Lake Name:

a lake.
Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality

Wisconsin Lake Maps

County:    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
NameCountyArea (Acres)Max Depth (Feet)LocationWBIC
Madeline Lake Oneida17217T39N R7E S8 NW NW1544700
Manson Lake Oneida23654T36N R7E S32 NE SW1517200
Maple Lake Oneida13115T38N R11E S6 NE SW1609900
Margaret Lake Oneida8614T37N R11E S3 SW NW1615900
Mars Lake Oneida4024T36N R11E S30 NW NE1577100
McCormick Lake Oneida1138T38N R6E S32 NW SE1526600
McGrath Lake Oneida5124T38N R7E S8 SW SE1003900
McNaughton Lake Oneida1219T38N R7E S26 SW NE1587600
Medicine Lake Oneida39645T39N R11E S33 NE SW1611700
Mercer Lake Oneida25523T39N R5E S13 SE NE1538900
Mid Lake Oneida22112T39N R7E S18 SW SW1542600
Mildred Lake Oneida16845T37N R8E S20 SW SE1004600
Minocqua Lake Oneida133960T39N R6E S15 SE NE1542400
Moccasin Lake Oneida8819T38N R11E S9 NW NW1612100
Moen Lake Oneida46111T37N R9E S25 NE SE1573800
Mud Lake Oneida4126T38N R7E S8 NW SW1544000
Mud Lake Oneida1169T38N R11E S16 NW SW1612500
Muskellunge Lake Oneida28724T38N R8E S3 SE SE1595600
Muskellunge Lake Oneida218T36N R4E S2 SE NE1550300
Muskie Lake Oneida4640T37N R7E S5 NW NE1524300

Table Key

  • Area: Acres
  • Max Depth: Feet
  • WBIC: Waterbody Identification Code
  • Region: DNR Region. NE = Northeast. NO = Northern. SC = South Central. SE = Southeast. WC = West Central.