Watershed - Big Green Lake (UF07)
Big Green Lake Watershed


The Big Green Lake Watershed is located primarily in Green Lake County, but extends east into Fond du Lac County and edges just a bit into the southwestern corner of Winnebago County. The watershed is 68,676 acres in size and contains 141 miles of streams and rivers, 655 acres of lakes and 5,102 acres of wetlands.

At the time of the 2010 Census, the Wisconsin Population Lab determined the Big Green Lake Watershed hosted 12,429 inhabitants. The majority of the land cover in the Big Green Lake Watershed is dominated by Agriculture (65%) followed by Open Land and Water (15.53%). Forest also covers a sizeable portion of the watershed (8.76%) followed by Wetlands, which constitute approximately five and three-quarters of the watershed. The last reasonably sized land cover is Suburban (3.22%). The remainder of land cover constitutes slightly over one and a half percent of the total land cover; these include Urban (0.87%), Grassland (0.81%) and Barren (.07%).

Date  2018

Ecological Landscapes for Big Green Lake Watershed

Ecological Landscapes

The Big Green Lake Watershed is covered by two ecological landscapes: the Southeast Glacial Plains and the Central Sand Hills.

The Southeast Glacial Plains Ecological Landscape makes up the bulk of the non-coastal land area in southeast Wisconsin. This Ecological Landscape is made up of glacial till plains and moraines. Most of this Ecological Landscape is composed of glacial materials deposited during the Wisconsin Ice Age, but the southwest portion consists of older, pre-Wisconsin till with a more dissected topography. Soils are lime-rich tills overlain in most areas by a silt-loam loess cap. Agricultural and residential interests throughout the landscape have significantly altered the historical vegetation. Most of the rare natural communities that remain are associated with large moraines or in areas where the Niagara Escarpment occurs close to the surface. Historically, vegetation in the Southeast Glacial Plains consisted of a mix of prairie, oak forests and savanna, and maple-basswood forests. Wet-mesic prairies, southern sedge meadows, emergent marshes, and calcareous fens were found in lower portions of the Landscape. End moraines and drumlins supported savannas and forests. Agricultural and urban land use practices have drastically changed the land cover of the Southeast Glacial Plains since Euro-American settlement. The current vegetation is primarily agricultural cropland. Remaining forests occupy only about 10% of the land area and consist of maple-basswood, lowland hardwoods, and oak. No large mesic forests exist today except on the Kettle Interlobate Moraine which has topography too rugged for agriculture. Some existing forest patches that were formerly savannas have succeeded to hardwood forest due to fire suppression.

The Central Sand Hills Ecological Landscape is located in central Wisconsin at the eastern edge of what was once Glacial Lake Wisconsin. The landforms in this Ecological Landscape are a series of glacial moraines that were later partially covered by glacial outwash. The area is characterized by a mixture of farmland, woodlots, wetlands, small kettle lakes, and cold water streams, all on sandy soils. The mosaic of glacial moraine and pitted outwash throughout this Ecological Landscape has given rise to extensive wetlands in the outwash areas, and the headwaters of coldwater streams that originate in glacial moraines. The growing season is long enough for agriculture but the sandy soils limit agricultural productivity somewhat. Historic upland vegetation consisted of oak-forest, oak savanna, and tallgrass prairie. Fens were common in this Ecological Landscape and occurred along with wet-mesic prairie, wet prairie, and rare coastal plain marshes. Current vegetation is composed of more than one-third agricultural crops, and almost 20% grasslands with smaller amounts of open wetland, open water, shrubs, barren, and urban areas. The major forested type is oak-hickory, with smaller amounts of white-red-jack pine, maple-basswood, lowland hardwoods, aspen-birch, and spruce-fir.

Date  2018

Watershed Documents
Watershed Grants
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Big Twin Lake

Green Lake County: Big & Little Twin Lakes Ais Management Project: Amended 9.28.10: The Green Lake County Department of Land Conservation proposes to control curly-leaf pondweed (CLP) and Eurasian water-milfoil (EWM) through chemical treatment and preventative measures in Big and Little Twin Lakes during the period 2008 - 2012. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Green Lake County's Department of Land Conservation Aquatic Invasive Species Control Grant Application, dated January 29, 2008. The project includes conducting annual pre-treatment and post-treatment surveys to monitor the extent of CLP and EWM and efficacy of treatments; treating CLP and EWM infested areas with aquatic herbicides; reconfiguring the boat launch and installing a carp gate to deter free-floating aquatic invasive plants and carp migration; hiring a county intern to conduct education and prevention activities to prevent further AIS infestations, including training local residents in "Clean Boats Clean Waters", placing signs at boat landings, and plan public outreach materials. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the five-year project will be provided to DNR. If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR will be provided both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request. Any publications produced as part of the project will incorporate the "Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!" brand

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Big Green Lk Established Infestation Control Project: Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to control existing infestations of carp, Eurasian water-milfoil (EWM) and purple loosestrife in Green Lake during the period 2006 - 2007. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Green Lake Sanitary District's Aquatic Invasive Species Grant application, dated January 25, 2006. The project includes controlling carp through removal activities and the operation of carp barriers; monitoring the extent of EWM annually; conducting an aquatic plant survey in Silver Creek using the point-intercept method; performing biocontrol of purple loosestrife, including building, operating and maintaining plant nurseries; and developing a long-range funding strategy for aquatic invasive species control. Mechanical harvesting of EWM for purposes of nuisance relief will not be reimbursed. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the two-year project will be provided to DNR.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Big Green Lk Established Infestation Control Project: Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to control existing infestations of carp, Eurasian water-milfoil (EWM) and purple loosestrife in Green Lake during the period 2006 - 2007. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Green Lake Sanitary District's Aquatic Invasive Species Grant application, dated January 25, 2006. The project includes controlling carp through removal activities and the operation of carp barriers; monitoring the extent of EWM annually; conducting an aquatic plant survey in Silver Creek using the point-intercept method; performing biocontrol of purple loosestrife, including building, operating and maintaining plant nurseries; and developing a long-range funding strategy for aquatic invasive species control. Mechanical harvesting of EWM for purposes of nuisance relief will not be reimbursed. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the two-year project will be provided to DNR.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Green Lake Ais Monitoring & Control: The Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring an AIS control grant on Big Green Lake, in Green Lake County. This is the first phase of an AIS control project that will focus on EWM and CLP management. The goal of the project is to lower AIS populations within the Silver Creek Estuary, Beyers Cove, and City Millpond to levels that minimally affect the aquatic ecosystem of those areas.

Project activities include: 1) Early season AIS surveys; 2) Annual AIS targeted herbicide treatments in the above mentioned basins; 3) PI surveys and aquatic plant community mapping; 4) EWM peak-biomass survey; 5) Spring pretreatment confirmation and refinement surveys; 6) Volunteer herbicide
concentration monitoring

Project deliverables include: 1) Chemical control of EWM and CLP; 2) Pre and post treatment surveys and aquatic plant community maps; 3) Annual letter reports; 4) Green Lake aquatic vegetation report; 5) Annual Green Lake Sanitary District presentation; Stakeholder participation components (herbicide concentration monitoring, CBCW); 6) Recommendations for future AIS management beyond the timeframe covered by this grant.

Scope Amend: Add County K marsh

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Hill Creek

Green Lake County: Big & Little Twin Lakes Ais Management Project: Amended 9.28.10: The Green Lake County Department of Land Conservation proposes to control curly-leaf pondweed (CLP) and Eurasian water-milfoil (EWM) through chemical treatment and preventative measures in Big and Little Twin Lakes during the period 2008 - 2012. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Green Lake County's Department of Land Conservation Aquatic Invasive Species Control Grant Application, dated January 29, 2008. The project includes conducting annual pre-treatment and post-treatment surveys to monitor the extent of CLP and EWM and efficacy of treatments; treating CLP and EWM infested areas with aquatic herbicides; reconfiguring the boat launch and installing a carp gate to deter free-floating aquatic invasive plants and carp migration; hiring a county intern to conduct education and prevention activities to prevent further AIS infestations, including training local residents in "Clean Boats Clean Waters", placing signs at boat landings, and plan public outreach materials. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the five-year project will be provided to DNR. If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR will be provided both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request. Any publications produced as part of the project will incorporate the "Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!" brand

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Little Twin Lake

Green Lake County: Big & Little Twin Lakes Ais Management Project: Amended 9.28.10: The Green Lake County Department of Land Conservation proposes to control curly-leaf pondweed (CLP) and Eurasian water-milfoil (EWM) through chemical treatment and preventative measures in Big and Little Twin Lakes during the period 2008 - 2012. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Green Lake County's Department of Land Conservation Aquatic Invasive Species Control Grant Application, dated January 29, 2008. The project includes conducting annual pre-treatment and post-treatment surveys to monitor the extent of CLP and EWM and efficacy of treatments; treating CLP and EWM infested areas with aquatic herbicides; reconfiguring the boat launch and installing a carp gate to deter free-floating aquatic invasive plants and carp migration; hiring a county intern to conduct education and prevention activities to prevent further AIS infestations, including training local residents in "Clean Boats Clean Waters", placing signs at boat landings, and plan public outreach materials. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the five-year project will be provided to DNR. If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR will be provided both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request. Any publications produced as part of the project will incorporate the "Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!" brand

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Green Lake Ais Monitoring & Control: The Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring an AIS control grant on Big Green Lake, in Green Lake County. This is the first phase of an AIS control project that will focus on EWM and CLP management. The goal of the project is to lower AIS populations within the Silver Creek Estuary, Beyers Cove, and City Millpond to levels that minimally affect the aquatic ecosystem of those areas.

Project activities include: 1) Early season AIS surveys; 2) Annual AIS targeted herbicide treatments in the above mentioned basins; 3) PI surveys and aquatic plant community mapping; 4) EWM peak-biomass survey; 5) Spring pretreatment confirmation and refinement surveys; 6) Volunteer herbicide
concentration monitoring

Project deliverables include: 1) Chemical control of EWM and CLP; 2) Pre and post treatment surveys and aquatic plant community maps; 3) Annual letter reports; 4) Green Lake aquatic vegetation report; 5) Annual Green Lake Sanitary District presentation; Stakeholder participation components (herbicide concentration monitoring, CBCW); 6) Recommendations for future AIS management beyond the timeframe covered by this grant.

Scope Amend: Add County K marsh

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved

Green Lake County: Big & Little Twin Lakes Ais Management Project: Amended 9.28.10: The Green Lake County Department of Land Conservation proposes to control curly-leaf pondweed (CLP) and Eurasian water-milfoil (EWM) through chemical treatment and preventative measures in Big and Little Twin Lakes during the period 2008 - 2012. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Green Lake County's Department of Land Conservation Aquatic Invasive Species Control Grant Application, dated January 29, 2008. The project includes conducting annual pre-treatment and post-treatment surveys to monitor the extent of CLP and EWM and efficacy of treatments; treating CLP and EWM infested areas with aquatic herbicides; reconfiguring the boat launch and installing a carp gate to deter free-floating aquatic invasive plants and carp migration; hiring a county intern to conduct education and prevention activities to prevent further AIS infestations, including training local residents in "Clean Boats Clean Waters", placing signs at boat landings, and plan public outreach materials. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the five-year project will be provided to DNR. If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR will be provided both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request. Any publications produced as part of the project will incorporate the "Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!" brand

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Big Twin Lake

Green Lake County: Big & Little Twin Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plan Update: Green Lake County is sponsoring a project to update the Big and Little Twin Lakes lake management plan.

