Watershed - Kinnickinnic River (SC01)
Kinnickinnic River Watershed

Population, Land Use

The Kinnickinnic River Watershed is located in St. Croix and Pierce Counties and is 13,189 acres in size. It includes 283 miles of rivers and streams, 508 acres of lakes and 1308 acres of wetlands. The watershed is dominated by agriculture (57%) and grassland (22%), and is ranked high for nonpoint source issues affecting streams, lakes and groundwater.

Date  2010

Ecological Landscapes for Kinnickinnic River Watershed

Ecological Landscapes

This Western Prairie Ecological Landscape is located on the far western edge of the state just south of the Tension Zone; it contains the only true representative prairie potholes in the state. It is characterized by its glaciated, rolling topography and a primarily open landscape with rich prairie soils and pothole lakes, ponds, and wet depressions, except for forested areas along the St. Croix River. The climate and growing season are favorable for agricultural crops. Sandstone underlies a mosaic of soils. Silty loams that can be shallow and stony cover most of the area. Alluvial sands and peats are found in stream valleys. Historic vegetation was comprised of dry to mesic prairie grasses in the rolling areas and wet prairies in the broad depressions. Open oak savannas and barrens were found on the hilly topography, with small inclusions of sugar maple-basswood forest in small steep sites. Prairie pothole type wetlands were mainly found in St. Croix and Polk counties. Barrens were found along the river terraces of the St. Croix River. Almost half of the current vegetation is agricultural crops and almost a third of the area is grasslands, with smaller areas of open water, open wetlands, and urban areas. The major forest types are maple-basswood and oak-hickory, with smaller amounts of lowland hardwoods and lowland conifer.

Date  2010

Kinnickinnic River Watershed At-a-Glance

Impaired Water in Kinnickinnic River Watershed
River and Stream QualityAll Waters in Watershed

This watershed is considered a high priority for protection from nonpoint source pollution. The Kinnickinnic River is classified as an Outstanding Resource Water and is considered to be one of the most outstanding Class I trout streams in the state of Wisconsin. Pierce and St. Croix counties are two of the most rapidly growing counties in the state. Water quality and aquatic habitat in the streams of the watershed are threatened by nonpoint point source pollution from agricultural land use, urban development and rural residential development. Over 42 miles of streams are Class I trout streams and over 31 miles are class II trout streams. Twenty-four miles are exceptional resource waters and 28 miles are outstanding resource waters.

Date  1992

Watershed Trout Streams
Watershed Outstanding & Exceptional Resources

Lakes and Impoundments

Over 5,000 acres of lakes are located in this watershed.

Date  2010

Impaired Waters

List of Impaired Waters
Watershed Documents
Watershed Grants
Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Bass Lake

St. Croix County: Lco-Bass Lake Ordinance Enhansement - County Zoning Position: St. Croix County proposes to hire a half time staff person for five years who will be located in the County Zoning office and will perform the following zoning ordinance enhancement activities for the Bass Lake area:

1. Review and revise permits and other data gathering forms.
2. Review and revise permit issuance procedures.
3. Develop septic certification procedures for home additiond and improvements.
4. Assist the County/townships with developing and implementing tasks 1 - 3.
5. Assist the developing and implementing inspection and enforcement procedures; assist county and townships with implementation.
6. Assist the townships in improving record keeping methods in relation to land ownership changes and property development.
7. Identify and implement training needed for town and county regulators.
8. Assist with bringing sites with zoning violations into compliance with shoreland zoning regulations.
9. Assist in implementing recommendations that follow from the septic plume groundwater study.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Bass Lake

Bass Lake Rehabilitation District: Lmi-Bass Lake Management Plan Implementation: : Bass Lake Management District is sponsoring a Lake Management Planning Implementation project aimed at reducing phosphorus loads and protecting and improving diverse aquatic life through shoreland restoration projects and BMP installations.

Project activities include: Conduct site analysis and design for storm water runoff management, fisheries, and shoreland restoration practices. Provide technical assistance to develop designs and how-to information (DIY and/or landscapers). Establish and install BMP at demonstration sites. Promote installation of shoreland best management practices using demonstration sites as examples. Install 40 fish cribs.

Project deliverables: All data collected, a list and map of demonstration sites and fish cribs, before and after photos of restoration sites, individual site analysis reports, all outreach and event materials, agendas and minutes from advisory committee meetings.

Special conditions: WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of all data and maps from the project. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lakes Coordinator.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Cedar Lake

Cedar Lake Protection & Rehabilitation Dist: Lmi-Cedar Df Study: Cedar Lake PRD proposes to contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to conduct a study of Phosphorus (P) loading within Cedar Lake in St. Croix County. Major project elements to include 1) sediment sampling and analysis, 2) water quality sampling and analysis, 3) algae collection and analysis, 4) Lake modeling, 5) study of phosphorus loading, 6) studies of aeration and alum treatment as means of controlling internal loading, 7) comprehensive watershed ag land use assessment, 8) Final report.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Cedar Lake

Cedar Lake Protection & Rehabilitation Dist: Lmi-Cedar Alum: The Cedar Lake P&RD proposes to apply an initial Alum treatment to Cedar Lake in St. Croix County to reduce phosphorus loading from in-lake sediments, thereby reducing algal blooms and allowing for restoration of the lake's native plant community. Major project elements to include a) Initial alum treatment, b) monitoring, and c) final report.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Hatfield Lake

City Of New Richmond: Acq-Hatfield Lake Acquisition: The City of New Richmond proposes to purchase the 75.67 acre Carpenter Family parcel on Hatfield Lake in St. Croix County for Lake Protection purposes. Major project elements to include 1) acquisition costs and, 2) associated acquisition costs.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Menomin

Wisconsin Farmer Union: 319 Match Lmi-Farmer-Led Watershed Council Coordinator: Project Scope
Wisconsin Farmer\2019s Union is sponsoring a project to provide staffing support to farmer led councils and increase adoption of best management practices.

