Watershed - Lake Butte Des Mortes (UF04)
Lake Butte Des Mortes Watershed


The Lake Butte Des Mortes Watershed is located entirely within Winnebago County. The watershed is 50,973 acres in size and contains 128 miles of streams and rivers, 85 acres of lakes and 1498 acres of wetlands. The watershed is dominated by agriculture (59%) and open water (16%) and is ranked high for nonpoint source issues affecting streams and groundwater.

Date  2010

Ecological Landscapes for Lake Butte Des Mortes Watershed

Ecological Landscapes

The Southeast Glacial Plains Ecological Landscape makes up the bulk of the non-coastal land area in southeast Wisconsin. This Ecological Landscape is made up of glacial till plains and moraines. Most of this Ecological Landscape is composed of glacial materials deposited during the Wisconsin Ice Age, but the southwest portion consists of older, pre-Wisconsin till with a more dissected topography. Soils are lime-rich tills overlain in most areas by a silt-loam loess cap. Agricultural and residential interests throughout the landscape have significantly altered the historical vegetation. Most of the rare natural communities that remain are associated with large moraines or in areas where the Niagara Escarpment occurs close to the surface. Historically, vegetation in the Southeast Glacial Plains consisted of a mix of prairie, oak forests and savanna, and maple-basswood forests. Wet-mesic prairies, southern sedge meadows, emergent marshes, and calcareous fens were found in lower portions of the Landscape. End moraines and drumlins supported savannas and forests. Agricultural and urban land use practices have drastically changed the land cover of the Southeast Glacial Plains since Euro-American settlement. The current vegetation is primarily agricultural cropland. Remaining forests occupy only about 10% of the land area and consist of maple-basswood, lowland hardwoods, and oak. No large mesic forests exist today except on the Kettle Interlobate Moraine which has topography too rugged for agriculture. Some existing forest patches that were formerly savannas have succeeded to hardwood forest due to fire suppression.

Date  2010

Watershed Documents
Watershed Grants
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Daggets Creek

Winnebago County: Winnebago Pool Lks Education, Prevention & Planning Project: Winnebago County proposes to develop a comprehensive plan for preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) into and from the Winnebago Pool (Lakes Winnebago, Butte des Morts, Winneconne and Poygan) during the period 2006 - 2007. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Winnebago County's Aquatic Invasive Species Grant application, dated January 26, 2006. The project includes initiating the first phase of a two-phase strategic planning process to produce a Strategic Plan for AIS prevention in the Winnebago Pool Lakes; implementing the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" and citizen-based monitoring programs, including hiring 4 watercraft inspectors and training volunteers to conduct watercraft inspection and AIS monitoring; conducting scientific analyses of current AIS infestations and a risk assessment for potential invasive species; and conducting outreach activities, including collaborating with the Teacher Summer Institutes at UW-Oshkosh, and creating a poster and PowerPoint presentation on AIS in the Winnebago Pool. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the five-year project will be provided to DNR.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fox River

Winnebago County: Winnebago Pool Lks Education, Prevention & Planning Project: Winnebago County proposes to develop a comprehensive plan for preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) into and from the Winnebago Pool (Lakes Winnebago, Butte des Morts, Winneconne and Poygan) during the period 2006 - 2007. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Winnebago County's Aquatic Invasive Species Grant application, dated January 26, 2006. The project includes initiating the first phase of a two-phase strategic planning process to produce a Strategic Plan for AIS prevention in the Winnebago Pool Lakes; implementing the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" and citizen-based monitoring programs, including hiring 4 watercraft inspectors and training volunteers to conduct watercraft inspection and AIS monitoring; conducting scientific analyses of current AIS infestations and a risk assessment for potential invasive species; and conducting outreach activities, including collaborating with the Teacher Summer Institutes at UW-Oshkosh, and creating a poster and PowerPoint presentation on AIS in the Winnebago Pool. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the five-year project will be provided to DNR.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fox River

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Prev - Adopt A Launch - Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: The FWWA is sponsoring a project to run their Adopt-a-Launch Program to engage community to take ownership of lakes by helping to monitor for AIS and improving boat launches with volunteer efforts.

Activities: 1) Recruit and coordinate volunteers to adopt and monitor boat launches in Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie, and Winnebago Counties; 2) Prevent the spread of AIS in a containment and response strategy via volunteer monitoring at adopted launches; 3) Build partnerships with local boat launch owners for increased AIS prevention activities, such as introducing them to the CBCW

Deliverables: 1) Hold 3 volunteer trainings including AIS ID and monitoring; 2) Goal of 15 boat launches adopted, including associated signage placed; 3) Goal of 200 monitoring hours by Adopt-a-Launch volunteers; 4) 6 social media posts highlighting the program; 5) Final report detailing project results (launches adopted, monitoring results, any infographics produced, etc.) and lessons learned