Activities: 1) Whole Lake PI Survey. 2) Public Interest Survey. 3) Water Quality Monitoring. 4) Analyze Plant Data. 5) Create Lake Management Plan.

Deliverables: 1) PI Survey Data. 2) Data for water quality monitoring. 3) Final Lake Management Plan.

Conditions: 1) Enter data collected into SWIMS database under the grant project number. 2) Provide DNR Biologist with draft version of the management plan for review. 3) Wetland monitoring shall follow DNR protocols.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Big Green Lk Education, Prevention & Planning Project: Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct education, prevention and planning activities to control and prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) into and from Green Lake during the period 2006 - 2007. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Green Lake Sanitary District's Aquatic Invasive Species Grant application, dated January 25, 2006. The project includes developing a comprehensive AIS plan addressing elements of prevention, control, monitoring, policy development, research, education/information, coordination and regional integration; conducting workshops to train volunteers in monitoring and prevention methods; monitoring for zebra mussels and other AIS; and identifying opportunities for regional integration of AIS prevention activities on near-by lakes. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the two-year project will be provided to DNR.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Big Green Lk Education, Prevention & Planning Project: Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct education, prevention and planning activities to control and prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) into and from Green Lake during the period 2006 - 2007. The project elements and deliverables are specified in Green Lake Sanitary District's Aquatic Invasive Species Grant application, dated January 25, 2006. The project includes developing a comprehensive AIS plan addressing elements of prevention, control, monitoring, policy development, research, education/information, coordination and regional integration; conducting workshops to train volunteers in monitoring and prevention methods; monitoring for zebra mussels and other AIS; and identifying opportunities for regional integration of AIS prevention activities on near-by lakes. Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the two-year project will be provided to DNR.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Big Green Lake Cbcw Project: The Green Lake Association proposes to conduct boater education and boat inspections by implementing the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" watercraft inspection program during the period 2010-2012. The project elements and deliverables are specified in the Green Lake Association\2019s Aquatic Invasive Species Control Grant application, dated January 31, 2010. The project includes to recruit, train and schedule volunteers; educate boaters about aquatic invasive species and the measures to prevent their spread; and entering data into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. A final report summarizing the project will be provided to DNR. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Big Green Lake Cbcw Project: The Green Lake Association proposes to conduct boater education and boat inspections by implementing the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" watercraft inspection program during the period 2010-2012. The project elements and deliverables are specified in the Green Lake Association\2019s Aquatic Invasive Species Control Grant application, dated January 31, 2010. The project includes to recruit, train and schedule volunteers; educate boaters about aquatic invasive species and the measures to prevent their spread; and entering data into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. A final report summarizing the project will be provided to DNR. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake County: Grand Lake Lmp - Ais Dye Study: Green Lake County is sponsoring a project to complete an AIS dye study on Grand Lake, Green Lake County. This project is the result of a goal in their management plan to determine herbicide residence times in areas containing high density curly leaf pondweed beds. This information is critical to determine if herbicide treatment efficacy would be enough to achieve desired control targets.

Project deliverables include: 1) results of the dye tracking study (determine herbicide residence times for the time period that herbicides would be applied for CLP control); 2); Plant bed mapping; 3) Recommendations for possible future herbicide treatments.

Specific project conditions: WDNR review of the draft results of these studies. DNR lake biologist will be provided electronic and hard copies of data and reports/plans generated as a result of this project.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Prev- Boat Wash Station At Green Lake'S Dodge Memorial County Park: The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a project to install and operate a cold-water boat wash station at Green Lake\2019s Dodge Memorial County Park for three years to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species, including education and outreach components.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Annual synopsis of findings from discussions/surveys between boat wash staff and boaters; 2) Final report, which includes a summary of each season's boat washing activity, a summary of findings on the wash station layout/logistics and community feedback, and outline of any discussions or planning for future wash stations.

Specific project activities include: 1) Install and staff a boat wash station at Green Lake\2019s Dodge Memorial County Park; 2) Use a form adapted from the CBCW program to discuss AIS prevention and boat wash station sentiments with boaters; 3) Learn about logistics and community feedback regarding the wash station, to allow for the consideration and planning of boat wash stations at the other seven public landings around Green Lake.

Special Conditions: 1) DNR will be provided electronic copies of modified survey forms, annual synopses, and final report; 2) All CBCW data will be entered into the SWIMS database; 3) All permits must be issued before construction, and all regulatory requirements apply.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy. DNR to receive both paper (if requested) and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Hill Creek

Green Lake County: Big & Little Twin Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plan Update: Green Lake County is sponsoring a project to update the Big and Little Twin Lakes lake management plan.

Activities: 1) Whole Lake PI Survey. 2) Public Interest Survey. 3) Water Quality Monitoring. 4) Analyze Plant Data. 5) Create Lake Management Plan.

Deliverables: 1) PI Survey Data. 2) Data for water quality monitoring. 3) Final Lake Management Plan.

Conditions: 1) Enter data collected into SWIMS database under the grant project number. 2) Provide DNR Biologist with draft version of the management plan for review. 3) Wetland monitoring shall follow DNR protocols.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Little Twin Lake

Green Lake County: Big & Little Twin Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plan Update: Green Lake County is sponsoring a project to update the Big and Little Twin Lakes lake management plan.

Activities: 1) Whole Lake PI Survey. 2) Public Interest Survey. 3) Water Quality Monitoring. 4) Analyze Plant Data. 5) Create Lake Management Plan.

Deliverables: 1) PI Survey Data. 2) Data for water quality monitoring. 3) Final Lake Management Plan.

Conditions: 1) Enter data collected into SWIMS database under the grant project number. 2) Provide DNR Biologist with draft version of the management plan for review. 3) Wetland monitoring shall follow DNR protocols.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Big Green Lake Cbcw Project: The Green Lake Association proposes to conduct boater education and boat inspections by implementing the "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" watercraft inspection program during the period 2010-2012. The project elements and deliverables are specified in the Green Lake Association\2019s Aquatic Invasive Species Control Grant application, dated January 31, 2010. The project includes to recruit, train and schedule volunteers; educate boaters about aquatic invasive species and the measures to prevent their spread; and entering data into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database. A final report summarizing the project will be provided to DNR. Watercraft inspection records will be entered into the State's online Watercraft Inspection Database.

If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake County: Grand Lake Lmp - Ais Dye Study: Green Lake County is sponsoring a project to complete an AIS dye study on Grand Lake, Green Lake County. This project is the result of a goal in their management plan to determine herbicide residence times in areas containing high density curly leaf pondweed beds. This information is critical to determine if herbicide treatment efficacy would be enough to achieve desired control targets.

Project deliverables include: 1) results of the dye tracking study (determine herbicide residence times for the time period that herbicides would be applied for CLP control); 2); Plant bed mapping; 3) Recommendations for possible future herbicide treatments.

Specific project conditions: WDNR review of the draft results of these studies. DNR lake biologist will be provided electronic and hard copies of data and reports/plans generated as a result of this project.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Prev- Boat Wash Station At Green Lake'S Dodge Memorial County Park: The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a project to install and operate a cold-water boat wash station at Green Lake\2019s Dodge Memorial County Park for three years to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species, including education and outreach components.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Annual synopsis of findings from discussions/surveys between boat wash staff and boaters; 2) Final report, which includes a summary of each season's boat washing activity, a summary of findings on the wash station layout/logistics and community feedback, and outline of any discussions or planning for future wash stations.

Specific project activities include: 1) Install and staff a boat wash station at Green Lake\2019s Dodge Memorial County Park; 2) Use a form adapted from the CBCW program to discuss AIS prevention and boat wash station sentiments with boaters; 3) Learn about logistics and community feedback regarding the wash station, to allow for the consideration and planning of boat wash stations at the other seven public landings around Green Lake.

Special Conditions: 1) DNR will be provided electronic copies of modified survey forms, annual synopses, and final report; 2) All CBCW data will be entered into the SWIMS database; 3) All permits must be issued before construction, and all regulatory requirements apply.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy. DNR to receive both paper (if requested) and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Green Lake Association, Inc. 2020 Cbcw: Green Lake Association, Inc. is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 0 single public boat landings and 1 public boat landing pairs on BIG GREEN LAKE (COUNTY PARK, SUNSET PARK).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Green Lake Association, Inc. 2020 Cbcw: Green Lake Association, Inc. is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 0 single public boat landings and 1 public boat landing pairs on BIG GREEN LAKE (COUNTY PARK, SUNSET PARK).

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Belle Fountain Spring

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Big Twin Lake

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Daggets Creek

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Lake Butte Des Morts Land Acquisition-Molinski Property: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club will acquire approximately 1,183 acres of land, including 13,000 feet of shoreline, situated on Lake Butte des Morts in Winnebago County to protect Lake Butte des Morts, and its fish and wildlife habitat. The property is primarily shallow marshland including cattails, sedges and grasses. It also includes 164 acres of upland containing trees and shrubs. The goals of the property's management plan focus on 1) the protection of the lake and the Winnebago Pool Watershed, 2) the protection and restoration of the property's plant communities and fish and wildlife habitat, and 3) allowing public access to the property for recreational purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Dakin Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake (Guskey) Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 30 acres of land along Silver Creek which drains directly into Big Green Lake to be used as nonpoint source abatement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Dakin Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Res-Green Lake Watershed Bmp Project: The Green Lake Sanitary District will implement best management practices (BMP) within the lake watershed to reduce nutrient/sediment loadings and protect and improve shoreline habitat. Earthen and cultural practices will include sediment retention basins, reduced tillage, buffers and nutrient management. These BMPs will be employed within subwatersheds identified as being priority areas for pollutant reduction. Project plans will be developed on a case by case basis in consultation within the Department.

Shoreline restoration and protection BMPs will be employed within the existing RSVP program resulting in improved shore aesthetics, wild life habitat, and water quality filtration. Costs will be associated with planning, promotion and installation. The project costs also include an information and education component for fostering partnerships with area schools, local government and other local sponsored education activities.

This phase of implementation is intended to begin a strategy that includes a nutrient reduction goal of 35% by the year 2008. The benefits to the lake and watershed will include improved water clarity, aquatic habitat, aesthetics and recreational quality.

The Green Lake Sanitary District will be partnering with local management units to complete the tasks. These include the Green Lake Association RSVP program and Green Lake County. Other resources being provided include a $5,000 donation from the Green Lake Association.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Dakin Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Res-Green Lake Carp Barrier Project: This project will install two carp barriers at key locations tributary to Green Lake. Both areas to be protected are deep water marshes that flow through channel constrictions (bridges) into Green lake. These marsh areas have historically supported carp activity and recruitment. Each barrier will be constructed to allow boat passage yet prevent carp movement. One barrier will be installed at CTH "A" on the east end, the 2nd barrier at CTH "K" (also known as County Park Marsh/Wurches Creek) on the southwest corner of the lake.

