Watershed - Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay (GB09)
Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed


The Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed encompasses approximately 156 square miles within the Upper Green Bay Basin in central Marinette County. This watershed contains many water resources including streams, lakes, and wetlands. Spe-cifically, there are 146 stream miles, 3,254 lake acres, and about 30,000 (over 49 square miles) of wetlands acres. The major contributors of nutrients to Lake Noquebay are the Smith Creek and Lower Middle Inlet subwatersheds. There are about 60 farms in the Lower Middle Inlet subwatershed.

Date  2010

Population, Land Use

Thirty-six percent (36%) of this watershed is comprised of lakes and wetland habitat. Lake Noquebay is the largest inland lake in the watershed as well as the entire Upper Green Bay Basin. Lake Noquebay’s Watershed also encompasses about 87% of the entire Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed area. There are no large population centers in this watershed other than development surrounding Lake Noquebay. The watershed has some agricul-tural activity along with wetlands and forest areas. Forests are the dominant land cover in this water-shed (46%), followed by wetlands (29%). According to the 2009 Lake Noquebay Comprehensive Lake Plan, the number of active farms in the Lake Noquebay Watershed has declined from 40 to 25 in the last 15 years composing 14% of the watershed’s land use. The cultivated cropland has also declined in the watershed. Grasslands (10%) make up majority of the remaining land uses. Urban, suburban, open and barren spaces collectively make up 5% of the landscape. Changes in urbanization since the last planning process have been minimal with only slight increases. The soils in the western half of the watershed are primarily organic, poorly drained adjacent to the major streams and well-drained, sandy and loamy in the remainder of the western half. Soils in the eastern half of the watershed are primarily poorly drained, mucky soils including the land areas immediately around Lake Noquebay.

Date  2010

Ecological Landscapes for Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed

Ecological Landscapes

The Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed is located primarily within the Northeast Sands Ecological Landscape which occupies a relatively narrow, vertical band of land in northeast Wisconsin. This landscape formed in glacial outwash sand plains (some of them pitted), and has steep outcropping Precambrian bedrock knolls of basalt, rhyolite, or granite. Sandy ground moraines and end moraines are also interspersed in the landscape. Historically, extensive oak/jack pine barrens and jack pine forests were found in the outwash sand portions of this Ecological Landscape. Moraines supported forests of hardwoods, red pine, and white pine. Outwash plains often contained pitted depressions, resulting in numerous wetlands and kettle lakes. Most of this Ecological Landscape is still forested; aspen predominates, followed by northern hardwoods. Jack pine remains on the outwash plains along with northern pin oak. There are several important occurrences of jack pine/oak barren communities. A small percentage of this Ecological Landscape contains spruce-fir-cedar forest and lowland hardwood forest. The Brazeau Swamp is one of the best representations of large cedar swamp forests in northern Wisconsin.

Date  2010

Hydrologic Features

This relatively undeveloped watershed hosts tremendous water resources with numerous trout streams and other high quality resources. There are over 146 miles of streams, 3095 lake acres, and many thousands of acres of wetlands. Overall these are groundwater-fed coldwater streams and lakes with pockets of disturbance is specific areas. Beaver dam removal projects, started in 2001, have restored hydrologic flows in areas where water warming reduced salmo­nid and other cold water species’ natural reproduction.

Date  2010

Wildlife and Habitat

Many species of wildlife make Lake Noquebay their home including species listed as threatened or of special concern by the Department of Natural Resources. Birds that utilize the lake include the Black Tern, Bald Eagle, and Osprey. A species of special concern, the Blanding’s turtle has been found near the lake. Lake Noquebay has a diverse aquatic plant community with many species that are of high value to fish and wildlife. Currently it is free of the invasive species Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum and Curly-leaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus). The native species various-leaved water-milfoil (Myriophyllum heterophyllum) has been invasive since it became established in the lake. Farwell’s water-milfoil (Myriophyllum farwellii) is listed by the DNR as a species of special concern is found in the lake. The harvest of Wild Rice is regulated on the lake. Lake Noquebay has many areas of bulrush beds that are in need of protection.