Project final deliverables include: Final report including maps, practices, load reductions, farmer survey results, outreach events summary.

Specific project activities include: mapping conservation practices, tracking practices and calculating load reductions, farmer survey, outreach events, press releases, funding for full time staff to coordinate farmer led councils

Special Conditions:
1) With each reimbursement request, the grantee must provide:
a. Complete Form 9300-230, titled Grant Partner Financial Data Report.
b. A list of practices to reduce nonpoint source pollution installed during the period for which you are seeking reimbursement. For each practice, include the date installed, cost and estimated load reductions for N, P, and Sediment lb/yr. Department staff may be contacted for technical assistance.
c. A 1- 2 paragraph narrative description of project status, including project milestones, accomplishments, and roadblocks encountered.
2) Draft sociological surveys must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated.
3) The DNR logo shall be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

St. Croix County: Lmi Lake St. Croix Tmdl Civic Engagement Initiative: St. Crois County is sponsoring a project to build civic engagement and coordinate local implementatin efforts and partnerships within the county.
Project Activities: 1. Hire Staff person to build organizational capacity and coordinate watershed management work in St.Croix Co. 2) Conduct trainings and education events. 3. provide incentives for cover crops and 4. promote water quality and habitat resotriation programs
Project Deliverables:
A postion description, maps and GIS fiiles produced, copies of education materials and presentations developed and an annual progress report that docments the progress towards achieving the project goals as described within the appliciation.
Specific poject conditions: This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not supersede the tasks/deliverables described therein. The grant sponsor shall submit all data, records and reports, including GIS based maps digital images, to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lakes Biologist.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

St. Croix County: Lake St. Croix Tmdl Civic Engagement Initiative Phase Ii:
Project Scope and Description of Deliverables
St. Croix County is sponsoring a project to build civic engagement and coordinate local implementation efforts and partnerships within the county.

Project activities:
1)Hire a staff person to build organizational capacity and coordinate watershed management work in St. Croix County, 2) conduct trainings and education events, and 3) promote water quality and habitat restoration programs

Project deliverables include:
A position description, maps and GIS files produced, copies of education materials and presentations developed, and an annual progress report that documents the progress towards achieving the project goals as described within the application.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

Wisconsin Farmer Union: 319 Match Lmi-Farmer-Led Watershed Council Coordinator: Project Scope
Wisconsin Farmer\2019s Union is sponsoring a project to provide staffing support to farmer led councils and increase adoption of best management practices.

Project final deliverables include: Final report including maps, practices, load reductions, farmer survey results, outreach events summary.

Specific project activities include: mapping conservation practices, tracking practices and calculating load reductions, farmer survey, outreach events, press releases, funding for full time staff to coordinate farmer led councils

Special Conditions:
1) With each reimbursement request, the grantee must provide:
a. Complete Form 9300-230, titled Grant Partner Financial Data Report.
b. A list of practices to reduce nonpoint source pollution installed during the period for which you are seeking reimbursement. For each practice, include the date installed, cost and estimated load reductions for N, P, and Sediment lb/yr. Department staff may be contacted for technical assistance.
c. A 1- 2 paragraph narrative description of project status, including project milestones, accomplishments, and roadblocks encountered.
2) Draft sociological surveys must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated.
3) The DNR logo shall be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Nugget Lake

Pierce County: Lco-Shoreland Ordinance Rev.: Pierce County proposes to amend or create a shoreland zoning ordinance that complies with the requirements of NR 115, Wisconsin Administrative Code (as revised effective February 1, 2010) and retain existing regulations that exceed the water resource protections of NR 115 or are specific or unique to local needs.

Project deliverables include: 1. Copies of any fact sheets or handouts created for public hearings. 2. A summary of the comments received at public hearings. 3. A certified copy of the County Board-approved updated shoreland ordinance or ordinance language (if integrated into other codes). 4. Any GIS maps of the shoreland zone or shoreland condition surveys related to the project.

Specific conditions for this Project: The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports or surveys generated as a result of this project.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Perch Lake

St. Croix County: Acq-St. Croix County Perch Lake Acquisition: St. Croix County shall participate in the Lake Protection Grant Program by purchasing approximately 67.05 acres of land in the Perch Lake watershed for lake protection purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Perch Lake

St. Croix County: Acq-St. Croix County Perch Lake Acquisitioin Ii: St. Croix County will acquire 19.8 acres with all rights to land onPerch Lake that will expsnd it's day-use park called Homestead PArklands. The county purchase of the Onstott property will include 100 feet of shoreline at the north end of the property on Perch Lake.

268 feet of shoreline on Perch Lake at the south end of the Onstott property will be protected with the purchase of a conservation easement on 9.2 acres of the property. This prroperty will be referred to as the conservation easement.

