Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Sugar River
River Alliance Of Wisconsin: Gambusia Infestation- Sugar River: The River Alliance of Wisconsin intends to test a technique to mechanically remove as many exotic Gambusia (mosquitofish) as possible from the slough where their population expanded this past summer. The goals of the project are to test this method of sequentially blocking sections of the slough from the mouth to the top, shocking, collecting, and netting, in a repeated fashion), and actually removing as many of these destructive fishes as possible in order to create a more favorable habitat for the return of the native topminnows. Without this action, the return of the native species would highly improbable after this drought year, which dried up most of their habitat in this and other river systems. Final results will be presented to DNR in a report, and via poster at the UW-Platteville poster day by another partner in the project from the UW.
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mud Lake
Rock-Koshkonong Lake District: Res-Lake Koshkonong/Mud Lake Wetland Restoration: The Rock Koshkonong Lake District will use dredge spoils from a nearby location on the lake to re-create an eroded barrier of land that protects the Mud Lake wetland from the main lake\2019s wave action, arm the barrier with riprap, and re-create a wetland behind the barrier. This restored wetland is the subject of the grant, as well as the Mud Lake wetland complex which is being protected. Another facet of protecting the Mud Lake wetland from carp congregating there, the District will also build a navigation-friendly carp barrier between the lake and the wetland. In the spring, without such a barrier, carp migrate in great numbers into Mud Lake, creating disturbance to aquatic plants and displacing other fish spawning.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Decatur Lake
Decatur Lake Millrace Assoc: Decatur Lake Feasibility Study: Decatur Lake and Mill Race Association plans to conduct an objective assessment to identify lake planning options for improving water quality, habitat and recreational uses of Decatur Lake, located on the Sugar River. The project will include public information and education, gathering of public input, and scientific and engineering analysis of management alternatives. They will examine water quality, watershed and hydrology data. Volunteers will collect lake bathymetric data and supplement existing water quality data to help with sediment transport and nutrient cycling analyses. The project will also evaluate carp control options. This information will be compiled and analyzed to determine how the lake and it\2019s habitat can be improved. The final report will be shared with partners via local newspaper, websites and social media.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Searles Creek
Decatur Lake Millrace Assoc: Decatur Lake Feasibility Study: Decatur Lake and Mill Race Association plans to conduct an objective assessment to identify lake planning options for improving water quality, habitat and recreational uses of Decatur Lake, located on the Sugar River. The project will include public information and education, gathering of public input, and scientific and engineering analysis of management alternatives. They will examine water quality, watershed and hydrology data. Volunteers will collect lake bathymetric data and supplement existing water quality data to help with sediment transport and nutrient cycling analyses. The project will also evaluate carp control options. This information will be compiled and analyzed to determine how the lake and it\2019s habitat can be improved. The final report will be shared with partners via local newspaper, websites and social media.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Sugar River
Decatur Lake Millrace Assoc: Decatur Lake Feasibility Study: Decatur Lake and Mill Race Association plans to conduct an objective assessment to identify lake planning options for improving water quality, habitat and recreational uses of Decatur Lake, located on the Sugar River. The project will include public information and education, gathering of public input, and scientific and engineering analysis of management alternatives. They will examine water quality, watershed and hydrology data. Volunteers will collect lake bathymetric data and supplement existing water quality data to help with sediment transport and nutrient cycling analyses. The project will also evaluate carp control options. This information will be compiled and analyzed to determine how the lake and it\2019s habitat can be improved. The final report will be shared with partners via local newspaper, websites and social media.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Sugar River -East Channel
Decatur Lake Millrace Assoc: Decatur Lake Feasibility Study: Decatur Lake and Mill Race Association plans to conduct an objective assessment to identify lake planning options for improving water quality, habitat and recreational uses of Decatur Lake, located on the Sugar River. The project will include public information and education, gathering of public input, and scientific and engineering analysis of management alternatives. They will examine water quality, watershed and hydrology data. Volunteers will collect lake bathymetric data and supplement existing water quality data to help with sediment transport and nutrient cycling analyses. The project will also evaluate carp control options. This information will be compiled and analyzed to determine how the lake and it\2019s habitat can be improved. The final report will be shared with partners via local newspaper, websites and social media.
Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Decatur Lake Millrace Assoc: Decatur Lake Feasibility Study: Decatur Lake and Mill Race Association plans to conduct an objective assessment to identify lake planning options for improving water quality, habitat and recreational uses of Decatur Lake, located on the Sugar River. The project will include public information and education, gathering of public input, and scientific and engineering analysis of management alternatives. They will examine water quality, watershed and hydrology data. Volunteers will collect lake bathymetric data and supplement existing water quality data to help with sediment transport and nutrient cycling analyses. The project will also evaluate carp control options. This information will be compiled and analyzed to determine how the lake and it\2019s habitat can be improved. The final report will be shared with partners via local newspaper, websites and social media.
Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Decatur Lake
Decatur Lake Millrace Assoc: Dlmra Website Dev: The Decatur Lake Millrace Association plans to improve communication and outreach for their young organization by developing a website. This should help increase public awareness and broaden the conversation about things they can do to strengthen the organization and generate ideas and energy to improve the lake. The deliverables include creation and launching of a new website, a membership list, and training for website and list maintenance. A press release and presentation of website availability will be made to City of Brodhead, and posted at the local library to get the word out. A brief final report will be submitted electronically at the end of the grant.
Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Sugar River
Decatur Lake Millrace Assoc: Dlmra Website Dev: The Decatur Lake Millrace Association plans to improve communication and outreach for their young organization by developing a website. This should help increase public awareness and broaden the conversation about things they can do to strengthen the organization and generate ideas and energy to improve the lake. The deliverables include creation and launching of a new website, a membership list, and training for website and list maintenance. A press release and presentation of website availability will be made to City of Brodhead, and posted at the local library to get the word out. A brief final report will be submitted electronically at the end of the grant.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Raccoon Creek
Rock County: Racoon Creek Watershed Project: The Rock County Land Conservation Department will create a Citizen's Advisory Committee, develop a plan of action for water quality issues and begin its implementation, and disseminate information to the general citenry of the watershed.
A full description of the project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sugar River
Upper Sugar River Watershed Association: Upper Sugar River Headwaters Protection & Planning Management: Upper Sugar River Watershed Association will bring together a diverse set of partners to develop a comprehensive, small watershed management plan for Deer Creek, Flynn Creek, Fryes Feeder, and the West Branch of the Sugar River. This comprehensive plan will address the six key elements of a strategy to protect the quality of the watershed. A full description of the project goal and objectives are in the grant application, which is a part of this contract.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sugar River
Upper Sugar River Watershed Association: Sugar River-Survey Of Floodplain Lakes & Watershed Community Outreach: The Upper Sugar River Watershed Association (USRWA) will sponsor a project and community outreach effort on the Sugar River in Green and Rock counties. This project focuses on collection of new scientific data on nongame fish and other aquatic life inhabiting backwater sloughs of the Sugar River. The findings of this project will fill important gaps in the database for off-channel fisheries and associated aquatic life along the river. Along with a final report, project deliverables include: 1) recommendation whether to encourage establishment of a new organization south of Dane county or expand USRWA reach to include areas south of Dane County; 2) document nad share results from the field work; 3) make recommendations for protection and management of offchannel lakes; identifying key resources that deserve protection from federal, state, or other non-profit groups.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sugar River
Lower Sugar River Watershed Association: Lsrwa: Org Capacity Bldg, Ed/Outreach, Website And Fundraising: The LSRWA will:
Program Director will: communicate regularly w/ team/project leads and volunteers; organize volunteers gathered by team/project leads for grant funded projects/events; streamline record keeping, reporting, and project deliverables utilizing/maintaining laptop/software, cloud storage, data forms; attend/report at regular board meetings/work sessions.
Refine fundraising/membership plan in a minimum of two workshops in the 1st 1/4 quarter of 2015, assess outcomes of 2014 programming and alignment with strategic and fundraising/membership plan; review programming for 2015/2016 using lessons learned in first workshop; conduct critical analysis at the end of 2015.
Conduct 3 website training sessions for the maintenance team; contract for 2 or more web page upgrades/repairs; cover quarterly web hosting fees; conduct critical review of website function.
Project Director will average 16-20 hours per week for approx. 26 weeks.
Update membership; prepare/execute Fundraising & Membership Workshop; refine/ update fundraising and membership plan; apply fundraising plan goals, objectives, & strategies to all 2015/16 events; complete a critical analysis of 2015 events -provide a summary to WDNR.
A watershed lesson segment with the Brodhead School will be completed. LSRWA will collaborate with Harvard University students to create a tabletop 3-D model of the entire Sugar River Watershed. Harvard students will create a video detailing the design and construction process, which will be used along with the completed model to continue to engage Brodhead and other watershed school students and the community in watershed education opportunities.
Conduct three website training sessions with the LSRWA Web Maintenance Team; minimum of two web page upgrades/repairs; quarterly web-hosting fees; critical review of website functionality. Provide summary to WDNR of upgrades, functionality and usage.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sugar River -East Channel
Upper Sugar River Watershed Association: Lower Sugar River Watershed Assoc. Capacity Building: The USRWA will participate in the River Planning Grant program by establishing a Lower Sugar River Watershed organization. Project deliverables include the following: 1.) Organize and develop the governance structure of LWRWA, including forming a 401c3 organization 2.) Collect, organize and develop open web access to existing resource data, 3.) Develop a Citizen Science-based network and education program and deploy a series of \201CAcquainting with Your Watershed\201D events to engage volunteers, 4.) Collect, assimilate, prepare and present online the collected data, 5.) Design an online \201Clive map\201D to allow participants to post and share observations in the LSRWA area, 6.) Further develop the \201Clive map\201D to allow for sharing of a variety of annual events and observations, 7.) Create an adaptable, expandable engagement strategy around a comprehensive program to engage, educate, and inspire people in the LSRW area.
Grant Details
River Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Beckmans Millpond
Friends Of Beckman Mill Inc: Friends Of Beckman Mill, Inc. Fish Passageway: The Friends of Beckman Mill, Inc. will construct a natural looking fish passageway that will protect the threatened and endangered species found in the stream. The fish passageway will also increase public awarenes about fish behavior and solutions to fish migration around obstructions.
A full description of project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.
Grant Details
River Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Raccoon Creek
Friends Of Beckman Mill Inc: Friends Of Beckman Mill, Inc. Fish Passageway: The Friends of Beckman Mill, Inc. will construct a natural looking fish passageway that will protect the threatened and endangered species found in the stream. The fish passageway will also increase public awarenes about fish behavior and solutions to fish migration around obstructions.
A full description of project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.