Date  2010

Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed At-a-Glance

Impaired Water in Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed
River and Stream QualityAll Waters in Watershed

Overall, the water bodies in this watershed are in good condition with only Lake Noquebay being listed under the 303(d) section of the Clean Water Act for a mercury advisory in fish. Restoration and rehabilitation projects on the waterways have reduced non-point source impacts. The stream fragmentation and water quality impacts from the presence of beaver dams in the watershed’s coldwater trout streams have been eliminated since the initiation of the beaver and beaver dam removal program in 2001. A beaver management program will continue into the future in priority streams. Phosphorus loading, sedi­mentation, residential development around lakes and infestations of aquatic invasive species are the biggest threats facing the water bodies within the watershed. There are no specific point sources discharging into this watershed at the present time. Peterman Brook A stretch of Peterman Brook is currently listed as a class II trout stream from the middle of section 32 to the west side of section 32 T32NR21, which is about 1.1 stream miles of the total. The remainder of the stream is non-trout water, and the stream flows into the Peshtigo River. A fish survey report in 1994 described poor land practices and livestock pasturing along with beaver problems as the causes for sedimentation and deteriorated the stream ecosystem in Peterman Brook. The trout stream section contained brook trout, but its habitat was being threatened. The Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) calculated from the fish survey was 70 in 1994 and the Integrity Rating was good in the section of the stream classified as trout water.

Date  2010

Watershed Trout Streams
Watershed Outstanding & Exceptional Resources

Lakes and Impoundments

Lake Noquebay Lake Noquebay is a 2,406-acre drainage lake located in Marinette County, Wisconsin. Its 86,000 acre watershed en­compasses a major portion of the 99,567 acres in the Mid­dle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed. There has been a significant amount of water quality data accumulated and studied over the past 30 years to help direct management decisions in the Lake Noquebay Watershed and water body. During the process of developing a Comprehensive Lake Management Plan/Aquatic Plant Management Plan which was completed in October 2009 by the Marinette County LWCD for the Lake District, the long-term trend in water quality was examined. The water quality is generally good. The trophic state index (TSI) trends for the past 30 years used to determine a lake’s nutrient enrichment status showed an improvement in water clarity and chlorophyll a (an indication of algae growth in the water) through the years. How­ever, the total phosphorus trend in the lake has been slightly upward which needs to be investigated to determine the reason. This phosphorus trend is occurring despite a successful Lake Noquebay Priority Watershed Project completed in 2006. The 2009 Comprehensive Plan recommends maintaining summer total phosphorus concentrations in Lake Noquebay below 25 ug/l to prevent potential deterioration in the current water quality and lake ecosystem. The major tributaries contributing nutrients to Lake Noquebay are the Smith Creek, Lower Middle Inlet, Upper Middle Inlet and Middle Inlet streams and their sub-watersheds. These waterbodies are all cold water trout streams located in the northern and western areas of the watershed. The Upper Inlet is a major warmwater tributary at the east end of Lake Noquebay which has not been a significant source of nutrients or sediment. There are also probable sources of phosphorus generated from development and activities taking place directly around the lake. Known infestations of AIS in Lake Noquebay include zebra mussels and banded mystery snails. Refer to the 2009 Lake Noquebay Comprehensive Plan/Aquatic Plant Management Plan for further recommendations and discussion regarding the Lake Noquebay issues impacting the ecosystem. Little Newton and Big Newton Lakes Little and Big Newton Lakes are located directly adjacent to each other separated only by Newton Lake Road. Based on citizen monitoring data, both lakes appear to have good water quality. They both experience a great deal of use from non-riparian us­ers, especially Little Newton Lake which has a public beach area. Little Newton Lake has also been experiencing an excessive geese problem in the lake. Eurasian water milfoil (EWM) was discovered in Little Newton Lake during 2007. An AIS control grant was ap­proved for management of EWM in Little Newton Lake. The chemi­cal treatment and other management efforts during 2008/2009 have reduced the EWM from 2 acres to where it was not detected near the end of 2009. Simpson Lake Simpson Lake is a 13.1 acre spring lake that flows into Plumadore Creek which flows into Middle Inlet Creek. A study begun in 2006 to document changes to the shoreland area due to cutting of trees and shrubs and impacts from grading new develop­ing lots has already noted losses to the shrub layer and ground cover vegetation. The parcels chosen for the study will continue to be monitored by the County in the future to further measure the impacts of riparian development on the local ecosystem.

Date  2010

Wetland Health

Wetlands in this watershed are abundant and diverse. Low human encroachment combined with naturally abundant wet areas result in a wide variety and large number of wetland habitat excellent for the broad array of wildlife dependent on this special habitat type.

