Watershed - Dell Creek (LW26)
Dell Creek Watershed


The Dell Creek watershed lies in northeastern Sauk County and southern Juneau County. The watershed is hilly with intensive agriculture. Seasonally, the communities and sights in the watershed draw a tremendous amount of tourists during the year, particularly in the summer months. Overall, broad-leaf deciduous vegetation covers the largest percentage of the watershed, but agricultural land use and grasslands cover a good portion of the watershed as well. The watershed is threatened by both urban and rural sources of nonpoint pollution. Intense commercial development pressure in the Wisconsin Dells and Lake Delton tourist area has an effect on the resources in the watershed. In addition to this development pressure, the watershed is also susceptible to nonpoint sources of pollution, particularly from erosion. The land and wildlife resources of the watershed are also potentially impacted by urban and rural land uses. The Dell Creek Watershed contains a secondary landscape that is a priority site for grassland bird management in the basin. This site, located in the Mirror Lake Barrens including the Van Zelst Barrens and Mirror Lake State Park. Within these landscapes are priority grassland habitats for managing grassland birds. The Mirror Lake Barrens have conifer barrens, dry old field, and upland shrub. The Van Zelst Barrens and Mirror Lake State Park contain conifer barrens, and sand prairie (goat prairie). The Van Zelst Barrens also contains dry old field habitat.

Date  2002

Population, Land Use

The overall annual population of the watershed for 2000 was estimated to be around 7,000 people. Population growth in the municipalities during the 1990's was the highest in Lake Delton, which experienced over 30% population growth.

Date  2002

Nonpoint and Point Sources

A priority watershed nonpoint source pollution abatement project to address this issue was initiated in the watershed in 1995 and is expected to run through 2008. The Wisconsin DNR currently owns a good portion of the stream corridors in the watershed so the project will focus on improving barnyards and reducing bank erosion on tributary streams. By the third year of the project, 2000, only 10% of the eligible landowners had signed up for improvements. By 2000, 40% of the barnyard improvement goal had already been installed. In addition, some other problem yards are no longer in operation. Most of the watershed located in Sauk County is also in an atrazine prohibition area. These areas indicate that elevated levels of atrazine, an herbicide used on corn, has been found in some tested private water wells. Soils are permeable which has allowed atrazine to reach groundwater in some locations. There are three permitted point source discharges in the watershed; the Lyndon Station Wastewater Treatment Plant which discharges to Lyndon Creek and Christmas Mountain Resort and Arrowhead Resort which both discharge to groundwater.

Date  2002

Ecological Landscapes for Dell Creek Watershed

Ecological Landscapes

The Dell Creek Watershed is located in two ecological landscapes: the Western Coulee and Ridges and the Central Sand Plains. The Western Coulee and Ridges Ecological Landscape in southwestern and west central Wisconsin is characterized by its highly eroded, driftless topography and relatively extensive forested landscape. Soils are silt loams (loess) and sandy loams over sandstone residuum over dolomite. Several large rivers including the Wisconsin, Mississippi, Chippewa, Kickapoo and Black flow through or border the Ecological Landscape. Historical vegetation consisted of southern hardwood forests, oak savanna, scattered prairies, and floodplain forests and marshes along the major rivers. With Euro-American settlement, most of the land on ridgetops and valley bottoms was cleared of oak savanna, prairie, and level forest for agriculture. The steep slopes between valley bottom and ridgetop, unsuitable for raising crops, grew into oak-dominated forests after the ubiquitous presettlement wildfires were suppressed. Current vegetation is a mix of forest (40%), agriculture, and grassland with some wetlands in the river valleys. The primary forest cover is oak-hickory (51%) dominated by oak species and shagbark hickory. Maple-basswood forests (28%), dominated by sugar maple, basswood and red maple, are common in areas that were not subjected to repeated presettlement wildfires. Bottomland hardwoods (10%) are common in the valley bottoms of major rivers and are dominated by silver maple, ashes, elms, cottonwood, and red maple. Relict conifer forests including white pine, hemlock and yellow birch are a rarer natural community in the cooler, steep, north slope microclimates. The Central Sand Plains Ecological Landscape, located in central Wisconsin, occurs on a flat, sandy lake plain, and supports agriculture, forestry, recreation, and wildlife management. The Ecological Landscape formed in and around what was once Glacial Lake Wisconsin, which contained glacial meltwater extending over 1.1 million acres at its highest stage. Soils are primarily sandy lake deposits, some with silt-loam loess caps. Sandstone buttes carved by rapid drainage of the glacial lake, or by wave action when they existed as islands in the lake, are distinctive features of this landscape. The historic vegetation of the area included extensive wetlands of many types, including open bogs, shrub swamps, and sedge meadows. Prairies, oak forests, savannas and barrens also occurred in the Ecological Landscape. An area of more mesic forest with white pine and hemlock was found in the northwest portion, including a significant pinery in eastern Jackson County. Today, nearly half of the Ecological Landscape is nonforested, in agriculture and grassland. Most of the historic wetlands were drained early in the 1900s and are now used for vegetable cropping. The forested portion is mostly oak-dominated forest, followed by aspen and pines. A minor portion is maple-basswood forest and lowland hardwoods. The Dell Creek Watershed also has a variety of other good quality habitats and rare plant communities that are listed on the state's Natural Heritage Inventory, (NHI), kept by the Bureau of Endangered Resources. The communities found in the watershed include: dry cliff, dry prairie, alder thicket, emergent aquatic, hemlock relict, floodplain forest, moist cliff, northern dry forest, northern dry-mesic forest, pine relict, sand barrens, sand meadow, northern sedge meadow, northern wet forest, shrub-carr, southern sedge meadow, springs and spring runs, hard, springs and spring runs, soft, southern dry forest, southern dry-mesic forest, southern mesic forest, stream-fast,hard, cold, and white pine-red maple.

Date  2002

Recreational Opportunities

The Mirror Lake State Park is found in the watershed just southwest of Lake Delton on Dell Creek. Dell Creek State Wildlife Area is approximately 2,125 acres and located northeast of Reedsburg. The wildlife area offers opportunities to trout fish and hike. The Gilmore and Hulbert State Fishery Areas are also in the watershed.

Date  2002

Wildlife and Habitat

The watershed is also home for a variety of rare plant and animal species including; 8 species of birds, 4 species of butterflies, 2 species of beetles, 5 species of dragonflies, 6 species of fish, 1 species of frog, 1 species of lizard, 7 species of mussels, and 29 species of plants. These plants and animals are also listed on the state's Natural Heritage Inventory.