The barriers will prevent carp migration and spawning in critical habitat areas flowing into the main basin of Green Lake. By retarding carp activity in the very shallow and broad tributary areas at these locations we expect the following benefits realized: 1) Aquatic plant growth will be enhanced in density and areal coverage as a result of the prevention of sediment resuspension and plant root disruption attributable to carp; 2) Water quality in the protected marsh will improve; better clarity, less suspended material in the water of the deepwater marsh areas. It is likely that more deposition will occur within the marsh zone due to improved retention of solids; 3) Water quality of the lake (within the mixing zone of the tributary and ultimately the lake itself) will improve due to lower loadings of suspended materials and nutrients; 4) Ducks, herons, egrets, raptors and furbearing animal use will increase.

In one of the locations carp will be trapped by an existing trap setup located adjacent to the barrier. The barriers will be constructed of vertical iron bars with a moveable gate that would allow boat passage and fish passage during critical spawning periods. Maintenance will be conducted by the Sanitary District staff ( not part of the grant dollar request). The final design would be made available to other projects needing designs.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Dakin Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Conservancy Wick Rd (Specht) Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Conservancy Foundation proposes to purchase 3.21 acres of land along Wick Road known as the Specht property for conservancy purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Dakin Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Land Acquisition (Mitchell'S Glen): The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 12 acres of land along Big Green Lake known as the Mitchell's Glen parcel.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Dog Lake

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Fox River

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Lake Butte Des Morts Land Acquisition-Molinski Property: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club will acquire approximately 1,183 acres of land, including 13,000 feet of shoreline, situated on Lake Butte des Morts in Winnebago County to protect Lake Butte des Morts, and its fish and wildlife habitat. The property is primarily shallow marshland including cattails, sedges and grasses. It also includes 164 acres of upland containing trees and shrubs. The goals of the property's management plan focus on 1) the protection of the lake and the Winnebago Pool Watershed, 2) the protection and restoration of the property's plant communities and fish and wildlife habitat, and 3) allowing public access to the property for recreational purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Grand Lake (Millpond)

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Grand River Marsh*

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Lmi-Df-Big Green Lake Loading Feasibility Study: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct a feasibility study to assess nutrient loadings on Big Green Lake. The project will lay the foundation for reducing nutrient and sediment loads with the lake andits tributaries. Major components will be a watershed inventory, develop watershed/lake models for predicting trophic impacts, study long-term historical influences, develop objectives and public education and awareness alternatives.

AMENDMENT #1: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct information/education workshops, compile a partnership resource list and develop pilot shoreland restoration on five demonstration sites. ADDS $30k TO TOTAL GRANT AWARD.

AMENDMENT #2: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to continue with their RSVP project, requiring the funding for the shoreland technician who has been instrumental in this project. This will allow a smooth transition from a Lake grant funded temporary to a Sanitary District funded position.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Lmi-Df-Big Green Lake Loading Feasibility Study: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct a feasibility study to assess nutrient loadings on Big Green Lake. The project will lay the foundation for reducing nutrient and sediment loads with the lake andits tributaries. Major components will be a watershed inventory, develop watershed/lake models for predicting trophic impacts, study long-term historical influences, develop objectives and public education and awareness alternatives.

AMENDMENT #1: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct information/education workshops, compile a partnership resource list and develop pilot shoreland restoration on five demonstration sites. ADDS $30k TO TOTAL GRANT AWARD.

AMENDMENT #2: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to continue with their RSVP project, requiring the funding for the shoreland technician who has been instrumental in this project. This will allow a smooth transition from a Lake grant funded temporary to a Sanitary District funded position.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Big Green Lake Land Acquisition-Bay Rd: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 20.5 acres of vacant land with approximately 660 feet of frontage along Big Green Lake. The Sanitary District will keep it in its naturally landscaped state for conservancy purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Big Green Lake Land Acquisition-Blackbird Pt: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 6.29 acres of vacant land directly behind shoreline residential lots on Big Green Lake. The Sanitary District will keep it in its naturally landscaped state for conservancy purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Big Green Lake Land Acquisition-Bay Rd: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 20.5 acres of vacant land with approximately 660 feet of frontage along Big Green Lake. The Sanitary District will keep it in its naturally landscaped state for conservancy purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Big Green Lake Land Acquisition-Blackbird Pt: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 6.29 acres of vacant land directly behind shoreline residential lots on Big Green Lake. The Sanitary District will keep it in its naturally landscaped state for conservancy purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake (Guskey) Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 30 acres of land along Silver Creek which drains directly into Big Green Lake to be used as nonpoint source abatement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Res-Green Lake Watershed Bmp Project: The Green Lake Sanitary District will implement best management practices (BMP) within the lake watershed to reduce nutrient/sediment loadings and protect and improve shoreline habitat. Earthen and cultural practices will include sediment retention basins, reduced tillage, buffers and nutrient management. These BMPs will be employed within subwatersheds identified as being priority areas for pollutant reduction. Project plans will be developed on a case by case basis in consultation within the Department.

Shoreline restoration and protection BMPs will be employed within the existing RSVP program resulting in improved shore aesthetics, wild life habitat, and water quality filtration. Costs will be associated with planning, promotion and installation. The project costs also include an information and education component for fostering partnerships with area schools, local government and other local sponsored education activities.

This phase of implementation is intended to begin a strategy that includes a nutrient reduction goal of 35% by the year 2008. The benefits to the lake and watershed will include improved water clarity, aquatic habitat, aesthetics and recreational quality.

The Green Lake Sanitary District will be partnering with local management units to complete the tasks. These include the Green Lake Association RSVP program and Green Lake County. Other resources being provided include a $5,000 donation from the Green Lake Association.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake (Guskey) Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 30 acres of land along Silver Creek which drains directly into Big Green Lake to be used as nonpoint source abatement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Res-Green Lake Watershed Bmp Project: The Green Lake Sanitary District will implement best management practices (BMP) within the lake watershed to reduce nutrient/sediment loadings and protect and improve shoreline habitat. Earthen and cultural practices will include sediment retention basins, reduced tillage, buffers and nutrient management. These BMPs will be employed within subwatersheds identified as being priority areas for pollutant reduction. Project plans will be developed on a case by case basis in consultation within the Department.

Shoreline restoration and protection BMPs will be employed within the existing RSVP program resulting in improved shore aesthetics, wild life habitat, and water quality filtration. Costs will be associated with planning, promotion and installation. The project costs also include an information and education component for fostering partnerships with area schools, local government and other local sponsored education activities.

This phase of implementation is intended to begin a strategy that includes a nutrient reduction goal of 35% by the year 2008. The benefits to the lake and watershed will include improved water clarity, aquatic habitat, aesthetics and recreational quality.

The Green Lake Sanitary District will be partnering with local management units to complete the tasks. These include the Green Lake Association RSVP program and Green Lake County. Other resources being provided include a $5,000 donation from the Green Lake Association.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Res-Green Lake Carp Barrier Project: This project will install two carp barriers at key locations tributary to Green Lake. Both areas to be protected are deep water marshes that flow through channel constrictions (bridges) into Green lake. These marsh areas have historically supported carp activity and recruitment. Each barrier will be constructed to allow boat passage yet prevent carp movement. One barrier will be installed at CTH "A" on the east end, the 2nd barrier at CTH "K" (also known as County Park Marsh/Wurches Creek) on the southwest corner of the lake.

The barriers will prevent carp migration and spawning in critical habitat areas flowing into the main basin of Green Lake. By retarding carp activity in the very shallow and broad tributary areas at these locations we expect the following benefits realized: 1) Aquatic plant growth will be enhanced in density and areal coverage as a result of the prevention of sediment resuspension and plant root disruption attributable to carp; 2) Water quality in the protected marsh will improve; better clarity, less suspended material in the water of the deepwater marsh areas. It is likely that more deposition will occur within the marsh zone due to improved retention of solids; 3) Water quality of the lake (within the mixing zone of the tributary and ultimately the lake itself) will improve due to lower loadings of suspended materials and nutrients; 4) Ducks, herons, egrets, raptors and furbearing animal use will increase.

In one of the locations carp will be trapped by an existing trap setup located adjacent to the barrier. The barriers will be constructed of vertical iron bars with a moveable gate that would allow boat passage and fish passage during critical spawning periods. Maintenance will be conducted by the Sanitary District staff ( not part of the grant dollar request). The final design would be made available to other projects needing designs.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Res-Green Lake Carp Barrier Project: This project will install two carp barriers at key locations tributary to Green Lake. Both areas to be protected are deep water marshes that flow through channel constrictions (bridges) into Green lake. These marsh areas have historically supported carp activity and recruitment. Each barrier will be constructed to allow boat passage yet prevent carp movement. One barrier will be installed at CTH "A" on the east end, the 2nd barrier at CTH "K" (also known as County Park Marsh/Wurches Creek) on the southwest corner of the lake.

The barriers will prevent carp migration and spawning in critical habitat areas flowing into the main basin of Green Lake. By retarding carp activity in the very shallow and broad tributary areas at these locations we expect the following benefits realized: 1) Aquatic plant growth will be enhanced in density and areal coverage as a result of the prevention of sediment resuspension and plant root disruption attributable to carp; 2) Water quality in the protected marsh will improve; better clarity, less suspended material in the water of the deepwater marsh areas. It is likely that more deposition will occur within the marsh zone due to improved retention of solids; 3) Water quality of the lake (within the mixing zone of the tributary and ultimately the lake itself) will improve due to lower loadings of suspended materials and nutrients; 4) Ducks, herons, egrets, raptors and furbearing animal use will increase.