Date  2010

Impaired Waters

Lake Noquebay is currently on Wisconsin’s impaired waters list as required by section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act due to a fish advisory for mercury. This is largely a result from atmospheric mercury deposition. Additionally, some lakes in the watershed are negatively impacted by aquatic invasive species (AIS) and phosphorus accumulation in the water body. See the “Rivers and Streams” and “Lake Health” for brief descriptions of the issues of concern in some of the lakes and streams in the watershed.

Date  2010

List of Impaired Waters


Drinking water in the watershed is exclusively from groundwater sources. The com­munity of Crivitz has its own municipal well. Approximately 46 new private wells have been installed in the watershed per year since 2006. Ground water impacts due to agriculture based fertilizers can be a concern for residents within parts of the watershed. One of Crivitz’s municipal wells had to be closed due to impacts from nitrates, an agricultural fertilizer.

Date  2010

Watershed Documents
Watershed Grants
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay

Marinette County: Marinette Co. Hydraulic Conveyor Proj: Marinette County proposes to educate on and manage invasive species within Marinette County during the period of April 1, 2012- December 31, 2014. The project elements and deliverables are specified within their control grant application dated January 25, 2012. All project requirements are listed below.

This project requires that the following actions be completed on an annual basis unless otherwise specified:

-Construct hydraulic conveyor system within first year of the project and use throughout the life of the grant
-Clean Boats Clean Waters (CBCW)- a minimum of 200hrs./yr.- all data entered into SWIMS by October 1
-Citizen Lake Monitoring Network (CLMN) Early Detection Monitoring for invasive species- all data to be entered into SWIMS by October 1
- Participate in the Landing Blitz- July 4th weekend and media campaigns using \201CProtect WI Waters/It\2019s the Law\201D and \201CIce Your Catch\201D
-Continue working with waters containing NR40 prohibited species (Hydrilla & Yellow Floating Heart)
-Develop a county-wide strategic plan within the grant cycle
-Conduct one point intercept survey
- Augmented enforcement with local law enforcement- all hours to be recorded

Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing this project is requirement and will be provided to the DNR. Please provide both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of the grantee\2019s final payment request. If a consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR AIS Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making the final payment to the consultant.

Any publications produced as part of the project will incorporate the \201CStop Aquatic Hitchhikers!\201D\2122 brand (partnership details can be found at: http://www.protectyourwaters.org).

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Little Newton Lake

Marinette County: Newton Lakes Ewm Rapid Response Project: Marinette County proposes to manage Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) in Little and Big Newton Lakes by implementing control and prevention measures during the period of 2008-2009. The project elements and deliverables are specified in their grant application. The project includes conducting pre- and post-treatment surveys and mapping the extent of EWM; controlling EWM with aquatic herbicide treatments and through hand-pulling; training volunteers to conduct post-treatment assessments and conducting those assessments to determine treatment efficacy; training volunteers to monitor for aquatic invasive species (AIS) and conducting those surveys; educating volunteers about AIS prevention measures through the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" program; and educating residents about AIS prevention measures through newsletters, mailings and/or meetings. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the two-year project will be provided to DNR.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR AIS Coord. with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR is to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Newton Lake

Marinette County: Newton Lakes Ewm Rapid Response Project: Marinette County proposes to manage Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) in Little and Big Newton Lakes by implementing control and prevention measures during the period of 2008-2009. The project elements and deliverables are specified in their grant application. The project includes conducting pre- and post-treatment surveys and mapping the extent of EWM; controlling EWM with aquatic herbicide treatments and through hand-pulling; training volunteers to conduct post-treatment assessments and conducting those assessments to determine treatment efficacy; training volunteers to monitor for aquatic invasive species (AIS) and conducting those surveys; educating volunteers about AIS prevention measures through the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" program; and educating residents about AIS prevention measures through newsletters, mailings and/or meetings. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the two-year project will be provided to DNR.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR AIS Coord. with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR is to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Bass Lake

Marinette County: Res - Bass Lake Restoration Alum Treatment: Marinette County proposes to treat Bass Lake with alum to reduce the effects of sediment phosophorus in the lake. Project activities include treating all waters of Bass Lake in excess of 3 feet deep and conducting pre and post treatment water quality monitoring.

