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Harvest Trends
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   Fawn to doe ratios collected in late summer give information on fawn recruitment and survival and are used as an input into the formula for annual deer herd abundance estimation. Fawn to doe ratios were summarized using groups of county deer management units. County deer management units were grouped based on location, habitat characteristics, and deer demography.

For additional Information….
The yearling doe percentage is an input into the formula that is used to estimate the deer population size by deer management unit (DMU). In the formula, the ratio of the yearling doe percent to the yearling buck percent is used to estimate the adult sex ratio and provide an estimate of the number of does in the population prior to harvest. The proportion of yearling does among adult does is a good estimator of the rate at which adult deer are being added to the population and this metric is relatively unaffected by harvest rate.
Collection and analysis methods
Aging data of the harvested antlered deer is needed to estimate yearling doe percent. With the move to electronic registration, aging of harvested deer is primarily accomplished by DNR staff in cooperation with deer processors receiving harvested deer from hunters. At the deer processors, deer are aged based on teeth wear and replacement patterns and it is straightforward to age yearlings (1.5 years old) from older adults (>2.5 years old). In addition, aging data are collected from deer submitted for chronic wasting disease (CWD) sampling. Yearling doe percentage is a calculation of the number of yearling does (1.5 years old) divided by the total number of adult does (>= 1.5 years old).
Using the metric
The 3-year average shows the trend in yearling doe percent. Yearling doe percentage is primarily used as an input into the formula for estimation of herd size at the DMU level. Yearling doe percentage correlates to the rate at which deer are being added to the population. The DMU-level yearling doe percent with 95% confidence intervals is only available since 2017 and is an input into the formula used to estimate population size for each DMU.
Limitations and precautions
The number of does aged is variable across DMUs and it is difficult to get very large sample sizes in some areas, and especially in DMUs with zero or low antlerless quotas.
Future needs
Continued work is needed to maintain and increase aging samples of harvested deer now that electronic registration is in place.
Additional background materials related to this metric
The white-tailed deer population status report is available for viewing on the Wisconsin DNR website dnr.wi.gov keyword “wildlife reports” and there is reference to the use of the yearling doe percentage in the deer population estimates.

Total Harvest
  Total Harvest:  342,631 Total Harvest:  368,313 Total Harvest:  347,184 Total Harvest:  336,929 Total Harvest:  329,103 Total Harvest:  451,885 Total Harvest:  518,484 Total Harvest:  327,950 Total Harvest:  300,651 Total Harvest:  340,282 Total Harvest:  309,392 Total Harvest:  339,901 Total Harvest:  291,023 Total Harvest:  336,464 Total Harvest:  322,054 Total Harvest:  318,506 Total Harvest:  311,107 Total Harvest:  305,414 Total Harvest:  342,631 Total Harvest:  368,313 Total Harvest:  347,184 Total Harvest:  336,929 Total Harvest:  329,103 Total Harvest:  451,885 Total Harvest:  327,950 Total Harvest:  300,651 Total Harvest:  340,282 Total Harvest:  309,392 Total Harvest:  339,901 Total Harvest:  291,023 Total Harvest:  336,464 Total Harvest:  322,054 Total Harvest:  318,506 Total Harvest:  311,107

Total Antlered & Antlerless Harvest
Antlered:  162,336 Antlered:  148,582 Antlered:  163,806 Antlered:  153,112 Antlered:  158,236 Antlered:  138,297 Antlered:  160,653 Antlered:  159,651 Antlered:  157,625 Antlered:  152,071 Antlered:  143,820 Antlerless:  165,614 Antlerless:  152,069 Antlerless:  176,476 Antlerless:  156,280 Antlerless:  181,665 Antlerless:  152,726 Antlerless:  175,813 Antlerless:  162,406 Antlerless:  160,881 Antlerless:  159,036 Antlerless:  161,594 Antlered:  143,738 Antlered:  165,457 Antlered:  150,621 Antlered:  148,395 Antlered:  134,123 Antlered:  138,507 Antlered:  171,117 Antlerless:  198,893 Antlerless:  202,856 Antlerless:  196,563 Antlerless:  188,534 Antlerless:  194,947 Antlerless:  313,378 Antlerless:  347,367 Antlered:  162,336 Antlered:  148,582 Antlered:  163,806 Antlered:  153,112 Antlered:  158,236 Antlered:  138,297 Antlered:  160,653 Antlered:  159,651 Antlered:  157,625 Antlered:  152,071 Antlerless:  165,614 Antlerless:  152,069 Antlerless:  176,476 Antlerless:  156,280 Antlerless:  181,665 Antlerless:  152,726 Antlerless:  175,813 Antlerless:  162,406 Antlerless:  160,881 Antlerless:  159,036 Antlered:  143,738 Antlered:  165,457 Antlered:  150,621 Antlered:  148,395 Antlered:  134,123 Antlered:  138,507 Antlerless:  198,893 Antlerless:  202,856 Antlerless:  196,563 Antlerless:  188,534 Antlerless:  194,947 Antlerless:  313,378

