Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Blackhawk Lake
Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission: Blackhawk Lake Edrr: The purpose of this grant is to GPS locate and map the extent of the Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) in Blackhawk Lake; develop an interim planfor EWM eradication/control/prevention; inform the public/hold public meetings; obrtain necessary permit(s) for EWM control; implement the interim Aquatic Plant Management plan; and perform follow-up monitoring.
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Otter Creek
Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission: Blackhawk Lake Edrr: The purpose of this grant is to GPS locate and map the extent of the Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) in Blackhawk Lake; develop an interim planfor EWM eradication/control/prevention; inform the public/hold public meetings; obrtain necessary permit(s) for EWM control; implement the interim Aquatic Plant Management plan; and perform follow-up monitoring.
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Blackhawk Lake
Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission: Blackhawk Lake Ewm Epp: The Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission plans to carry out recommendations of the previous Early Detection and Response grant for Eurasian watermilfoil by continued monitoring, education and prevention and planning. The milfoil has not been found in 2012 or 2013, but early detection and response will be critical to protecting the lake if it reappears. The main goals of preventing further introduction and spread of EWM and controlling any existing populations will be reached by updating the APM plan, monitoring and mapping of any existing EWM, training staff and volunteers to perform AIS and water quality monitoring, developing and implementing educational programs to prevent the spread of EWM and other invasives, and conducting a Clean Boats Clean Waters program. The activities include annual monitoring for milfoil using a variety of approved methods, and conducting workshops for schools and other groups. The final report will include maps, raw data and data summaries, and results will be presented via news articles, posters, and presented to professionals at conferences.
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Narveson Creek
Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission: Blackhawk Lake Ewm Epp: The Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission plans to carry out recommendations of the previous Early Detection and Response grant for Eurasian watermilfoil by continued monitoring, education and prevention and planning. The milfoil has not been found in 2012 or 2013, but early detection and response will be critical to protecting the lake if it reappears. The main goals of preventing further introduction and spread of EWM and controlling any existing populations will be reached by updating the APM plan, monitoring and mapping of any existing EWM, training staff and volunteers to perform AIS and water quality monitoring, developing and implementing educational programs to prevent the spread of EWM and other invasives, and conducting a Clean Boats Clean Waters program. The activities include annual monitoring for milfoil using a variety of approved methods, and conducting workshops for schools and other groups. The final report will include maps, raw data and data summaries, and results will be presented via news articles, posters, and presented to professionals at conferences.
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Otter Creek
Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission: Blackhawk Lake Ewm Epp: The Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission plans to carry out recommendations of the previous Early Detection and Response grant for Eurasian watermilfoil by continued monitoring, education and prevention and planning. The milfoil has not been found in 2012 or 2013, but early detection and response will be critical to protecting the lake if it reappears. The main goals of preventing further introduction and spread of EWM and controlling any existing populations will be reached by updating the APM plan, monitoring and mapping of any existing EWM, training staff and volunteers to perform AIS and water quality monitoring, developing and implementing educational programs to prevent the spread of EWM and other invasives, and conducting a Clean Boats Clean Waters program. The activities include annual monitoring for milfoil using a variety of approved methods, and conducting workshops for schools and other groups. The final report will include maps, raw data and data summaries, and results will be presented via news articles, posters, and presented to professionals at conferences.
Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Blackhawk Lake
Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission: Blackhawk Lake Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2014: Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission will sponser a Clean Boats CLean Water landing inspection program at 1 public access in 2014.
Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Blackhawk Lake
Southwest Badger R C & D: Southwest Badger Rc&D-Multiple: The Southwest Badger RC&D is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at 7 public boat landings on Lake Wisconsin-Moon Valley, Mississippi River-Prairie Du Chein; Blackhawk Lake, Yellowstone Lake, Cadiz Springs Lake, Wisconsin River-Boscobel and Cox Hollow Lake .
Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Narveson Creek
Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission: Blackhawk Lake Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2014: Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission will sponser a Clean Boats CLean Water landing inspection program at 1 public access in 2014.
Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Narveson Creek
Southwest Badger R C & D: Southwest Badger Rc&D-Multiple: The Southwest Badger RC&D is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at 7 public boat landings on Lake Wisconsin-Moon Valley, Mississippi River-Prairie Du Chein; Blackhawk Lake, Yellowstone Lake, Cadiz Springs Lake, Wisconsin River-Boscobel and Cox Hollow Lake .
Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Otter Creek
Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission: Blackhawk Lake Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2014: Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission will sponser a Clean Boats CLean Water landing inspection program at 1 public access in 2014.
Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Otter Creek
Southwest Badger R C & D: Southwest Badger Rc&D-Multiple: The Southwest Badger RC&D is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at 7 public boat landings on Lake Wisconsin-Moon Valley, Mississippi River-Prairie Du Chein; Blackhawk Lake, Yellowstone Lake, Cadiz Springs Lake, Wisconsin River-Boscobel and Cox Hollow Lake .
