a lake.
Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality

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Location: Lakes With: Lake Name:
Page 1 of 20
Lake NameCountySize (Acres)
Paasch Lake Kenosha21
Pac-A-Wa Lake Portage6
Pacwawong Lake Sawyer148
Pacwawong Spring Sawyer13
Paddock Lake Kenosha128
Pages Slough Winnebago150
Pallen Lake Portage13
Pallette Lake Vilas180
Palmer Lake Polk28
Palmer Lake Vilas644
Papkee Lake Oneida20
Papoose Lake Oconto2
Papoose Lake Marinette2
Papoose Lake Vilas422
Paradise Lake Oneida81
Paradise Lake Douglas22
Paradise Valley Lake Washington9
Pardee Lake Vilas, Iron207
Park Creek Pond Douglas9
Park Lake Polk24
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