Date  2002

Watershed Documents
Watershed Grants
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Dell Creek

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan Update: The Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring a project to update their Aquatic Plant Management Plan.

Activities: 1) Conduct aquatic plant point-intercept survey 2) Conduct community mapping of emergent and floating-leaf plants 3) General summarization of water quality data

Deliverables: 1) Final project reporting 2) APM Plan update 3) Aquatic plant PI data provided in excel format

Conditions: 1) All monitoring shall follow DNR protocols 2) Invite DNR Biologist to management plan development meetings

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan Update: The Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring a project to update their Aquatic Plant Management Plan.

Activities: 1) Conduct aquatic plant point-intercept survey 2) Conduct community mapping of emergent and floating-leaf plants 3) General summarization of water quality data

Deliverables: 1) Final project reporting 2) APM Plan update 3) Aquatic plant PI data provided in excel format

Conditions: 1) All monitoring shall follow DNR protocols 2) Invite DNR Biologist to management plan development meetings

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Dell Creek

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2014: Mirror Lake Management District will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 1 public access in 2014.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Dell Creek

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake 2015 Clean Boats Clean Wates Project: The Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring a 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters project at one public boat landing on Mirror Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Dell Creek

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Management District 2016 Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at one public boat landing on Mirror Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Dell Creek

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Management District 2018 Cbcw: Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2018 at 0 single public boat landings and 1 public boat landing pairs on MIRROR LAKE.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Dell Creek

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Management District 2019 Cbcw: Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2019 at 0 single public boat landings and 1 public boat landing pairs on MIRROR LAKE (STATE PARK, TOWN OF DELTON).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Dell Creek

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Management District 2020 Cbcw: Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 0 single public boat landings and 1 public boat landing pairs on MIRROR LAKE (STATE PARK, TOWN OF DELTON).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2014: Mirror Lake Management District will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 1 public access in 2014.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake 2015 Clean Boats Clean Wates Project: The Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring a 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters project at one public boat landing on Mirror Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Management District 2016 Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at one public boat landing on Mirror Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Management District 2018 Cbcw: Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2018 at 0 single public boat landings and 1 public boat landing pairs on MIRROR LAKE.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Management District 2019 Cbcw: Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2019 at 0 single public boat landings and 1 public boat landing pairs on MIRROR LAKE (STATE PARK, TOWN OF DELTON).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Management District 2020 Cbcw: Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 0 single public boat landings and 1 public boat landing pairs on MIRROR LAKE (STATE PARK, TOWN OF DELTON).

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Amey Pond

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Amey Pond

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Amey Pond

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Arkdale Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Arkdale Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Arkdale Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Arkdale Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Ordinance Imple. Assistance: The Adams County Land and Water Conservation Department proposes to facilitate revision of the county's Shoreland Protection Ordinance and to train a LWCD staff person to work with shoreland property owners to establish shoreland buffers and other practices necessary to comply with the new shoreland ordinance. Major project elements to include: 1) Staff training, 2) Outreach and counsulting to shoreland property owners, 3) Development of shoreline restoration plans and agreements, 4) Installation oversight, and 5) Update of the county's Riparian Buffer GIS layer to track practice installation.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Big Roche A Cri Creek

Adams County: Res-Castle Rock Restoration: Adams County proposes to provide up to 75% of the cost of shoreland restoration practices to lake front property owners on Castle Rock Lake. Grant funds will be distributed to fund removal of sea walls, minor bank re-shaping, placement of rip-rap, establishment of vegetative buffers and implementation of individual stormwater management plans.

Special Conditions: 1) Space between rip-rap to be filled with soil and vegetated to facilitate successful access of turtle hatchlings to water. Lupine seed to be of a wild variety compatible with Karner Blue butterflies. 2) Permits to be secured by individual property owners prior to construction.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Big Roche A Cri Creek

Adams County: Res-Big Roche-A-Cri Restoration 2: Adams County proposes to provide up to 75% of the cost of shoreland restoration practices to lake front property owners with highly erodable shorelines on Big Roche-a-Cri Lake. Grant funds will be distributed to the property owners to install shoreline protection, riparian buffers and stormwater management practices.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Big Roche A Cri Creek

Adams County: Lco-Adams Ordinance Imple. Assistance: The Adams County Land and Water Conservation Department proposes to facilitate revision of the county's Shoreland Protection Ordinance and to train a LWCD staff person to work with shoreland property owners to establish shoreland buffers and other practices necessary to comply with the new shoreland ordinance. Major project elements to include: 1) Staff training, 2) Outreach and counsulting to shoreland property owners, 3) Development of shoreline restoration plans and agreements, 4) Installation oversight, and 5) Update of the county's Riparian Buffer GIS layer to track practice installation.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Big Roche a Cri

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Big Roche a Cri

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Big Roche a Cri

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Big Roche a Cri

Adams County: Res-Big Roche-A-Cri Restoration 2: Adams County proposes to provide up to 75% of the cost of shoreland restoration practices to lake front property owners with highly erodable shorelines on Big Roche-a-Cri Lake. Grant funds will be distributed to the property owners to install shoreline protection, riparian buffers and stormwater management practices.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Big Spring Pond

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Big Spring Pond

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Big Spring Pond

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Camelot Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Camelot Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Camelot Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Camelot Lake

Adams County: Res-Camelot Lake Restoration: Adams Co. proposes to establish four shoreline protection/restoration sites for demonstration purposes on Camelot Lake, and to cost share on similar practices on 27 privately owned parcels. Major project elements include: 1) riprap and anchored log shoreline stabalization, 2) establishment and maintenance of 35' vegetated buffer strips, 3) stormwater management planning and implementation for structures.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Castle Rock Ditch

Adams County: Res-Adams Ord. Imp. 2: Adams County proposes to provide educational and technical assistance to the public and Adams County lake organizations for the installation of shoreline buffers on waterways so they comply with the Admas County Shorland, Wetland, and Habitat Protection Ordinance. Major project elements to include: a) outreach and education, b) review of plans, designs, and maintenance agreements, c) development of plans, designs, and agreements, d) inventory of public access points on all project waterways. Project will include notification of riparian property whose property is in conformance with the buffer standard and that the buffer must stay in compliance with the buffer standard. Signed maintenance agreements must be kept on record by Adams County.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Castle Rock Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Castle Rock Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Castle Rock Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Castle Rock Lake

Adams County: Res-Castle Rock Restoration: Adams County proposes to provide up to 75% of the cost of shoreland restoration practices to lake front property owners on Castle Rock Lake. Grant funds will be distributed to fund removal of sea walls, minor bank re-shaping, placement of rip-rap, establishment of vegetative buffers and implementation of individual stormwater management plans.