These two acquisitions will protect an additional 368 feet of lake front giving more protection to Perch Lake and better management of the ecosystem.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Perch Lake

St. Croix County: Res-St. Croix Co Homestead Parklands On Perch Lake: St. Croix Co. proposes to construct a main park entrance road, one-way park access roads to and from Perch Lake, six parking areas and two infiltration basins. Grading and erosion control measures are designed to protect the water quality of Perch Lake.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pine Lake

West Wisconsin Land Trust: Acq-Pine Lake Fern Easement: West Wisconsin Land Trust proposes to purchase an easement on 23 acres of the Fern property on Pine Lake (Baldwin) in St. Croix County. Easement protects over 750 feet of lake frontage. Restricts timber harvest, vegetation removal and shoreline development.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pine Lake

West Wisconsin Land Trust: Acq-Pine Lake Hamerski Easement: West Wisconsin Land Trust proposes to purchase an easement on 13.5 acres of the Hamerski property on Pine Lake (Baldwin) in St. Croix County. Easement protects 2,377 ft. of lake frontage. Restricts timber harvest, vegetation removal and shoreline development.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pine Lake

West Wisconsin Land Trust: Acq-Pine Lake Litzner Easement: West Wisconsin Land Trust proposes to purchase an easement on 4.35 acres of the Litzner property on Pine Lake (Baldwin) in St. Croix County. Easement protects 252 ft of lake frontage. Restricts timber harvest, vegetatioin removal and shoreline development.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Plum Creek

Pierce County: Lco-Shoreland Ordinance Rev.: Pierce County proposes to amend or create a shoreland zoning ordinance that complies with the requirements of NR 115, Wisconsin Administrative Code (as revised effective February 1, 2010) and retain existing regulations that exceed the water resource protections of NR 115 or are specific or unique to local needs.

Project deliverables include: 1. Copies of any fact sheets or handouts created for public hearings. 2. A summary of the comments received at public hearings. 3. A certified copy of the County Board-approved updated shoreland ordinance or ordinance language (if integrated into other codes). 4. Any GIS maps of the shoreland zone or shoreland condition surveys related to the project.

Specific conditions for this Project: The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports or surveys generated as a result of this project.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Red Cedar River

Wisconsin Farmer Union: 319 Match Lmi-Farmer-Led Watershed Council Coordinator: Project Scope
Wisconsin Farmer\2019s Union is sponsoring a project to provide staffing support to farmer led councils and increase adoption of best management practices.

Project final deliverables include: Final report including maps, practices, load reductions, farmer survey results, outreach events summary.

Specific project activities include: mapping conservation practices, tracking practices and calculating load reductions, farmer survey, outreach events, press releases, funding for full time staff to coordinate farmer led councils

Special Conditions:
1) With each reimbursement request, the grantee must provide:
a. Complete Form 9300-230, titled Grant Partner Financial Data Report.
b. A list of practices to reduce nonpoint source pollution installed during the period for which you are seeking reimbursement. For each practice, include the date installed, cost and estimated load reductions for N, P, and Sediment lb/yr. Department staff may be contacted for technical assistance.
c. A 1- 2 paragraph narrative description of project status, including project milestones, accomplishments, and roadblocks encountered.
2) Draft sociological surveys must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated.
3) The DNR logo shall be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Saint Croix River

St. Croix County: Lmi Lake St. Croix Tmdl Civic Engagement Initiative: St. Crois County is sponsoring a project to build civic engagement and coordinate local implementatin efforts and partnerships within the county.
Project Activities: 1. Hire Staff person to build organizational capacity and coordinate watershed management work in St.Croix Co. 2) Conduct trainings and education events. 3. provide incentives for cover crops and 4. promote water quality and habitat resotriation programs
Project Deliverables:
A postion description, maps and GIS fiiles produced, copies of education materials and presentations developed and an annual progress report that docments the progress towards achieving the project goals as described within the appliciation.
Specific poject conditions: This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not supersede the tasks/deliverables described therein. The grant sponsor shall submit all data, records and reports, including GIS based maps digital images, to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lakes Biologist.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Saint Croix River

St. Croix County: Lake St. Croix Tmdl Civic Engagement Initiative Phase Ii:
Project Scope and Description of Deliverables
St. Croix County is sponsoring a project to build civic engagement and coordinate local implementation efforts and partnerships within the county.

Project activities:
1)Hire a staff person to build organizational capacity and coordinate watershed management work in St. Croix County, 2) conduct trainings and education events, and 3) promote water quality and habitat restoration programs

Project deliverables include:
A position description, maps and GIS files produced, copies of education materials and presentations developed, and an annual progress report that documents the progress towards achieving the project goals as described within the application.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Saint Croix River

Wisconsin Farmer Union: 319 Match Lmi-Farmer-Led Watershed Council Coordinator: Project Scope
Wisconsin Farmer\2019s Union is sponsoring a project to provide staffing support to farmer led councils and increase adoption of best management practices.

Project final deliverables include: Final report including maps, practices, load reductions, farmer survey results, outreach events summary.

Specific project activities include: mapping conservation practices, tracking practices and calculating load reductions, farmer survey, outreach events, press releases, funding for full time staff to coordinate farmer led councils

Special Conditions:
1) With each reimbursement request, the grantee must provide:
a. Complete Form 9300-230, titled Grant Partner Financial Data Report.
b. A list of practices to reduce nonpoint source pollution installed during the period for which you are seeking reimbursement. For each practice, include the date installed, cost and estimated load reductions for N, P, and Sediment lb/yr. Department staff may be contacted for technical assistance.
c. A 1- 2 paragraph narrative description of project status, including project milestones, accomplishments, and roadblocks encountered.
2) Draft sociological surveys must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated.
3) The DNR logo shall be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Tainter Lake

Wisconsin Farmer Union: 319 Match Lmi-Farmer-Led Watershed Council Coordinator: Project Scope
Wisconsin Farmer\2019s Union is sponsoring a project to provide staffing support to farmer led councils and increase adoption of best management practices.