1) DNR has determined that LMPN efforts will not be duplicated by this project.
2) 200 hours of CBCW is not required for this project due to past and ongoing CBCW work in the project area.
3) Volunteer monitoring shall follow WDNR-approved protocols.
4) Monitoring data collected will be entered into SWIMS database under the grant project number.
5) All outreach and education materials shall use DNR messaging; DNR Biologist may request review and approval of materials before dissemination.
6) DNR AIS Biologist will be promptly notified of any new detections of an AIS species.
7) Final Report needs DNR review/approval and will be provided in an electronic format.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Winnebago County: Winnebago Pool Lks Education, Prevention & Planning Project: Winnebago County proposes to develop a comprehensive plan for preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) into and from the Winnebago Pool (Lakes Winnebago, Butte des Morts, Winneconne and Poygan) during the period 2006 - 2007. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Winnebago County's Aquatic Invasive Species Grant application, dated January 26, 2006. The project includes initiating the first phase of a two-phase strategic planning process to produce a Strategic Plan for AIS prevention in the Winnebago Pool Lakes; implementing the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" and citizen-based monitoring programs, including hiring 4 watercraft inspectors and training volunteers to conduct watercraft inspection and AIS monitoring; conducting scientific analyses of current AIS infestations and a risk assessment for potential invasive species; and conducting outreach activities, including collaborating with the Teacher Summer Institutes at UW-Oshkosh, and creating a poster and PowerPoint presentation on AIS in the Winnebago Pool. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the five-year project will be provided to DNR.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Winnebago Lakes Council, Inc.: Winnebago Pool Lakes Ais Education & Outreach Project: The Winnebago Lakes Council proposes to develop a comprehensive plan for preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) into and from the Winnebago Pool (Lakes Winnebago, Butte des Morts, Winneconne and Poygan) during the period 2008 - 2009. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Winnebago Lake Council's Aquatic Invasive Species Grant application, dated February 1, 2008. The project includes initiating the first phase of a two-phase strategic planning process to produce a Strategic Plan for AIS prevention in the Winnebago Pool Lakes; implementing the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" and citizen-based monitoring programs, including hiring watercraft inspectors and training volunteers to conduct watercraft inspection and AIS monitoring; conducting scientific analyses of current AIS infestations and a risk assessment for potential invasive species; and conducting outreach activities at public events. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the five-year project will be provided to DNR.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Winnebago Lakes Council, Inc.: Winnebago Pool Lks Ais Strategic Planning Phase 2: The Winnebago Lakes Council proposes to implement the comprehensive plan designed in phase I for preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) into and from the Winnebago Pool (Lakes Winnebago, Butte des Morts, Winneconne and Poygan) during the period 2009-2010. The project elements and deliverables are specified in the Winnebago Lake Council's Aquatic Invasive Species grant application, dated January 30, 2009. The project includes; finalizing the regional AIS plan; continuing the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" inspection program, including hiring an intern watercraft inspector, an intern coordinator and a project coordinator; and hosting a two day educational workshop aimed at local policy makers and waterfront property owners. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the two-year project will be provided to the DNR. If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the grantee provide the DNR Aquatic invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Prev - Adopt A Launch - Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: The FWWA is sponsoring a project to run their Adopt-a-Launch Program to engage community to take ownership of lakes by helping to monitor for AIS and improving boat launches with volunteer efforts.

Activities: 1) Recruit and coordinate volunteers to adopt and monitor boat launches in Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie, and Winnebago Counties; 2) Prevent the spread of AIS in a containment and response strategy via volunteer monitoring at adopted launches; 3) Build partnerships with local boat launch owners for increased AIS prevention activities, such as introducing them to the CBCW

Deliverables: 1) Hold 3 volunteer trainings including AIS ID and monitoring; 2) Goal of 15 boat launches adopted, including associated signage placed; 3) Goal of 200 monitoring hours by Adopt-a-Launch volunteers; 4) 6 social media posts highlighting the program; 5) Final report detailing project results (launches adopted, monitoring results, any infographics produced, etc.) and lessons learned

1) DNR has determined that LMPN efforts will not be duplicated by this project.
2) 200 hours of CBCW is not required for this project due to past and ongoing CBCW work in the project area.
3) Volunteer monitoring shall follow WDNR-approved protocols.
4) Monitoring data collected will be entered into SWIMS database under the grant project number.
5) All outreach and education materials shall use DNR messaging; DNR Biologist may request review and approval of materials before dissemination.
6) DNR AIS Biologist will be promptly notified of any new detections of an AIS species.
7) Final Report needs DNR review/approval and will be provided in an electronic format.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Winnebago

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Prev - Adopt A Launch - Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: The FWWA is sponsoring a project to run their Adopt-a-Launch Program to engage community to take ownership of lakes by helping to monitor for AIS and improving boat launches with volunteer efforts.

Activities: 1) Recruit and coordinate volunteers to adopt and monitor boat launches in Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie, and Winnebago Counties; 2) Prevent the spread of AIS in a containment and response strategy via volunteer monitoring at adopted launches; 3) Build partnerships with local boat launch owners for increased AIS prevention activities, such as introducing them to the CBCW

Deliverables: 1) Hold 3 volunteer trainings including AIS ID and monitoring; 2) Goal of 15 boat launches adopted, including associated signage placed; 3) Goal of 200 monitoring hours by Adopt-a-Launch volunteers; 4) 6 social media posts highlighting the program; 5) Final report detailing project results (launches adopted, monitoring results, any infographics produced, etc.) and lessons learned

1) DNR has determined that LMPN efforts will not be duplicated by this project.
2) 200 hours of CBCW is not required for this project due to past and ongoing CBCW work in the project area.
3) Volunteer monitoring shall follow WDNR-approved protocols.
4) Monitoring data collected will be entered into SWIMS database under the grant project number.
5) All outreach and education materials shall use DNR messaging; DNR Biologist may request review and approval of materials before dissemination.
6) DNR AIS Biologist will be promptly notified of any new detections of an AIS species.
7) Final Report needs DNR review/approval and will be provided in an electronic format.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Winneconne

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Prev - Adopt A Launch - Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: The FWWA is sponsoring a project to run their Adopt-a-Launch Program to engage community to take ownership of lakes by helping to monitor for AIS and improving boat launches with volunteer efforts.

