Lakes Grant
Lake Protection Grant
Land management plan for Rostvold Acquisition, includes maps and photos.
Photos of Rostvold acquisition property.
Maps associated with Rostvold acquisition property.
Legal description of Rostvold acquisition property.
Grant Awarded
The Half Moon Lake Conservancy is sponsoring a project involving the acquisition of two lake lots totaling 31.5 acres and a conservation easment on 8.14 acres on Tamarack Bay of Half Moon Lake and inlcuding portions of Tamarack Creek, a tributary to Tamarack Bayall in the town of Milltown in Polk County. The acquistition is being donated in fee and easement to Half Moon Lake Conservancy Inc.
Land Acquisition
Land Acquisition
The Half Moon Lake Conservancy is sponsoring a project involving the acquisition of two lake lots totaling 31.5 acres and a conservation easment on 8.14 acres on Tamarack Bay of Half Moon Lake and inlcuding portions of Tamarack Creek, a tributary to Tamarack Bayall in the town of Milltown in Polk County.