In one of the locations carp will be trapped by an existing trap setup located adjacent to the barrier. The barriers will be constructed of vertical iron bars with a moveable gate that would allow boat passage and fish passage during critical spawning periods. Maintenance will be conducted by the Sanitary District staff ( not part of the grant dollar request). The final design would be made available to other projects needing designs.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Conservancy Wick Rd (Specht) Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Conservancy Foundation proposes to purchase 3.21 acres of land along Wick Road known as the Specht property for conservancy purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Land Acquisition (Mitchell'S Glen): The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 12 acres of land along Big Green Lake known as the Mitchell's Glen parcel.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Conservancy Wick Rd (Specht) Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Conservancy Foundation proposes to purchase 3.21 acres of land along Wick Road known as the Specht property for conservancy purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Sanitary District Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 52.899 acres of land on Green Lake for conservancy purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Sanitary District Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 52.899 acres of land on Green Lake for conservancy purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Sanitary District "Aba-East" Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 6.7 acres of land known as the "ABA-East" property.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Sanitary District "Aba-West" Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 24.5 acres of land known as the "ABA-West" property.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Sanitary District "Aba-East" Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 6.7 acres of land known as the "ABA-East" property.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Sanitary District "Aba-West" Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 24.5 acres of land known as the "ABA-West" property.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Lmi-Management Plan Implementation: Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a lake protection grant on Big Green Lake in Green Lake County. The main goal of this protection grant is to reduce the nutrient loading to the lake through the various activities listed below.
The following work activities will be completed:
1. Identification and implementation of strategic BMP\2019s in the tributary sub-watersheds.
2. Identification of upland buffer problems/opportunities in the impaired tributary sub-watersheds
3. Evaluation and study of the potential to restore the County K Estuary to a plant dominated system.
4. Education and Informational Activities
a. Press releases, public informational meetings, newsletters, presentations, informational videos, sensitive habitat and safety promotion
The following deliverables (products) will result from this grant:
1. Final Report submitted to local DNR Lakes Biologist (1 digital copy / two hard copies). Report to include:
a. Listing of all BMP\2019s installed over the duration of grant
b. Cost-Share Agreements
c. Detailed BMP Information Plans
d. Photographs of each BMP \2013 prior to and after installation
e. USGS monitoring and measurements focusing on efficiency and nutrient load reductions
f. Summary of all upland buffer opportunities with detailed maps.
g. Pre and Post plant surveys of County K Estuary
h. Pre and Post fish surveys of County K Estuary

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake Co. Shorline Inventory: Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a Lake Protection Grant to conduct a shoreline inventory of lakes in the county. The lakes to be inventoried are Big Green, Little Green, Puckaway, Big Twin, Little Twin, Spring (Kingston), Spring (Green Lake), Grand, Heart and Maria.

Major components of this work include:

1. Development of shoreline inventory metrics and survey data
a. Metrics will include data such as vegetation surveys, erosion, slope, structures and anthropogenic influences.
2. Shore land inventory of lakes
a. Photo inventory of all shorelines
3. Database Development
a. Using GIS mapping software
4. Outreach
a. Educational materials sent to property owners informing them about the projects and how classification maps can be accessed.

Project Deliverables:

1. Shore land inventory protocol
a. Including metrics to be assessed
2. Spatially referenced GIS layer maps created from shore land inventory data
a. Digital and hard copies
3. Digital archive of spatially referenced shoreline photographs
4. Maps of base metrics (erosion severity and buffers)
a. Digital and hard copies
5. Educational materials sent to property owners

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Hlk-Green Lake Fish Sticks:
Green Lake Sanitary District will implement best practices described in Wisconsin\2019s 2014-2017 Healthy Lakes Implementation Plan. Practices include: fish sticks, 350 feet2 native plantings, diversion practices, rock infiltration practices, and rain gardens on 6 lakeshore properties. The District will also monitor fish sticks \2013 dependent habitat.
The best practices require a contract to remain in effect for 10 years and must include minimum operation and maintenance requirements and data as described in grant condition #16. If best practice(s) are implemented on land owned by the grant Sponsor, this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If best practice(s) are implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner that abides by grant condition #16 is required.
The Department may require re-payment of project installation costs if the best practice is disturbed or removed. The Sponsor and/or the Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables: Best practice location and design information, if not included in the application; signed 10-year landowner contract; pre and post project installation photographs; summary of education activities and publicity/promotion of Healthy Lakes initiative, if applicable; and habitat monitoring results.
Special conditions: The state share of each best practice cannot exceed $1,000. Grant administration and technical assistance costs may not exceed 10% of the state share of the total grant award; technical assistance does not include implementation labor. Funding cannot be used for mitigation or regulatory compliance activities. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. The Healthy Lakes logo should be used for promotion and publicity, and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Lmi-Big Green Lake D&F Water Quality Improvements: The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a lake protection grant on Big Green Lake in Green Lake County.The main goal of this D&F Study is to study the metalimnetic oxygen minima issue, determine biological / chemical causative mechanisms and create models to assess degree of potential water quality improvements from management actions.
The following work activities will be completed: 1.Install and monitor continuous-sampling mooring buoys, Conduct sediment core analysis of sediment oxygen demand and physical parameters,Conduct sediment core analysis of radionuclide and biogeochemical tracers,Continue water column profiles and stream monitoring,Expand ongoing sampling with additional chemical sampling,Conduct biological sampling & Use Biofish to describe horizontal variations of water quality.
2. Develop an empirical eutrophication model with coupled hydrodynamic lake model
a. Review historic data, conduct sensitivity analysis to quantify response of TP & DO to changes in identified driver(s), Identify the reductions needed to achieve WQ goals, Develop alternative management strategies to achieve WQ goals & Evaluate and rank alternative strategies
b.Determine the feasibility of meeting WQ goals, recommend alternative management strategies and monitor for changes, Update the LMP.
3.Communicate findings to lake stakeholders (local & statewide), give presentation at Lake Conference, post info on websites
The following deliverables (products) will result from this grant:1.Final Report submitted to local DNR Lakes Biologist (1 digital copy / two hard copies). Report to include:Results of sediment core analysis; Water chemistry results; Biological sampling dataset; Various modeling results; Phosphorus response curves; Management recommendations; Update LMP; Communicate results with stakeholders.
This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein
Amendment: Add development of new bathymetric map

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake County: Lmi - Twin Lakes/Hill Creek/Green Lake Phosphorus Reduction Project: The Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a project to study Big and Little Twin Lakes along with Hill Creek to identify ways to reduce phosphorus loading.

Project final deliverables include: Annual reports submitted to DNR \2013 Lake Coordinator with all data collected, conclusions and plans for future work. At the end of the project a final report / plan needs to be submitted and approved by the local DNR \2013 Lake Coordinator.

Specific project activities include: 1) In-lake water quality monitoring at 4 stations; 2) Point intercept surveys following DNR protocol; 3) Determine vertical impoundment effect of dam; 4. Investigate water level management as an APM / water quality improvement tool; 4) CLMN; 5) Conduct early season AIS sampling with mapping; 5) Biannual public education and outreach meetings.

Special Conditions: 1) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 2) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 3) Stations for water quality sampling must be approved by DNR \2013 Lake Coordinator prior any sampling taking place.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Final report: it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Lmi - Big Green Lake Implementation Grant - Green Lake County: The Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a project to implement Best Management Practices and Stream Banks Restoration Projects in the Big Green Lake Watershed.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Implement BMP\2019s to the extent that phosphorus loading is reduced by 1,100 pounds / year; 2) Implement Streambank Restoration and Habitat Improvement Projects on 3,625 feet of streambanks resulting in a Phosphorus loading reduction of 200 pounds / year. At the end of the project a final report / plan needs to be submitted and approved by the local DNR \2013 Lake Coordinator.

Specific project activities include: 1) Installation of BMP\2019s; 2) Implement Streambank Restoration Projects; 3) Conduct in-stream and riparian habitat improvement projects.

Special Conditions: 1) Annual project updates and reports detailing projects and associated phosphorus loading reductions given to the DNR \2013 Lake Coordinator.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Final report: it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Lmi - Big Green Lake (Fond Du Lac Co.) Implementation Grant 2020: The Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a lake management implementation grant to fund best management practices in the Dakin Creek watershed. The project was partially funded so the initial scope of work has been reduced to match the level of funding as described in the amendeded application signed on April 22, 2020.

Project final deliverables include: all data collected, agendas and minutes for planning meetings, and a lake management plan that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion with an implementation plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Continuous cover crop and no-tillage practices will be practiced on a 68-acre field. These practices will continue for at least three years.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Lmi - Big Green Lake (Fond Du Lac Co.) Implementation Grant 2021: The Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a Management Plan Implementation project to implement best management practices in Fond du Lac County. The GLSD/LMP team are working to increase lake protection efforts in this sub-watershed by cost sharing additional agricultural BMPs to reduce phosphorus loading. This project looks to capitalize on current interest in soil & water retention practices by several major agricultural landowners there.

Project deliverables include: This project will be focused on habitat restoration and phosphorus loading reductions. Activities will include but not be limited to the following: 1) Streambank Buffers; 2) Wetland Scrape/Restoration; 3) Waterway Buffers; 4) Prairie Strips; 5) Water and Sediment Control Basins (WASCOB).

Specific project conditions: The project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Conservancy: Acq - Powell Spring - Property Acquisition: Green Lake Conservancy retroactively acquired the 6.022 acre Arnetveit (Powell Springs) property in the Town of Brooklyn, Green Lake County, Wisconsin for protection under Wis. Admin Code s. NR 193 Surface Water Grants program. The land is primarily mesic forest and includes a perennial spring (Powell Spring).

Specific project activities include: 1) Acquisition of 6.022 acres in fee simple for the purpose of conservation; 2). Removal of existing structures and human impacts.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq - Silver Creek Estuary Acquisition- Mildebrandt Conservancy: The Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a project to acquire approximately 54.148 acres of land in the Town of Brooklyn, WI and preserve it into perpetuity to protect water quality and wildlife habitat adjacent to the Silver Creek Estuary, an important inlet to Green Lake.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Heart Lake

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Hill Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake (Guskey) Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 30 acres of land along Silver Creek which drains directly into Big Green Lake to be used as nonpoint source abatement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Hill Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Res-Green Lake Watershed Bmp Project: The Green Lake Sanitary District will implement best management practices (BMP) within the lake watershed to reduce nutrient/sediment loadings and protect and improve shoreline habitat. Earthen and cultural practices will include sediment retention basins, reduced tillage, buffers and nutrient management. These BMPs will be employed within subwatersheds identified as being priority areas for pollutant reduction. Project plans will be developed on a case by case basis in consultation within the Department.

Shoreline restoration and protection BMPs will be employed within the existing RSVP program resulting in improved shore aesthetics, wild life habitat, and water quality filtration. Costs will be associated with planning, promotion and installation. The project costs also include an information and education component for fostering partnerships with area schools, local government and other local sponsored education activities.

This phase of implementation is intended to begin a strategy that includes a nutrient reduction goal of 35% by the year 2008. The benefits to the lake and watershed will include improved water clarity, aquatic habitat, aesthetics and recreational quality.

The Green Lake Sanitary District will be partnering with local management units to complete the tasks. These include the Green Lake Association RSVP program and Green Lake County. Other resources being provided include a $5,000 donation from the Green Lake Association.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Hill Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Res-Green Lake Carp Barrier Project: This project will install two carp barriers at key locations tributary to Green Lake. Both areas to be protected are deep water marshes that flow through channel constrictions (bridges) into Green lake. These marsh areas have historically supported carp activity and recruitment. Each barrier will be constructed to allow boat passage yet prevent carp movement. One barrier will be installed at CTH "A" on the east end, the 2nd barrier at CTH "K" (also known as County Park Marsh/Wurches Creek) on the southwest corner of the lake.

The barriers will prevent carp migration and spawning in critical habitat areas flowing into the main basin of Green Lake. By retarding carp activity in the very shallow and broad tributary areas at these locations we expect the following benefits realized: 1) Aquatic plant growth will be enhanced in density and areal coverage as a result of the prevention of sediment resuspension and plant root disruption attributable to carp; 2) Water quality in the protected marsh will improve; better clarity, less suspended material in the water of the deepwater marsh areas. It is likely that more deposition will occur within the marsh zone due to improved retention of solids; 3) Water quality of the lake (within the mixing zone of the tributary and ultimately the lake itself) will improve due to lower loadings of suspended materials and nutrients; 4) Ducks, herons, egrets, raptors and furbearing animal use will increase.

