Lakes Protection Grant
The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a lake protection grant on Big Green Lake in Green Lake County.The main goal of this D&F Study is to study the metalimnetic oxygen minima issue, determine biological / chemical causative mechanisms and create models to assess degree of potential water quality improvements from management actions.
Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
Practices include: fish sticks, 350 feet2 native plantings, diversion practices, rock infiltration practices, and rain gardens on 6 lakeshore properties.
Best Management Practices, Implement
Green Lake Sanitary District will implement best practices described in Wisconsin's 2014-2017 Healthy Lakes Implementation Plan. Practices include: fish sticks, 350 feet2 native plantings, diversion practices, rock infiltration practices, and rain gardens on 6 lakeshore properties. The District will also monitor fish sticks dependent habitat. The best practices require a contract to remain in effect for 10 years and must include minimum operation and maintenance requirements and data as described in grant condition #16.
Lakes Protection Grant
Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a Lake Protection Grant to conduct a shoreline inventory of lakes in the county. The lakes to be inventoried are Big Green, Little Green, Puckaway, Big Twin, Little Twin, Spring (Kingston), Spring (Green Lake), Grand, Heart and Maria.
Lakes Protection Grant
Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a lake protection grant on Big Green Lake in Green Lake County. The main goal of this protection grant is to reduce the nutrient loading to the lake through various activities: 1. Identification and implementation of strategic BMP's in the tributary sub-watersheds. 2. Identification of upland buffer problems/opportunities in the impaired tributary sub-watersheds 3. Evaluation and study of the potential to restore the County K Estuary to a plant dominated system. 4. Education and Informational Activities
Land Acquisition
The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 24.5 acres of land known as the "ABA-West" property.
Land Acquisition
The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 6.7 acres of land known as the "ABA-East" property.
Land Acquisition
The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 52.899 acres of land on Green Lake for conservancy purposes.
Monitor Fish Community
AU 359092, poor fIBI, Station 10041510
Navigability Determination
T16N R14E ; Silver Creek;
Fish Management, Access
Replace perched culverts in the watershed to increase available fish and aquatic life habitat.
Best Management Practices, Implement
Implement cover crops to reduce cropland erosion during the late fall and spring.
Management agencies and landowners in the watershed should work toward enhancing a combination of forest and native grass buffers, which may better reduce nutrients than strictly grassed buffers.
Dam Safety or Removal
Mitigate impacts on water temperature and fish migration in Silver Creek from the Gothic Mill Dam in Ripon.