Special Conditions: 1) Space between rip-rap to be filled with soil and vegetated to facilitate successful access of turtle hatchlings to water. Lupine seed to be of a wild variety compatible with Karner Blue butterflies. 2) Permits to be secured by individual property owners prior to construction.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Castle Rock Lake

Adams County: Res-Adams Ord. Imp. 2: Adams County proposes to provide educational and technical assistance to the public and Adams County lake organizations for the installation of shoreline buffers on waterways so they comply with the Admas County Shorland, Wetland, and Habitat Protection Ordinance. Major project elements to include: a) outreach and education, b) review of plans, designs, and maintenance agreements, c) development of plans, designs, and agreements, d) inventory of public access points on all project waterways. Project will include notification of riparian property whose property is in conformance with the buffer standard and that the buffer must stay in compliance with the buffer standard. Signed maintenance agreements must be kept on record by Adams County.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Castle Rock Lake

Adams County: Res-Adams Ord. Imp. 2: Adams County proposes to provide educational and technical assistance to the public and Adams County lake organizations for the installation of shoreline buffers on waterways so they comply with the Admas County Shorland, Wetland, and Habitat Protection Ordinance. Major project elements to include: a) outreach and education, b) review of plans, designs, and maintenance agreements, c) development of plans, designs, and agreements, d) inventory of public access points on all project waterways. Project will include notification of riparian property whose property is in conformance with the buffer standard and that the buffer must stay in compliance with the buffer standard. Signed maintenance agreements must be kept on record by Adams County.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Crooked Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Crooked Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Crooked Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Deep Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Deep Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Deep Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Dell Creek

Mirror Lake Management District: Res - Mirror Lake - Erosion Mitigation: The Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring an erosion mitigation project on two gullies of Mirror Lake.

Project final deliverables include:
A written report of documenting the project activities with before and after installment pictures of the stone gabion baskets and down-gradient stabilization projects. The written report will outline the operation and maintenance schedule for the gabion baskets.

Specific project activities include:

The project will result in two stone gabion structures being installed to stabilize two gullies causing significant erosion into Mirror Lake. The area down-gradient of the gabion structures will be stabilized using NRCS standards. An operation and maintenance plan will be created for the project.

Special Conditions:
All permits must be issued before construction, and all regulatory requirements apply. The project will require a standard Operation and Maintenance agreement of 20 years.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Dell Creek

Sauk County: Hlr - Sauk County Healthy Lakes & Rivers 2024: Partnering with property owners, Sauk County is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Delton Lake

Sauk County: Hlr - Sauk County Healthy Lakes & Rivers 2024: Partnering with property owners, Sauk County is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Devils Lake

Friends Of Devil'S Lake State Park: Res-Of Devil'S Lake By Bottom Water Withdrawl: Friends of Devil's Lake State Park, Inc. will construct and begin operating a siphon pipe system for the purpose of withdrawing P-rich bottom water from Devil's Lake over approximately a 15-year period.

A full description of the project scope and project deliverables is available in the grant application, which is a part of this aggreement.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant appllication.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Devils Lake

Friends Of Devil'S Lake State Park: Lmi-Devil'S Lake Bottom Withdrawal Pipe Alterations: The Friends of Devil's Lake State Park propose this project to reconstruct the siphon pipe system at Devil's Lake State Park, Sauk County, by lowering the portion of the siphon that is above the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) lake level so that the pipe will flow as a gravity feed flow system whenever the lake level is above the OHWM. This entails digging up about 900' of the pipe, and lowering the highest point. An additional butterfly flow valve will be installed to provide control of the pipe for safety and operational purposes. Deliverables of this project will be a brief final report documenting that the project was completed, including photos of the project during construction.

Special condition: The Sponsor agrees to abide by the "Conditions of Approval" contained in the Chapter 30 Regulated Activities manual code approval issued by the Department of Natural Resources on 6/6/06.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Dorro Couche Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Dorro Couche Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Dorro Couche Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Dutch Hollow Creek

Sauk County: Hlr - Sauk County Healthy Lakes & Rivers 2024: Partnering with property owners, Sauk County is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Dutch Hollow Lake

Sauk County: Hlr - Sauk County Healthy Lakes & Rivers 2024: Partnering with property owners, Sauk County is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Easton Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Easton Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Easton Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Fawn Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Fawn Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Fawn Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Fenner Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Fenner Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Fenner Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Fourteenmile Creek

Adams County: Lco-Shoreland Ordinance Rev.: Adams County proposes to amend or create a shoreland zoning ordinance that complies with the requirements of NR 115, Wisconsin Administrative Code (as revised effective February 1, 2010) and retain existing regulations that exceed the water resource protections of NR 115 or are specific or unique to local needs.

Project deliverables include: 1. Copies of any fact sheets or handouts created for public hearings. 2. A summary of the comments received at public hearings. 3. A certified copy of the County Board-approved updated shoreland ordinance or ordinance language (if integrated into other codes). 4. Any GIS maps of the shoreland zone or shoreland condition surveys related to the project.

Specific conditions for this Project: 1. The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports or surveys generated as a result of this project.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Fourteenmile Creek

Adams County: Lmi-Tri-Lakes Nutrient Mgmt. Plan: Adams County proposes to develop nutrient management plans for 4,470 acres of crop land within the Tri-Lakes Watershed. Major project elements to include: a) outreach to landowners, b) development of nutrient management plans, c) weekly water sampling, d) water quality analysis, and e) cost share payments.

Amended 1/22/15 to include installation of wind breaks, filter streps, residue and tillage management, and planting cover crops.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Friendship Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Friendship Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Friendship Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Goose Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Goose Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Goose Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Hill Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Hill Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Hill Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Jordan Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Jordan Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Jordan Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Klein Creek

Adams County: Res-Castle Rock Restoration: Adams County proposes to provide up to 75% of the cost of shoreland restoration practices to lake front property owners on Castle Rock Lake. Grant funds will be distributed to fund removal of sea walls, minor bank re-shaping, placement of rip-rap, establishment of vegetative buffers and implementation of individual stormwater management plans.

