LITTLE GREEN LAKE P & R DISTRICT: RES-Little Green Lake Destratification Project


The Little Green Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District proposes to install a circulation system consisting of compressors, air delivery lines, filter system, and a housing structure. The circulation system is designed to ensure sufficient oxygen concentrations in the deep-water areas of the lake. Oxygen in deep-water areas of the lake will reduce the release of phosphorous from the lake sediment and decrease the level of lake fertilization. This will result in improved water clarity and algae conditions thereby improving water quality conditions for recreation and aesthetics. Local resources to be provided include volunteer services during installatiotn, volunteer services regarding project management, and financial contribution from Green Lake County. The project deliverables will include design and installation of a system of compressors and airline sufficient to circulate lake water in the deepest portions of the lake generally greater than 15 feet; report of evaluation monitoring of lake nutrient and mixing conditions after the system becomes operational; and, conduct pre and post operation public informational meetings and prepare fact sheets (current lake conditions, descriptions of circ system, goals/benefits/ecological effects).

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Lakes Grant
Lake Protection Grant
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Grant Awarded
The Little Green Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District proposes to install a circulation system consisting of compressors, air delivery lines, filter system, and a housing structure. The circulation system is designed to ensure sufficient oxygen concentrations in the deep-water areas of the lake. Oxygen in deep-water areas of the lake will reduce the release of phosphorous from the lake sediment and decrease the level of lake fertilization. This will result in improved water clarity and algae conditions thereby improving water quality conditions for recreation and aesthetics. Local resources to be provided include volunteer services during installatiotn, volunteer services regarding project management, and financial contribution from Green Lake County. The project deliverables will include design and installation of a system of compressors and airline sufficient to circulate lake water in the deepest portions of the lake generally greater than 15 feet; report of evaluation monitoring of lake nutrient and mixing conditions after the system becomes operational; and, conduct pre and post operation public informational meetings and prepare fact sheets (current lake conditions, descriptions of circ system, goals/benefits/ecological effects).
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Information and Education
Project Deliverable
The project deliverables will include design and installation of a system of compressors and airline sufficient to circulate lake water in the deepest portions of the lake generally greater than 15 feet; report of evaluation monitoring of lake nutrient and mixing conditions after the system becomes operational; and, conduct pre and post operation public informational meetings and prepare fact sheets (current lake conditions, descriptions of circ system, goals/benefits/ecological effects).
Develop/Distribute Brochures/Literature
Lakes Protection Grant
Informational Meetings
Habitat Restoration - Lake
The Little Green Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District proposes to install a circulation system consisting of compressors, air delivery lines, filter system, and a housing structure. The circulation system is designed to ensure sufficient oxygen concentrations in the deep-water areas of the lake.