In one of the locations carp will be trapped by an existing trap setup located adjacent to the barrier. The barriers will be constructed of vertical iron bars with a moveable gate that would allow boat passage and fish passage during critical spawning periods. Maintenance will be conducted by the Sanitary District staff ( not part of the grant dollar request). The final design would be made available to other projects needing designs.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Hill Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Conservancy Wick Rd (Specht) Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Conservancy Foundation proposes to purchase 3.21 acres of land along Wick Road known as the Specht property for conservancy purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Hill Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Land Acquisition (Mitchell'S Glen): The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 12 acres of land along Big Green Lake known as the Mitchell's Glen parcel.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Butte des Morts

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Lake Butte Des Morts Land Acquisition-Molinski Property: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club will acquire approximately 1,183 acres of land, including 13,000 feet of shoreline, situated on Lake Butte des Morts in Winnebago County to protect Lake Butte des Morts, and its fish and wildlife habitat. The property is primarily shallow marshland including cattails, sedges and grasses. It also includes 164 acres of upland containing trees and shrubs. The goals of the property's management plan focus on 1) the protection of the lake and the Winnebago Pool Watershed, 2) the protection and restoration of the property's plant communities and fish and wildlife habitat, and 3) allowing public access to the property for recreational purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Maria

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Winnebago

Fond Du Lac County: Acq-Fond Du Lac County Camp Shaganappi Acquisition: Fond du Lac County shall participate in the Lake Protection Grant Program by purchasing 97.2 acres of land for public outdoor recreation purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Little Green Lake

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Little Green Lake

Little Green Lake Protection & Rehab. Dist.: Lmi-East Subwatershed Water & Sediment Control Basins: The Little Green Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District proposes to design and construct three water and sediment control basins in the east subwatershed of Little Green Lake. Further detail is provided on the attached cost estimate worksheet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Little Green Lake

Little Green Lake P & R District: Res-Little Green Lake Destratification Project: The Little Green Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District proposes to install a circulation system consisting of compressors, air delivery lines, filter system, and a housing structure. The circulation system is designed to ensure sufficient oxygen concentrations in the deep-water areas of the lake. Oxygen in deep-water areas of the lake will reduce the release of phosphorous from the lake sediment and decrease the level of lake fertilization. This will result in improved water clarity and algae conditions thereby improving water quality conditions for recreation and aesthetics.

Local resources to be provided include volunteer services during installatiotn, volunteer services regarding project management, and financial contribution from Green Lake County.

The project deliverables will include design and installation of a system of compressors and airline sufficient to circulate lake water in the deepest portions of the lake generally greater than 15 feet; report of evaluation monitoring of lake nutrient and mixing conditions after the system becomes operational; and, conduct pre and post operation public informational meetings and prepare fact sheets (current lake conditions, descriptions of circ system, goals/benefits/ecological effects).

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Little Green Lake

Little Green Lake P & R District: Acq-Little Green Lake (Scharschmidt) Land Acquisition: The Little Green Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District proposes to purchase 45.61 acres of land known as the Scharschmidt property to help prevent nutrient loading into Little Green Lake.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Little Twin Lake

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Mill Pond

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Puchyan Millpond

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Puckaway Lake

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Sanitary District Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 52.899 acres of land on Green Lake for conservancy purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Sanitary District "Aba-East" Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 6.7 acres of land known as the "ABA-East" property.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Sanitary District "Aba-West" Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 24.5 acres of land known as the "ABA-West" property.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Lmi-Management Plan Implementation: Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a lake protection grant on Big Green Lake in Green Lake County. The main goal of this protection grant is to reduce the nutrient loading to the lake through the various activities listed below.
The following work activities will be completed:
1. Identification and implementation of strategic BMP\2019s in the tributary sub-watersheds.
2. Identification of upland buffer problems/opportunities in the impaired tributary sub-watersheds
3. Evaluation and study of the potential to restore the County K Estuary to a plant dominated system.
4. Education and Informational Activities
a. Press releases, public informational meetings, newsletters, presentations, informational videos, sensitive habitat and safety promotion
The following deliverables (products) will result from this grant:
1. Final Report submitted to local DNR Lakes Biologist (1 digital copy / two hard copies). Report to include:
a. Listing of all BMP\2019s installed over the duration of grant
b. Cost-Share Agreements
c. Detailed BMP Information Plans
d. Photographs of each BMP \2013 prior to and after installation
e. USGS monitoring and measurements focusing on efficiency and nutrient load reductions
f. Summary of all upland buffer opportunities with detailed maps.
g. Pre and Post plant surveys of County K Estuary
h. Pre and Post fish surveys of County K Estuary

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake Co. Shorline Inventory: Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a Lake Protection Grant to conduct a shoreline inventory of lakes in the county. The lakes to be inventoried are Big Green, Little Green, Puckaway, Big Twin, Little Twin, Spring (Kingston), Spring (Green Lake), Grand, Heart and Maria.

Major components of this work include:

1. Development of shoreline inventory metrics and survey data
a. Metrics will include data such as vegetation surveys, erosion, slope, structures and anthropogenic influences.
2. Shore land inventory of lakes
a. Photo inventory of all shorelines
3. Database Development
a. Using GIS mapping software
4. Outreach
a. Educational materials sent to property owners informing them about the projects and how classification maps can be accessed.

Project Deliverables:

1. Shore land inventory protocol
a. Including metrics to be assessed
2. Spatially referenced GIS layer maps created from shore land inventory data
a. Digital and hard copies
3. Digital archive of spatially referenced shoreline photographs
4. Maps of base metrics (erosion severity and buffers)
a. Digital and hard copies
5. Educational materials sent to property owners

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Hlk-Green Lake Fish Sticks:
Green Lake Sanitary District will implement best practices described in Wisconsin\2019s 2014-2017 Healthy Lakes Implementation Plan. Practices include: fish sticks, 350 feet2 native plantings, diversion practices, rock infiltration practices, and rain gardens on 6 lakeshore properties. The District will also monitor fish sticks \2013 dependent habitat.
The best practices require a contract to remain in effect for 10 years and must include minimum operation and maintenance requirements and data as described in grant condition #16. If best practice(s) are implemented on land owned by the grant Sponsor, this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If best practice(s) are implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner that abides by grant condition #16 is required.
The Department may require re-payment of project installation costs if the best practice is disturbed or removed. The Sponsor and/or the Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables: Best practice location and design information, if not included in the application; signed 10-year landowner contract; pre and post project installation photographs; summary of education activities and publicity/promotion of Healthy Lakes initiative, if applicable; and habitat monitoring results.
Special conditions: The state share of each best practice cannot exceed $1,000. Grant administration and technical assistance costs may not exceed 10% of the state share of the total grant award; technical assistance does not include implementation labor. Funding cannot be used for mitigation or regulatory compliance activities. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. The Healthy Lakes logo should be used for promotion and publicity, and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Lmi-Big Green Lake D&F Water Quality Improvements: The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a lake protection grant on Big Green Lake in Green Lake County.The main goal of this D&F Study is to study the metalimnetic oxygen minima issue, determine biological / chemical causative mechanisms and create models to assess degree of potential water quality improvements from management actions.
The following work activities will be completed: 1.Install and monitor continuous-sampling mooring buoys, Conduct sediment core analysis of sediment oxygen demand and physical parameters,Conduct sediment core analysis of radionuclide and biogeochemical tracers,Continue water column profiles and stream monitoring,Expand ongoing sampling with additional chemical sampling,Conduct biological sampling & Use Biofish to describe horizontal variations of water quality.
2. Develop an empirical eutrophication model with coupled hydrodynamic lake model
a. Review historic data, conduct sensitivity analysis to quantify response of TP & DO to changes in identified driver(s), Identify the reductions needed to achieve WQ goals, Develop alternative management strategies to achieve WQ goals & Evaluate and rank alternative strategies
b.Determine the feasibility of meeting WQ goals, recommend alternative management strategies and monitor for changes, Update the LMP.
3.Communicate findings to lake stakeholders (local & statewide), give presentation at Lake Conference, post info on websites
The following deliverables (products) will result from this grant:1.Final Report submitted to local DNR Lakes Biologist (1 digital copy / two hard copies). Report to include:Results of sediment core analysis; Water chemistry results; Biological sampling dataset; Various modeling results; Phosphorus response curves; Management recommendations; Update LMP; Communicate results with stakeholders.
This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein
Amendment: Add development of new bathymetric map

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake County: Lmi - Twin Lakes/Hill Creek/Green Lake Phosphorus Reduction Project: The Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a project to study Big and Little Twin Lakes along with Hill Creek to identify ways to reduce phosphorus loading.

Project final deliverables include: Annual reports submitted to DNR \2013 Lake Coordinator with all data collected, conclusions and plans for future work. At the end of the project a final report / plan needs to be submitted and approved by the local DNR \2013 Lake Coordinator.

Specific project activities include: 1) In-lake water quality monitoring at 4 stations; 2) Point intercept surveys following DNR protocol; 3) Determine vertical impoundment effect of dam; 4. Investigate water level management as an APM / water quality improvement tool; 4) CLMN; 5) Conduct early season AIS sampling with mapping; 5) Biannual public education and outreach meetings.

Special Conditions: 1) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 2) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; 3) Stations for water quality sampling must be approved by DNR \2013 Lake Coordinator prior any sampling taking place.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Final report: it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Lmi - Big Green Lake Implementation Grant - Green Lake County: The Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a project to implement Best Management Practices and Stream Banks Restoration Projects in the Big Green Lake Watershed.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Implement BMP\2019s to the extent that phosphorus loading is reduced by 1,100 pounds / year; 2) Implement Streambank Restoration and Habitat Improvement Projects on 3,625 feet of streambanks resulting in a Phosphorus loading reduction of 200 pounds / year. At the end of the project a final report / plan needs to be submitted and approved by the local DNR \2013 Lake Coordinator.

Specific project activities include: 1) Installation of BMP\2019s; 2) Implement Streambank Restoration Projects; 3) Conduct in-stream and riparian habitat improvement projects.

Special Conditions: 1) Annual project updates and reports detailing projects and associated phosphorus loading reductions given to the DNR \2013 Lake Coordinator.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Final report: it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Lmi - Big Green Lake (Fond Du Lac Co.) Implementation Grant 2020: The Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a lake management implementation grant to fund best management practices in the Dakin Creek watershed. The project was partially funded so the initial scope of work has been reduced to match the level of funding as described in the amendeded application signed on April 22, 2020.