Special Conditions: 1) Space between rip-rap to be filled with soil and vegetated to facilitate successful access of turtle hatchlings to water. Lupine seed to be of a wild variety compatible with Karner Blue butterflies. 2) Permits to be secured by individual property owners prior to construction.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Arrowhead

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Arrowhead

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Arrowhead

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Arrowhead

Adams County: Lco-Shoreland Ordinance Rev.: Adams County proposes to amend or create a shoreland zoning ordinance that complies with the requirements of NR 115, Wisconsin Administrative Code (as revised effective February 1, 2010) and retain existing regulations that exceed the water resource protections of NR 115 or are specific or unique to local needs.

Project deliverables include: 1. Copies of any fact sheets or handouts created for public hearings. 2. A summary of the comments received at public hearings. 3. A certified copy of the County Board-approved updated shoreland ordinance or ordinance language (if integrated into other codes). 4. Any GIS maps of the shoreland zone or shoreland condition surveys related to the project.

Specific conditions for this Project: 1. The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports or surveys generated as a result of this project.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Arrowhead

Adams County: Lmi-Tri-Lakes Nutrient Mgmt. Plan: Adams County proposes to develop nutrient management plans for 4,470 acres of crop land within the Tri-Lakes Watershed. Major project elements to include: a) outreach to landowners, b) development of nutrient management plans, c) weekly water sampling, d) water quality analysis, and e) cost share payments.

Amended 1/22/15 to include installation of wind breaks, filter streps, residue and tillage management, and planting cover crops.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Redstone

Sauk County: Hlr - Sauk County Healthy Lakes & Rivers 2024: Partnering with property owners, Sauk County is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Sherwood

Adams County: Lco-Lakes Camelot/Sherwood Shoreland Zoning Audit: Adams County proposes to conduct a shoreline zoning audit of Lakes Camelot and Sherwood for the purposes of identification of suspected violations of the Adams County shoreline protection ordinance, establsihment of a current record of all current shoreland uses, and establishing a baseline for the assessment of the effectiveness of permitting and enforcement processes. Project activities will include the location and diagramming of structures within 75 feet of the ordinary highway mark, follow-up questionnaires, file review and the development of a public education on the importance of the shoreline protection ordinance.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Sherwood

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Sherwood

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Sherwood

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Wisconsin

Town Of Lodi: Acq-Lake Wisconsin Okee Community Park Land Acquisition: The Town of Lodi proposes to acquire 8.5 acres of land in the Okee Bay area of Lake Wisconsin for recreational opportunities and lake protection. Eligible costs include acquisition of the parcel, appraisal fee and preparation of an environmental assessment.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Wisconsin

Town Of Merrimac: Acq-Clingman Property Land Acquisition: The Town of Merrimac will purchase the Clingman Property on Lake Wisconsin in the County of Sauk (approx. 15.1 acres). The Town of Merrimac will comply with the approved Regional Management Plan.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Wisconsin

Sauk County: Hlr - Sauk County Healthy Lakes & Rivers 2024: Partnering with property owners, Sauk County is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lemonweir River

Juneau County: Lco-Shoreland Ordinance Rev.: Juneau County proposes to amend or create a shoreland zoning ordinance that complies with the requirements of NR 115, Wisconsin Administrative Code (as revised effective February 1, 2010) and retain existing regulations that exceed the water resource protections of NR 115 or are specific or unique to local needs.

Project deliverables include: 1. Copies of any fact sheets or handouts created for public hearings. 2. A summary of the comments received at public hearings. 3. A certified copy of the County Board-approved updated shoreland ordinance or ordinance language (if integrated into other codes). 4. Any GIS maps of the shoreland zone or shoreland condition surveys related to the project.

Specific conditions for this Project: The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports or surveys generated as a result of this project.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lemonweir River -Un Oxbow

Juneau County: Lco-Shoreland Ordinance Rev.: Juneau County proposes to amend or create a shoreland zoning ordinance that complies with the requirements of NR 115, Wisconsin Administrative Code (as revised effective February 1, 2010) and retain existing regulations that exceed the water resource protections of NR 115 or are specific or unique to local needs.

Project deliverables include: 1. Copies of any fact sheets or handouts created for public hearings. 2. A summary of the comments received at public hearings. 3. A certified copy of the County Board-approved updated shoreland ordinance or ordinance language (if integrated into other codes). 4. Any GIS maps of the shoreland zone or shoreland condition surveys related to the project.

Specific conditions for this Project: The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports or surveys generated as a result of this project.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Little Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Little Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Little Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Little Roche A Cri Creek

Adams County: Res-Castle Rock Restoration: Adams County proposes to provide up to 75% of the cost of shoreland restoration practices to lake front property owners on Castle Rock Lake. Grant funds will be distributed to fund removal of sea walls, minor bank re-shaping, placement of rip-rap, establishment of vegetative buffers and implementation of individual stormwater management plans.

Special Conditions: 1) Space between rip-rap to be filled with soil and vegetated to facilitate successful access of turtle hatchlings to water. Lupine seed to be of a wild variety compatible with Karner Blue butterflies. 2) Permits to be secured by individual property owners prior to construction.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Little Yellow River

Adams County: Res-Castle Rock Restoration: Adams County proposes to provide up to 75% of the cost of shoreland restoration practices to lake front property owners on Castle Rock Lake. Grant funds will be distributed to fund removal of sea walls, minor bank re-shaping, placement of rip-rap, establishment of vegetative buffers and implementation of individual stormwater management plans.

Special Conditions: 1) Space between rip-rap to be filled with soil and vegetated to facilitate successful access of turtle hatchlings to water. Lupine seed to be of a wild variety compatible with Karner Blue butterflies. 2) Permits to be secured by individual property owners prior to construction.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mason Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mason Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mason Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
McCall Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
McCall Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
McCall Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
McDougall Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
McDougall Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
McDougall Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
McGinnis Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
McGinnis Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
McGinnis Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake Management District: Res - Mirror Lake - Erosion Mitigation: The Mirror Lake Management District is sponsoring an erosion mitigation project on two gullies of Mirror Lake.

Project final deliverables include:
A written report of documenting the project activities with before and after installment pictures of the stone gabion baskets and down-gradient stabilization projects. The written report will outline the operation and maintenance schedule for the gabion baskets.

