LONG LAKE PROT & REHAB DIST: LMI-Waterfront Projects Design & Installation and Alum Dosage Study


Long Lake P&R District is sponsoring a Lake Protection grant to protect and improve Long Lake water quality by designing and implementing shoreline restoration and runoff reduction practices. The project also includes an Alum dosage study. Specific project tasks include: 1) Shoreline design/restoration on approximately 10 shoreline sites; 2) Design/installation of rain gardens, rock gardens, rock pits, and swales; 3) Alum dosage study. Shoreline restorations will follow standards set forth in NR 191.24(3) unless mutually agreed to in writing with the regional lake coordinator before implementation occurs. Shoreline restorations using grant funding for plants or labor require a Department approved restrictive covenant that permanently establishes the vegetative buffer on the parcel. This project includes BMPs such as rain gardens and shoreline stabilization. Maintenance, operation, and protection will be specified in a ten-year contract for each BMP site. The Department may perform site inspection and/or monitoring. Project deliverables include: a report and map summarizing project activities, including documenting linear feet of shoreline stabilized, square feet of shoreline buffer restored, and number of runoff reduction sites installed; individual property shoreline restoration/stabilization plans/maps; pre/post photos of funded restorations; list of property owners and parcels committed to covenants and/or contracts; and Alum dosage report. Special conditions: Applicable water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction activities commence. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

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Lakes Grant
Lake Protection Grant
Reports and Documents
After photo of native planting on Otte property
Freundschuh Infiltration Pit and Rain Garden Plan
Before and after pictures of rain garden installation.
Install rock infiltration area under parking areas.
Silt fence must be installed below any areas of excavation or where excavated or construction materials are placed.
The Runoff Reduction Plan Set provides top views and cross sections of the rain gardens and rock infiltration pits to be installed.
Cost-share agreement for rock infiltration practice installation on the Hansen property
After photo of the Pruess property where a rain garden practice was installed
After photo of the Pruess property where a rain garden practice was installed
Cost-share agreement for rock infiltration practice installation on the Pruess property
Before photo of the Pruess property where a rain garden practice would be installed
Before photo of the Pruess property where a rain garden practice would be installed
Design plan for a rain garden on the Pruess property.
Design plan for a rock infiltration pit on the Hansen property.
Before photo of the Hansen property where a infiltration practice would be installed
Photo of the Hansen property where a infiltration practice would be installed
Runoff reduction plan for the Sarah and Joseph Hansen rock infiltration project.
Document summarizes activities as part of LPT-466-14.
The objectives of these investigations are several-fold: 1. re-examine the P budget and empirical steady-state models to evaluate and project water quality improvement as a result of internal P loading control 2. estimate annual and summer lakewide internal P loading from stratification and dissolved oxygen information presented in Polk County and Harmony Environmental (2013) for input into empirical steady-state models, 3. detail the development of thermal stratification using thermistors (i.e., temperature data loggers) deployed in the lake at ~ 0.5-m to 1-m intervals to record temperature hourly over the course of the summer to better document temporary stratification patterns and examine bottom water dissolved oxygen dynamics to improve lakewide internal P loading estimates for incorporation into empirical models, 4. and refine Al dosage and application strategies to improve longevity.
The site diagram provides location of rock pit and paved swale. A cross section for the rock infiltration pit is also included.
Document outlining the description of the alum treatment area, conditions of the project, and terms.