AMENDMENT #1: Marinette County proposes a "5 fold" increase the Alum dose in Bass Lake to provide long term control of P release from enriched sediments.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
McCaslin Lake

Mccaslin Lake District: Acq-Mccaslin Lake Land Acquisition-Hansen (Parcel A) Property: The Mc Caslin Lake Rehabilitation District will acquire 25.88 acres of lowland, including water frontage and wetlands, on Mc Caslin Lake for lake protection purposes. Long term management goals for this property include preserving it as a quiet natural conservancy area used for passive outdoor recreation and enjoyment. No major development plans are included.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
McCaslin Lake

Mccaslin Lake District: Acq-Mccaslin Lake District Hansen Ii Acq.: The McCaslin Lake District will acquire an additional 38.50 acres of land near McCaslin Lake for conservancy purposes.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Birch Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Butterfly Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cedar Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fence Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Grass Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Helen Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Island Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Jug Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay

Marinette County Land Conservation Committee: Lake Noquebay Water Quality Monitoring And Macrophyte Survey: 1) USGS water quality monitoring for 4 years at two sites; 2)formal presentation to the public in 199

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay

Marinette County Land Conservation Committee: Lake Noquebay Lake And Watershed Management Planning: 1) Collect and analyze existing and new data on water chemistry and macrophytes. 2) Prepare a table on soils in the watershed indicating permeability, erodibility, depth to groundwater, and septic suitability. 3) Prepare a land use map of the water-shed using 'A Protocol for Lake Management Planning Purposes' (L. Klessing, 1991). 4) Estimate non-point source loading using land use map. 5) Evaluate current weed harvesting program. 6) Analyze existing data on nutrients in sediments andmacrophytes. Prepare a summary of nutrient information and changes in macrophyte coverage over time. 7) Produce an underwater video that shows macrophyte and sediment conditions, fish habitat, and water clarity. 8) Prepare nutrient and suspendedsolids budgets for lake. 9) List alternative methods for water quality restoration. Cost effectiveness, permit requirements, and long term consequences of each lake and watershed management options will be included. 10) Prepare a lake and watershedmanagement plan. 11) Prepare a final report that includes work products 1 - 6 and 8 - 10 listed above. 12) Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter mailings, public meetings, local newspaper articles, poster displays, video program

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay

Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Water Quality Trend Monitoring & Macrophyte Sy: (1) Continue to conduct water quality sampling and analyses in 1996, 1998, and 2000 to determine any trends in Lake Noquebay. (2) Conduct an aquatic macrophyte survey; prepare a report and map. (3) Produce an educational video covering aquatic macrophyte communities, the harvesting program, lake front property management, and watershed management. (4) Prepare a final report addressing the results of the above tasks. (5) Disseminate information on the project results to the public by public meeting, newsletter, video program, local newspaper article, and poster display. The sponsor will provide the Department with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay

Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Comprehensive Management Plan: The Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District proposes to develop a Comprehensive Lake Managment Plan. Deliverables will characterize current water quality and develop goals; evaluate past NPs initiatives and ID opportunities; identify problems/needs of the lake management unit; characterize Aquatic Plant Community, develop APM goals, construct plant GIS layer, and ID management alternatives; review institutional watershed controls and develop recommendations; assess fish and wildlife habitat and ID critical habitat areas; develop AIS (aquatic invasive species) prevention plan and educational materials; and complete lake comprehensive plan document. This scope is intended as a summary; the more specific scope is provided in the grant application and does not supersede the specific scope elements described within the application.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay

Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Nutrient Study - Phase 1: Marinette County is sponsoring a project to investigate nutrient loading to Lake Noquebay, identify major nutrient sources, and evaluate the effect of various nutrient reductions scenarios on water quality, in the time span of Feb. 2018 \2013 Dec. 2020. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Marinette County\2019s Grant application dated December 8, 2017.

