TMDL/303d Projects
Implement TMDL
'After a full and complete review, EPA finds that the TMDL for Cedar Lake satisfies all of the elements of an approvable TMDL. This document addresses a total of 1 TMDL for 1 waterbody with a total of 2 impairments from the 2002 Wisconsin 303d list.
Cedar Lake Phosphorus TMDL Revised June 1, 2003 Revised July 1, 2003. Revised July 3, 2003.
Data Documentation Cedar Lake Impaired Waters Delisting Documentation, St. Croix and Polk Counties
TMDL (USEPA) Approved
The Cedar Lake (WBIC: 2615100) TMDL required widespread BMP implementation through the Horse Creek Lakes priority watershed project and whole lake mixing by aeration. This project will assess watershed phosphorus loadings and the three major sources of internal loadings.
TMDL Development
Cedar Lake (2615100) TMDL Development addressing nutrient impacts and impairments which
were identified on the Wisconsin 2002 303(d) list.
TMDL Implementation
Cedar Lake (2615100) TMDL Implementation addressing nutrient impacts and impairments which were identified on the Wisconsin 2002 303(d) list. The Cedar Lake TMDL required widespread BMP implementation through the Horse Creek Lakes priority watershed project and whole lake mixing by aeration.
TMDL Development
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) developed a TMDL for phosphorus for Cedar Lake. The TMDL addresses the nutrient impacts and impairments which were identified on the Wisconsin 2002 303(d) list. The Lake is nutrient (phosphorus (P)) impaired as a result of agriculture, internal loading and local land use. Water quality in Cedar Lake is generally poor to very poor, falling into the eutrophic to hypereutrophic category. Summer algal blooms result in foul odors and an unsightly build-up of algae biomass on the shoreline. In addition, trophic conditions in the lake limit rooting depth for emergent vegetation used by the resident fish populations. As a result, these impairments impact the recreational/aesthetic value of the lake and stress sport fish populations.