Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay
Marinette County: Marinette Co. Hydraulic Conveyor Proj: Marinette County proposes to educate on and manage invasive species within Marinette County during the period of April 1, 2012- December 31, 2014. The project elements and deliverables are specified within their control grant application dated January 25, 2012. All project requirements are listed below.
This project requires that the following actions be completed on an annual basis unless otherwise specified:
-Construct hydraulic conveyor system within first year of the project and use throughout the life of the grant
-Clean Boats Clean Waters (CBCW)- a minimum of 200hrs./yr.- all data entered into SWIMS by October 1
-Citizen Lake Monitoring Network (CLMN) Early Detection Monitoring for invasive species- all data to be entered into SWIMS by October 1
- Participate in the Landing Blitz- July 4th weekend and media campaigns using \201CProtect WI Waters/It\2019s the Law\201D and \201CIce Your Catch\201D
-Continue working with waters containing NR40 prohibited species (Hydrilla & Yellow Floating Heart)
-Develop a county-wide strategic plan within the grant cycle
-Conduct one point intercept survey
- Augmented enforcement with local law enforcement- all hours to be recorded
Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing this project is requirement and will be provided to the DNR. Please provide both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of the grantee\2019s final payment request. If a consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR AIS Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making the final payment to the consultant.
Any publications produced as part of the project will incorporate the \201CStop Aquatic Hitchhikers!\201D\2122 brand (partnership details can be found at:
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Little Newton Lake
Marinette County: Newton Lakes Ewm Rapid Response Project: Marinette County proposes to manage Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) in Little and Big Newton Lakes by implementing control and prevention measures during the period of 2008-2009. The project elements and deliverables are specified in their grant application. The project includes conducting pre- and post-treatment surveys and mapping the extent of EWM; controlling EWM with aquatic herbicide treatments and through hand-pulling; training volunteers to conduct post-treatment assessments and conducting those assessments to determine treatment efficacy; training volunteers to monitor for aquatic invasive species (AIS) and conducting those surveys; educating volunteers about AIS prevention measures through the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" program; and educating residents about AIS prevention measures through newsletters, mailings and/or meetings. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the two-year project will be provided to DNR.
If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR AIS Coord. with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR is to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Newton Lake
Marinette County: Newton Lakes Ewm Rapid Response Project: Marinette County proposes to manage Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) in Little and Big Newton Lakes by implementing control and prevention measures during the period of 2008-2009. The project elements and deliverables are specified in their grant application. The project includes conducting pre- and post-treatment surveys and mapping the extent of EWM; controlling EWM with aquatic herbicide treatments and through hand-pulling; training volunteers to conduct post-treatment assessments and conducting those assessments to determine treatment efficacy; training volunteers to monitor for aquatic invasive species (AIS) and conducting those surveys; educating volunteers about AIS prevention measures through the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" program; and educating residents about AIS prevention measures through newsletters, mailings and/or meetings. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the two-year project will be provided to DNR.
If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR AIS Coord. with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR is to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Bass Lake
Marinette County: Res - Bass Lake Restoration Alum Treatment: Marinette County proposes to treat Bass Lake with alum to reduce the effects of sediment phosophorus in the lake. Project activities include treating all waters of Bass Lake in excess of 3 feet deep and conducting pre and post treatment water quality monitoring.