In lake water quality conditions will be investigated along with an evaluation of ground water and watershed nutrient loading. The first goal is to evaluate current water quality conditions in Lake Noquebay by conducting water quality monitoring during the 2018 field season to characterize current water quality conditions and measure physical properties of the water column. The data will be analyzed according to the DNR protocols under WisCALM and CLMN guidance. The second goal is to evaluate the external nutrient loading to Lake Noquebay. This will be performed by:

A) Conducting continuous flow monitoring on Smith Creek, Middle Inlet, Upper Inlet and the Outlet for use in watershed nutrient loading estimates and lake nutrient budgeting.
B) Monitoring nutrient concentrations in Smith Creek, Midddle Inlet, Upper Inlet, and ungauged tributaries for use in watershed loading estimates, water quality modeling, and evaluation of land use effects on nutrient loading.
C) Identifying zones of groundwater inflow and outflow and quantify groundwater loading
D) Monitoring nutrient concentrations in groundwater for use in groundwater loading estimates and lake nutrient budgeting.

Goal three consists of modeling external loading, creating a nutrient budget for Lake Noqeuebay and evaluating alternative load reduction strategies to protect the lake for future generations.

Special Conditions:
1) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting;
2) All CLMN shall be entered into the SWIMS database.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Noquebay

Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Nutrient Study - Phase Ii: The Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a project to determine the nutrient loading to Lake Noquebay, phase 2 of a previous project.

Project final deliverables include: all data collected, agendas and minutes for planning meetings, and a lake report that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion.

Specific project activities include: 1) Stream, groundwater, and in lake water quality monitoring 2) Stream flow and nutrient concentration monitoring 3) Date entry and analysis 4) Water quality modeling, alternatives analysis, and final report.

Special Conditions: 1) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 2) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database;

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Island Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little McCall Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Poche De Noche

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Wolf Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Long Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lost Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lower Middle Inlet

Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Comprehensive Management Plan: The Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District proposes to develop a Comprehensive Lake Managment Plan. Deliverables will characterize current water quality and develop goals; evaluate past NPs initiatives and ID opportunities; identify problems/needs of the lake management unit; characterize Aquatic Plant Community, develop APM goals, construct plant GIS layer, and ID management alternatives; review institutional watershed controls and develop recommendations; assess fish and wildlife habitat and ID critical habitat areas; develop AIS (aquatic invasive species) prevention plan and educational materials; and complete lake comprehensive plan document. This scope is intended as a summary; the more specific scope is provided in the grant application and does not supersede the specific scope elements described within the application.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
McCall Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Middle Inlet

Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Comprehensive Management Plan: The Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District proposes to develop a Comprehensive Lake Managment Plan. Deliverables will characterize current water quality and develop goals; evaluate past NPs initiatives and ID opportunities; identify problems/needs of the lake management unit; characterize Aquatic Plant Community, develop APM goals, construct plant GIS layer, and ID management alternatives; review institutional watershed controls and develop recommendations; assess fish and wildlife habitat and ID critical habitat areas; develop AIS (aquatic invasive species) prevention plan and educational materials; and complete lake comprehensive plan document. This scope is intended as a summary; the more specific scope is provided in the grant application and does not supersede the specific scope elements described within the application.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Moose Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Morgan Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mud Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Perch Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Poche De Noche

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Roosevelt Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Spies Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
The Outlet

Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Comprehensive Management Plan: The Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District proposes to develop a Comprehensive Lake Managment Plan. Deliverables will characterize current water quality and develop goals; evaluate past NPs initiatives and ID opportunities; identify problems/needs of the lake management unit; characterize Aquatic Plant Community, develop APM goals, construct plant GIS layer, and ID management alternatives; review institutional watershed controls and develop recommendations; assess fish and wildlife habitat and ID critical habitat areas; develop AIS (aquatic invasive species) prevention plan and educational materials; and complete lake comprehensive plan document. This scope is intended as a summary; the more specific scope is provided in the grant application and does not supersede the specific scope elements described within the application.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Un Spring

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Upper Inlet

Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District: Lake Noquebay Comprehensive Management Plan: The Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District proposes to develop a Comprehensive Lake Managment Plan. Deliverables will characterize current water quality and develop goals; evaluate past NPs initiatives and ID opportunities; identify problems/needs of the lake management unit; characterize Aquatic Plant Community, develop APM goals, construct plant GIS layer, and ID management alternatives; review institutional watershed controls and develop recommendations; assess fish and wildlife habitat and ID critical habitat areas; develop AIS (aquatic invasive species) prevention plan and educational materials; and complete lake comprehensive plan document. This scope is intended as a summary; the more specific scope is provided in the grant application and does not supersede the specific scope elements described within the application.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wolf Lake

