Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Monitor Invasive Species
Carp Removal
Project included controlling carp through removal activities and the operation of carp barriers; monitoring the extent of EWM annually; conducting an aquatic plant survey in Silver Creek using the point-intercept method; performing biocontrol of purple loosestrife, including building, operating and maintaining plant nurseries; and developing a long-range funding strategy for aquatic invasive species control
Train Volunteers
Conducted workshops to train volunteers in monitoring and prevention methods; monitoring for zebra mussels and other AIS
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Used Point-Intercept method
Control Invasive Species
Biocontrol of purple loosestrife
Lakes Protection Grant
The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a lake protection grant on Big Green Lake in Green Lake County.The main goal of this D&F Study is to study the metalimnetic oxygen minima issue, determine biological / chemical causative mechanisms and create models to assess degree of potential water quality improvements from management actions.
Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
Practices include: fish sticks, 350 feet2 native plantings, diversion practices, rock infiltration practices, and rain gardens on 6 lakeshore properties.
Best Management Practices, Implement
Green Lake Sanitary District will implement best practices described in Wisconsin's 2014-2017 Healthy Lakes Implementation Plan. Practices include: fish sticks, 350 feet2 native plantings, diversion practices, rock infiltration practices, and rain gardens on 6 lakeshore properties. The District will also monitor fish sticks dependent habitat. The best practices require a contract to remain in effect for 10 years and must include minimum operation and maintenance requirements and data as described in grant condition #16.
Lakes Protection Grant
Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a Lake Protection Grant to conduct a shoreline inventory of lakes in the county. The lakes to be inventoried are Big Green, Little Green, Puckaway, Big Twin, Little Twin, Spring (Kingston), Spring (Green Lake), Grand, Heart and Maria.
Information and Education
several education outreach activities will be conducted. Primary labor will come from area students, teachers and other residents. Specific deliverable products include: 1. Installation of at least three rain gardens with educational signage on each. 2. Fifty \201CDrains to Lake\201D placards will be installed. 3. Two hundred educational door hangers will be installed. 4. Two classroom outreach events will be conducted.
Project Deliverable
A final report summarizing project accomplishments will be submitted to the local DNR Coordinator. The report will include: a. Digital summary of project results b. Photographs of rain-gardens and other educational materials developed as a result of this project. c. Synopsis of what was learned along with recommendations to continue / further the program to improve urban storm-water practices via rain gardens.
Issue News/Media Release
. Results of this project will be shared through press releases, websites and e-mails
Educate and engage residents
educate residents of the cities of Ripon and Green Lake regarding storm water pollution abatement
Lakes Protection Grant
Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a lake protection grant on Big Green Lake in Green Lake County. The main goal of this protection grant is to reduce the nutrient loading to the lake through various activities: 1. Identification and implementation of strategic BMP's in the tributary sub-watersheds. 2. Identification of upland buffer problems/opportunities in the impaired tributary sub-watersheds 3. Evaluation and study of the potential to restore the County K Estuary to a plant dominated system. 4. Education and Informational Activities
Lake Management Plan Development
Social Survey of Residents or Users
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Created an interactive watershed map which includes location, description, benefits, and photos of best management practices
Information and Education
Data analysis, report production
Conducted a regression analysis for phosphorus in Green Lake
Land Acquisition
Purchased 24.5 acres of land known as the "ABA-West" property.
Land Acquisition
Purchased property - "ABA-East"
Land Acquisition
The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 24.5 acres of land known as the "ABA-West" property.
Land Acquisition
The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 6.7 acres of land known as the "ABA-East" property.
Land Acquisition
The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 52.899 acres of land on Green Lake for conservancy purposes.
Land Acquisition
Purchased 52 acres of land on Green Lake for conservancy purposes.
Land Acquisition
The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 12 acres of land along Big Green Lake known as the Mitchell's Glen parcel.
Land Acquisition
The Green Lake Conservancy Foundation proposes to purchase 3.21 acres of land along Wick Road known as the Specht property for conservancy purposes.
Land Acquisition
Purchased 3.21 acres of land along Wick Road known as the Specht property for conservancy purposes.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Conducted comprehensive water quality appraisal at 2 sites within Green Lake. The protocol is USGS trophic monitoring protocol, to include: 1. 6x /year, sampling events to include profiling, nutrient concentrations 2. Archived data and annual reporting in USGS formal publication 3. Cost sharing from USGS source and GLSD. Specific actions are identified within the original planning grant proposal
Carp Barrier
Installed Carp Barriers
Fish Management, Access
This project will install two carp barriers at key locations tributary to Green Lake. Both areas to be protected are deep water marshes that flow through channel constrictions (bridges) into Green lake. These marsh areas have historically supported carp activity and recruitment. Each barrier will be constructed to allow boat passage yet prevent carp movement.