AMENDMENT #1: Marinette County proposes a "5 fold" increase the Alum dose in Bass Lake to provide long term control of P release from enriched sediments.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
McCaslin Lake
Mccaslin Lake District: Acq-Mccaslin Lake Land Acquisition-Hansen (Parcel A) Property: The Mc Caslin Lake Rehabilitation District will acquire 25.88 acres of lowland, including water frontage and wetlands, on Mc Caslin Lake for lake protection purposes. Long term management goals for this property include preserving it as a quiet natural conservancy area used for passive outdoor recreation and enjoyment. No major development plans are included.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
McCaslin Lake
Mccaslin Lake District: Acq-Mccaslin Lake District Hansen Ii Acq.: The McCaslin Lake District will acquire an additional 38.50 acres of land near McCaslin Lake for conservancy purposes.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Birch Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Butterfly Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cedar Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fence Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Grass Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Helen Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Island Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Jug Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay
Marinette County Land Conservation Committee: Lake Noquebay Water Quality Monitoring And Macrophyte Survey: 1) USGS water quality monitoring for 4 years at two sites; 2)formal presentation to the public in 199
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay
Marinette County Land Conservation Committee: Lake Noquebay Lake And Watershed Management Planning: 1) Collect and analyze existing and new data on water chemistry and macrophytes. 2) Prepare a table on soils in the watershed indicating permeability, erodibility, depth to groundwater, and septic suitability. 3) Prepare a land use map of the water-shed using 'A Protocol for Lake Management Planning Purposes' (L. Klessing, 1991). 4) Estimate non-point source loading using land use map. 5) Evaluate current weed harvesting program. 6) Analyze existing data on nutrients in sediments andmacrophytes. Prepare a summary of nutrient information and changes in macrophyte coverage over time. 7) Produce an underwater video that shows macrophyte and sediment conditions, fish habitat, and water clarity. 8) Prepare nutrient and suspendedsolids budgets for lake. 9) List alternative methods for water quality restoration. Cost effectiveness, permit requirements, and long term consequences of each lake and watershed management options will be included. 10) Prepare a lake and watershedmanagement plan. 11) Prepare a final report that includes work products 1 - 6 and 8 - 10 listed above. 12) Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter mailings, public meetings, local newspaper articles, poster displays, video program
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay
Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Water Quality Trend Monitoring & Macrophyte Sy: (1) Continue to conduct water quality sampling and analyses in 1996, 1998, and 2000 to determine any trends in Lake Noquebay. (2) Conduct an aquatic macrophyte survey; prepare a report and map. (3) Produce an educational video covering aquatic macrophyte communities, the harvesting program, lake front property management, and watershed management. (4) Prepare a final report addressing the results of the above tasks. (5) Disseminate information on the project results to the public by public meeting, newsletter, video program, local newspaper article, and poster display. The sponsor will provide the Department with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay
Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Comprehensive Management Plan: The Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District proposes to develop a Comprehensive Lake Managment Plan. Deliverables will characterize current water quality and develop goals; evaluate past NPs initiatives and ID opportunities; identify problems/needs of the lake management unit; characterize Aquatic Plant Community, develop APM goals, construct plant GIS layer, and ID management alternatives; review institutional watershed controls and develop recommendations; assess fish and wildlife habitat and ID critical habitat areas; develop AIS (aquatic invasive species) prevention plan and educational materials; and complete lake comprehensive plan document. This scope is intended as a summary; the more specific scope is provided in the grant application and does not supersede the specific scope elements described within the application.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay
Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Nutrient Study - Phase 1: Marinette County is sponsoring a project to investigate nutrient loading to Lake Noquebay, identify major nutrient sources, and evaluate the effect of various nutrient reductions scenarios on water quality, in the time span of Feb. 2018 \2013 Dec. 2020. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Marinette County\2019s Grant application dated December 8, 2017.
In lake water quality conditions will be investigated along with an evaluation of ground water and watershed nutrient loading. The first goal is to evaluate current water quality conditions in Lake Noquebay by conducting water quality monitoring during the 2018 field season to characterize current water quality conditions and measure physical properties of the water column. The data will be analyzed according to the DNR protocols under WisCALM and CLMN guidance. The second goal is to evaluate the external nutrient loading to Lake Noquebay. This will be performed by:
A) Conducting continuous flow monitoring on Smith Creek, Middle Inlet, Upper Inlet and the Outlet for use in watershed nutrient loading estimates and lake nutrient budgeting.
B) Monitoring nutrient concentrations in Smith Creek, Midddle Inlet, Upper Inlet, and ungauged tributaries for use in watershed loading estimates, water quality modeling, and evaluation of land use effects on nutrient loading.
C) Identifying zones of groundwater inflow and outflow and quantify groundwater loading
D) Monitoring nutrient concentrations in groundwater for use in groundwater loading estimates and lake nutrient budgeting.