Project final deliverables include: Final report including maps, practices, load reductions, farmer survey results, outreach events summary.

Specific project activities include: mapping conservation practices, tracking practices and calculating load reductions, farmer survey, outreach events, press releases, funding for full time staff to coordinate farmer led councils

Special Conditions:
1) With each reimbursement request, the grantee must provide:
a. Complete Form 9300-230, titled Grant Partner Financial Data Report.
b. A list of practices to reduce nonpoint source pollution installed during the period for which you are seeking reimbursement. For each practice, include the date installed, cost and estimated load reductions for N, P, and Sediment lb/yr. Department staff may be contacted for technical assistance.
c. A 1- 2 paragraph narrative description of project status, including project milestones, accomplishments, and roadblocks encountered.
2) Draft sociological surveys must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated.
3) The DNR logo shall be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Star Prairie Land Preservation Trust: Acq-Cedar Lake (Menke) Acquis. Costs: The Trust seeks $11,567 in reimbursement for costs associated with the acquisition (via donation) of 63 acres on Cedar Lake In St. Croix County.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Whitefish Lake

Whitefish Lake Conservation Organization, In: Res-Renewal & Retention Of Native Vegetation: The Whitefish Lake Property Owners Association, Inc. will implement a lakewide project to renew and protect vegetation that extends landward and lakeward from the ordinary high water mark of Whitefish Lake. This program will provide for an initial site evaluation/assissment of shoreline properities with the potential for shoreline renewal and /or protection of native vegetation. Cost sharing will be provided for site assessment and evaluation, site design for restoration, and preparation/planting of vegetation. Shallow water areas contiguous with renewal sites will be protected as a "no disturbance zone". The project goal is to renew native vegetation on 45 sites (1/2 of current development) and retain and protect native vegetation on the remaining sites. A$3,000 cost share cap will be implemented per individual renewal site. All properties participating in this program will receive a departmnet approved deed restriction that permanently establishes the vegetative buffer on the parcel. Shoreland restoration projects will be designed and installed in accordance with the NRCS Best Management Practices Definition and Conditions.

Participants in this program will post their property with signs and will allow other lakeshore owners to visit their property for educational purposes. Additional activities will include an information and education program involving Whitefish Lake residents, local and county governments, other lake associations, school children, and conservation groups.

Project deliverables include a final report listing project accomplishments including the number of parcels or lots participating in the program. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with a paper copy and an electonic copy of all project products. Project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and/or local newspaper article(s).

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

St. Croix County: St. Croix Basin Nutrient Mon. Phase 1: St. Croix County LCD proposes to contract with the US Geological Survey to measure nutrient loading in Lake St. Croix tributaries. Yhis project represents Phase One of five planned. Project activities will include 1) Measurement of nitrogen, phosphorous, chlorides and sediment loadings in the Kinnickinnic, Willow and Apple Rivers from Oct. 1, 1998 to Sept. 30, 1999. Seasonal and weekly loadings will be provided for nitrogen, phosphorous, chlorides, and sediments. The data will be distributed via internet and annual reports by the US Geological Survey, and will be made available electronically to the Department of Natural Resources and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

St. Croix County: St. Croix Basin Nutrient Mon. Phase 2: St. Croix County LCD proposes to contract with the US Geological Survey to measure nutrient loading in Lake St. Croix tributaries. This project represents Phase Two of five planned. Project activities will include 1) Stream flow guaging on the Kinnickinnic, Willow and Apple Rivers from Oct. 1, 1998 to Sept. 30, 1999. 2) Weekly sampling for nutrients and sedments. The data will be distributed via internet and annual reports by the US Geological Survey, and will be made available electronically to the Department of Natural Resources and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

St. Croix County: St. Croix Basin Nutrient Mon. Phase 3: St. Croix County LCD proposes to contract with the US Geological Survey to measure nutrient loading in Lake St. Croix tributaries. This project represents Phase Three of five planned. Project activities will include 1) Stream flow guaging on the Kinnickinnic, Willow and Apple Rivers. 2) Weekly sampling for nutrients and sedments. The data will be distributed via internet and annual reports by the US Geological Survey, and will be made available electronically to the Department of Natural Resources and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

St. Croix County: St. Croix Basin Nutrient Monitoring, Model And Plan, Phase 5: St. Croix County LCD proposes to contract with the US Geological Survey to measure nutrient loading in Lake St. Croix tributaries. This project represents Phase Four of five planned. Project activities will include 1) Stream flow guaging on the Kinnickinnic, Willow and Apple Rivers. 2) Weekly sampling for nutrients and sedments. The data will be distributed via internet and annual reports by the US Geological Survey, and will be made available electronically to the Department of Natural Resources and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

St. Croix County: St. Croix Basin Nutrient Monitoring, Modeling & Plan Phase 4: St. Croix County LCD proposes to contract with the US Geological Survey to measure nutrient loading in Lake St. Croix tributaries. This project represents Phase Four of five planned. Project activities will include 1) Stream flow guaging on the Kinnickinnic, Willow and Apple Rivers. 2) Weekly sampling for nutrients and sedments. The data will be distributed via internet and annual reports by the US Geological Survey, and will be made available electronically to the Department of Natural Resources and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

City Of Prescott: Lake St.Croix Planning Project- Phase Ii: The objectives of Phase II of this planning project include such things as:
1. Preserver and enhance storm water quality
2. Preserve the natural and beneficial functions of the natural drainage
3. Solve/ prevent runoff problems
4. Solve drainage problems
5. Develop City storm water management ordinance.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

City Of Prescott: Lake St.Croix Planning Project-Phase 1: The primary goal of the project is to improve water in Lake St.Croix through inventory, testing, modeling, and analysis of hydrologic and biological data, which will provide a foundation for development of a lake/watershed and water quality management master plan (LWMMP) for the City of Prescott, Wisconsin. The project goals include:
1. Meetings
2. Background Data Collection
3. Field Reconnaissance Survey
4. Field Data Collection/ Inventory Work
5. Define Drainage basins
6. Categorize and Map Land Uses
7. Identify Existing Biological Communities
8. Identify Existing Biological Communities
9. Characterize the Quality of Stormwater Discharges

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

City Of Prescott: Lake St.Croix Planning Project - Phase Iii: The City of Prescott proposes to finsh out the work that has been done in previous grants and phases. The project activity includes the final report.