Deer Harvest - Private Land
Total Antlered Harvest:  143,285 Total Antlered Harvest:  129,563 Total Antlered Harvest:  142,262 Total Antlered Harvest:  132,927 Total Antlered Harvest:  138,774 Total Antlered Harvest:  120,315 Total Antlered Harvest:  137,682 Total Antlered Harvest:  135,123 Total Antlered Harvest:  134,788 Total Antlered Harvest:  130,977 Total Antlered Harvest:  123,875 Total Antlered Harvest:  120,286 Total Antlered Harvest:  137,526 Total Antlered Harvest:  125,002 Total Antlered Harvest:  122,543 Total Antlered Harvest:  110,363 Total Antlered Harvest:  106,839 Total Antlered Harvest:  129,707 Total Antlerless Harvest:  144,908 Total Antlerless Harvest:  126,224 Total Antlerless Harvest:  151,992 Total Antlerless Harvest:  135,082 Total Antlerless Harvest:  158,071 Total Antlerless Harvest:  132,132 Total Antlerless Harvest:  151,291 Total Antlerless Harvest:  139,088 Total Antlerless Harvest:  139,388 Total Antlerless Harvest:  138,796 Total Antlerless Harvest:  141,976 Total Antlerless Harvest:  166,606 Total Antlerless Harvest:  167,377 Total Antlerless Harvest:  161,640 Total Antlerless Harvest:  156,362 Total Antlerless Harvest:  161,530 Total Antlerless Harvest:  248,744 Total Antlerless Harvest:  273,537 Total Antlered Harvest:  143,285 Total Antlered Harvest:  129,563 Total Antlered Harvest:  142,262 Total Antlered Harvest:  132,927 Total Antlered Harvest:  138,774 Total Antlered Harvest:  120,315 Total Antlered Harvest:  137,682 Total Antlered Harvest:  135,123 Total Antlered Harvest:  134,788 Total Antlered Harvest:  130,977 Total Antlered Harvest:  120,286 Total Antlered Harvest:  137,526 Total Antlered Harvest:  125,002 Total Antlered Harvest:  122,543 Total Antlered Harvest:  110,363 Total Antlered Harvest:  106,839 Total Antlerless Harvest:  144,908 Total Antlerless Harvest:  126,224 Total Antlerless Harvest:  151,992 Total Antlerless Harvest:  135,082 Total Antlerless Harvest:  158,071 Total Antlerless Harvest:  132,132 Total Antlerless Harvest:  151,291 Total Antlerless Harvest:  139,088 Total Antlerless Harvest:  139,388 Total Antlerless Harvest:  138,796 Total Antlerless Harvest:  166,606 Total Antlerless Harvest:  167,377 Total Antlerless Harvest:  161,640 Total Antlerless Harvest:  156,362 Total Antlerless Harvest:  161,530 Total Antlerless Harvest:  248,744

