Bruhn
Blacknose Dace Soper Creek at Deerwood Rd (1693400) photo by Camille Bruhn
Brook Trout from Soper Creek at Deerwood Rd (1693400) photo by Camille Bruhn
Brook Trout from Soper Creek at Deerwood Rd (3) (1693400) photo by Camille Bruhn
Watershed assessment monitoring was conducted for the Big and Douglas Creeks watershed located in Jackson, Monroe, Trempealeau and La Crosse counties. Field data will be used to evaluate and document current stream conditions and be analyzed in conjunction with the historic data to evaluate the overall health of the watershed. Growing season samples that were analyzed for total phosphorus were collected by DNR stream biologists and WAV volunteers and will be used to identify potential impairments throughout the watershed.
Watershed assessment monitoring was conducted for the Big and Douglas Creeks watershed located in Jackson, Monroe, Trempealeau and La Crosse counties. Field data will be used to evaluate and document current stream conditions and be analyzed in conjunction with the historic data to evaluate the overall health of the watershed. Growing season samples that were analyzed for total phosphorus were collected by DNR stream biologists and WAV volunteers and will be used to identify potential impairments throughout the watershed.
Watershed assessment monitoring was conducted for the Big and Douglas Creeks watershed located in Jackson, Monroe, Trempealeau and La Crosse counties. Field data will be used to evaluate and document current stream conditions and be analyzed in conjunction with the historic data to evaluate the overall health of the watershed. Growing season samples that were analyzed for total phosphorus were collected by DNR stream biologists and WAV volunteers and will be used to identify potential impairments throughout the watershed.
Watershed assessment monitoring was conducted for the Big and Douglas Creeks watershed located in Jackson, Monroe, Trempealeau and La Crosse counties. Field data will be used to evaluate and document current stream conditions and be analyzed in conjunction with the historic data to evaluate the overall health of the watershed. Growing season samples that were analyzed for total phosphorus were collected by DNR stream biologists and WAV volunteers and will be used to identify potential impairments throughout the watershed.
Watershed assessment monitoring was conducted for the Big and Douglas Creeks watershed located in Jackson, Monroe, Trempealeau and La Crosse counties. Field data will be used to evaluate and document current stream conditions and be analyzed in conjunction with the historic data to evaluate the overall health of the watershed. Growing season samples that were analyzed for total phosphorus were collected by DNR stream biologists and WAV volunteers and will be used
Soper Creek at Carmel Fish Shocking (2) (1693400) photo by Camilee Bruhn
Soper Creek at Carmel Fish Shocking (1) (1693400) photo by Camille Bruhn
Rathbone Creek upstream from 27 above pond Fish Shocking (1694000) photo by Camille Bruhn
Rathbone Creek at Catbird Road Decontamination (1694000) photo by Camille Bruhn
Soper Creek at Carmel Fish Shocking (3) (1693400) photo by Camille Bruhn
Soper Creek at Carmel Ave Temp Logger (1693400) photo by Camille Bruhn
Activities & Recommendations
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
Water Quality Planning
The BR03 watershed contains six HUC 12 watersheds. The six HUC 12 watersheds to be assessed in this project include Rathbone-Soper, Spencer-Big, Roaring-Black, Douglas, Davis-Black and Sand. Of these six watersheds, two were identified for Targeted Watershed Assessment (TWA). The Sand Creek HUC 12 watershed was identified as healthy but threatened designated for protection. The Rathbone and Soper Creeks HUC 12 watershed was identified for evaluation due to stressed biological surveys. The Rathbone - Soper HUC 12 watershed was selected as one of the TWA’s for the Western District to monitor in the 2014 field season
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Monitor Aquatic Biology
Monitor Stressor Identification
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)
Western District proposes to conduct HUC 10 watershed assessment monitoring in the Big and Douglas Creeks watershed located in Jackson, Monroe, Trempealeau and La Crosse counties. For this project we will be using the watershed delineation designated as BR03 - Big & Douglas Creeks Watershed in the Black-Buffalo-Trempealeau Basin Report.