Activities: 1) Recruit and coordinate volunteers to adopt and monitor boat launches in Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie, and Winnebago Counties; 2) Prevent the spread of AIS in a containment and response strategy via volunteer monitoring at adopted launches; 3) Build partnerships with local boat launch owners for increased AIS prevention activities, such as introducing them to the CBCW

Deliverables: 1) Hold 3 volunteer trainings including AIS ID and monitoring; 2) Goal of 15 boat launches adopted, including associated signage placed; 3) Goal of 200 monitoring hours by Adopt-a-Launch volunteers; 4) 6 social media posts highlighting the program; 5) Final report detailing project results (launches adopted, monitoring results, any infographics produced, etc.) and lessons learned

1) DNR has determined that LMPN efforts will not be duplicated by this project.
2) 200 hours of CBCW is not required for this project due to past and ongoing CBCW work in the project area.
3) Volunteer monitoring shall follow WDNR-approved protocols.
4) Monitoring data collected will be entered into SWIMS database under the grant project number.
5) All outreach and education materials shall use DNR messaging; DNR Biologist may request review and approval of materials before dissemination.
6) DNR AIS Biologist will be promptly notified of any new detections of an AIS species.
7) Final Report needs DNR review/approval and will be provided in an electronic format.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Little Lake Butte Des Morts

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Prev - Adopt A Launch - Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: The FWWA is sponsoring a project to run their Adopt-a-Launch Program to engage community to take ownership of lakes by helping to monitor for AIS and improving boat launches with volunteer efforts.

Activities: 1) Recruit and coordinate volunteers to adopt and monitor boat launches in Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie, and Winnebago Counties; 2) Prevent the spread of AIS in a containment and response strategy via volunteer monitoring at adopted launches; 3) Build partnerships with local boat launch owners for increased AIS prevention activities, such as introducing them to the CBCW

Deliverables: 1) Hold 3 volunteer trainings including AIS ID and monitoring; 2) Goal of 15 boat launches adopted, including associated signage placed; 3) Goal of 200 monitoring hours by Adopt-a-Launch volunteers; 4) 6 social media posts highlighting the program; 5) Final report detailing project results (launches adopted, monitoring results, any infographics produced, etc.) and lessons learned

1) DNR has determined that LMPN efforts will not be duplicated by this project.
2) 200 hours of CBCW is not required for this project due to past and ongoing CBCW work in the project area.
3) Volunteer monitoring shall follow WDNR-approved protocols.
4) Monitoring data collected will be entered into SWIMS database under the grant project number.
5) All outreach and education materials shall use DNR messaging; DNR Biologist may request review and approval of materials before dissemination.
6) DNR AIS Biologist will be promptly notified of any new detections of an AIS species.
7) Final Report needs DNR review/approval and will be provided in an electronic format.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Spring Brook

Winnebago County: Winnebago Pool Lks Education, Prevention & Planning Project: Winnebago County proposes to develop a comprehensive plan for preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) into and from the Winnebago Pool (Lakes Winnebago, Butte des Morts, Winneconne and Poygan) during the period 2006 - 2007. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Winnebago County's Aquatic Invasive Species Grant application, dated January 26, 2006. The project includes initiating the first phase of a two-phase strategic planning process to produce a Strategic Plan for AIS prevention in the Winnebago Pool Lakes; implementing the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" and citizen-based monitoring programs, including hiring 4 watercraft inspectors and training volunteers to conduct watercraft inspection and AIS monitoring; conducting scientific analyses of current AIS infestations and a risk assessment for potential invasive species; and conducting outreach activities, including collaborating with the Teacher Summer Institutes at UW-Oshkosh, and creating a poster and PowerPoint presentation on AIS in the Winnebago Pool. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the five-year project will be provided to DNR.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved

Winnebago County: Winnebago Pool Lks Education, Prevention & Planning Project: Winnebago County proposes to develop a comprehensive plan for preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) into and from the Winnebago Pool (Lakes Winnebago, Butte des Morts, Winneconne and Poygan) during the period 2006 - 2007. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Winnebago County's Aquatic Invasive Species Grant application, dated January 26, 2006. The project includes initiating the first phase of a two-phase strategic planning process to produce a Strategic Plan for AIS prevention in the Winnebago Pool Lakes; implementing the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" and citizen-based monitoring programs, including hiring 4 watercraft inspectors and training volunteers to conduct watercraft inspection and AIS monitoring; conducting scientific analyses of current AIS infestations and a risk assessment for potential invasive species; and conducting outreach activities, including collaborating with the Teacher Summer Institutes at UW-Oshkosh, and creating a poster and PowerPoint presentation on AIS in the Winnebago Pool. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the five-year project will be provided to DNR.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Wolf River