The Department will be provided with both a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

Wild Rivers Conservancy St Croix & Namekagon: Comp - Lake St. Croix 9 Key Element Plan Update: Wild Rivers Conservancy of the St. Croix & Namekagon is sponsoring a project to update the 9 Key Element Plan for Lake St. Croix TMDL.

Activities: Partnership meetings, 9 key plan development

Deliverables: 9 key element plan

Conditions: N/A

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

Wild Rivers Conservancy St Croix & Namekagon: Comp - Lake St. Croix Tmdl Progress Report: Wild Rivers Conservancy of the St. Croix & Namekagon is sponsoring a project to develop a Lake St. Croix TMDL Progress Report

Activities: compile total phosphorus load reductions from the past 10 years, launch a campaign for clean water in the St. Croix watershed, create progress report

Deliverables: Lake St. Croix TMDL Progress Report

Conditions: N/A

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Saint Croix River

Wild Rivers Conservancy St Croix & Namekagon: Comp - Lake St. Croix 9 Key Element Plan Update: Wild Rivers Conservancy of the St. Croix & Namekagon is sponsoring a project to update the 9 Key Element Plan for Lake St. Croix TMDL.

Activities: Partnership meetings, 9 key plan development

Deliverables: 9 key element plan

Conditions: N/A

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Saint Croix River

Wild Rivers Conservancy St Croix & Namekagon: Comp - Lake St. Croix Tmdl Progress Report: Wild Rivers Conservancy of the St. Croix & Namekagon is sponsoring a project to develop a Lake St. Croix TMDL Progress Report

Activities: compile total phosphorus load reductions from the past 10 years, launch a campaign for clean water in the St. Croix watershed, create progress report

Deliverables: Lake St. Croix TMDL Progress Report

Conditions: N/A

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Twin Lakes

Town Of Warren: Twin Lakes: Lake Management Plan-Phase 1: Town of Waren is sponsoring a project to investigate high water issues on the Twin Lakes with the goal of developing a water budget and determining the feaseibility of water management options to mitigate the high water and flooding issues.

Project Deliverables: summary report outlining lake level history, water balance model results and a summary of management options including costs, necessary permits and implementation schedule.

Project Conditions: Applicant and their consultants shall reach out to permitting agencises to solicit input on potential agency issues and challendges in permitting and implementing drawdown options developed.

This scope summarizes: project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records and reports, includeing GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

if the consultant is to proved the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR is to receive both pater and electronic.pdf copies of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Town Of Warren: Twin Lakes: Lake Management Plan-Phase 1: Town of Waren is sponsoring a project to investigate high water issues on the Twin Lakes with the goal of developing a water budget and determining the feaseibility of water management options to mitigate the high water and flooding issues.

Project Deliverables: summary report outlining lake level history, water balance model results and a summary of management options including costs, necessary permits and implementation schedule.

Project Conditions: Applicant and their consultants shall reach out to permitting agencises to solicit input on potential agency issues and challendges in permitting and implementing drawdown options developed.

This scope summarizes: project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records and reports, includeing GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

if the consultant is to proved the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR is to receive both pater and electronic.pdf copies of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Saint Croix

St. Croix County: St. Croix River Nutrient & Sediment Conference: A one-day educational conference on reducing and managing nutrients and sediments in Lake St. Croix is proposed for February 2003 at Trollhaugen in Dresser, WI, for a targeted audience of approximately 130-140 wastewater treatment managers, local officials and water resource professionals. The goal is to educate, network and to obtain input in pollution budgeting.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Kinnickinnic River

City Of River Falls: Lake George Restoration Plan: to cost-share @70% a stormwater feasibility study for Lake George

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Kinnickinnic River

Village Of Roberts - Dpw: Stormwater Planning Projects: development of stormwater management plan for the Village, creation of erosion control and stormwater ordinances, identification of wetlands within the Village drainage area, and analysis of alternative best management practices to remediate water quality findings of the plan.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Upper Kinnickinnic Pond

City Of River Falls: Lake George Restoration Plan: to cost-share @70% a stormwater feasibility study for Lake George

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Kinnickinnic Pond, Lower

Kinnickinnic River Land Trust Inc: Kinni River Community Report: The Kinnickinnic River Land Trust proposes to study historical Best Management Practices (BMPs) within the Kinni River Watershed in Pierce and St. Croix Counties, evaluate them for efficacy, and provide recommendations for future BMP implementation and outreach. Major project elements to include: 1) study of historic BMPs, 2) GIS mapping, 3) establishment of project steering committee, 4)posters and powerpoint, and 5) final report.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Kinnickinnic Pond, Lower

River Alliance Of Wisconsin: Kinni Dam Plan: The River Alliance of Wisconsin is sponsoring a project to develop a Feasibility Study for restoration of the Kinnickinnic River through removal of a dam in the City of River Falls. Project activities and deliverables include: 1) request for proposals and firm selection, 2) coordination with regulators and stakeholders, 3) public input meeting, 4) hydrology and structural engineering review, 5) detailed project cost estimate and feasibility study, 6) aid in outreach and planning re: study results, 7) assist Friends of the Kinni in development of educational resources and community involvement, and 8) final report. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Planner. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the Lake Planner with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of the grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Kinnickinnic Pond, Lower

City Of River Falls: City Of River Falls: Purpose: The CIty of River Falls and the Kinni Corridor Collaborative are going to do outreach and education to the public and local stakeholders on the necesary steps and proces for implementation of the Kinnickinnic River Corridor plan.

