Citizen Monitoring of Degraded Aesthetics Green Bay and Lower Fox River AOC


Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District’s (GBMSD) ambient monitoring program collects water quality data at several stations in the AOC. However, no information is collected on aesthetic parameters including “floating or submerged debris, oil, scum” or “materials producing color, odor, taste, or unsightliness” detailed in the delisting target. Decisions about the aesthetic quality of water are also subjective in nature and involve personal interpretation of what is an “unacceptable level” or an “objectionable” amount that would interfere with public rights or impair use.


This project will develop a monitoring program that will use local residents to monitor aesthetics in the Lower Green Bay and Fox River Area of Concern (AOC). The primary goal of the project is to gain input for evaluation of the Degraded Aesthetics beneficial use impairment (BUI) in this AOC. Benefits of this approach include expanding public participation in AOC activities, generating needed data at minimal cost, and incorporating public perceptions in evaluation of this BUI.


Results will be used to evaluate the status of the impairment and to identify improvement opportunities. Quarterly and final reports will be completed as required, and results will be incorporated in annual Remedial Action Plan Updates for this AOC.

Study Design

Dedicated citizen volunteers conduct detailed aesthetics surveys at specific monitoring sites (public access points) within the AOC. Surveys are conducted from April through October, at least twice a year (during 2 seasons). There are also plans to hire a student to go to monitoring sites and use a shortened survey to gain opinions from a wider public.

Related Reports

Run Project Summary Report
View Umbrella-Projects
View Related-Projects

Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
Toxics and Areas of Concern
Reports and Documents
Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance Quarterly Report 7.11.17
LGBFR AOC Aesthetics Locations
This is the spreadsheet that has all data (electronic and paper forms) entered through July 2017. Only data from 2015 onward should be used, since the form underwent considerable scoring and format changes in 2015.
This is the QAPP that was approved in 2015.
Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance Quarterly Report 10.17.17
2017 Aesthetic Monitoring Invoice #1427
2017 Aesthetic Monitoring Invoice #1391
Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance 2017 SOW
Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance Quarterly Report 10.1.16 to 3.14.17
Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance Quarterly Report 10.28.2016
Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance (FWWA) Scope of Work for Lower Green Bay Fox River Volunteer Aesthetics Monitoring.
2011-2013 summary report for Lower Green Bay and Fox River AOC Aesthetics Citizen Monitoring Project
Final report for 2013 citizen aesthetics surveys conducted in Green Bay & Fox River AOC through UWEX (student surveyor)
Final Report (through Dec 2013) for UWEX portion (student conducting citizen surveys) of Green Bay and Fox River aesthetics monitoring project grant
Updated 2013 Scope of Work for Lower Green Bay and Fox River AOC Citizen Monitoring of Degraded Aesthetics project. Reduced budget for monitoring kit supplies by $57.
Summary report for Aesthetics Monitoring Program Data Support LTE. Includes details about datasheet review and revisions for Green Bay and Milwaukee AOC Aesthetics Monitoring Programs in February - May 2013.
Quarterly report (02/11-04/05/2013) for Aesthetics Monitoring Program Volunteer Coordinator and Aesthetics Monitoring Program Data Support LTE (support for Milwaukee AOC and Green Bay/Fox AOC)
Question by question instructions to Green Bay AOC Aesthetics Monitoring(Follow along with datasheet) updated for 2013 monitoring season.
Green Bay AOC Aesthetics Monitoring Data sheet for 2013 monitoring season
Green Bay AOC Volunteer Monitoring of Degraded Aesthetics explanation of datasheet for trainers
Green Bay AOC Volunteer Aesthetics Monitoring Project Sites Map updated for 2013
Updated 2013 grant proposal for Lower Green Bay & Fox River AOC Citizen Monitoring of Degraded Aesthetics Project
Proposal and Scope of Work for Aesthetics Monitoring Project Coordination LTE to support the Milwaukee Estuary AOC and the Fox River/Lower Green Bay AOC using 2012 AOC capacity grant funds.
Revised budget for Green Bay AOC Aesthetics Citizen Monitoring Program 2012 capacity grant (July 2012-February 2013).
Final report for the 2011 pilot program to monitor aesthetics in the Lower Green Bay & Fox River Area of Concern
Green Bay AOC Volunteer Aesthetics Program Monitoring Sites Map updated for 2012
Revised budget (06/20/2012) for 2011 grant for Citizen Monitoring of Degraded Aesthetics project
Question by question instruction to Green Bay Aesthetics Monitoring (Follow along with datasheet)
PDF Approved QAPP for Green Bay including EPA signatures
Signed QAPP - Final - no EPA signatures
Final QAPP - no signatures
Locations in Green Bay area where aesthetics monitoirng will be conducted
Green Bay potential monitoring stations
General Data collection form for volunteers - routine
Data sheet for events - includes demographic information
Method write up for training volunteers
Activities & Recommendations
Monitor AOC Beneficial Use Impairments
Monitoring Aesthetics
Grant Awarded
Funds to monitoring Aesthetics
Grant Awarded
New grant to continue aesthetics monitoring project from July 2012 through February 2013.
Grant Awarded
New grants to continue aesthetics monitoring project in 2013
Grant Awarded
New grants to continue aesthetics monitoring project in 2014