Winnebago County: Winnebago Pool Lks Education, Prevention & Planning Project: Winnebago County proposes to develop a comprehensive plan for preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) into and from the Winnebago Pool (Lakes Winnebago, Butte des Morts, Winneconne and Poygan) during the period 2006 - 2007. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Winnebago County's Aquatic Invasive Species Grant application, dated January 26, 2006. The project includes initiating the first phase of a two-phase strategic planning process to produce a Strategic Plan for AIS prevention in the Winnebago Pool Lakes; implementing the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" and citizen-based monitoring programs, including hiring 4 watercraft inspectors and training volunteers to conduct watercraft inspection and AIS monitoring; conducting scientific analyses of current AIS infestations and a risk assessment for potential invasive species; and conducting outreach activities, including collaborating with the Teacher Summer Institutes at UW-Oshkosh, and creating a poster and PowerPoint presentation on AIS in the Winnebago Pool. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the five-year project will be provided to DNR.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Wolf River

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Prev - Adopt A Launch - Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: The FWWA is sponsoring a project to run their Adopt-a-Launch Program to engage community to take ownership of lakes by helping to monitor for AIS and improving boat launches with volunteer efforts.

Activities: 1) Recruit and coordinate volunteers to adopt and monitor boat launches in Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie, and Winnebago Counties; 2) Prevent the spread of AIS in a containment and response strategy via volunteer monitoring at adopted launches; 3) Build partnerships with local boat launch owners for increased AIS prevention activities, such as introducing them to the CBCW

Deliverables: 1) Hold 3 volunteer trainings including AIS ID and monitoring; 2) Goal of 15 boat launches adopted, including associated signage placed; 3) Goal of 200 monitoring hours by Adopt-a-Launch volunteers; 4) 6 social media posts highlighting the program; 5) Final report detailing project results (launches adopted, monitoring results, any infographics produced, etc.) and lessons learned

1) DNR has determined that LMPN efforts will not be duplicated by this project.
2) 200 hours of CBCW is not required for this project due to past and ongoing CBCW work in the project area.
3) Volunteer monitoring shall follow WDNR-approved protocols.
4) Monitoring data collected will be entered into SWIMS database under the grant project number.
5) All outreach and education materials shall use DNR messaging; DNR Biologist may request review and approval of materials before dissemination.
6) DNR AIS Biologist will be promptly notified of any new detections of an AIS species.
7) Final Report needs DNR review/approval and will be provided in an electronic format.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

Grant Details
Habitat and Species
Waters Involved
Fox River

Upper Fox River- Endangered Resources: 9AMC0000199 ER 30,000 ERKQ

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Daggets Creek

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Lake Butte Des Morts Land Acquisition-Molinski Property: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club will acquire approximately 1,183 acres of land, including 13,000 feet of shoreline, situated on Lake Butte des Morts in Winnebago County to protect Lake Butte des Morts, and its fish and wildlife habitat. The property is primarily shallow marshland including cattails, sedges and grasses. It also includes 164 acres of upland containing trees and shrubs. The goals of the property's management plan focus on 1) the protection of the lake and the Winnebago Pool Watershed, 2) the protection and restoration of the property's plant communities and fish and wildlife habitat, and 3) allowing public access to the property for recreational purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Fox River

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Lake Butte Des Morts Land Acquisition-Molinski Property: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club will acquire approximately 1,183 acres of land, including 13,000 feet of shoreline, situated on Lake Butte des Morts in Winnebago County to protect Lake Butte des Morts, and its fish and wildlife habitat. The property is primarily shallow marshland including cattails, sedges and grasses. It also includes 164 acres of upland containing trees and shrubs. The goals of the property's management plan focus on 1) the protection of the lake and the Winnebago Pool Watershed, 2) the protection and restoration of the property's plant communities and fish and wildlife habitat, and 3) allowing public access to the property for recreational purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Fox River

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Butte Des Morts Conservation Club Terrell Island Land Acquisition: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club proposes to purchase 18.3 acres of land in their Terrell's Island project area.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Fox River

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Lmi - Samers Bay Breakwall Habitat Restoration Project: The Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring a lake protection grant to implement the Samer\2019s Bay Breakwall Habitat Restoration Project.

Project final deliverables include: all data collected, agendas and minutes for planning meetings, and a lake management plan that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion with an implementation plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Remove 2,200 feet of Terrell\2019s Island Breakwall and removal of artificial rock islands; 2) Construct 3,000 feet of the Samer\2019s Bay Breakwall in phase 1; 3) Submit a Final Report to the Department which summarize project activities along with recommendations of lessons learned.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein with the exception that this agreement does not include pre- and post-construction water quality monitoring. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Fox River

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Hlr - Winnebago Waterways Healthy Lakes Grant 2022: Partnering with property owners, Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.

All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.

Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.

Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Lake Butte Des Morts Land Acquisition-Molinski Property: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club will acquire approximately 1,183 acres of land, including 13,000 feet of shoreline, situated on Lake Butte des Morts in Winnebago County to protect Lake Butte des Morts, and its fish and wildlife habitat. The property is primarily shallow marshland including cattails, sedges and grasses. It also includes 164 acres of upland containing trees and shrubs. The goals of the property's management plan focus on 1) the protection of the lake and the Winnebago Pool Watershed, 2) the protection and restoration of the property's plant communities and fish and wildlife habitat, and 3) allowing public access to the property for recreational purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Res-Terrell Island Habitat Restoration Project: This project will harden the shores of 4 existing islands within the breakwall project area known as Terrell Island on the south side of Lake Butte des Morts. Nearly 1,200 feet of rock structure will be installed along the windward edges of the islands with extending wings to enhance the aquatic plant community of emergents, floating leaf and submergent plants.