Project Activities: 1. 2 day trip to visit locations and meet with officials and citizens from Colfax, Merrill and Baraboo. 2. Invite/hire 2-3 speakers to give technical talks on topics of interest 3. Develop educational materials to be used at meetings and available to the public through website or social media site.

Project Deliverables: 1. Detailed report of the two day tour will be posted on the City of River Falls Kinni Corridor Project website and presented to the City Council. 2. Video, photos and notes will be published on the Kinni Corridor Project website from the speaker/public discussions. 3. Public feedback surveys. 4. Final report to the DNR.

Special Conditions: WDNR will be provided with an electronic pdf or word copy of all data, surveys and reports. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records and reports, including GIS based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the WDNR. The grantee should provide a draft of the plan to DNR water quality staff for comment on plan adequacy, prior to submission of the grantee's final paymnet request.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Kinnickinnic River

Kinnickinnic River Land Trust Inc: Kinni River Community Report: The Kinnickinnic River Land Trust proposes to study historical Best Management Practices (BMPs) within the Kinni River Watershed in Pierce and St. Croix Counties, evaluate them for efficacy, and provide recommendations for future BMP implementation and outreach. Major project elements to include: 1) study of historic BMPs, 2) GIS mapping, 3) establishment of project steering committee, 4)posters and powerpoint, and 5) final report.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Kinnickinnic River

River Alliance Of Wisconsin: Kinni Dam Plan: The River Alliance of Wisconsin is sponsoring a project to develop a Feasibility Study for restoration of the Kinnickinnic River through removal of a dam in the City of River Falls. Project activities and deliverables include: 1) request for proposals and firm selection, 2) coordination with regulators and stakeholders, 3) public input meeting, 4) hydrology and structural engineering review, 5) detailed project cost estimate and feasibility study, 6) aid in outreach and planning re: study results, 7) assist Friends of the Kinni in development of educational resources and community involvement, and 8) final report. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Planner. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the Lake Planner with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of the grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Kinnickinnic River

River Alliance Of Wisconsin: Kinnickinnic River: Water Qualtiy Analysis Of Impoundment: River Alliance and Friends of the Kinnickinnic River propose to collect water quality information from two small impoundments on the Kinnickinnic River and the river above, between and below the impoundments. Sampling is also proposed on the South Fork Kinnickinnic River which empties into the Kinnickinnic River between the two impoundments. Information will be collected following WISCALM guidance and will include sampling for total phosphorus, chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity and temperature. Continuous temperature loggers will be deployed at all sites. Other funding sources will be used in addition to this grant to complete the entire project. Major project deliverables include 1) Data and reports will be shared with stakeholders and the community of River Falls 2) The final report will be submitted to the WDNR impaired waters sections for consideration and evaluation for impaired waters listing. 3) The final report will provide water quality information to City of River Falls and stakeholders to assist in developing the Kinnickinnic Corridor Planning process. 4) Develop and distribute brochures, flyers and posters to increase community engagement in the corridor planning process.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Kinnickinnic River

Friends Of The Kinni: Citizen Benthic Algal Biomonitoring For The Kinni: The Friends of the Kinni (FOTK) is sponsoring a project to train local citizens in the use of the DNR-developed procedures for viewing bucket assessments of benthic algal biomass & facilitate development of an on-going, sustainable citizen-based biomonitoring program on the Kinni that involves annual benthic algal biomonitoring and reporting of findings to member organization of the KWP and DNR. The protocols, established by the DNR for assessing if a stream is exhibiting a biological response to phosphorus, (DNR's Phosphorus Response Criteria). The project includes establishing biomonitoring stations on the Kinni. Monitoring protocol for volunteers will be refined and adapted from DNR protocols. Training and technology transfer of method to FOTK staff & select number of citizen volunteers \2013 demonstrated with instruction by experts at GLEC. Field monitoring, the monitoring will be applied during the growing season commensurate with water quality sampling for phosphorus, and inclusive of a quality assurance and control audit. Reporting and information sharing. Results and findings will be summarized in a report and a workshop/public meeting held to disseminate method and information.

Project deliverables: Increased biological monitoring on the Kinni, and routine assessment of benthic algal biomass. Establishes a prototype citizen-volunteer benthic algal biomonitoring program for streams in WI. Educates and trains staff and students at UWRF, and educates, trains, and involves the public on conservation of a locally-important and shared water resource.