Deer Harvest - Public Land
Total Antlered Harvest:   18,818 Total Antlered Harvest:   19,019 Total Antlered Harvest:   21,544 Total Antlered Harvest:   20,185 Total Antlered Harvest:   19,462 Total Antlered Harvest:   17,982 Total Antlered Harvest:   22,971 Total Antlered Harvest:   24,528 Total Antlered Harvest:   22,837 Total Antlered Harvest:   21,094 Total Antlered Harvest:   19,945 Total Antlered Harvest:   23,452 Total Antlered Harvest:   27,931 Total Antlered Harvest:   25,619 Total Antlered Harvest:   25,852 Total Antlered Harvest:   23,760 Total Antlered Harvest:   31,668 Total Antlered Harvest:   41,410 Total Antlerless Harvest:   20,379 Total Antlerless Harvest:   25,845 Total Antlerless Harvest:   24,484 Total Antlerless Harvest:   21,198 Total Antlerless Harvest:   23,594 Total Antlerless Harvest:   20,594 Total Antlerless Harvest:   24,522 Total Antlerless Harvest:   23,318 Total Antlerless Harvest:   21,493 Total Antlerless Harvest:   20,240 Total Antlerless Harvest:   19,618 Total Antlerless Harvest:   32,287 Total Antlerless Harvest:   35,479 Total Antlerless Harvest:   34,923 Total Antlerless Harvest:   32,172 Total Antlerless Harvest:   33,417 Total Antlerless Harvest:   64,634 Total Antlerless Harvest:   73,830 Total Antlered Harvest:   18,818 Total Antlered Harvest:   19,019 Total Antlered Harvest:   21,544 Total Antlered Harvest:   20,185 Total Antlered Harvest:   19,462 Total Antlered Harvest:   17,982 Total Antlered Harvest:   22,971 Total Antlered Harvest:   24,528 Total Antlered Harvest:   22,837 Total Antlered Harvest:   21,094 Total Antlered Harvest:   23,452 Total Antlered Harvest:   27,931 Total Antlered Harvest:   25,619 Total Antlered Harvest:   25,852 Total Antlered Harvest:   23,760 Total Antlered Harvest:   31,668 Total Antlerless Harvest:   20,379 Total Antlerless Harvest:   25,845 Total Antlerless Harvest:   24,484 Total Antlerless Harvest:   21,198 Total Antlerless Harvest:   23,594 Total Antlerless Harvest:   20,594 Total Antlerless Harvest:   24,522 Total Antlerless Harvest:   23,318 Total Antlerless Harvest:   21,493 Total Antlerless Harvest:   20,240 Total Antlerless Harvest:   32,287 Total Antlerless Harvest:   35,479 Total Antlerless Harvest:   34,923 Total Antlerless Harvest:   32,172 Total Antlerless Harvest:   33,417 Total Antlerless Harvest:   64,634

Deer Harvest - Weapon Type - Gun
Gun Harvest:   97,866 Gun Harvest:   93,398 Gun Harvest:  107,191 Gun Harvest:   91,843 Gun Harvest:   93,054 Gun Harvest:   83,496 Gun Harvest:  112,443 Gun Harvest:  105,598 Gun Harvest:  105,186 Gun Harvest:   99,757 Gun Harvest:   97,196 Gun Harvest:  102,221 Gun Harvest:  119,469 Gun Harvest:  106,178 Gun Harvest:  106,281 Gun Harvest:   92,721 Gun Harvest:  103,845 Gun Harvest:  133,107 Gun Harvest:  125,170 Gun Harvest:  115,430 Gun Harvest:  133,980 Gun Harvest:  117,445 Gun Harvest:  132,218 Gun Harvest:  112,639 Gun Harvest:  135,171 Gun Harvest:  122,047 Gun Harvest:  123,540 Gun Harvest:  122,974 Gun Harvest:  125,392 Gun Harvest:  152,782 Gun Harvest:  154,578 Gun Harvest:  150,806 Gun Harvest:  146,816 Gun Harvest:  149,108 Gun Harvest:  248,756 Gun Harvest:  269,361 Gun Harvest:   97,866 Gun Harvest:   93,398 Gun Harvest:  107,191 Gun Harvest:   91,843 Gun Harvest:   93,054 Gun Harvest:   83,496 Gun Harvest:  112,443 Gun Harvest:  105,598 Gun Harvest:  105,186 Gun Harvest:   99,757 Gun Harvest:  102,221 Gun Harvest:  119,469 Gun Harvest:  106,178 Gun Harvest:  106,281 Gun Harvest:   92,721 Gun Harvest:  103,845 Gun Harvest:  125,170 Gun Harvest:  115,430 Gun Harvest:  133,980 Gun Harvest:  117,445 Gun Harvest:  132,218 Gun Harvest:  112,639 Gun Harvest:  135,171 Gun Harvest:  122,047 Gun Harvest:  123,540 Gun Harvest:  122,974 Gun Harvest:  152,782 Gun Harvest:  154,578 Gun Harvest:  150,806 Gun Harvest:  146,816 Gun Harvest:  149,108 Gun Harvest:  248,756