Project final deliverables include: all data collected, agendas and minutes for planning meetings, and a lake management plan that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion with an implementation plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Continuous cover crop and no-tillage practices will be practiced on a 68-acre field. These practices will continue for at least three years.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Lmi - Big Green Lake (Fond Du Lac Co.) Implementation Grant 2021: The Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a Management Plan Implementation project to implement best management practices in Fond du Lac County. The GLSD/LMP team are working to increase lake protection efforts in this sub-watershed by cost sharing additional agricultural BMPs to reduce phosphorus loading. This project looks to capitalize on current interest in soil & water retention practices by several major agricultural landowners there.

Project deliverables include: This project will be focused on habitat restoration and phosphorus loading reductions. Activities will include but not be limited to the following: 1) Streambank Buffers; 2) Wetland Scrape/Restoration; 3) Waterway Buffers; 4) Prairie Strips; 5) Water and Sediment Control Basins (WASCOB).

Specific project conditions: The project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Conservancy: Acq - Powell Spring - Property Acquisition: Green Lake Conservancy retroactively acquired the 6.022 acre Arnetveit (Powell Springs) property in the Town of Brooklyn, Green Lake County, Wisconsin for protection under Wis. Admin Code s. NR 193 Surface Water Grants program. The land is primarily mesic forest and includes a perennial spring (Powell Spring).

Specific project activities include: 1) Acquisition of 6.022 acres in fee simple for the purpose of conservation; 2). Removal of existing structures and human impacts.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq - Silver Creek Estuary Acquisition- Mildebrandt Conservancy: The Green Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a project to acquire approximately 54.148 acres of land in the Town of Brooklyn, WI and preserve it into perpetuity to protect water quality and wildlife habitat adjacent to the Silver Creek Estuary, an important inlet to Green Lake.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Spring Brook

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Lake Butte Des Morts Land Acquisition-Molinski Property: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club will acquire approximately 1,183 acres of land, including 13,000 feet of shoreline, situated on Lake Butte des Morts in Winnebago County to protect Lake Butte des Morts, and its fish and wildlife habitat. The property is primarily shallow marshland including cattails, sedges and grasses. It also includes 164 acres of upland containing trees and shrubs. The goals of the property's management plan focus on 1) the protection of the lake and the Winnebago Pool Watershed, 2) the protection and restoration of the property's plant communities and fish and wildlife habitat, and 3) allowing public access to the property for recreational purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Spring Lake

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Un Spring

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Green Lake County: Lco-Green Lake County Ordinance Development Project: Green Lake County will conduct a land use and environmental resource inventory of the watershed surrounding Green Lake, Little Green Lake, and Lake Puckaway. The existing land use conditions in the area will be matched to the regulations governing development in the area and deficiencies in lake and shoreland protection will be noted. The information from the study will be used to update the existing zoning and shoreland protection ordinances and to assess the need for a storm water management ordinance in the County, the stormwater management ordinance, if its need is determined, will be written.

Reimbursement requests can be made every three months and must be accompanied by a progress report. Eligible equipment costs for this project must be used only for lake protection.

Equipment such as cameras, video/audio equipment, and computers must be leased to be an eligible project cost.

Further detail is provided on the attached project cost estimate worksheet, Form 8700-244.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Lake Butte Des Morts Land Acquisition-Molinski Property: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club will acquire approximately 1,183 acres of land, including 13,000 feet of shoreline, situated on Lake Butte des Morts in Winnebago County to protect Lake Butte des Morts, and its fish and wildlife habitat. The property is primarily shallow marshland including cattails, sedges and grasses. It also includes 164 acres of upland containing trees and shrubs. The goals of the property's management plan focus on 1) the protection of the lake and the Winnebago Pool Watershed, 2) the protection and restoration of the property's plant communities and fish and wildlife habitat, and 3) allowing public access to the property for recreational purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
White Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake (Guskey) Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 30 acres of land along Silver Creek which drains directly into Big Green Lake to be used as nonpoint source abatement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
White Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Res-Green Lake Watershed Bmp Project: The Green Lake Sanitary District will implement best management practices (BMP) within the lake watershed to reduce nutrient/sediment loadings and protect and improve shoreline habitat. Earthen and cultural practices will include sediment retention basins, reduced tillage, buffers and nutrient management. These BMPs will be employed within subwatersheds identified as being priority areas for pollutant reduction. Project plans will be developed on a case by case basis in consultation within the Department.

Shoreline restoration and protection BMPs will be employed within the existing RSVP program resulting in improved shore aesthetics, wild life habitat, and water quality filtration. Costs will be associated with planning, promotion and installation. The project costs also include an information and education component for fostering partnerships with area schools, local government and other local sponsored education activities.

This phase of implementation is intended to begin a strategy that includes a nutrient reduction goal of 35% by the year 2008. The benefits to the lake and watershed will include improved water clarity, aquatic habitat, aesthetics and recreational quality.

The Green Lake Sanitary District will be partnering with local management units to complete the tasks. These include the Green Lake Association RSVP program and Green Lake County. Other resources being provided include a $5,000 donation from the Green Lake Association.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
White Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Res-Green Lake Carp Barrier Project: This project will install two carp barriers at key locations tributary to Green Lake. Both areas to be protected are deep water marshes that flow through channel constrictions (bridges) into Green lake. These marsh areas have historically supported carp activity and recruitment. Each barrier will be constructed to allow boat passage yet prevent carp movement. One barrier will be installed at CTH "A" on the east end, the 2nd barrier at CTH "K" (also known as County Park Marsh/Wurches Creek) on the southwest corner of the lake.

The barriers will prevent carp migration and spawning in critical habitat areas flowing into the main basin of Green Lake. By retarding carp activity in the very shallow and broad tributary areas at these locations we expect the following benefits realized: 1) Aquatic plant growth will be enhanced in density and areal coverage as a result of the prevention of sediment resuspension and plant root disruption attributable to carp; 2) Water quality in the protected marsh will improve; better clarity, less suspended material in the water of the deepwater marsh areas. It is likely that more deposition will occur within the marsh zone due to improved retention of solids; 3) Water quality of the lake (within the mixing zone of the tributary and ultimately the lake itself) will improve due to lower loadings of suspended materials and nutrients; 4) Ducks, herons, egrets, raptors and furbearing animal use will increase.

In one of the locations carp will be trapped by an existing trap setup located adjacent to the barrier. The barriers will be constructed of vertical iron bars with a moveable gate that would allow boat passage and fish passage during critical spawning periods. Maintenance will be conducted by the Sanitary District staff ( not part of the grant dollar request). The final design would be made available to other projects needing designs.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
White Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Conservancy Wick Rd (Specht) Land Acquisition: The Green Lake Conservancy Foundation proposes to purchase 3.21 acres of land along Wick Road known as the Specht property for conservancy purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
White Creek

Green Lake Sanitary District: Acq-Green Lake Land Acquisition (Mitchell'S Glen): The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to purchase 12 acres of land along Big Green Lake known as the Mitchell's Glen parcel.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Wolf River

Butte Des Morts Conservation Club, Inc: Acq-Lake Butte Des Morts Land Acquisition-Molinski Property: The Butte des Morts Conservation Club will acquire approximately 1,183 acres of land, including 13,000 feet of shoreline, situated on Lake Butte des Morts in Winnebago County to protect Lake Butte des Morts, and its fish and wildlife habitat. The property is primarily shallow marshland including cattails, sedges and grasses. It also includes 164 acres of upland containing trees and shrubs. The goals of the property's management plan focus on 1) the protection of the lake and the Winnebago Pool Watershed, 2) the protection and restoration of the property's plant communities and fish and wildlife habitat, and 3) allowing public access to the property for recreational purposes.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Big Twin Lake

Twin Lakes Assn Inc.: Twin Lakes Comprehensive Lake Management Plan: The Twin Lakes Association proposes to conduct a lake study which will include lake monitoring and plant appraisals, specifically:

1. Conduct an submergent aquatic plant appraisal via line-transect methodology including an assessment of invasive species, esp. Eurasian water milfoil
2. Conduct a emergent plant appraisal via line transect -transect methodology
3. Conduct an appraisal of trophic conditions within each of 2 lake basins including oxygen and temperature profiling, TSI determinations
4. All findings will be presented in a final report with management recommendations. Specific actions are identified within the original planning grant proposal.

Watershed survey and hydrological aspects of the original proposal were not approved for funding at this time. The above scope of work reflects the amended project.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Big Twin Lake

Twin Lakes Assn Inc.: Twin Lakes Comprehensive Appraisal Phase 2: TheTwin Lakes Association proposes to continue their efforts toward a comprehensive appraisal of their lake. This project will include the development of a hydrologic budget, trophic appraisal with modelling, and lake nutrient budget model, watershed assessment. See project description submitted with application materials.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Big Green Lake Phos. Reduction Feas. Study & Public Survey: Project to evaluate feasibility and public acceptance of a PL 566 project for Big Green Lake Watershed. WIll involve a mail questionaire to are residents to assess: a) public opinion of large water impoundments, b) public opinion of eminent domain andcondemnation powers, c) which units of government will need to be involved with the project and at what level. A copy of the survey is to be provided to the department. A final report will be prepared summarizing the results, and will be provided to thedepartment and interested members of the public. Project to assess feasibility and costs of further phosphorus reduction from effluent of Ripon Sewage Treatment Plant: a) evaluation of current phosphorus removal practices and their associated costs, b)evaluation of various strategies to reduce levels of phosphorus being discharged as to their costs and their potential for phosphorus reduction, c) small-scale pilot program implementing option chosen from evaluation in b. above, devaluation and monitoring of phosphorus reduction in conjunction with pilot program. Will involve collection of 80 samples to be analyzed for total phosphorus. Results will help determine the per unit cost of phosphorus reduction.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Big Green Lake Phos. Reduction Feas. Study & Public Survey: Project to evaluate feasibility and public acceptance of a PL 566 project for Big Green Lake Watershed. WIll involve a mail questionaire to are residents to assess: a) public opinion of large water impoundments, b) public opinion of eminent domain andcondemnation powers, c) which units of government will need to be involved with the project and at what level. A copy of the survey is to be provided to the department. A final report will be prepared summarizing the results, and will be provided to thedepartment and interested members of the public. Project to assess feasibility and costs of further phosphorus reduction from effluent of Ripon Sewage Treatment Plant: a) evaluation of current phosphorus removal practices and their associated costs, b)evaluation of various strategies to reduce levels of phosphorus being discharged as to their costs and their potential for phosphorus reduction, c) small-scale pilot program implementing option chosen from evaluation in b. above, devaluation and monitoring of phosphorus reduction in conjunction with pilot program. Will involve collection of 80 samples to be analyzed for total phosphorus. Results will help determine the per unit cost of phosphorus reduction.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Big Green Lake Watershed Study & Lake Protection Planning: Map the watershed. Map sensitive areas and identify areas contributing polluntants. Map sub-watershed.Prepare lake protection plan. Elements to be included are listed under 'Protection Plan Preparation', attached to the application.Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, local newspaper articles, a comprehensive management plan, public meetings and report mailings.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Big Green Lake Watershed Study & Lake Protection Planning: Map the watershed. Map sensitive areas and identify areas contributing polluntants. Map sub-watershed.Prepare lake protection plan. Elements to be included are listed under 'Protection Plan Preparation', attached to the application.Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, local newspaper articles, a comprehensive management plan, public meetings and report mailings.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Big Green Lake Water Quality Plan Phase 1: Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to do the following Water Quality Planning activies on Big Green Lake: 1) Develop a database for hydrologic and phosphorous budget of the tributary and lake monitoring activities on Big Green Lake which includes chlorophyll A. 2) Operate, maintain and publish stage, flow and load data at stage-discharge station at Green Lake Outlet (2nd year, 1998). The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information about the project will be disseminated to the public by newsletter and summary report mailings, public meeting(s), local newspaper article(s), and a Comprehensive Management Plan.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Big Green Lake Water Quality Plan Phase 2: Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct the following Water Quality Planning activities on Big Green Lake: 1) Operate, maintain and publish stage, flow and load data at both stage-discharge stations at White Creek and Green Lake Outlet. 2) Operate, maintain and publish stage, flow and load data at stage-discharge station at Green Lake Inlet. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information about the project will be disseminated to the public by newsletter and summary report mailings, public meeting(s), local newspaper article(s), and a Comprehensive Management Plan.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Big Green Lake Water Quality Plan Phase 1: Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to do the following Water Quality Planning activies on Big Green Lake: 1) Develop a database for hydrologic and phosphorous budget of the tributary and lake monitoring activities on Big Green Lake which includes chlorophyll A. 2) Operate, maintain and publish stage, flow and load data at stage-discharge station at Green Lake Outlet (2nd year, 1998). The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information about the project will be disseminated to the public by newsletter and summary report mailings, public meeting(s), local newspaper article(s), and a Comprehensive Management Plan.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Big Green Lake Water Quality Plan Phase 2: Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct the following Water Quality Planning activities on Big Green Lake: 1) Operate, maintain and publish stage, flow and load data at both stage-discharge stations at White Creek and Green Lake Outlet. 2) Operate, maintain and publish stage, flow and load data at stage-discharge station at Green Lake Inlet. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information about the project will be disseminated to the public by newsletter and summary report mailings, public meeting(s), local newspaper article(s), and a Comprehensive Management Plan.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Green Lake Water Quality Appraisal Ph 2: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct a project called the Water Quality Appraisal/2005. The focus is comprehensive water quality appraisal at 2 sites within Green Lake. The protocol is USGS trophic monitoring protocol, to include:

1. 6x /year, sampling events to include profiling, nutrient concentrations
2. Archived data and annual reporting in USGS formal publication
3. Cost sharing from USGS source and GLSD.

Specific actions are identified within the original planning grant proposal

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Green Lake Water Quality Appraisal Phase 1: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct a project called the Water Quality Appraisal/2004. The focus is comprehensive water quality appraisal at 2 sites within Green Lake. The protocol is USGS trophic monitoring protocol, to include:

1. 6x /year, sampling events to include profiling, nutrient concentrations
2. Archived data and annual reporting in USGS formal publication
3. Cost sharing from USGS source and GLSD.

Specific actions are identified within the original planning grant proposal

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Green Lake Water Quality Appraisal Ph 2: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct a project called the Water Quality Appraisal/2005. The focus is comprehensive water quality appraisal at 2 sites within Green Lake. The protocol is USGS trophic monitoring protocol, to include:

1. 6x /year, sampling events to include profiling, nutrient concentrations
2. Archived data and annual reporting in USGS formal publication
3. Cost sharing from USGS source and GLSD.

Specific actions are identified within the original planning grant proposal

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Sanitary District: Green Lake Water Quality Appraisal Phase 1: The Green Lake Sanitary District proposes to conduct a project called the Water Quality Appraisal/2004. The focus is comprehensive water quality appraisal at 2 sites within Green Lake. The protocol is USGS trophic monitoring protocol, to include:

1. 6x /year, sampling events to include profiling, nutrient concentrations
2. Archived data and annual reporting in USGS formal publication
3. Cost sharing from USGS source and GLSD.

Specific actions are identified within the original planning grant proposal

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Big Green Lake Shoreland Owner Social Science Survey: The Green Lake Association is sponsoring an LPL grant project to conduct a social science survey to update the lake management plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Identify stakeholder participants; 2) Conduct survey; 3) Send follow-up survey reminders; 4) Construct stakeholder profile; 5) Update lake management plan and GLA strategic plan & 6) Build outreach strategies.

Project final deliverables include: 1) All data collected, stakeholder survey report; 2) Agendas and minutes for planning meetings; 3) Update lake management plan and GLA Strategic Plan.

Specific conditions: 1) Draft of stakeholder survey must be submitted to DNR for review and approval before sending to public; 2) Data and reports shall be provided in an electronic format; 3) This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein; Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. 4) It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft of the final report for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. 5) Grantee shall submit electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake County: Soluble Phosphorus Capture Tm Trial Grant Request 1 Of 5: The Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a project to test the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes to reduce soluble phosphorus levels discharging from a retrofitted sediment retention basin(s).

Final deliverables include: A final report which analyzes all collected data along with any conclusions about the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes as related to the objectives stated in the grant application.

Project activities include: 1) Retrofit CAPTure boxes into existing sediment retention basin(s); 2)Water quality sampling collected from 10 wet weather events. A total of 24 consolidated samples will be taken and tested for SRP, TP & TSS; 3) Water quality sampling collected from 6 dry weather events. A total of 4 samples will be taken over a 24-hour time frame; 4) Media checks for media breakthrough with testing for SRP; 5) Continuous flow monitoring will be taken to enable estimates of nutrient loading.

Special Conditions: Digital pictures will be taken of the CAPTure boxes in operation under both low and high water flow conditions. These pictures will be included in the final report. This is a phased project that is funded through five grant awards. Each grant award supports specific and distinct budget elements identified in the approved grant application. The grantee shall track expenses to each individual award based on the approved application budget.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake County: Soluble Phosphorus Capture Tm Trial Grant Request 2 Of 5: The Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a project to test the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes to reduce soluble phosphorus levels discharging from a retrofitted sediment retention basin(s).

Final deliverables include: A final report which analyzes all collected data along with any conclusions about the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes as related to the objectives stated in the grant application.

Project activities include: 1) Retrofit CAPTure boxes into existing sediment retention basin(s); 2)Water quality sampling collected from 10 wet weather events. A total of 24 consolidated samples will be taken and tested for SRP, TP & TSS; 3) Water quality sampling collected from 6 dry weather events. A total of 4 samples will be taken over a 24-hour time frame; 4) Media checks for media breakthrough with testing for SRP; 5) Continuous flow monitoring will be taken to enable estimates of nutrient loading.

Special Conditions: Digital pictures will be taken of the CAPTure boxes in operation under both low and high water flow conditions. These pictures will be included in the final report. This is a phased project that is funded through five grant awards. Each grant award supports specific and distinct budget elements identified in the approved grant application. The grantee shall track expenses to each individual award based on the approved application budget.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake County: Soluble Phosphorus Capture Tm Trial Grant Request 3 Of 5: The Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a project to test the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes to reduce soluble phosphorus levels discharging from a retrofitted sediment retention basin(s).

Final deliverables include: A final report which analyzes all collected data along with any conclusions about the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes as related to the objectives stated in the grant application.

Project activities include: 1) Retrofit CAPTure boxes into existing sediment retention basin(s); 2)Water quality sampling collected from 10 wet weather events. A total of 24 consolidated samples will be taken and tested for SRP, TP & TSS; 3) Water quality sampling collected from 6 dry weather events. A total of 4 samples will be taken over a 24-hour time frame; 4) Media checks for media breakthrough with testing for SRP; 5) Continuous flow monitoring will be taken to enable estimates of nutrient loading.

Special Conditions: Digital pictures will be taken of the CAPTure boxes in operation under both low and high water flow conditions. These pictures will be included in the final report. This is a phased project that is funded through five grant awards. Each grant award supports specific and distinct budget elements identified in the approved grant application. The grantee shall track expenses to each individual award based on the approved application budget.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake County: Soluble Phosphorus Capture Tm Trial Grant Request 4 Of 5: The Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a project to test the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes to reduce soluble phosphorus levels discharging from a retrofitted sediment retention basin(s).

Final deliverables include: A final report which analyzes all collected data along with any conclusions about the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes as related to the objectives stated in the grant application.

Project activities include: 1) Retrofit CAPTure boxes into existing sediment retention basin(s); 2)Water quality sampling collected from 10 wet weather events. A total of 24 consolidated samples will be taken and tested for SRP, TP & TSS; 3) Water quality sampling collected from 6 dry weather events. A total of 4 samples will be taken over a 24-hour time frame; 4) Media checks for media breakthrough with testing for SRP; 5) Continuous flow monitoring will be taken to enable estimates of nutrient loading.

Special Conditions: Digital pictures will be taken of the CAPTure boxes in operation under both low and high water flow conditions. These pictures will be included in the final report. This is a phased project that is funded through five grant awards. Each grant award supports specific and distinct budget elements identified in the approved grant application. The grantee shall track expenses to each individual award based on the approved application budget.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake County: Soluble Phosphorus Capture Tm Trial Grant Request 5 Of 5: The Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a project to test the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes to reduce soluble phosphorus levels discharging from a retrofitted sediment retention basin(s).

Final deliverables include: A final report which analyzes all collected data along with any conclusions about the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes as related to the objectives stated in the grant application.

Project activities include: 1) Retrofit CAPTure boxes into existing sediment retention basin(s); 2)Water quality sampling collected from 10 wet weather events. A total of 24 consolidated samples will be taken and tested for SRP, TP & TSS; 3) Water quality sampling collected from 6 dry weather events. A total of 4 samples will be taken over a 24-hour time frame; 4) Media checks for media breakthrough with testing for SRP; 5) Continuous flow monitoring will be taken to enable estimates of nutrient loading.

Special Conditions: Digital pictures will be taken of the CAPTure boxes in operation under both low and high water flow conditions. These pictures will be included in the final report. This is a phased project that is funded through five grant awards. Each grant award supports specific and distinct budget elements identified in the approved grant application. The grantee shall track expenses to each individual award based on the approved application budget.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Comp - Comprehensive Lake Management Plan For Green Lake (Grant 1 Of 2)\005c00a0: The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a grant to update the existing Green Lake \2013 Lake Management Plan (LMP) via a phased approach. Each phase funds separate activities necessary for the completion the LMP. This agreement is for the first of two phases. The second phase funds specific activities as described in the grant application and agreement for LPL183823.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Aquatic plant survey results & analysis; 2) Aquatic plant vouchers for new species located; 3) Shoreline habitat survey results & maps; 4) Blue-green algae (BGA) analysis; 5) Review of mechanical harvesting practices; 6) Shoreline condition survey results; 7) Aquatic Plant Management Plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Conduct aquatic plant point-intercept survey (following DNR protocol); 2) Complete aquatic emergent plant survey; 3) Conduct shoreland and shallow habitat surveys (following DNR protocol); 4) Review historic information relating to BGA & harvesting.

Special Conditions: 1) Draft stakeholder survey to be submitted to DNR for review/approval before going out to the public.