Specific project activities include:

The project will result in two stone gabion structures being installed to stabilize two gullies causing significant erosion into Mirror Lake. The area down-gradient of the gabion structures will be stabilized using NRCS standards. An operation and maintenance plan will be created for the project.

Special Conditions:
All permits must be issued before construction, and all regulatory requirements apply. The project will require a standard Operation and Maintenance agreement of 20 years.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Sauk County: Hlr - Sauk County Healthy Lakes & Rivers 2024: Partnering with property owners, Sauk County is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Park Lake

Columbia County: Lmi-Tmdl Development-Phase Ii-Park Lake: Columbia County Land and Water Conservation Department will conduct phase 2 of its TMDL development program for Park Lake. This phase will focus on continued monitoring along with the use of a graduate student to conduct water quality modeling to allow for final development of a TMDL for Park Lake, a 303(d) listed lake. The objectives of this study are to quantify P export from the watershed, and link water quality with nutrient loss from the land. Project deliverables include 1) monitoring of wetland effectiveness by measuring upstream and downstream flow and concentration; 2) Field-scale Snap-Plus and watershed-scale modeling; 3) simulating water quality changes caused by wetlands in this watershed using Army Corp PRE-WET model; 4) continuation of water quality monitoring/data collection along with targeting water sample collection adjacent to wetlands; 5) information/education efforts throughout project; and 6) compilation, documentation, and recommendations of findings. Education efforts include a news release, providing updates and final presentation through regular and annual meetings of the Lake District.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Parker Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Parker Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Parker Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Parker Lake

Parker Lake Assoc., Inc.: Hlk-Parker Lake Fish Sticks: Parker Lake Association Inc. will implement best practices described in Wisconsin\2019s 2014-2017 Healthy Lakes Implementation Plan. Practices include: Installation of 8 fish stick clusters on the shoreline of Parker Lake.
The best practices require a contract to remain in effect for 10 years and must include minimum operation and maintenance requirements and data collection as described in grant condition #17. If best practice(s) are implemented on land owned by the grant Sponsor, this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If best practice(s) are implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner that abides by grant condition #16 is required.
The Department may require re-payment of project installation costs if the best practice is disturbed or removed. The Sponsor and/or the Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables: Best practice location and design information, if not included in the application; signed 10-year landowner contract; pre and post project installation photographs; summary of education activities and publicity/promotion of Healthy Lakes initiative, if applicable.
Special conditions: The state share of each best practice cannot exceed $1,000. The state share of grant administration and technical assistance costs may not exceed 10% of the grant award; technical assistance does not include implementation labor. Funding cannot be used for mitigation or regulatory compliance activities. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. The Healthy Lakes logo should be used for promotion and publicity, and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Patrick Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Patrick Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Patrick Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Peppermill Creek

Adams County: Res-Peppermill Restoration: Adams County proposes to provide up to 75% of the cost of shoreland restoration practices to lake front property owners on Peppermill Lake. Grant funds will be distributed to fund establishment of vegetative buffers and implementation of individual stormwater management plans.

Special Condition: Permits to be secured by individual property owners prior to construction.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Peppermill Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Peppermill Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Peppermill Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Peppermill Lake

Adams County: Res-Peppermill Restoration: Adams County proposes to provide up to 75% of the cost of shoreland restoration practices to lake front property owners on Peppermill Lake. Grant funds will be distributed to fund establishment of vegetative buffers and implementation of individual stormwater management plans.

Special Condition: Permits to be secured by individual property owners prior to construction.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Petenwell Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Petenwell Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Petenwell Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Petenwell Lake

Adams County: Res-Adams Ord. Imp. 2: Adams County proposes to provide educational and technical assistance to the public and Adams County lake organizations for the installation of shoreline buffers on waterways so they comply with the Admas County Shorland, Wetland, and Habitat Protection Ordinance. Major project elements to include: a) outreach and education, b) review of plans, designs, and maintenance agreements, c) development of plans, designs, and agreements, d) inventory of public access points on all project waterways. Project will include notification of riparian property whose property is in conformance with the buffer standard and that the buffer must stay in compliance with the buffer standard. Signed maintenance agreements must be kept on record by Adams County.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Petenwell Lake

Adams County: Res-Adams Ord. Imp. 2: Adams County proposes to provide educational and technical assistance to the public and Adams County lake organizations for the installation of shoreline buffers on waterways so they comply with the Admas County Shorland, Wetland, and Habitat Protection Ordinance. Major project elements to include: a) outreach and education, b) review of plans, designs, and maintenance agreements, c) development of plans, designs, and agreements, d) inventory of public access points on all project waterways. Project will include notification of riparian property whose property is in conformance with the buffer standard and that the buffer must stay in compliance with the buffer standard. Signed maintenance agreements must be kept on record by Adams County.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Risk Creek Pond

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Risk Creek Pond

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Risk Creek Pond

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Rollers Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Rollers Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Rollers Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Seeley Creek

Sauk County: Hlr - Sauk County Healthy Lakes & Rivers 2024: Partnering with property owners, Sauk County is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Seeley Lake

Sauk County: Hlr - Sauk County Healthy Lakes & Rivers 2024: Partnering with property owners, Sauk County is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Shannahan Valley Creek

Sauk County: Hlr - Sauk County Healthy Lakes & Rivers 2024: Partnering with property owners, Sauk County is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Twin Lakes

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Twin Lakes

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Twin Lakes

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Adams County: Res-Castle Rock Restoration: Adams County proposes to provide up to 75% of the cost of shoreland restoration practices to lake front property owners on Castle Rock Lake. Grant funds will be distributed to fund removal of sea walls, minor bank re-shaping, placement of rip-rap, establishment of vegetative buffers and implementation of individual stormwater management plans.

Special Conditions: 1) Space between rip-rap to be filled with soil and vegetated to facilitate successful access of turtle hatchlings to water. Lupine seed to be of a wild variety compatible with Karner Blue butterflies. 2) Permits to be secured by individual property owners prior to construction.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Juneau County: Lco-Shoreland Ordinance Rev.: Juneau County proposes to amend or create a shoreland zoning ordinance that complies with the requirements of NR 115, Wisconsin Administrative Code (as revised effective February 1, 2010) and retain existing regulations that exceed the water resource protections of NR 115 or are specific or unique to local needs.

Project deliverables include: 1. Copies of any fact sheets or handouts created for public hearings. 2. A summary of the comments received at public hearings. 3. A certified copy of the County Board-approved updated shoreland ordinance or ordinance language (if integrated into other codes). 4. Any GIS maps of the shoreland zone or shoreland condition surveys related to the project.