Deer Harvest - Weapon Type - Bow
Bow Harvest:   24,362 Bow Harvest:   21,636 Bow Harvest:   21,446 Bow Harvest:   24,328 Bow Harvest:   27,136 Bow Harvest:   24,376 Bow Harvest:   21,676 Bow Harvest:   25,808 Bow Harvest:   28,172 Bow Harvest:   31,229 Bow Harvest:   30,433 Bow Harvest:   41,517 Bow Harvest:   45,988 Bow Harvest:   44,443 Bow Harvest:   42,114 Bow Harvest:   41,402 Bow Harvest:   34,662 Bow Harvest:   38,010 Bow Harvest:   15,173 Bow Harvest:   14,557 Bow Harvest:   16,571 Bow Harvest:   15,405 Bow Harvest:   20,700 Bow Harvest:   17,752 Bow Harvest:   18,729 Bow Harvest:   19,358 Bow Harvest:   20,100 Bow Harvest:   21,775 Bow Harvest:   24,377 Bow Harvest:   46,111 Bow Harvest:   48,278 Bow Harvest:   45,757 Bow Harvest:   41,718 Bow Harvest:   45,839 Bow Harvest:   64,622 Bow Harvest:   78,006 Bow Harvest:   24,362 Bow Harvest:   21,636 Bow Harvest:   21,446 Bow Harvest:   24,328 Bow Harvest:   27,136 Bow Harvest:   24,376 Bow Harvest:   21,676 Bow Harvest:   25,808 Bow Harvest:   28,172 Bow Harvest:   31,229 Bow Harvest:   41,517 Bow Harvest:   45,988 Bow Harvest:   44,443 Bow Harvest:   42,114 Bow Harvest:   41,402 Bow Harvest:   34,662 Bow Harvest:   15,173 Bow Harvest:   14,557 Bow Harvest:   16,571 Bow Harvest:   15,405 Bow Harvest:   20,700 Bow Harvest:   17,752 Bow Harvest:   18,729 Bow Harvest:   19,358 Bow Harvest:   20,100 Bow Harvest:   21,775 Bow Harvest:   46,111 Bow Harvest:   48,278 Bow Harvest:   45,757 Bow Harvest:   41,718 Bow Harvest:   45,839 Bow Harvest:   64,622

Deer Harvest - Weapon Type - Crossbow
Crossbow Harvest:   39,710 Crossbow Harvest:   33,167 Crossbow Harvest:   34,804 Crossbow Harvest:   36,423 Crossbow Harvest:   37,545 Crossbow Harvest:   30,004 Crossbow Harvest:   25,956 Crossbow Harvest:   27,406 Crossbow Harvest:   23,562 Crossbow Harvest:   20,594 Crossbow Harvest:   15,768 Crossbow Harvest:   24,919 Crossbow Harvest:   21,782 Crossbow Harvest:   25,628 Crossbow Harvest:   22,985 Crossbow Harvest:   28,186 Crossbow Harvest:   21,953 Crossbow Harvest:   21,268 Crossbow Harvest:   19,822 Crossbow Harvest:   16,214 Crossbow Harvest:   13,500 Crossbow Harvest:   11,123 Crossbow Harvest:   39,710 Crossbow Harvest:   33,167 Crossbow Harvest:   34,804 Crossbow Harvest:   36,423 Crossbow Harvest:   37,545 Crossbow Harvest:   30,004 Crossbow Harvest:   25,956 Crossbow Harvest:   27,406 Crossbow Harvest:   23,562 Crossbow Harvest:   20,594 Crossbow Harvest:   24,919 Crossbow Harvest:   21,782 Crossbow Harvest:   25,628 Crossbow Harvest:   22,985 Crossbow Harvest:   28,186 Crossbow Harvest:   21,953 Crossbow Harvest:   21,268 Crossbow Harvest:   19,822 Crossbow Harvest:   16,214 Crossbow Harvest:   13,500
For questions on this deer metric data contact:
Dan Storm 715-401-2715 DanielJ.Storm@wisconsin.gov
Jeff Pritzl 920-366-3450 Jeffrey.Pritzl@wisconsin.gov