ARRA 13 Sauk Co. LCD Dept. Clark Creek Grant 2P-00E73201


Clark Creek Contract - Assess flooding and sedimentation impacts to Clark Creek


Clark Creek is a tributary of the Baraboo River located in the Town of Greenfield, Sauk County. The stream is typical of streams that drain the Baraboo Range in that it has very good water quality and actually supports a population of wild Brook Trout. Hydrologic conditions and stream geomorphology have been radically altered as a result of the flooding of 2008. Sedimentation has greatly impacted habitat in the stream channel and there is a need for a comprehensive planning effort which would guide restoration efforts. The flow dynamics, stream geomorphology, chemical parameters, and biological indices need to be assessed and recommendations developed in conjuction with a comprehensive watershed assessment and planning report. Planning efforts and documentation would emphasize sustainable a sustainable management process that focuses on enhancing water quality, habitat restoration, and floodplain/riparian corridor management. In June of 2008, storm water run-off from heavy rains deposited four to five feet of sediment in the channel and the floodplain of this reach of Clark Creek. The base flow is flowing on top of the deposited sediment, which saturates the sediment deposits and causes hydrostatic pressures on the basement walls of the residences. Also, since the floodway is full of sediment, there is no flood conveyance capacity for this reach of Clark Creek.


Water quality and resource assessment including flow, hydrology, geomorphology, chemistry, habitat and biotic indicies. Report with water resource planning recommendations. 1. Watershed Assessment and Monitoring - In conjuction with the watershed project committee a watershed assessment and monitoring effort will be conducted to determine and pinpoint problem areas with regard to sedimentation and habitat impairment. Included in this assessment will be a hydorologic and geomorphological analyis. Time Period: 4 months. 2. Develop and Evaluate Feasibility of a Range of Planning Recommendations and Restoration Alternatives - This will focus on sustainable habitat restoration alternatives that emphasize water quality improvements and sustainability and recognize changing hydrologic, flow and climatic changes. Time Period: 4 months 3. Facilitation and Coordination of Planning Recommendations - Once a set of water quality/resource management alternatives have been developed, the project committee will then work with local entities to review and develop a course of implementation for those alternatives. These recommendations would be incorporated into the WDNR Basin Plan, the Sauk County Land and Water Plan, and local planning documents. Time Period 2 months. 4. Outreach and Education - After planning recommendations have been developed and adopted, an outreach and education effort will be implemented to carry out the recommendations of the project. Time Period 2 Months. Total project award: $30,000

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Assess flooding and sedimentation impacts to Clark Creek; contract with Sauk County.
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Watershed Assessment and Monitoring - In conjuction with the watershed project committee a watershed assessment and monitoring effort will be conducted to determine and pinpoint problem areas with regard to sedimentation and habitat impairment. Included in this assessment will be a hydorologic and geomorphological analyis.