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Devils Lake
Friends Of Devil'S Lake State Park: Res-Of Devil'S Lake By Bottom Water Withdrawl: Friends of Devil's Lake State Park, Inc. will construct and begin operating a siphon pipe system for the purpose of withdrawing P-rich bottom water from Devil's Lake over approximately a 15-year period.
A full description of the project scope and project deliverables is available in the grant application, which is a part of this aggreement.
The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant appllication.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Devils Lake
Friends Of Devil'S Lake State Park: Lmi-Devil'S Lake Bottom Withdrawal Pipe Alterations: The Friends of Devil's Lake State Park propose this project to reconstruct the siphon pipe system at Devil's Lake State Park, Sauk County, by lowering the portion of the siphon that is above the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) lake level so that the pipe will flow as a gravity feed flow system whenever the lake level is above the OHWM. This entails digging up about 900' of the pipe, and lowering the highest point. An additional butterfly flow valve will be installed to provide control of the pipe for safety and operational purposes. Deliverables of this project will be a brief final report documenting that the project was completed, including photos of the project during construction.
Special condition: The Sponsor agrees to abide by the "Conditions of Approval" contained in the Chapter 30 Regulated Activities manual code approval issued by the Department of Natural Resources on 6/6/06.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Wisconsin
Town Of Merrimac: Acq-Clingman Property Land Acquisition: The Town of Merrimac will purchase the Clingman Property on Lake Wisconsin in the County of Sauk (approx. 15.1 acres). The Town of Merrimac will comply with the approved Regional Management Plan.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Blackhawk Lake
Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission: Blackhawk Lake Study-Phase 1: A comprehensive assessment will be conducted of the physical, chemical, and biological condition of Blackhawk Lake and Otter Creek below the dam. A recreational use survey will also be conducted. Combined with the results of a Phase 2 watershed assessment and hydrologic and nutrient budget calculation, the data will be used to determine potential effects of various rates of hypolimnetic withdrawal on the water quality, fisheries, and aquatic life in Blackhawk Lake and Otter Creek and. develop specific goals and protection and management recommendations to support the multiple uses of the lake and downstream areas.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Blackhawk Lake
Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission: Blackhawk Lake Study-Phase 2: A watershed assessment will be conducted on Blackhawk Lake. Land use will be mapped, surface runoff patterns identified, and environmentally sensitive areas in the lake watershed delineated. Watershed loadings will be modeled and loading reduction strategies developed. Hydrologic and nutrient budgets will be calculated. Combined with the results of the Phase 1 in-lake and outlet asssessment, lake management needs will be identified, goals will be set for the lake and downstream areas, and a comprehensive lake and watershed management plan will be developed, including recommendations regarding operation of the outlet structure, loading reductions, and support of recreational use activities and fisheries and aquatic life in the lake and downstream.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Castle Rock Ditch
Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.
Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.
Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.
Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cruson Slough
Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.
Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.
Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.
Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Du Bay
Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.
Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.
Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.
Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Pine Creek
Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.
Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.
Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.
Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Otter Creek
Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission: Blackhawk Lake Study-Phase 1: A comprehensive assessment will be conducted of the physical, chemical, and biological condition of Blackhawk Lake and Otter Creek below the dam. A recreational use survey will also be conducted. Combined with the results of a Phase 2 watershed assessment and hydrologic and nutrient budget calculation, the data will be used to determine potential effects of various rates of hypolimnetic withdrawal on the water quality, fisheries, and aquatic life in Blackhawk Lake and Otter Creek and. develop specific goals and protection and management recommendations to support the multiple uses of the lake and downstream areas.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Otter Creek
Cobb-Highland Recreation Commission: Blackhawk Lake Study-Phase 2: A watershed assessment will be conducted on Blackhawk Lake. Land use will be mapped, surface runoff patterns identified, and environmentally sensitive areas in the lake watershed delineated. Watershed loadings will be modeled and loading reduction strategies developed. Hydrologic and nutrient budgets will be calculated. Combined with the results of the Phase 1 in-lake and outlet asssessment, lake management needs will be identified, goals will be set for the lake and downstream areas, and a comprehensive lake and watershed management plan will be developed, including recommendations regarding operation of the outlet structure, loading reductions, and support of recreational use activities and fisheries and aquatic life in the lake and downstream.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.
Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.
Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.
Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wisconsin River
Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.
Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.
Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.
Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Lowery Creek
Driftless Area Land Conservancy: Partnership Development Of Lowery Creek Watershed: DALC will conduct a project to initiate a vision for the watershed to promote sound ag practices, land protection & management & stream restoration to benefit stream protection & water quality.