Specific conditions for this Project: The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports or surveys generated as a result of this project.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Virginia Lake

Sauk County: Hlr - Sauk County Healthy Lakes & Rivers 2024: Partnering with property owners, Sauk County is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
White Mound Lake

Sauk County: Hlr - Sauk County Healthy Lakes & Rivers 2024: Partnering with property owners, Sauk County is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Wisconsin River

Adams County: Res-Castle Rock Restoration: Adams County proposes to provide up to 75% of the cost of shoreland restoration practices to lake front property owners on Castle Rock Lake. Grant funds will be distributed to fund removal of sea walls, minor bank re-shaping, placement of rip-rap, establishment of vegetative buffers and implementation of individual stormwater management plans.

Special Conditions: 1) Space between rip-rap to be filled with soil and vegetated to facilitate successful access of turtle hatchlings to water. Lupine seed to be of a wild variety compatible with Karner Blue butterflies. 2) Permits to be secured by individual property owners prior to construction.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Wisconsin River

Adams County: Res-Adams Ord. Imp. 2: Adams County proposes to provide educational and technical assistance to the public and Adams County lake organizations for the installation of shoreline buffers on waterways so they comply with the Admas County Shorland, Wetland, and Habitat Protection Ordinance. Major project elements to include: a) outreach and education, b) review of plans, designs, and maintenance agreements, c) development of plans, designs, and agreements, d) inventory of public access points on all project waterways. Project will include notification of riparian property whose property is in conformance with the buffer standard and that the buffer must stay in compliance with the buffer standard. Signed maintenance agreements must be kept on record by Adams County.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Wisconsin River

Adams County: Res-Adams Ord. Imp. 2: Adams County proposes to provide educational and technical assistance to the public and Adams County lake organizations for the installation of shoreline buffers on waterways so they comply with the Admas County Shorland, Wetland, and Habitat Protection Ordinance. Major project elements to include: a) outreach and education, b) review of plans, designs, and maintenance agreements, c) development of plans, designs, and agreements, d) inventory of public access points on all project waterways. Project will include notification of riparian property whose property is in conformance with the buffer standard and that the buffer must stay in compliance with the buffer standard. Signed maintenance agreements must be kept on record by Adams County.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Wisconsin River

Sauk County: Hlr - Sauk County Healthy Lakes & Rivers 2024: Partnering with property owners, Sauk County is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Wolf Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Classification - Phase 1: Adams County proposes to initiate a Lakes Classification effort to assist in comprehensive plan development for communities surrounding its lakes with public access. Phase 1 elements, to be funded with this grant, include: 1) delination of surface watersheds and flow patterns, 2) delineation of ground watersheds, 3) identification and mapping of land uses, 4) inventory and mapping of shoreline erosion and development problems, 5) identification and mapping of sensitive/critical areas and natural heritage habitats, 6) verification of wetland delineations, 7) delineations of lake watersheds, 8) development of lake maps.

DNR will be provided with both hard copy and electronic versions of a final report on this project. Results will be shared with partner agencies, town boards, lake districts and associations and members of the public through public meetings, individual lake summaries, a powerpoint presentation and development of a Lakes Protection Plan. Copies ofthe final report will also be made available to local libraries.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Wolf Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co. Lakes Class Phase 2: Adams County proposes to continue it's lake classification efforts through collecting and assessing chemical and biological data on all lakes within the county that afford public access. Major project componants to include: 1) collection and assessment of chemical and biological data, 2) development of a "library" of information for public use, 3) development of management recommendations, 4) I&E for riparians and lake users.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Wolf Lake

Adams County: Lco-Adams Co Lakes Class - Phase 3: Adams County proposes to wrap up its county-wide lake classification effort. Major project elements to include: 1) completion of water sampling, 2) development of lakes classification report and individual lake summaries, 3) development of a powerpoint presentation, 4) four public meetings, 5) expansion of shoreline restoration packet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Wolf Lake

Adams County: Res-Adams Restore Cost Share: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to provide 75% cost shares to riparian property owners interested in establishing and maintaining shoreland buffers and rain gardens with native vegetation. Cost share agreements to require that property owners maintain buffers for a minimum of 25 years.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Amey Pond

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Arkdale Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Big Roche a Cri

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Big Spring Pond

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Camelot Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Castle Rock Ditch

Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.

Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.

Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.

Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval

WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Castle Rock Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Crooked Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cruson Slough

Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.

Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.

Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.

Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval

WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Deep Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Dell Creek

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Tributary Erosion Control Planning: The Rock Lake Improvement Association plans to identify sources of bacteria, sediment and nutrients to Rock Lake, Sauk County, from the Southwest Subwatershed of the lake, known as Miljoha Shores, and suggesting viable solutions to the problem. They will monitor the stream and channel during lowflow and rainfall events to identify pollution sources, estimate loading rates, collect fish specimens to characterize the aquatic communities, and provide design specifications to eliminate or reduce the pollution sources. Deliverables include a final report with raw and interpreted data to characterize aquatic community and water quality, as well as pollution sources identified, and recommendations for water quality improvements in the stream. Final results will be shared at a public lake association meeting.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Delton Lake

Village Of Lake Delton: Lake Delton Water Quality Study: 1) Obtain streamflow and water quality information of the lake and its watershed. 2) Monitor water quality during 1992 per application specs. 3) Devleop nutrient budget for the lake. Determine remediation measures and potential water quality goals.3) Develop a nutrient budget for the lake and determine remediation measures and water quality goals. 4) Identify non point pollutant sources and estimate pollutant loadings form urban and rural sources in the watershed.5) Determine the average annual nutrient and sediment loadings to Lake Delton. 6) Devleop alternative management strategies to reach lake's water quality potential.8) Disseminate information to the public by final report and public meeting.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Delton Lake

Village Of Lake Delton: Lake Delton Watershed Data Collection & Stormwater Managemt: Map watershed and identify highly erodible areas. Evaluate human-made drainage systems for capacity and causing erosion. Evaluate sediment delivery to Lake Delton. Develop two alternative management plans for stormwater management. Conduct workshopsto solicit comments on alternative plans. Develop a nonpoint source control plan. Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, local newspaper articles and public meetings.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Delton Lake

Village Of Lake Delton: Lk Delton-Apm Plan: Aquatic Engineering will perform a complete aquatic plant survey in order to update management plans for Lake Delton. The project will include evaluation of past and present plant management activities, make recommendations for water quality improvements based on evaluation of the Priority Watershed Project, and conduct I&E activities. Quarterly reports must be submitted to DNR for review and tracking of grant activities.

