Dane County WQM Plan Contract, Reports 2018


Capital Area Regional Planning Commission’s continuing water quality management planning program as it is proposed to be conducted cooperatively with the Department during July – December 2017. The work descriptions and tables are being provided in a format similar to that developed in cooperation with Department staff for other regional planning commissions. The work descriptions and work tables are also being submitted electronically to the Department’s Surface Water Integrated Monitoring System (SWIMS) database, as is the agreed-upon procedure. All requests for payments, work status reports, and sewer service area amendments will also be submitted to the SWIMS database. The work plan has been revised to incorporate the suggestions you provided in your July 6, 2017 email.


This work includes the research, meetings, writing, editing, and outreach associated with major updates to the technical reports (appendices) which serve as elements of the regional water quality management plan. For July to December 2017, no new updates to the elements of the regional water quality management plan are proposed. It is expected that some carryover work effort will be needed on the Summary Plan update including incorporating review comments, conducting outreach, and holding the public hearing prior to adoption.


From July to December 2017, it is expected that about 3 proposals for sewer service area amendments or major changes to the environmental corridors will be reviewed, staff analysis reports prepared, and public hearings held. From July to December 2017, it is expected that about 40 proposals for public sanitary sewer extensions and about 10 proposals for private and building sewers will be reviewed.

Study Design

Data updates and data entry products for the Department including: Upload narrative information from the most recently updated Dane County Water Quality Management Plan appendices to the appropriate locations in the WATERS system. Work with DNR to receive training and guidance and to track work entered as a team project with Water Quality staff. Other work products will vary based on the requests and need for assistance by the implementing designated management agencies.

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The Dane County Regional Planning Commission Role and Authority
Activities & Recommendations
Sewer Service Area Planning
Revised CARPC July – Dec. 2017 Water Quality Management Planning Work Program Revised work plan for the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission’s continuing water quality management planning program as it is proposed to be conducted cooperatively with the Department during July – December 2017.
Urban Growth Planning
From July to December 2017, it is expected that about 3 proposals for sewer service area amendments or major changes to the environmental corridors will be reviewed, staff analysis reports prepared, and public hearings held.
Project Deliverable
Products to consist of meeting attendance and materials review; 12 public informational and educational newsletter articles; attendance at about 13 meetings; coordination meetings with the WDNR; and other miscellaneous plan implementation activities.