These benefits are expected to occur:

1) Improved water quality , especially clarity in the area adjacent to the structure.
2) Greater areal coverage of aquatic plant growth and the habitat benefits for fish.
3) Enhanced wildlife benefits for waterfowl and shorebirds, reptiles and amphibians.
4) Reduced island erosion.

The Butte des Morts Conservation Club is in partnership with Winnebago County and the DNR on the project. The projected costs are $65,680.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Butte Des Morts Conservation Club Terrell Island Land Acquisition: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club proposes to purchase 18.3 acres of land in their Terrell's Island project area.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Lmi - Samers Bay Breakwall Habitat Restoration Project: The Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring a lake protection grant to implement the Samer\2019s Bay Breakwall Habitat Restoration Project.

Project final deliverables include: all data collected, agendas and minutes for planning meetings, and a lake management plan that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion with an implementation plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Remove 2,200 feet of Terrell\2019s Island Breakwall and removal of artificial rock islands; 2) Construct 3,000 feet of the Samer\2019s Bay Breakwall in phase 1; 3) Submit a Final Report to the Department which summarize project activities along with recommendations of lessons learned.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein with the exception that this agreement does not include pre- and post-construction water quality monitoring. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Hlr - Winnebago Waterways Healthy Lakes Grant 2022: Partnering with property owners, Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.

All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.

Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.

Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Winnebago

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Hlr - Winnebago Waterways Healthy Lakes Grant 2022: Partnering with property owners, Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.

All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.

Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.

Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Spring Brook

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Lake Butte Des Morts Land Acquisition-Molinski Property: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club will acquire approximately 1,183 acres of land, including 13,000 feet of shoreline, situated on Lake Butte des Morts in Winnebago County to protect Lake Butte des Morts, and its fish and wildlife habitat. The property is primarily shallow marshland including cattails, sedges and grasses. It also includes 164 acres of upland containing trees and shrubs. The goals of the property's management plan focus on 1) the protection of the lake and the Winnebago Pool Watershed, 2) the protection and restoration of the property's plant communities and fish and wildlife habitat, and 3) allowing public access to the property for recreational purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Lake Butte Des Morts Land Acquisition-Molinski Property: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club will acquire approximately 1,183 acres of land, including 13,000 feet of shoreline, situated on Lake Butte des Morts in Winnebago County to protect Lake Butte des Morts, and its fish and wildlife habitat. The property is primarily shallow marshland including cattails, sedges and grasses. It also includes 164 acres of upland containing trees and shrubs. The goals of the property's management plan focus on 1) the protection of the lake and the Winnebago Pool Watershed, 2) the protection and restoration of the property's plant communities and fish and wildlife habitat, and 3) allowing public access to the property for recreational purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Wolf River

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Lake Butte Des Morts Land Acquisition-Molinski Property: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club will acquire approximately 1,183 acres of land, including 13,000 feet of shoreline, situated on Lake Butte des Morts in Winnebago County to protect Lake Butte des Morts, and its fish and wildlife habitat. The property is primarily shallow marshland including cattails, sedges and grasses. It also includes 164 acres of upland containing trees and shrubs. The goals of the property's management plan focus on 1) the protection of the lake and the Winnebago Pool Watershed, 2) the protection and restoration of the property's plant communities and fish and wildlife habitat, and 3) allowing public access to the property for recreational purposes.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Daggets Creek

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Winnebago Lakes Comprehensive Planning - Lake Butte Des Mort: The Fox \2013 Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring a project to develop a Comprehensive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Butte des Morts.

Specific project activities include: 1) Develop communication strategy; 2) Create LMP structural framework; 3) Develop committees for each LMP element; 4) Establish issue related focus groups and encourage stakeholder participation; 5) Determine need for third party consultant assistance.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Committees identify outstanding issues, data gaps and possible actions to address lake issues, 2) Committees begin to draft language for LMP sections, 3) Hold 3 Town-hall meetings; 4) Develop website; 5) Issue press releases; 6) If determined necessary, engage third party consultants for project assistance; 7) Develop Phase 4 strategy for completion of LMP.

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) Draft sociological/user surveys and shoreline assessments must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated 3) Documentation of volunteer labor and donated services shall be collected and maintained in accordance with grant program guidelines for reporting in kind donations.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Final reports: it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fox River

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Winnebago Lakes Comprehensive Planning - Lake Butte Des Mort: The Fox \2013 Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring a project to develop a Comprehensive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Butte des Morts.

Specific project activities include: 1) Develop communication strategy; 2) Create LMP structural framework; 3) Develop committees for each LMP element; 4) Establish issue related focus groups and encourage stakeholder participation; 5) Determine need for third party consultant assistance.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Committees identify outstanding issues, data gaps and possible actions to address lake issues, 2) Committees begin to draft language for LMP sections, 3) Hold 3 Town-hall meetings; 4) Develop website; 5) Issue press releases; 6) If determined necessary, engage third party consultants for project assistance; 7) Develop Phase 4 strategy for completion of LMP.