A full description of project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Delton Lake

Village Of Lake Delton: Lk Delton-Water Quality Study: Aquatic Engineering will sample lake and tributary water quality, and evaluate effectiveness of nonpoint source priority work in the watershed, analyze for trends, and make recommendations for future monitoring and management.

Quarterly reports must be submitted to DNR for review and tracking of grant activities.

A full description of project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Dorro Couche Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Easton Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fawn Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fenner Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Friendship Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Goose Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hill Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Jordan Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Arrowhead

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Du Bay

Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.

Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.

Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.

Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval

WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Sherwood

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Pine Creek

Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.

Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.

Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.

Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval

WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mason Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
McCall Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
McDougall Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
McGinnis Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Town Of Delton: Mirror Lake Water Quality Study: 1) Develop a lake nutrient and pollutant loading budget for the lake's watershed. Examine potential reduction in nonpoint pollution loading by best management practices.2) Conduct water quality monitoring using the expanded Self-Help Monitoring Program. Determine trophic status of lake.3) Disseminate information to the public by newsletter, local newspaper, public meeting, and the final report.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Town Of Delton: Mirror Lake Improvement Study: The Town of Delton study will quantify the volume of sediment and nutrients coming into the lake, determine the physical and chemical composition of the sediment, and investigate a number of issues related to the impact of dredging on possible water quality and habitat in Mirror Lake.

A full description of project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application, which is part of this agreement.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Town Of Delton: Mirror Lake Sediment Reduction Strategy: The Town of Delton will develop a management strategy to reduce sediment inflow to Mirror Lake. They will attempt to protect and enhance the water quality and aquatic ecology, along with increasing the life expectancy of any future dredging of the lake. Specific management objectives will be set for reducing sediment inflow to the lake through close coordination and partnering with local land and natural resource managers. Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be identified and preliminary engineering completed on the most appropriate BMPs that meet the project's principal goals.

A full description of the project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application, which is part of this agreement.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Tributary Erosion Control Planning: The Rock Lake Improvement Association plans to identify sources of bacteria, sediment and nutrients to Rock Lake, Sauk County, from the Southwest Subwatershed of the lake, known as Miljoha Shores, and suggesting viable solutions to the problem. They will monitor the stream and channel during lowflow and rainfall events to identify pollution sources, estimate loading rates, collect fish specimens to characterize the aquatic communities, and provide design specifications to eliminate or reduce the pollution sources. Deliverables include a final report with raw and interpreted data to characterize aquatic community and water quality, as well as pollution sources identified, and recommendations for water quality improvements in the stream. Final results will be shared at a public lake association meeting.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake Management District: Mirror Lake Planning Project: The Mirror Lake Management District will develop a comprehensive management plan for Mirror Lake. This plan will include an aquatic plant management plan including updated plant survey following department guidance, and assessments of the shoreline condition and water quality. Intensive stakeholder participation will accomplish an educational objective, as well as reveal lake users' expectations and needs. The District will partner with DNR and the Village of Lake Delton, and share the final report with these entities as well as the Sauk County LWCD. The final plan will include management goals and actions aimed at protecting the ecology of the lake holistically, including specific objectives for fish, aquatic life and wildlife habitat as applicable.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Parker Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Patrick Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Peppermill Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Petenwell Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Risk Creek Pond

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Rollers Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Twin Lakes

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.

Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.

Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.

Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval

WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wisconsin River

Lake Alice Association, Inc: Lake Alice Stewardship Program Phase Ii - Understanding The Biota Of Lake Alice: Lake Alice Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Lake Alice, in Lincoln County. The project will focus on developing and updating an Adaptive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Alice. Phase 2 was funded in this grant cycle and Phases 3-5 will be submitted for funding starting in 2011.

Project activities for Phase 2 include: 1) Educational program, meetings and educational events with lake association and Tomahawk High School students, written educational materials, news releases, and website updates; 2) Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate mapping; 4) Water quality assessment; 5) Volunteer amphibian monitoring and angler survey; 6) Update LMP.

Project deliverables include: 1) Educational materials and news releases; 2) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 3) PI, water quality, amphibian, and angler data; 4) LMP.

Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval

WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP, news releases, any other educational materials/products, all data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wolf Lake

Adams County: Adams County Lakes Shoreline Development Audit: 1) Conduct a shoreland audit for the balance of Adams County. 2) Map locations of non-compliant structures. 3) Video tape audit sites. Research and determine permit issuance histories. 5) Process permits and site plans for new construction ofshoreland structures. 6) Field check new construction specifications. 7) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 8) The grantee will disseminate information to the public by public meetings, summary report mailings, andlocal newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department od Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited the the City of Adams Library.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Amey Pond

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Arkdale Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Big Roche a Cri

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Big Spring Pond

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Blass Lake

Village Of Lake Delton: Blass Lake Summer Ap Survey, Data Processing & Draft Apm Review: The Village of Lake Delton proposes to update the Blass Lake APM plan by following current lakes partnership guidance. A summer plant survey will be conducted, voucher specimens of plant species present will be preserved, and management options reviewed with the public, including costs, benefits and drawbacks. Final recommendations will be presented in the plan, and the plan will be made available at the local library and presented at an organized public lake meeting.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Blass Lake

Village Of Lake Delton: Blass Lake Summer Ap Survey, Data Processing & Draft Apm Review: The Village of Lake Delton proposes to update the Blass Lake APM plan by following current lakes partnership guidance. A summer plant survey will be conducted, voucher specimens of plant species present will be preserved, and management options reviewed with the public, including costs, benefits and drawbacks. Final recommendations will be presented in the plan, and the plan will be made available at the local library and presented at an organized public lake meeting.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Camelot Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Castle Rock Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Crooked Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Deep Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Dell Creek

Village Of Lake Delton: Lake Delton Ap Survey: The Village of Lake Delton proposes to update the Lake Delton APM plan by following current lakes partnership guidance. A summer plant survey will be conducted, voucher specimens of plant species present will be preserved, and management options reviewed with the public, including costs, benefits and drawbacks. Final recommendations will be presented in the plan, and the plan will be made available at the local library and presented at an organized public lake meeting.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Dell Creek