Special conditions: WDNR will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of all data and maps from the project. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted in a format specified, to the DNR.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved

Kinnickinnic River Land Trust Inc: Kinni River Community Report: The Kinnickinnic River Land Trust proposes to study historical Best Management Practices (BMPs) within the Kinni River Watershed in Pierce and St. Croix Counties, evaluate them for efficacy, and provide recommendations for future BMP implementation and outreach. Major project elements to include: 1) study of historic BMPs, 2) GIS mapping, 3) establishment of project steering committee, 4)posters and powerpoint, and 5) final report.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved

River Alliance Of Wisconsin: Kinni Dam Plan: The River Alliance of Wisconsin is sponsoring a project to develop a Feasibility Study for restoration of the Kinnickinnic River through removal of a dam in the City of River Falls. Project activities and deliverables include: 1) request for proposals and firm selection, 2) coordination with regulators and stakeholders, 3) public input meeting, 4) hydrology and structural engineering review, 5) detailed project cost estimate and feasibility study, 6) aid in outreach and planning re: study results, 7) assist Friends of the Kinni in development of educational resources and community involvement, and 8) final report. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Planner. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the Lake Planner with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of the grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Upper Kinnickinnic Pond

Kinnickinnic River Land Trust Inc: Kinni River Community Report: The Kinnickinnic River Land Trust proposes to study historical Best Management Practices (BMPs) within the Kinni River Watershed in Pierce and St. Croix Counties, evaluate them for efficacy, and provide recommendations for future BMP implementation and outreach. Major project elements to include: 1) study of historic BMPs, 2) GIS mapping, 3) establishment of project steering committee, 4)posters and powerpoint, and 5) final report.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Upper Kinnickinnic Pond

River Alliance Of Wisconsin: Kinni Dam Plan: The River Alliance of Wisconsin is sponsoring a project to develop a Feasibility Study for restoration of the Kinnickinnic River through removal of a dam in the City of River Falls. Project activities and deliverables include: 1) request for proposals and firm selection, 2) coordination with regulators and stakeholders, 3) public input meeting, 4) hydrology and structural engineering review, 5) detailed project cost estimate and feasibility study, 6) aid in outreach and planning re: study results, 7) assist Friends of the Kinni in development of educational resources and community involvement, and 8) final report. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Planner. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the Lake Planner with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of the grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
River Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Kinnickinnic River

Kinnickinnic River Land Trust: Acq Edgar Easement Acq Project: The goal of the Edgar's Project is to protect the numerous threatened natural resources found on the farm from loss to the negative impacts of urban sprawl. The objectives include the purchase of a conservation easement, the involvement of funding partners and the use of the project as a model for the other river protection efforts by the Kinnickinnic River Land Trust and other conservation entities.

Grant Details
River Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Kinnickinnic River

Kinnickinnic River Land Trust Inc: Acq Kinni School Forest Easement: The Kinnickinnic River Land Trust will purchase a conservation easement protecting 56 acres and 1.05 miles of shoreline on the Kinnickinnic River in Pierce County. Major project elements to include: 1) Easement Purchase, 2) Associated acquisition costs.

Monitoring & Projects

Projects including grants, restoration work and studies shown below have occurred in this watershed. Click the links below to read through the text. While these are not an exhaustive list of activities, they provide insight into the management activities happening in this watershed.

