Token Creek TMDL


Token Creek was approved and implemented in 1999. The Dam was removed and the stream restored.


Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, working with numerous federal, state and local partners is undertaking a substantial project to restore Token Creek. This watershed project has a number of components, including: - Removal of a dam; - Restoration of stream morphology and habitat (with assistance of the Corps of Engineers); - Managing sediment and other pollutants for agricultural land through the Lake Mendota Priority Lake Project; and Managing storm water discharges through the Lake Mendota Priority Lake Project and the storm water discharge permit program. This Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) deals the sedimentation and degraded habitat impairments in segments of Token Creek. Implementation of the above components along with achieving the load allocation presented in this TMDL should restore and maintain the designated uses of Token Creek.


For purposes of this TMDL, the most important land uses for the two listed segments are agriculture and urban (residential and transportation). Growth of the City of Sun Prairie is extending into the headwaters of Token Creek and land in transition from agricultural land to urban land is becoming an important land use in the watershed. The open space is primarily park land at the downstream end of the watershed and much of the other category is downstream of the two listed segments.

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TMDL/303d Projects
Implement TMDL
Token Creek TMDL
Reports and Documents
Token Creek Photo
Final TMDL Report. Token Creek TMDL for Sediment and Habitat, Final May 30, 2002.
Token Creek, Dane County, No Discharge Listed WWTP, Wisconsin DNR Fish Hatchery Use Designation File, Description, Recommendation
Activities & Recommendations
TMDL (USEPA) Approved
Token Creek TMDL Approved by USEPA addressing the sedimentation and habitat degradation impairments which were identified on the Wisconsin 1998 303(d) list.
TMDL Implementation
Token Creek was approved and implemented in 1999. This watershed project has a number of components, including: - Removal of a dam; - Restoration of stream morphology and habitat (with assistance of the Corps of Engineers); - Managing sediment and other pollutants for agricultural land through the Lake Mendota Priority Lake Project; and - Managing storm water discharges through the Lake Mendota Priority Lake Project and the storm water discharge permit program. Implementation Plan is needed.
TMDL Development
TMDL Development for Token Creek in Dane County, WI. This TMDL will address the sedimentation and habitat degradation impairments which were identified on the Wisconsin 1998 303(d) list.
TMDL Monitoring
Token Creek was approved and implemented in 1999. The Dam was removed and the stream restored.