Village Of Lake Delton: Lake Delton Ap Survey: The Village of Lake Delton proposes to update the Lake Delton APM plan by following current lakes partnership guidance. A summer plant survey will be conducted, voucher specimens of plant species present will be preserved, and management options reviewed with the public, including costs, benefits and drawbacks. Final recommendations will be presented in the plan, and the plan will be made available at the local library and presented at an organized public lake meeting.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Delton Lake

Village Of Lake Delton: Lake Delton Ap Survey: The Village of Lake Delton proposes to update the Lake Delton APM plan by following current lakes partnership guidance. A summer plant survey will be conducted, voucher specimens of plant species present will be preserved, and management options reviewed with the public, including costs, benefits and drawbacks. Final recommendations will be presented in the plan, and the plan will be made available at the local library and presented at an organized public lake meeting.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Delton Lake

Village Of Lake Delton: Lake Delton Ap Survey: The Village of Lake Delton proposes to update the Lake Delton APM plan by following current lakes partnership guidance. A summer plant survey will be conducted, voucher specimens of plant species present will be preserved, and management options reviewed with the public, including costs, benefits and drawbacks. Final recommendations will be presented in the plan, and the plan will be made available at the local library and presented at an organized public lake meeting.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Dorro Couche Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Easton Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fawn Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fenner Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Friendship Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Goose Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hill Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Jordan Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Arrowhead

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Sherwood

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mason Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
McCall Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
McDougall Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
McGinnis Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Parker Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Patrick Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Peppermill Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Petenwell Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Risk Creek Pond

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Rollers Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Spring Brook

Village Of Lake Delton: Blass Lake Summer Ap Survey, Data Processing & Draft Apm Review: The Village of Lake Delton proposes to update the Blass Lake APM plan by following current lakes partnership guidance. A summer plant survey will be conducted, voucher specimens of plant species present will be preserved, and management options reviewed with the public, including costs, benefits and drawbacks. Final recommendations will be presented in the plan, and the plan will be made available at the local library and presented at an organized public lake meeting.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Spring Brook

Village Of Lake Delton: Blass Lake Summer Ap Survey, Data Processing & Draft Apm Review: The Village of Lake Delton proposes to update the Blass Lake APM plan by following current lakes partnership guidance. A summer plant survey will be conducted, voucher specimens of plant species present will be preserved, and management options reviewed with the public, including costs, benefits and drawbacks. Final recommendations will be presented in the plan, and the plan will be made available at the local library and presented at an organized public lake meeting.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Twin Lakes

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wolf Lake

Adams County: Adams County Shoreline Restoration Workshop For Professionals: The Adams County Land Conservation Department proposes to work with local lake associations, UWEX and other interest groups on producing a workshop for local professionals. This workshop is designed to: 1) Establish an informed network of professionals who will be qualified to share information, 2) To educate others, and 3) Assist lakefront property owners with their lakeshore restoration efforts so that water quality of the major watersheds of Adams County will be protected and improved.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report. Project results will be disseminated to the public through local newspapers, radio stations and local newsletters.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Wisconsin River

Sauk Prairie River Projects Assoc. Ltd: Wisconsin River Restoration: Sauk Prairie River Projects Association LTD will organize existing groups, clubs, and organizations and will work with local and state agencies in order to develop a plan for the project area. That plan will involve local groups in understanding and protecting: river natural resources and features, the positive impact of these resources on the local economy, and the importance of river access and recreational opportunities. A full description of the project goals, objectives, methods, activities, products and deliverables is included in the grant application, which is a part of this grant contract.

Monitoring & Projects

Projects including grants, restoration work and studies shown below have occurred in this watershed. Click the links below to read through the text. While these are not an exhaustive list of activities, they provide insight into the management activities happening in this watershed.

Grants and Management Projects
Dell Creek Watershed
Watershed Recommendations
Aquatic Plant Management Plan
Aquatic Plant Management Plan
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
summer plant survey will be conducted, voucher specimens of plant species present will be preserved,
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
summer plant survey will be conducted, voucher specimens of plant species present will be preserved
Best Management Practices, Implement
Columbia County TRM 2017
This project is a landowner installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: a manure storage system, a barnyard runoff control system, critical area stabilization, roof runoff systems, a waste transfer system, wastewater treatment strips to remedy discharges of manure, sediment and phosphorus in runoff entering waters of the state and address the following NR 151 Agricultural Performance Standards and Prohibitions: sheet, rill, and wind erosion; manure storage facilities-new/significant alterations; process wastewater handling; clean water diversions; nutrient management; prevention of overflow from manure storage facilities; prevention of direct runoff from a feedlot or stored manure
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Columbia County TRM 2017
This project is a landowner installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: a manure storage system, a manure storage system closure, a barnyard runoff control system, critical area stabilization, diversions, heavy use area protection, roofing, roof runoff systems, a waste transfer system, wastewater treatment strips, relocation/abandonment of animal feeding operation, a milking center waste control system, and a feed storage runoff control system to remedy discharges of manure, sediment and phosphorus in runoff entering waters of the state and address the following NR 151 Agricultural Performance Standards and Prohibitions: sheet, rill, and wind erosion; process wastewater handling; clean water diversions; nutrient management; prevention of overflow from manure storage facilities; and prevention of direct runoff from a feedlot or stored manure.
In Progress
Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
Hire County Aquatic Invasives Coordinator
Hire Aquatic Invasives (AIS) County Coordinator - Columbia
In Progress
Informational Meetings
Informational Meetings
Nine Key Element Plan
Dell Creek PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan
Dell Creek PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan - The goal of the Dell Creek Priority Watershed Project is to protect, enhance and restore the surface and groundwater in the watershed area.
In Progress
Project Deliverable
. Final recommendations will be presented in the plan, and the plan will be made available at the local library and presented at an organized public lake meeting.
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Friendship Stormwater Mgmt Plan - TMDL Analysis & Recs
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Dell Creek WatershedWatershed History Note

The Dell Creek Watershed is home to Rocky Arbor State Park. The rock forming Rocky Arbor's gorge is sandstone which geologists have aged at about 500 million years. Its sand grains are thought to have been deposited by rivers draining into shallow seas. The seas receded, and the sand compacted into sandstone. Eons later, the Wisconsin River cut a gorge through this stone and thus formed the park's picturesque rock walls and ledges. Since then the river has changed its course and now flows about a mile and a half to the east. The tiny stream that now occupies the gorge actually flows in the opposite direction that the mighty river did when it carved this scenic area.

Date  2011