Grants and Management Projects
Kinnickinnic River Watershed
Watershed Recommendations
Best Management Practices, Implement
St Croix Co Rush River Non-TMDL TRM
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: a manure storage system closure, access roads and cattle crossings, animal trails and walkways, critical area stabilization, grade stabilization, heavy use area protection, livestock fencing, livestock watering facilities, riparian buffers, sediment basins, water and sediment control basins, waterway systems, well decommissioning, wetland development or restoration, stream crossing, rip-rapping, shaping and seeding, and livestock fencing to remedy discharges of manure, sediment and phosphorus in runoff.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Pierce County Dairy BMPs
This project is a landowner installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: a manure storage system, critical area stabilization, livestock fencing, and roof runoff systems to remedy discharges of manure, sediment and phosphorus in runoff.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
City of New Richmond Stormwater Pond Retro #265
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the municipality will construct/install a wet detention pond to remedy discharges of total suspended solids in urban runoff.
In Progress
Citizen-Based Stream Monitoring
Collect chemical, physical, and/or biological water quality data to assess the current overall stream health. The data can inform management decisions and may be used to identify impaired waters for biennial lists.
In Progress
Lake Management Plan Implementation
Any management activities implemented in the Kinnickinnic Pond must take into account the protection of the outstanding trout fishery and the ORW status of the Kinnickinnic River (Type A).
Lakes Planning Grant
The Upper Kinnickinnic Pond should be considered a high priority to receive a lakes planning grant to further develop lake management alternatives (Type B).
Monitor Baseline Survey
WDNR should participate in any interstate water quality assessments in Lake St. Croix.
Monitor Fish Tissue
District WRM and Fisheries Management should continue to sample for fish PCB and mercury tissue analysis (Type B).
Nine Key Element Plan
Kinnickinnic River St. Croix - Nine Key Plan
Kinnickinnic River St. Croix PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan - Current and planned land uses, in combination with identified pollutant management priorities, can be used to develop suitable arrays of Best Management Practices (BMPs), and a management strategy can be developed and implemented for each subwatershed or drainage area. 2601800
In Progress
Nine Key Element Plan
St. Croix County Lakes Cluster PWS Plan
St. Croix County Lakes Cluster PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan - The St. Croix County Lakes Cluster Priority Watershed Project plan assesses the nonpoint sources of pollution in the St. Croix County Lakes Cluster Watershed and guides the implementation of nonpoint source control measures. These control measures are needed to meet specific water resource objectives for the St. Croix County Lakes Cluster and its tributaries. The purpose of this project is to reduce the amount of pollutants originating from nonpoint sources that reach surface water and groundwater within the St. Croix County Lakes Cluster Priority Watershed Project area which includes Bass, Perch, Squaw, and Baldwin-Pine Lakes.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Hudson Storm Water Management and Master Planning
Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance, new storm water ordinance for new development and re-development, new ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area, updated storm water financing mechanism, new storm water management plan for the developed urban area, and new storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
St. Joseph MS4 Planning
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: new construction erosion control ordinance, new storm water ordinance for new development and re-development, new ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area, new storm water management plan for the developed urban area, and new storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
WRM should amend the River Falls Stormwater Management Plan to the St. Croix River Basin Areawide Water Quality Management Plan (Type B).
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
The City of River Falls should implement the recommendations of the stormwater management plan to protect the Kinnickinnic River downstream of the stormwater discharges in River Falls. It is critical that the recommendations of the stormwater management plan be implemented to prevent further degradation of this unique and valuable resource (Type C).
TMDL Development
Cedar Lake TMDL
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) developed a TMDL for phosphorus for Cedar Lake. The TMDL addresses the nutrient impacts and impairments which were identified on the Wisconsin 2002 303(d) list. The Lake is nutrient (phosphorus (P)) impaired as a result of agriculture, internal loading and local land use. Water quality in Cedar Lake is generally poor to very poor, falling into the eutrophic to hypereutrophic category. Summer algal blooms result in foul odors and an unsightly build-up of algae biomass on the shoreline. In addition, trophic conditions in the lake limit rooting depth for emergent vegetation used by the resident fish populations. As a result, these impairments impact the recreational/aesthetic value of the lake and stress sport fish populations.
In Progress
TMDL Implementation
Squaw Lake TMDL
This TMDL report is for Squaw Lake, located in the Star Prairie Township, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, in the St. Croix River Basin. The lake is geographically located across portions of Sections 8, 9 and 17 of T31N, R18W of the USGS Somerset North Quadrangle.
In Progress
Train Volunteers
Citizen Benthic Algal Biomonitoring for the Kinni
The Friends of the Kinni (FOTK) is sponsoring a project to train local citizens in the use of the DNR-developed procedures for viewing bucket assessments of benthic algal biomass & facilitate development of an on-going, sustainable citizen-based biomonitoring program on the Kinni that involves annual benthic algal biomonitoring and reporting of findings to member organization of the KWP and DNR. The protocols, established by the DNR for assessing if a stream is exhibiting a biological response to phosphorus, (DNR's Phosphorus Response Criteria). The project includes establishing biomonitoring stations on the Kinni. Monitoring protocol for volunteers will be refined and adapted from DNR protocols. Training and technology transfer of method to FOTK staff & select number of citizen volunteers \2013 demonstrated with instruction by experts at GLEC. Field monitoring, the monitoring will be applied during the growing season commensurate with water quality sampling for phosphorus, and inclusive of a quality assurance and control audit. Reporting and information sharing. Results and findings will be summarized in a report and a workshop/public meeting held to disseminate method and information. Project deliverables: Increased biological monitoring on the Kinni, and routine assessment of benthic algal biomass. Establishes a prototype citizen-volunteer benthic algal biomonitoring program for streams in WI. Educates and trains staff and students at UWRF, and educates, trains, and involves the public on conservation of a locally-important and shared water resource.
In Progress
Wastewater Monitoring or Management
WRM should conduct a water quality standards review on the variance waterbody which receives the Hammond discharge (Type B).
Wastewater Monitoring or Management
Water Resources Management should conduct a water quality assessment in Twin Lakes to determine the impacts of the Roberts WWTP discharge (Type B).
Kinnickinnic River WatershedWatershed History Note

The city of River Falls is located in the Kinnickinnic River watershed, which covers parts of Pierce and St. Croix counties in the western part of Wisconsin. In the summer of 1848, Joel Foster, a Mexican War veteran from Illinois, heard about the beautiful area of the Kinnickinnic River with the cascade falls while he was visiting in St. Croix Country near Hudson. He spent the following months exploring the region hunting and fishing along the way. He moved up the river until he reached the falls at the junction of the South Fork and the Kinnickinnic. Foster wrote about the two American Indian tribes inhabiting the region - the Sioux and the Chippewa. He noted that both placed such value on the St. Croix Valley that neither claimed it for themselves. The word "Kinnickinnic" refers to the Native American word for the ceremonial tobacco from toasted willow or sumac bark. Foster decided to spend the winter in the area, along with his 20-year-old black indentured servant, Dick Foster. They set up camp under a rock shelf along the banks of the Kinnickinnic River, about a half mile south of the falls. Using split logs, they dug a pit into the floor, put down a carpet of grass, fastened hooks to hold their rifles and started a fire at the entrance. They heated water to make mud so they could finish the cabin and chimney, but the structure was not completed that first winter. They purchased supplies in Hudson every 10 days or so. The winter of 1848-1849 became the first official year of the settlement of River Falls. The next spring, Foster and Dick completed the log structure and added a root cellar. They called it "Fort Foster". Two brothers, Nathaniel N. and Oliver Stanley Powell, also claimed land in 1849. They built the first commercial structure in 1852. Two years later the building was converted into a store known as Pioneer Store and rapidly developed into a hotel, post office, and community headquarters. In 1854, the Powell brothers platted the first section in the village - 60 acres on the east side of town. Foster built a saw mill in 1854 and in 1855 the first of four flour mills was established. The River Falls Journal, the city's first newspaper, was founded in 1857 by Lute A. and Horace A. Taylor. River Falls reached the height of its early industrial growth between 1872 and 1885. The beginning of the railroad insured its continued existence, although the city was not on a main line of the railroad. Growth was curtailed only by the decline of the wheat market in 1882 and the city's location, which was not along a navigable river.

Date  2011