Town Of Wausaukee: Town Of Wausaukee: The Town of Wausaukee proposes this first step project to develop a comprehensive land use plan. It will be used as a pilot project that will be applied to similar lakes in Marinette that have a low rate of second home development and that are located in areas that are very rural in nature. This project will collect and assess the types of social, physical and regulatory data that are available for the lakes and their watersheds. The project will identify deficiencies in data and make recommendations for additional data collection that will be the subject of future grant applications.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Newton Lake

Newton Lakes Property Owners Assn: Big Newton Lake Do Meter: The Newton Lake Property Owners Association proposes to purchase a meter and employ oxygen appraisal for Newton Lake. The deliverable will be employment of the meter for oxygen appraisals on the lake, while conforming to report standards for the regions CLMN network. The final report should include meter description, use schedule, and CLMN reporting documentation. The Department shall receive both paper and electronic PDF copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of the grantee's final payment request.

Monitoring & Projects

Projects including grants, restoration work and studies shown below have occurred in this watershed. Click the links below to read through the text. While these are not an exhaustive list of activities, they provide insight into the management activities happening in this watershed.

Grants and Management Projects
Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed


Review, revise and implement a Comprehensive Upper Green Bay Basin Fisheries Management Plan. This plan will include the following component plans. (Partner priority no. 5) 1. A revised Oconto River Fisheries Management Plan. Use this plan to implement and direct fisheries activities on the Oconto River system. (Partner priority no. 5) 2. A revised Menominee River Fisheries Management Plan. Use this plan to implement and direct fisheries activities on the Menominee River system. (Partner priority no. 5) 3. Incorporate the Lake Michigan Comprehensive Fisheries Management Plan. (Partner priority no. 5) 4. Develop and implement a Peshtigo River Fisheries Management Plan. (Partner Priority no. 5)
Continue to implement sound forestry practices on public and private lands to ensure a sustainable yield of forest products, a sound timber recovery, a variety of recreational opportunities, protection of waterways and optimum habitat for a variety of wildlife species.
Target the west shore of Green Bay as a high priority for habitat protection. Complete feasibility analysis and planning process for the Western Shore of Green Bay Coastal Zone Habitat Restoration Area. (Partner priorities nos. 1,2a, 5,7,10)
Implement the fifty year acquisition/protection study recommendations identified as “Land Legacy projects” by and for the Upper Green Bay Basin. (Partner priorities nos. 1,5,6)
Increase emphasis on Water Regulation and Zoning efforts. (Partner Priorities nos. 1,2b, 5,7,9)
Increase participation on regional Land Use Team, develop expertise in “Smart Growth” program, and work more closely with municipalities to promote wise land use and zoning. (Partner priorities nos. 1,2,3,5,6, 7,9,10)
A revised Oconto River Fisheries Management Plan. Use this plan to implement and direct fisheries activities on the Oconto River system. (Partner priority no. 5)
Complete Master Planning process for Governor Tommy G. Thompson Centennial State Park. Implement master plan as resources become available. (Partnerpriorities nos. 2b,3,5,6)
Increase emphasis on educational initiatives through routine activities and special projects, e.g. work with UW Extension, sportsman's groups, schools, the Citizens Natural Resource Academy, and other stakeholder groups. (Partner priority no. 2b)
Develop recommendations for certain water bodies in watershed and determine the status of beaver dams on many of the water bodies listed in the 2000 tables.