Best Management Practices, Implement
The Green Lake Sanitary District will implement best management practices (BMP) within the lake watershed to reduce nutrient/sediment loadings and protect and improve shoreline habitat. Earthen and cultural practices will include sediment retention basins, reduced tillage, buffers and nutrient management. These BMPs will be employed within subwatersheds identified as being priority areas for pollutant reduction.
Land Acquisition
The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 30 acres of land along Silver Creek which drains directly into Big Green Lake to be used as nonpoint source abatement.
Best Management Practices, Implement
Implemented best management practices (BMP) within the lake watershed to reduce nutrient/sediment loadings and protect and improve shoreline habitat.
Land Acquisition
Purchased 30 acres of land along Silver Creek which drains directly into Big Green Lake to be used as nonpoint source abatement.
Land Acquisition
The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 6.29 acres of vacant land directly behind shoreline residential lots on Big Green Lake. The Sanitary District will keep it in its naturally landscaped state for conservancy purposes.
Land Acquisition
Purchased 20.5 acres of vacant land with approximately 660 feet of frontage along Big Green Lake. The Sanitary District will keep it in its naturally landscaped state for conservancy purposes.
Land Acquisition
Purchased vacant land for conservancy purposes
Land Acquisition
The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 20.5 acres of vacant land with approximately 660 feet of frontage along Big Green Lake. The Sanitary District will keep it in its naturally landscaped state for conservancy purposes.
Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
Conducted a feasibility study to assess nutrient loadings on Big Green Lake.
Water Quality Modeling
Developed watershed/lake models for predicting trophic impacts
Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct a feasibility study to assess nutrient loadings on Big Green Lake. The project will lay the foundation for reducing nutrient and sediment loads with the lake andits tributaries. Major components will be a watershed inventory, develop watershed/lake models for predicting trophic impacts, study long-term historical influences, develop objectives and public education and awareness alternatives.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Hydrologic Budget Development
Monitor Water Level
Operate, maintain and publish stage, flow and load data at both stage-discharge stations at White Creek and Green Lake Outlet. 2) Operate, maintain and publish stage, flow and load data at stage-discharge station at Green Lake Inlet.
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment, Inventory
Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written
Comprehensive Planning Studies
Mapped the watershed and sensitive areas and identified areas contributing polluntants. Mapped sub-watershed. Prepared lake protection plan.
Informational Meetings
Issue News/Media Release
Information about lake protection plan disseminated to the public by newsletter, local newspaper articles, a comprehensive management plan, public meetings and report mailings
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Social Survey of Residents or Users
Conducted a survey of residents, by mail, to assess: a) public opinion of large water impoundments, b) public opinion of eminent domain andcondemnation powers, c) which units of government will need to be involved with the project and at what level.
Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
Assess feasibility and costs of further phosphorus reduction from effluent of Ripon Sewage Treatment Plant: a) evaluation of current phosphorus removal practices and their associated costs, b)evaluation of various strategies to reduce levels of phosphorus being discharged as to their costs and their potential for phosphorus reduction, c) small-scale pilot program implementing option chosen from evaluation in b. above, devaluation and monitoring of phosphorus reduction in conjunction with pilot program
Monitor Fish Tissue
Nine Key Element Plan
Big Green Lake PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan - The Big Green Lake watershed is one of the first nine priority watersheds throughout the state. The Big Green Lake was selected because of the severity of water quality problems, the relative importance of nonpoint sources to the achievement of water quality standards, and the capability and willingness of local governmental agencies to carry out the planning and implementing program. The purpose of the plan is twofold: to set project goals and objectives and to outline an implementation program to reach those objectives. As part of accomplishing this purpose the following must be identified: 1) water quality problems 2) significant nonpoint and point sources 3) water quality objectives 4) priority management area 5) needed BMPs 6) implementing and participating agencies and responsibilities 7) costs.
Aquatic Invasive Species Plan
Developed comprehensive AIS plan addressing elements of prevention, control, monitoring, policy development, research, education/information, coordination and regional integration