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) Draft sociological/user surveys and shoreline assessments must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated 3) Documentation of volunteer labor and donated services shall be collected and maintained in accordance with grant program guidelines for reporting in kind donations.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Final reports: it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fox River

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Winnebago Lakes Comprehensive Planning, Butte Des Morts, Phase 4: The Fox \2013 Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring a project to develop a Comprehensive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Butte des Morts.
Specific project activities / deliverables include: 1) Develop & implement multiple communication strategies; 2) improve project awareness through community engagement events, 3) Improve information and education outreach through activities / presentations designed to meet specific stakeholder needs, 4) create & engage focus groups to prioritize management recommendations, 5) conduct citizen survey of 1,000 shoreline property owners, conduct aquatic plant PI survey of entire lake system, 6) identify & prioritize a list of habitat improvement projects, 7) complete comprehensive management / APM / AIS Strategic plan and obtain DNR approval and 8) conduct Plan Adoption Outreach, Engagement, and Communication activities to ensure LMP implementation.
Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) Draft sociological/user surveys and shoreline assessments must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated
This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.
Final reports: it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fox River

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Evaluation Of Breakwall Restoration In The Winnebago System: The Fox \2013 Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring an LPL grant project to evaluate the ecological restoration of habitat and water quality resulting from two break-wall projects on Lake Butte des Morts.

Specific project activities include: 1) Establish a standardized protocol for monitoring break-wall projects; 2) Conduct pre / post project water quality sampling and data analysis; 3) Write final report; 4) Update Lake Winnebago System lake management plan to reflect results of this study.

Project final deliverables include: 1) All data collected, aquatic animal reports, stakeholder survey report; 2) Agendas and minutes for planning meetings; 3) Updated lake management plan that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion with an implementation schedule.

Specific conditions: 1) Data and reports provided in an electronic format; 2) This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein; Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. 3) It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft of the final report for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. 4) Grantee shall submit electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Winnebago County: Lake Butte Des Morts Land Management Plan & Brochure: Winnebago County proposes to develop a land management plan for the acquisition of approximately 1,200 acres of the Lake Butte des Morts watershed. An informational brochure will be produced explaining the land acquisition project and its relationship to protecting the lake. The sponsor will prepare a final report summarizing the project results and will also provide the Department of Natural Resources with a paper copy and an eletronic copy of the final report. The sponsor will disseminate information about the project to the public through the brochure, newsletter mailing, entire report mailing, public meeting, and local newspaper article. end.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Lake Butte Des Morts Aquatic Plan Mgt Plan: The Lake Butte des Morts Conservation Club proposes to develop an appraisal of the shallow open water, deep water marsh, shallow water marsh, sedge meadow and upland plant communities within the breakwater area of the Terrell Island. This will include the identification of plant community locations general attributes and spatial relationships, and a subsequent management objective development for fish and wildlife habitat, recreational and educational use, and general land use management.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Lake Butte Des Morts Common Reed Assessment: The Lake Butte des Morts Conservation Club proposes to conduct an assessment of stress-response in common reeds stands in the Winnebago Pool Lakes. The project will consist of compiling a historical evaluation of stand changes, develop baseline information on the currert status, assess the relationship between changes and seasonal water levels and weather conditions, and identify public perception of stand existance and potential restoration efforts.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Winnebago Lakes Comprehensive Planning - Lake Butte Des Mort: The Fox \2013 Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring a project to develop a Comprehensive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Butte des Morts.

Specific project activities include: 1) Develop communication strategy; 2) Create LMP structural framework; 3) Develop committees for each LMP element; 4) Establish issue related focus groups and encourage stakeholder participation; 5) Determine need for third party consultant assistance.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Committees identify outstanding issues, data gaps and possible actions to address lake issues, 2) Committees begin to draft language for LMP sections, 3) Hold 3 Town-hall meetings; 4) Develop website; 5) Issue press releases; 6) If determined necessary, engage third party consultants for project assistance; 7) Develop Phase 4 strategy for completion of LMP.

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) Draft sociological/user surveys and shoreline assessments must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated 3) Documentation of volunteer labor and donated services shall be collected and maintained in accordance with grant program guidelines for reporting in kind donations.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Final reports: it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Winnebago Lakes Comprehensive Planning, Butte Des Morts, Phase 4: The Fox \2013 Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring a project to develop a Comprehensive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Butte des Morts.
Specific project activities / deliverables include: 1) Develop & implement multiple communication strategies; 2) improve project awareness through community engagement events, 3) Improve information and education outreach through activities / presentations designed to meet specific stakeholder needs, 4) create & engage focus groups to prioritize management recommendations, 5) conduct citizen survey of 1,000 shoreline property owners, conduct aquatic plant PI survey of entire lake system, 6) identify & prioritize a list of habitat improvement projects, 7) complete comprehensive management / APM / AIS Strategic plan and obtain DNR approval and 8) conduct Plan Adoption Outreach, Engagement, and Communication activities to ensure LMP implementation.
Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) Draft sociological/user surveys and shoreline assessments must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated
This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.
Final reports: it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Evaluation Of Breakwall Restoration In The Winnebago System: The Fox \2013 Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring an LPL grant project to evaluate the ecological restoration of habitat and water quality resulting from two break-wall projects on Lake Butte des Morts.

Specific project activities include: 1) Establish a standardized protocol for monitoring break-wall projects; 2) Conduct pre / post project water quality sampling and data analysis; 3) Write final report; 4) Update Lake Winnebago System lake management plan to reflect results of this study.