Signed cost-share agreement for a control basin
Signed construction plan for a water and sediment control basin on the Turner property
After photo of rain garden and critical area planting on Schmidt property
Stormwater mitigation design for the North Landing of Long Lake
Signed cost-sharing agreement
Signed cost-share agreement for rain gardens and critical area planting
Rain garden plans including drawings and predicted cost for project
Runoff reduction plan narrative and predicted cost for Schmidt property plan
Before photo of area on Schmidt property where rain garden and planting would take place
Before photo of area on Schmidt property where rain garden and planting would take place
Before photo of area on Schmidt property where rain garden and planting would take place
After photo for rain garden and rock pit on the Majors property
After photo of rain garden and rock pit on the Majors property
Plans for a rock infiltration trench on the Wiemann property
Stormwater mitigation plan for the Village of Centuria Long Lake boat landing
Before photo of driveway to be fixed in the Town of Balsam
Photo of where driveway meets Long Lake to be fixed in the Town of Balsam
Before photo of driveway to be fixed in the Town of Balsam
After photo of native planting on Scott property
After photo of native plant installation
After photo of native plant planting
Before photo of a garden on the Otte property where native planting took place
Before photo showing location on Otte property near Long Lake where native planting took place
After photo of native planting on Otte property
After photo of native planting on Otte property
After photo of native planting on Otte property
After photo of native planting on Otte property
Signed cost-share agreement for native planting
Before photo of native plant installation area
Signed cost-share agreement for native planting
Signed cost-sharing agreement for native planting
Photo after rock garden installation on the Krieg property
Before photo where native planting would occur on the Scott property
After photo of native plant planting on the Krieg property
After photo of rain garden and rock infiltration pit on the Sherod property
Summary report for project on Patterson property
Signed cost-share agreement for water and sediment control basin
Signed cost-sharing form for native plant planting
Signed cost-share agreement for native planting
Sediment report for Long Lake
Rain garden drawings and specifications for the Majors property
Runoff reduction plan and narrative for the Majors property
Before photo of rain garden area on Majors property
Before photo of rain garden area on Majors property
Internal Phosphorus Loading and Alum Dosage Considerations for Long Lake
Rain garden plant list and drawings for the Wallis property
After photo of a rock garden on the Wallis property
After photo of a rock swale and a rain garden on the Wallis property
After photo of a rain garden and rock trench on the Wallis property
After photo of a rock swale on the Wallis property
Cost-share agreement for rain garden, rock swale, and rock trench installation on the Wallis property
After photo of native planting on Otte property
After photo of native planting on Otte property
After photo of native planting on Otte property
Plan set for Wallis property including drawings, plant list, and planned materials
Buffer restoration plan diagram for the Otte property
After photo of rain garden and rock infiltration pit on Sherod property
Before photo of rain garden area on Majors property
Unsigned cost-share agreement for Sherod property project
Waterfront project plans including drawings, plant list, and cost predictions
Before photo of Wallis property
Before photo of the Wallis property where a rock swale would be installed
Before photo of the Wallis property
Unsigned cost-share agreement for native planting on the Otte property
Land use permit from Polk Co. for the Krieg/Robinson property
Instructions for how to make a shoreline buffer zone
Native plant list for Maple Forest - Polk Co.
Rain garden design drawing for the Krieg property
Rock pit design for the Krieg property
Before photo of Sherod property
Before photo of rock garden installation on the Krieg property
Before photo of native plant planting on the Krieg property
Before photo of Sherod property
Rain garden design instructions
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Long Lake P&R District is sponsoring a Lake Protection grant to protect and improve Long Lake water quality by designing and implementing shoreline restoration and runoff reduction practices. The project also includes an Alum dosage study.
Lakes Protection Grant
Aquatic Plant Management Project
APM Chemical Permit Request
Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
Restore Riparian Habitat
Project Deliverable
Project deliverables include: a report and map summarizing project activities, including documenting linear feet of shoreline stabilized, square feet of shoreline buffer restored, and number of runoff reduction sites installed; individual property shoreline restoration/stabilization plans/maps; pre/post photos of funded restorations; list of property owners and parcels committed to covenants and/or contracts; and Alum dosage report.
Information and Education
Informational Meetings
Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
Shoreland Restoration
Lakes Protection Grant
Long Lake P&R District is sponsoring a Lake Protection grant to protect and improve Long Lake water quality by designing and implementing shoreline restoration and runoff reduction practices. The project also includes an Alum dosage study.