TOP TEN PARTNERSHIP PRIORITIES 1.Shoreline Development 2.Non-Point Source Pollution and Resource Education (tied) 3.User Conflicts 4.Special Interests, Money and Politics 5.Habitat Loss and Fragmentation of Habitat 6.Retaining the Rural Character of the Northwoods 7.Impacts of Human Population Growth 8.Industrial and Municipal Discharges to Surface Waters 9.Inadequate Zoning and Zoning Enforcement 10.Lack of Comprehensive Land Use Planning and Mechanisms to Guide Implementation
Watershed Recommendations
Aquatic Plant Management Project
Lower Middle Inlet: Protect emergent vegetation, no aquatic plant harvest, and recommend no-wake zone.
Aquatic Plant Management Project
North-central side of Lake Noquebay: aquatic vegetation removal allowed only to maintain a 30 foot navigational channel to docks. Do not remove fallen trees along shoreline.
Best Management Practices, Implement
Marinette County Manure Storage
This project is a landowner installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: a manure storage system; a barnyard runoff control system; and roofing.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Marinette County Manure Management
This project is a landowner installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: a manure storage system; a barnyard runoff control system; and roofing.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Marinette County Manure Management
This project is a landowner installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: a manure storage system; a barnyard runoff control system; and a waste transfer system.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Marinette County Manure Management Project
This project is a landowner installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: a manure storage system, a milking center waste control system, and a feed storage runoff control system.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Marinette County Manure Management Project
This project is a landowner installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: a manure storage system and a feed storage runoff control system to address the following NR 151 Agricultural Performance Standards and Prohibitions: manure storage facilities-new/significant alterations, process wastewater handling, and remedy discharges of manure, sediment and phosphorus in runoff.
In Progress
Citizen-Based Stream Monitoring
Continue to promote the citizen monitoring programs including monitoring for AIS and clean boat/clean water program.
Dam Safety or Removal
Remove dams and improve the associated stream habitat where sport fisheries and aquatic diversity can be improved and the local communities are willing partners.
Habitat Restoration - Instream
Identify and investigate the causes of habitat loss or impairment and take corrective actions in the Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed.
Habitat Restoration - Instream
Inventory and repair culverts and other road and stream crossings that impede fish movement.
Information and Education
Educate the public concerning shoreline preservation and restoration.
Information and Education
Continue and strengthen educational programs to address aquatic resource issues within the Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed.
Information and Education
Educate the public concerning AIS and ways to reduce the spread of these via human activities.
Information and Education
Encourage landowners to follow storm water management plans and erosion control ordinances, etc.
Information and Education
Inform the public of habitat loss and the impacts of those losses upon fish and wildlife populations, water quality, flood control and the quality of life.
Information and Education
Initiate efforts to help prevent the spread of zebra mussels to other waters from Lake Noquebay and help prevent future introductions of new AIS to the lake via Clean Boats, Clean Waters programs.
Lake Management Plan Implementation
Investigate the cause for the upward phosphorus trend in Lake Noquebay and implement practices to stabilize that increasing trend.
Lakes Planning Grant
Consider developing lake plans to deal with future issues threatening the water quality in Newton Lakes. The Newton Lake Properties Association could amend their by-laws to be eligible for sponsoring lake grants from the State program.
Lakes Planning Grant
Promote AIS control and whole lake management planning with the use of the State AIS control grant and lake planning grant programs.
Lakes Protection Grant
Further investigate phosphorus trends in Lake Noquebay and develop solutions to stabilize the phosphorus trend. A lake protection grant from the State could be used to fund the investigation and implement solutions.
Monitor Fish Community
Older data (1990s), should monitored for fisheries trout data (is a class I trout stream)
Monitor Fish Community
Conduct macroinvertebrate surveys and fish surveys on Upper Inlet.
Monitor Invasive Species
Control or strive to contain AIS infestations in water bodies that have been determined to be detrimental according to NR40. Identify the populations, establish a target level, and reduce them to that level if feasible.
Monitor Invasive Species
Develop an AIS Prevention, Monitoring and Management Plan for future use on Newton Lakes.
Monitor Targeted Area
Monitor fish, macro invertebrate and water quality in Peterman Brook to determine if the stream is meeting the classified biological use.
Monitor Targeted Area
Implement a monitoring strategy in the Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed to provide adequate information on the status and trends in the fishery and impact of management actions.
Monitor Targeted Area
Develop a detailed nutrient budget for Lake Noquebay to guide phosphorus reduction efforts. This effort would include monitoring nutrient inputs and flow on all of the lake’s tributaries, nutrient export and flow at the outlet, and tracking lake water quality and phosphorus release rates from the sediment.
Monitor Targeted Area
Inventory the septic systems around Lake Noquebay to determine the potential for inadequate system contributions to the phosphorus loading to the lake. Monitor water quality on a regular basis to track changes and evaluate management efforts. This could be done by using the citizen monitoring program.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Peterman Brook GB07 Monitor
Conduct temperature monitoring and fish surveys in mid to upper reaches of Peterman Brook to verify natural community and trout stream classification
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Peterman Brook temperature and fish surveys
Conduct temperature monitoring and fish surveys in mid to upper reaches of Peterman Brook to verify natural community and trout stream classification
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Monitor reaches of Peterman Brook for temp and fish
Conduct temperature monitoring and fish surveys in mid to upper reaches of Peterman Brook to verify natural community and trout stream classification.
Monitor Watershed (Status,Sources,Impairments)
Locate, identify and prioritize degraded habitat areas on the watershed’s trout streams and other sport fisheries for future restoration and improvement activities.
Monitor or Assess Watershed Condition
Identify and protect critical habitat in Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed through basin planning and monitoring processes in concert with local citizens and partners.
Natural Areas Protection
Southeastern shore of Lake Noquebay: Aquatic vegetation harvest allowed only to maintain a 30 foot navigational channel to docks.
Natural Areas Protection
East Island: No alteration of littoral zone unless to improve spawning habitat. Aquatic vegetation removal allowed only to maintain a 30 foot navigational channel to docks.
Natural Areas Protection
Southwest end of the lake along a channelized area- Recommendations include: Aquatic vegetation harvest allowed only to maintain a 30 foot navigational channel to the docks. Protect wetland habitat.
Natural Areas Protection
Protection of area surrounding a small island in the southwest section of Lake Noquebay. Recommendations include: Do not remove fallen trees along shoreline, no alteration of littoral zone unless to improve spawning habitat, Aquatic vegetation harvest allowed only to maintain a 30 foot navigational channel to docks. Potential walleye spawning habitat.
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
Continue to work with local units of government and riparian owners to further protect shorelands and manage shoreline development to protect habitat and water quality.
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
Middle Inlet habitat conservation recommendations: no removal of fallen trees along shoreline, maintain current habitat, maintain snag trees / cavity trees, and protect emergent vegetation
Restore Wetlands
Identify and prioritize wetlands as critical habitat areas in need of protection, restoration, and enhancement within the watershed.
Review, Update Use Designation
Update County shoreland zoning rules to meet the revisions promulgated in NR 115 and enforce the most current and appropriate shoreland zoning rules.
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Identify and implement strategies to buffer the effects of nonpoint source pollution impacting water quality and critical habitat in the watershed.
Urban Growth Planning
Comprehensive Land Use Planning and Mechanisms to Guide Implementation: First, promote wise land use planning and address those concerns associated with urban sprawl. Second, encourage implementation and updating of “Smart Growth” land use plans. Lastly, encourage land use consideration in areas where drinking water well head protection is important.
Water Quality Planning
Encourage the continuation of the AIS coordinator position at the county level or the elements of that position at the County level
Water Quality Planning
Work with towns, villages and counties to have them utilize their regulatory jurisdictions to promote sound land use planning, e.g. protect critical wetlands habitats.
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Implement a monitoring strategy in the Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay Watershed to provide adequate information on the status and trends in the fishery and impact of management actions.
Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay WatershedWater Plans and PartnershipsRead the Watershed Plan

