DANE COUNTY: German Valley South


to costshare at 70% streambank rehabilitation within the southern segment of German Valley Creek

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NPS Grant
Targeted Runoff - Rural Construction
Reports and Documents
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
SP05-13000-04BGerman Valley South
Runoff Grant - Targeted Runoff Rural
5 locations starting at 42 56'32", 89 49'35" and ending with 42 57'8", 89 48'25"
Control Streambank Erosion
German Valley Creek Middle - Installation of streambank restoration and protection practices. Each stream has had major rehabilitation of the watershed and stream corridor. The water quality objective of the project was to reduce stream bank erosion by 90% resulting in an overall reduction of sediment load of over 7300 tons/year over the whole area of the project. In all, almost 50,000 feet of stream bank was shaped and stabilized, and over 600 fish habitat structures (LUNKERS and weirs) were added to the stream.