Goal three consists of modeling external loading, creating a nutrient budget for Lake Noqeuebay and evaluating alternative load reduction strategies to protect the lake for future generations.
Special Conditions:
1) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting;
2) All CLMN shall be entered into the SWIMS database.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay
Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Nutrient Study - Phase Ii: The Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a project to determine the nutrient loading to Lake Noquebay, phase 2 of a previous project.
Project final deliverables include: all data collected, agendas and minutes for planning meetings, and a lake report that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion.
Specific project activities include: 1) Stream, groundwater, and in lake water quality monitoring 2) Stream flow and nutrient concentration monitoring 3) Date entry and analysis 4) Water quality modeling, alternatives analysis, and final report.
Special Conditions: 1) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 2) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database;
This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.
If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Island Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little McCall Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Poche De Noche
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Wolf Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Long Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lost Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lower Middle Inlet
Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Comprehensive Management Plan: The Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District proposes to develop a Comprehensive Lake Managment Plan. Deliverables will characterize current water quality and develop goals; evaluate past NPs initiatives and ID opportunities; identify problems/needs of the lake management unit; characterize Aquatic Plant Community, develop APM goals, construct plant GIS layer, and ID management alternatives; review institutional watershed controls and develop recommendations; assess fish and wildlife habitat and ID critical habitat areas; develop AIS (aquatic invasive species) prevention plan and educational materials; and complete lake comprehensive plan document. This scope is intended as a summary; the more specific scope is provided in the grant application and does not supersede the specific scope elements described within the application.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
McCall Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Middle Inlet
Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Comprehensive Management Plan: The Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District proposes to develop a Comprehensive Lake Managment Plan. Deliverables will characterize current water quality and develop goals; evaluate past NPs initiatives and ID opportunities; identify problems/needs of the lake management unit; characterize Aquatic Plant Community, develop APM goals, construct plant GIS layer, and ID management alternatives; review institutional watershed controls and develop recommendations; assess fish and wildlife habitat and ID critical habitat areas; develop AIS (aquatic invasive species) prevention plan and educational materials; and complete lake comprehensive plan document. This scope is intended as a summary; the more specific scope is provided in the grant application and does not supersede the specific scope elements described within the application.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Moose Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Morgan Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mud Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Perch Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Poche De Noche
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Roosevelt Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Spies Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
The Outlet
Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Comprehensive Management Plan: The Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District proposes to develop a Comprehensive Lake Managment Plan. Deliverables will characterize current water quality and develop goals; evaluate past NPs initiatives and ID opportunities; identify problems/needs of the lake management unit; characterize Aquatic Plant Community, develop APM goals, construct plant GIS layer, and ID management alternatives; review institutional watershed controls and develop recommendations; assess fish and wildlife habitat and ID critical habitat areas; develop AIS (aquatic invasive species) prevention plan and educational materials; and complete lake comprehensive plan document. This scope is intended as a summary; the more specific scope is provided in the grant application and does not supersede the specific scope elements described within the application.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Un Spring
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Upper Inlet
Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Comprehensive Management Plan: The Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District proposes to develop a Comprehensive Lake Managment Plan. Deliverables will characterize current water quality and develop goals; evaluate past NPs initiatives and ID opportunities; identify problems/needs of the lake management unit; characterize Aquatic Plant Community, develop APM goals, construct plant GIS layer, and ID management alternatives; review institutional watershed controls and develop recommendations; assess fish and wildlife habitat and ID critical habitat areas; develop AIS (aquatic invasive species) prevention plan and educational materials; and complete lake comprehensive plan document. This scope is intended as a summary; the more specific scope is provided in the grant application and does not supersede the specific scope elements described within the application.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wolf Lake
Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.
Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Newton Lake
Newton Lakes Property Owners Assn: Big Newton Lake Do Meter: The Newton Lake Property Owners Association proposes to purchase a meter and employ oxygen appraisal for Newton Lake. The deliverable will be employment of the meter for oxygen appraisals on the lake, while conforming to report standards for the regions CLMN network. The final report should include meter description, use schedule, and CLMN reporting documentation. The Department shall receive both paper and electronic PDF copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of the grantee's final payment request.