Project final deliverables include: 1) All data collected, aquatic animal reports, stakeholder survey report; 2) Agendas and minutes for planning meetings; 3) Updated lake management plan that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion with an implementation schedule.

Specific conditions: 1) Data and reports provided in an electronic format; 2) This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein; Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. 3) It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft of the final report for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. 4) Grantee shall submit electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Spring Brook

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Winnebago Lakes Comprehensive Planning - Lake Butte Des Mort: The Fox \2013 Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring a project to develop a Comprehensive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Butte des Morts.

Specific project activities include: 1) Develop communication strategy; 2) Create LMP structural framework; 3) Develop committees for each LMP element; 4) Establish issue related focus groups and encourage stakeholder participation; 5) Determine need for third party consultant assistance.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Committees identify outstanding issues, data gaps and possible actions to address lake issues, 2) Committees begin to draft language for LMP sections, 3) Hold 3 Town-hall meetings; 4) Develop website; 5) Issue press releases; 6) If determined necessary, engage third party consultants for project assistance; 7) Develop Phase 4 strategy for completion of LMP.

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) Draft sociological/user surveys and shoreline assessments must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated 3) Documentation of volunteer labor and donated services shall be collected and maintained in accordance with grant program guidelines for reporting in kind donations.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Final reports: it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Winnebago Lakes Comprehensive Planning - Lake Butte Des Mort: The Fox \2013 Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring a project to develop a Comprehensive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Butte des Morts.

Specific project activities include: 1) Develop communication strategy; 2) Create LMP structural framework; 3) Develop committees for each LMP element; 4) Establish issue related focus groups and encourage stakeholder participation; 5) Determine need for third party consultant assistance.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Committees identify outstanding issues, data gaps and possible actions to address lake issues, 2) Committees begin to draft language for LMP sections, 3) Hold 3 Town-hall meetings; 4) Develop website; 5) Issue press releases; 6) If determined necessary, engage third party consultants for project assistance; 7) Develop Phase 4 strategy for completion of LMP.

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) Draft sociological/user surveys and shoreline assessments must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated 3) Documentation of volunteer labor and donated services shall be collected and maintained in accordance with grant program guidelines for reporting in kind donations.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Final reports: it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wolf River

Wolf River Preservation Association: Wolf River Watershed Management Planning - Phase 2: The Wolf River Preservation Association proposes to continue watershed management planning activities. Phase 2 project activities include continuing water quality monitoring, conducting a recreational use survey, continuing to assess erosional areas, continuing to identify exotic species, and preparation of a report summarizing the data collected and analyses performed. The sponsor will provide the Department of Natural Resources with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the report. Information about the results of phase 2 activities will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, fact sheet, public meeting, and local newspaper article.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wolf River

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Winnebago Lakes Comprehensive Planning - Lake Butte Des Mort: The Fox \2013 Wolf Watershed Alliance is sponsoring a project to develop a Comprehensive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Butte des Morts.

Specific project activities include: 1) Develop communication strategy; 2) Create LMP structural framework; 3) Develop committees for each LMP element; 4) Establish issue related focus groups and encourage stakeholder participation; 5) Determine need for third party consultant assistance.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Committees identify outstanding issues, data gaps and possible actions to address lake issues, 2) Committees begin to draft language for LMP sections, 3) Hold 3 Town-hall meetings; 4) Develop website; 5) Issue press releases; 6) If determined necessary, engage third party consultants for project assistance; 7) Develop Phase 4 strategy for completion of LMP.

Special Conditions: 1) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 2) Draft sociological/user surveys and shoreline assessments must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated 3) Documentation of volunteer labor and donated services shall be collected and maintained in accordance with grant program guidelines for reporting in kind donations.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Final reports: it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Daggets Creek

Winnebago Lakes Council, Inc.: Winnebago Pool Lakes Outreach And Forum Development: The Winnebago Lakes Counsil proposes to hire an organization coordinator to support the following:

1. Newsletter development
2. Website development and maintenance
3. Issue summaries
4. Mining community information realative to board and membership development
5. Event planning, lake forums

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fox River

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Butte Des Morts Community Lake Education Strategic Plan Development: Project will analyze benefit and barriers of public's adoption of BMP's on Winnebago System. Results of analysis will be employed to initiate pilot project targeting nutrient and habitat improvements.

Deliverables: 1. Benefit / Barrier survey design document, 2. Benefit/Barrier survey results (findings) document, 3. Benefit/Barriers survey analysis document.

Water quality and habitat pilot project initiation applying the results of Benefit/Barrier study.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fox River

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Butte Des Morts Strategic Partnering Plan To Develop Effective Watershed Protection: Inventory area stakeholders and projects with water quality and habitat goals. Identify projects of common interest to support and integrate.

Develop a "recognition" program for partners and individuals supporting water quality and habitat improvement to Winnebago Lakes and rivers.

Publish newsletter 2x and author/release strategy and issue news related articles. ID and list available media contacts for lake system initiatives

Deliverables: 1. Partners and projects inventory document, 2. Lakes newsletters, 3. Recognition program, 4. Media listing, 5. Media News releases.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fox River

Winnebago Lakes Council, Inc.: Winnebago Pool Lakes Outreach And Forum Development: The Winnebago Lakes Counsil proposes to hire an organization coordinator to support the following:

1. Newsletter development
2. Website development and maintenance
3. Issue summaries
4. Mining community information realative to board and membership development
5. Event planning, lake forums

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Butte Des Morts Community Lake Education Strategic Plan Development: Project will analyze benefit and barriers of public's adoption of BMP's on Winnebago System. Results of analysis will be employed to initiate pilot project targeting nutrient and habitat improvements.