Project goals:1) Establish vision, goals & strategies for a watershed vision to improve water quality & other resources in the next 3-5 years. 2) Develop strategic plan based on an impact mapping process. 3) Facilitate partnership meetings to establish goals related to water quality, aesthetic & cultural resources. 4) Outline activities for the next 3-5 years that lead partners toward goals, to include prioritizing, scheduling & budgeting specific activities. 5) Invite watershed residents, landowners, & stakeholders to an ag field trip demonstrating sound ag practices to protect water quality. 6) Hold partnership event that provides watershed info & a vision & strategic plan via the Impact Mapping process. 7) Conduct meetings to discuss land protection.
Deliverables are as follows: 1) Include a vision, goals, objectives in a strategic plan to maximize impacts towards goals developed for the watershed to promotes water quality, & protects biological richness. 2) Outline activities for next 3-5 years to include prioritizing, scheduling & budgeting for specific activities. 3)Press release & invitations will be sent to stakeholders, & at least 15 people will attend an ag field trip to develop interest in implementing BMP to improve water quality. 4) Press release & invitations will be sent to stakeholders, & at least 20 people will attend a meeting to learn about resources, issues & water quality in the watershed. 5) Focus group & one-on-one outreach to provide information about land protection. 6) Complete one easement project in the watershed by end of grant period. 6) Results of planning process will be shared with landowners, town boards, & other stakeholders through a press release, newsletter articles, a town board meeting, & watershed wide stakeholder meeting.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Friends Of The Lower Wi Riverway (Flow): Swe - Lower Wisconsin River Basin Symposium: Friends of the Lower Wisconsin Riverway (FLOW) is sponsoring a project to hold a Lower Wisconsin River Basin Symposium in 2023.
Project final deliverables include:
Press releases and articles about the event will be copied for inclusion in the final report. The meeting agenda and program will be included, along with a list of land/watershed conservation organizations. A final symposium report will include information on symposium attendance, attendee survey rating responses and comments on the success or limitations of the symposium. The report will also include a compilation of presentations summaries/abstracts. Photographs of the event will be delivered with the final report and include file names and attribution information.
Specific project activities include:
FLOW will plan a one day educational symposium in fall of 2023, to include technical - scientific presentations and citizen - organization watershed restoration and aquatic monitoring presentations. To give greater understanding of the connection between land and water quality, land/waterway restoration strategies for wetland and water quality improvement, and inform people about the unique biological, physical and cultural features of the LWR Basin. A web page will promote the event and invitations will be sent to NGO's, NRCS and LWCD in the basin.
This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Stream Biologist.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Wisconsin River
Friends Of The Lower Wi Riverway (Flow): Swe - Lower Wisconsin River Basin Symposium: Friends of the Lower Wisconsin Riverway (FLOW) is sponsoring a project to hold a Lower Wisconsin River Basin Symposium in 2023.
Project final deliverables include:
Press releases and articles about the event will be copied for inclusion in the final report. The meeting agenda and program will be included, along with a list of land/watershed conservation organizations. A final symposium report will include information on symposium attendance, attendee survey rating responses and comments on the success or limitations of the symposium. The report will also include a compilation of presentations summaries/abstracts. Photographs of the event will be delivered with the final report and include file names and attribution information.
Specific project activities include:
FLOW will plan a one day educational symposium in fall of 2023, to include technical - scientific presentations and citizen - organization watershed restoration and aquatic monitoring presentations. To give greater understanding of the connection between land and water quality, land/waterway restoration strategies for wetland and water quality improvement, and inform people about the unique biological, physical and cultural features of the LWR Basin. A web page will promote the event and invitations will be sent to NGO's, NRCS and LWCD in the basin.
This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Stream Biologist.
Grant Details
River Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pompey Pillar Creek
Harry & Laura Nohr Chapter Of Trout Unlimite: Six Mile Branch And Pompey Pillar Project 2015: The Harry and Laura Nohr Chapter of TU will undertake a River Management Grant that protect and enhance water quality and fish habitat for brook and brown trout and forage fishes in mainly critical habitat segments of approximately 7,600 linear feet of Pompey Pillar Creek, and Six Mile Branch.
1. Reduce soil erosion, stream siltation and thermal loading through stream bank sloping and stabilization practices using riprap and vegetation.
2. Increase stream flow rates in the riffles to help increase oxygen for fish spawning using a variety of habitat BMP\2019s such as weirs and log deflectors.
3. Create protective instream habitat areas for trout and other aquatic organism using a variety of habitat BMP\2019s such as cross logs, and deflection rocks and bank hiding areas.
Deliverables: Improved habitat for fish, reductions in stream sediment in the substrate, and increased rock and gravel spawning habitat areas. Bank erosion control. Project final report cooperate effort between the chapter and UW-Platteville Biology Dept. intern. Will give narrative explanation of work completed, and pre- and post- project photographs showing stream and bank habitat. Report to WI TU councils, and newsletter.