DANE COUNTY: Survey of Lower WI River Floodplain Lakes


Dane County Department of Land & Water Resources proposes to survey three (3) floodplain lakes of the Lower Wisconsin Riverway in Dane County: Fishers Lake, Heiney's Slough, and an Unnamed oxbow, all lakes with little or no baseline data despite their high ecological significance in the riverway. The survey will collect baseline water quality and plant data, identify critical habitats, document land uses and model phosphorus loading, and recommend management approaches to resource partners. Herbarium samples will be provided to the UW Herbarium, and final report, both paper and electronic copy, will contain all raw data collected as well as findings, analysis and recommendations. Results will be published via news release, County website, fact sheets, and presented at a public meeting.

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Grant Awarded
Dane County Department of Land & Water Resources proposes to survey three (3) floodplain lakes of the Lower Wisconsin Riverway in Dane County: Fishers Lake, Heiney's Slough, and an Unnamed oxbow, all lakes with little or no baseline data despite their high ecological significance in the riverway. The survey will collect baseline water quality and plant data, identify critical habitats, document land uses and model phosphorus loading, and recommend management approaches to resource partners. Herbarium samples will be provided to the UW Herbarium, and final report, both paper and electronic copy, will contain all raw data collected as well as findings, analysis and recommendations. Results will be published via news release, County website, fact sheets, and presented at a public meeting.
Grant Awarded
Dane County Department of Land & Water Resources proposes to survey three (3) floodplain lakes of the Lower Wisconsin Riverway in Dane County: Fishers Lake, Heiney's Slough, and an Unnamed oxbow, all lakes with little or no baseline data despite their high ecological significance in the riverway. The survey will collect baseline water quality and plant data, identify critical habitats, document land uses and model phosphorus loading, and recommend management approaches to resource partners. Herbarium samples will be provided to the UW Herbarium, and final report, both paper and electronic copy, will contain all raw data collected as well as findings, analysis and recommendations. Results will be published via news release, County website, fact sheets, and presented at a public meeting.