Deliverables: 1. Benefit / Barrier survey design document, 2. Benefit/Barrier survey results (findings) document, 3. Benefit/Barriers survey analysis document.

Water quality and habitat pilot project initiation applying the results of Benefit/Barrier study.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Butte Des Morts Strategic Partnering Plan To Develop Effective Watershed Protection: Inventory area stakeholders and projects with water quality and habitat goals. Identify projects of common interest to support and integrate.

Develop a "recognition" program for partners and individuals supporting water quality and habitat improvement to Winnebago Lakes and rivers.

Publish newsletter 2x and author/release strategy and issue news related articles. ID and list available media contacts for lake system initiatives

Deliverables: 1. Partners and projects inventory document, 2. Lakes newsletters, 3. Recognition program, 4. Media listing, 5. Media News releases.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Winnebago Lakes Council, Inc.: Winnebago Watershed Conservation Education Project: The Winnebago Lakes Council proposes to conduct a lake planning project to develop a natural resources photo media data base/portfolio to be utilized at several media levels including web publishing and paper media in the interest of promoting sound lake management of the Winnebago system. The deliverable will be a summary report including project actions, products and evaluation of media deployment efficacy. The Department shall receive both paper and electronic PDF copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of the grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Winnebago Wolf Team Development: The first goal will be for the WLF Team to improve their understanding of ecological implications of WLF community integration process and project management skills. The second goal will be to improve committee structure.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Winnebago Lakes Council, Inc.: Winnebago System Water Level Monitoring Network Evaluation: The Winnebago Lakes Council will evaluate the efficacy (relative to existing needs) and sufficiency(relative to future needs) of WLF monitoring network on the Winnebago system lakes. They will construct a plan to address the existing and future needs of the WLF network. Lakes included are Winnebago, Poygan, Winneconne, and Butte de Morts in the counties of Winnebago, Calumet, Waushara, and Fond du Lac. The methods and actions employed: appraise all WLF monitoring sites, conduct station inventory, physical visits, data output handling, volunteer aspects, hardware/software descriptions. Integrate with USACE.

Grant Details
Targeted Runoff - Rural Construction
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Winnebago County: Riparian Protection & Restoration Project: To cost-share @70% shoreline protection practices in the Upper Pool region.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Fox River

City Of Oshkosh: Stormwater Planning: development of a storm water management plan, to include creation of stormwater, erosion & illicit discharge control ordinances, mapping, assessment of alternative practice installations, and creation of am information & education program

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Town Of Omro: Stormwater Plan - Phase Ii: To develop municipal runoff ordinances in compliance with Chapter NR151, map the area's drainage systems, develop a stormwater management plan, and provide for public involvement & education.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Sawyer Creek

Winnebago County Lcd: Winnebago Co. Coop. Proj.: To cost-share development of concerted public education, mapping, modeling and pollution prevention programs among the cooperating Winnebago County towns of Algoma, Black Wolf, Menasha, Neenah, Nekimi, Omro, Oshkosh & Vinland.

Monitoring & Projects

Projects including grants, restoration work and studies shown below have occurred in this watershed. Click the links below to read through the text. While these are not an exhaustive list of activities, they provide insight into the management activities happening in this watershed.

Grants and Management Projects
Lake Butte Des Mortes Watershed
Watershed Recommendations
Best Management Practices, Implement
Winnebago County Stormwater Quality Modeling Update
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance; updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development; other new ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for part of the developed urban area.
In Progress
Sewer Service Area Planning
Fox Valley WQ Area
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Omro - Stormwater Management Plan Update
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance; updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development; other updated ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area; updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and a new storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Commerce Court Pond Expansion and Storm Sewer Installation
Commerce Court Pond Expansion and Storm Sewer Installation
In Progress
Lake Butte Des Mortes WatershedWatershed History Note

The City of Oshkosh is located within the Lake Butte Des Mortes Watershed. The name Butte Des Mortes was given by French settlers and means "Hill of the Dead", in reference to a nearly Indian burial mound. English speaking settlers arrived in 1836 and established a trading post, tavern and inn in the vicinity of current day Oshkosh. Eventually a number of nearby villages merged and officially adopted the name Oskosh, after the Chief of the nearby Menominee Indian Tribe. Some time later an "h" was added and it became known as Oshkosh. The community incorporated as a village in 1846, and in 1847 the first sawmill began operating; within several years multiple sawmills lined the Fox River. In 1853 Oshkosh was incorporated as a city. The great Chicago fire of 1871 created a boom in Oshkosh's lumber trade, as much of the lumber used to rebuild Chicago was produced by Oshkosh sawmills. By 1873 twenty-four sawmills, fifteen shingle mills, and seven sash and door factories were in operation, and Oshkosh became known as "Sawdust City." Oshkosh's position on Lake Winnebago and the Fox River, as well as Lake Butte Des Mortes, provided transportation for explorers, power for sawmills, and today the area is a mecca for recreational boating.

Date  2011