LINCOLN COUNTY: Tri-county Approach to AIS Management


Lincoln County Land Information and Conservation Department is sponsoring an AIS AEPP grant in partnership with Langlade and Forest Counties. The project will focus on building an AIS program (includes education, prevention and monitoring) for each County. Project activities include: 1)Conduct 3 CB/CW and 1 CLMN workshops/trainings annually and recruit volunteers to implement a CB/CW and AIS monitoring program; 2) Hire an AIS Program Manager; 3) Entry of inspection Forms 3200-120 and monitoring Forms 3200-124 and/or 3200-130 onto Dept website; 4) Investigate any new possible AIS populations; 5) Develop AIS strategic plans for each County; 6) Coordinate countywide network of AIS partners and a yearly review meeting; 7) AIS educational activities (lake fairs, county fairs, lake meetings, presentations, newsletters, news releases, and display materials); 8) Create an AIS action plan protocol; 9) Attend WAL Lakes Convention; 10) Develop quarterly reports, annual reports, and a final project report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring and AIS educational activities. Project deliverables include: 1) Hired AIS program manager; 2) Completed entry of inspection Forms 3200-120 and monitoring Forms 3200-124/3200-130 into Dept website; 3) AIS educational products and meetings/presentations; 4) Attendance at WAL Lakes Convention; 5) AIS action plan protocol; 6) Quarterly/Annual updates and a final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS educational activities; 7) AIS strategic plan for each County. Specific Conditions: Final report and Strategic Plans need Dept review and approval WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report, annual reports, strategic plans, AIS action plan, and samples of assembled AIS information and educational products.

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