A watershed plan has been updated for this watershed in 2010 and is now available for review.

Date  2010

Watershed History Note

Lake Noquebay is the largest lake in the Middle Inlet and Lake Noquebay watershed. The lake covers more than 2,400 acres in Marinette County in northeastern Wisconsin. The name, Noquebay, as in Bay de Noc, is the French name for a sub-tribe of Menomunik Native Americans, predecessors of the Menominee. Very likely, this group inhabited the shores well before the arrival of white settlers. Although little has been written about the Lake Noquebay area in early years, archeologists have found remains of a Native American camp and burials near the east end of the lake, and the remnants of a mound on the outlet river. Lake Noquebay, or Noque, as locals often call it, has been a prime section of real estate in Marinette County since the mid 1800s. Lumbering and then farming were the occupations of most early settlers. It appears wild rice was harvested there before the 1900s. No doubt, fishing and hunting rounded out the diets of settlers. The lake is a drainage lake, with water draining from Lake Mary, through Lake Julia and finally into Lake Noquebay. Three other small creeks, named Upper Inlet, Middle Inlet and Lower Inlet Creek, also add their volume to the lake. The only outlet, named Outlet Creek, flows into the Peshtigo River not far downstream. Originally, the lake was three interconnected lakes, separated by barely submerged weed beds and sandbars part of the year. In 1929, an earthen dam was constructed across the outlet creek, raising the water level so the lakes became one continuous body of water. The result is a large lake, with a sandy bottom and gradually sloping floor, making it ideal for swimming at the County Park on the south shore. Small resorts have held residence on the shores and a few still remain, providing rental cottages to families and fishermen.

Date  2010