Targeted Watershed Approach
Evaluation (TP SSC, Stressor, Bioassess)
A Water Quality Plan for SP09 based on monitoring of the contemporary status of this subwatershed (HUC 12) in the Mineral Point Branch watershed. Based on
Mineral Point and Sudan Branches TWA WQM Plan 2017 [SP09]
Mineral Point Branch - Farm Crossing at 0276 Pittz-Schaaf Rd Natura
Mineral Point Br - N Oak Park Road Bridge 103993
Laxey Creek (formerly Pedler Cr) - Ups. Cave Rd Natural Community
Laxey Creek (formerly Pedler Cr) - Ups. Sth 39 (Station 10015967)
Brewery Creek - Near Recreational Trail NC Validation
Brewery Creek at Ferndale Rd (Station 253200)
Brewery Cr. Station 1 (N. Of Sth 23) (Station 10008015) - below Copper Creek
Mineral Point Branch at Mill Creek Road Natural Community
Mineral Point Branch At Oak Park Rd (Near County Line)
Laxey Creek (formerly Pedler Cr) - Dwns. Cth B Natural Community
Brewery Creek 142 M downstream of Jackson St. NC Validation 2017
nnamed Trib (928700) to Brewery Cr at Merry Christmas Ln Natural Community 2017 10043694
Unnamed Tributary to Sudan Branch at CTH E - V (929400)
Unnamed Tributary to Sudan Branch at CTH E - IV (929400)
Unnamed Tributary to Sudan Branch at CTH E - III (929400)
Unnamed Tributary to Sudan Branch at CTH E - II (929400)
Unnamed Tributary to Sudan Branch at CTH E - VI (929400)
Mineral Point Branch below Ludden Lake
10008039 Rock Branch Station 1-Suthers Rd NC Validation 2017
Rock Branch Station 3 2017 NC Validation
Sudan Branch off Stude Road 6 (929000)
Sudan Branch off Stude Road 7 (929000)
Furnace Creek at CTH O (Station 333206) Natural Community 928000
This is a final report of the 2015 assessment of the Mineral Point and Sudan Branches watershed. HUC 10: 0709000301.
Monitor Baseline Survey
Monitor Watershed (Status,Sources,Impairments)
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
Ludden Lake should be added to the state�s 303(d) list of impaired waters because levels of total phosphorus and chlorophyll a exceed criteria and thresholds for shallow lowland lakes. The department should seek the aforementioned opportunities to work with partners to decrease soil and nutrient loss in the watershed upstream of Ludden Lake in order to improve water clarity, enhance macrophyte growth, and maintain the depth of the lake system which has been decreased over time due to sediment loads from upstream.
Fish Management, Access
Fisheries management should determine the reason for lack of trout returns in the Rock Branch to determine if it is practical to continue stocking efforts.
Fish Management, Access
Fisheries management may want to consider the lower half of Laxey Creek as a managed smallmouth bass water (nursery stream) as it may be hospitable for some production of bass.
Fish Management, Access
Fisheries management should determine the reason for lack of trout returns in the upper Sudan Branch to determine if it is practical to continue stocking efforts..
Monitor or Assess Watershed Condition
Water Quality Planning
Best Management Practices, Implement
Total phosphorus exceeds the state criteria of 0.075 mg/l and thus Mineral Point Branch will remain on the state�s 303(d) list of impaired waters. The aforementioned nonpoint source best management practices would also help reduce phosphorus delivery to the stream. Fisheries management has several recommendations for Mineral Point Branch: no stocking of fish, maintaining the current size regulations, develop projects which would provide more habitat for smallmouth bass, especially the creation of deep pools and runs to hold adults year round. Below Ludden Lake specifically, fisheries management recommends looking at efforts to secure streambank easements.
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)
A Water Quality Plan for SP09 based on monitoring of the contemporary status of this subwatershed (HUC 12) in the Mineral Point Branch watershed. The DNR department collected fish, habitat, macroinvertebrate and water chemistry data for streams in this watershed. The data was used to determine whether these streams are achieving their attainable use to update the watershed tables, list waters are not meeting attainable use, and assess the overall health of the watersheds as required by Section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act. The data, used in conjunction with observations about watershed health, was be used to guide planning for improvements where needed. This subwatershed, and the adjoining subwatersheds that make up the HUC 10 were identified as one of the top group watersheds for nutrient input by the WI Nutrient Reduction Strategy.
Partnership Project
DNR should seek opportunities to work collaboratively on projects which would benefit overall ecosystem health. Such opportunities include working with the Southwest Grasslands and Stream Conservation Area and Southwest Grasslands Bird Conservation Area. The department should work with groups to identify areas which would overlap as a priority for these programs, such as the upper Mineral Point watershed. These projects would also benefit Ludden Lake.
Natural Community Review or Change
The department should revise the classification of Laxey Creek to remove the variance section at the headwater.
Natural Community Review or Change
The classification of Brewery Creek should be updated to reflect the biota using a contemporary classification system.
Natural Community Review or Change
The classification of Furnace Branch should be updated to reflect the current biota using a contemporary classification system.