If consultant is to provide final report, the Grantee shall provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Comp - Comprehensive Lake Management Plan For Green Lake (Grant 2 Of 2)\005c00a0: The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a grant to update the existing Green Lake \2013 Lake Management Plan (LMP) via a phased approach. Each phase funds separate activities necessary for the completion the LMP. This agreement is for the second of two phases. The first phase funds specific activities as described in the grant application and agreement for LPL183723.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Organizational chart defining roles and responsibilities; 2) Stakeholder survey results; 3) Educational meetings, workshops, and materials; and 4) Updated aquatic plant management plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Conduct a sociological survey of lake stakeholders; 2) Complete lake partner responsibility analysis; 3) Organize & conduct stakeholder meetings; 4) Develop an updated aquatic plant management plan (APMP).

Special Conditions: 1) Draft stakeholder survey to be submitted to DNR for review/approval before going out to the public.

If consultant is to provide final report, the Grantee shall provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture Project: Swe - Collaborating For Land Conservation In The Big Green Lake Watershed: The Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture Project is sponsoring a project to implement phosphorus reduction strategies outlined in Big Green Lake's Nine Key Element (9KE) plan to increase soil and water health in and around Big Green Lake. This will be done by developing educational products and outreach for soil and water health and engaging community partners and other resources within the watershed.

Activities: 1) Continue to build capacity of the Conservation Alliance 2) Develop a network of service providers and online database for assistance with land conservation. 3) Hold an in-person conservation easement field day for public education.

Deliverables: 1) a coordinated entity of local organizations for land conservation outreach 2) an online database of conservation service providers 3) Summary report of in-person field day.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture Project: Swe - Developing Regenerative Farmland Choices In The Big Green Lake Watershed: The Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture Project is sponsoring a project to implement phosphorous reduction strategies outlined in Big Green Lake's Nine Key Element (9KE) plan to increase soil and water health in and around Big Green Lake. This will be done by expanding regenerative agriculture through landowner education and outreach.

Activities: 1) Create educational materials about land use options 2) Create a website offering educational materials of land use options 3) Presentation event.

Deliverables: 1) 2 land use option guides 2) a website with guides 3) summary of event.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture Project: Swe - Increasing Community Engagement In Soil And Water Health In The Big Green Lake Watershed: The Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture Project is sponsoring a project to implement phosphorous reduction strategies outlined in Big Green Lake's Nine Key Element (9KE) plan to increase soil and water health in and around Big Green Lake.

Activities: Develop and deliver 4 soil and water health action roundtables

Deliverables: Final summary report.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Comp - Comprehensive Lake Management Plan For Green Lake Phase Ii: The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a project to support a public-facing restructuring rewrite and update of the Green Lake Management Plan (LMP).

Activities: 1) Conduct meetings to detail the final study design, goals, and methods 2) Conduct Economic Impact Study.

Deliverables: Document summarizing the results of the Economic Impact Study

Conditions: Provide DNR Biologist with draft version of the Economic Impact Study for review.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Rush Lake

Town Of Nepeuskun: Town Of Nepeuskun Land Use Plan And Integration: The Town of Nepeuskun proposes to conduct a Land Use/Ordinance Integration Plan . The project deliverables will include a summary report of existing town ordinances; an amended town zoning ordinance; a revised official zoning map; a revised policy for regulatory enforcement of the zoning ordinance; adoption of a driveway construction permitting process; development and adoption of a storm water management and erosion control ordinance; and completion of the process for developing a strategic plan for integrating the town land use plan and zoning ordinance with the Rush Marsh Management Plan.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Big Green Lake Shoreland Owner Social Science Survey: The Green Lake Association is sponsoring an LPL grant project to conduct a social science survey to update the lake management plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Identify stakeholder participants; 2) Conduct survey; 3) Send follow-up survey reminders; 4) Construct stakeholder profile; 5) Update lake management plan and GLA strategic plan & 6) Build outreach strategies.

Project final deliverables include: 1) All data collected, stakeholder survey report; 2) Agendas and minutes for planning meetings; 3) Update lake management plan and GLA Strategic Plan.

Specific conditions: 1) Draft of stakeholder survey must be submitted to DNR for review and approval before sending to public; 2) Data and reports shall be provided in an electronic format; 3) This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein; Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. 4) It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft of the final report for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. 5) Grantee shall submit electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake County: Soluble Phosphorus Capture Tm Trial Grant Request 1 Of 5: The Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a project to test the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes to reduce soluble phosphorus levels discharging from a retrofitted sediment retention basin(s).

Final deliverables include: A final report which analyzes all collected data along with any conclusions about the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes as related to the objectives stated in the grant application.

Project activities include: 1) Retrofit CAPTure boxes into existing sediment retention basin(s); 2)Water quality sampling collected from 10 wet weather events. A total of 24 consolidated samples will be taken and tested for SRP, TP & TSS; 3) Water quality sampling collected from 6 dry weather events. A total of 4 samples will be taken over a 24-hour time frame; 4) Media checks for media breakthrough with testing for SRP; 5) Continuous flow monitoring will be taken to enable estimates of nutrient loading.

Special Conditions: Digital pictures will be taken of the CAPTure boxes in operation under both low and high water flow conditions. These pictures will be included in the final report. This is a phased project that is funded through five grant awards. Each grant award supports specific and distinct budget elements identified in the approved grant application. The grantee shall track expenses to each individual award based on the approved application budget.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake County: Soluble Phosphorus Capture Tm Trial Grant Request 2 Of 5: The Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a project to test the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes to reduce soluble phosphorus levels discharging from a retrofitted sediment retention basin(s).

Final deliverables include: A final report which analyzes all collected data along with any conclusions about the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes as related to the objectives stated in the grant application.

Project activities include: 1) Retrofit CAPTure boxes into existing sediment retention basin(s); 2)Water quality sampling collected from 10 wet weather events. A total of 24 consolidated samples will be taken and tested for SRP, TP & TSS; 3) Water quality sampling collected from 6 dry weather events. A total of 4 samples will be taken over a 24-hour time frame; 4) Media checks for media breakthrough with testing for SRP; 5) Continuous flow monitoring will be taken to enable estimates of nutrient loading.

Special Conditions: Digital pictures will be taken of the CAPTure boxes in operation under both low and high water flow conditions. These pictures will be included in the final report. This is a phased project that is funded through five grant awards. Each grant award supports specific and distinct budget elements identified in the approved grant application. The grantee shall track expenses to each individual award based on the approved application budget.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake County: Soluble Phosphorus Capture Tm Trial Grant Request 3 Of 5: The Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a project to test the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes to reduce soluble phosphorus levels discharging from a retrofitted sediment retention basin(s).

Final deliverables include: A final report which analyzes all collected data along with any conclusions about the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes as related to the objectives stated in the grant application.

Project activities include: 1) Retrofit CAPTure boxes into existing sediment retention basin(s); 2)Water quality sampling collected from 10 wet weather events. A total of 24 consolidated samples will be taken and tested for SRP, TP & TSS; 3) Water quality sampling collected from 6 dry weather events. A total of 4 samples will be taken over a 24-hour time frame; 4) Media checks for media breakthrough with testing for SRP; 5) Continuous flow monitoring will be taken to enable estimates of nutrient loading.

Special Conditions: Digital pictures will be taken of the CAPTure boxes in operation under both low and high water flow conditions. These pictures will be included in the final report. This is a phased project that is funded through five grant awards. Each grant award supports specific and distinct budget elements identified in the approved grant application. The grantee shall track expenses to each individual award based on the approved application budget.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake County: Soluble Phosphorus Capture Tm Trial Grant Request 4 Of 5: The Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a project to test the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes to reduce soluble phosphorus levels discharging from a retrofitted sediment retention basin(s).

Final deliverables include: A final report which analyzes all collected data along with any conclusions about the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes as related to the objectives stated in the grant application.

Project activities include: 1) Retrofit CAPTure boxes into existing sediment retention basin(s); 2)Water quality sampling collected from 10 wet weather events. A total of 24 consolidated samples will be taken and tested for SRP, TP & TSS; 3) Water quality sampling collected from 6 dry weather events. A total of 4 samples will be taken over a 24-hour time frame; 4) Media checks for media breakthrough with testing for SRP; 5) Continuous flow monitoring will be taken to enable estimates of nutrient loading.

Special Conditions: Digital pictures will be taken of the CAPTure boxes in operation under both low and high water flow conditions. These pictures will be included in the final report. This is a phased project that is funded through five grant awards. Each grant award supports specific and distinct budget elements identified in the approved grant application. The grantee shall track expenses to each individual award based on the approved application budget.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake County: Soluble Phosphorus Capture Tm Trial Grant Request 5 Of 5: The Green Lake County Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a project to test the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes to reduce soluble phosphorus levels discharging from a retrofitted sediment retention basin(s).

Final deliverables include: A final report which analyzes all collected data along with any conclusions about the effectiveness of CAPTure boxes as related to the objectives stated in the grant application.

Project activities include: 1) Retrofit CAPTure boxes into existing sediment retention basin(s); 2)Water quality sampling collected from 10 wet weather events. A total of 24 consolidated samples will be taken and tested for SRP, TP & TSS; 3) Water quality sampling collected from 6 dry weather events. A total of 4 samples will be taken over a 24-hour time frame; 4) Media checks for media breakthrough with testing for SRP; 5) Continuous flow monitoring will be taken to enable estimates of nutrient loading.

Special Conditions: Digital pictures will be taken of the CAPTure boxes in operation under both low and high water flow conditions. These pictures will be included in the final report. This is a phased project that is funded through five grant awards. Each grant award supports specific and distinct budget elements identified in the approved grant application. The grantee shall track expenses to each individual award based on the approved application budget.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Comp - Comprehensive Lake Management Plan For Green Lake (Grant 1 Of 2)\005c00a0: The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a grant to update the existing Green Lake \2013 Lake Management Plan (LMP) via a phased approach. Each phase funds separate activities necessary for the completion the LMP. This agreement is for the first of two phases. The second phase funds specific activities as described in the grant application and agreement for LPL183823.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Aquatic plant survey results & analysis; 2) Aquatic plant vouchers for new species located; 3) Shoreline habitat survey results & maps; 4) Blue-green algae (BGA) analysis; 5) Review of mechanical harvesting practices; 6) Shoreline condition survey results; 7) Aquatic Plant Management Plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Conduct aquatic plant point-intercept survey (following DNR protocol); 2) Complete aquatic emergent plant survey; 3) Conduct shoreland and shallow habitat surveys (following DNR protocol); 4) Review historic information relating to BGA & harvesting.

Special Conditions: 1) Draft stakeholder survey to be submitted to DNR for review/approval before going out to the public.

If consultant is to provide final report, the Grantee shall provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Comp - Comprehensive Lake Management Plan For Green Lake (Grant 2 Of 2)\005c00a0: The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a grant to update the existing Green Lake \2013 Lake Management Plan (LMP) via a phased approach. Each phase funds separate activities necessary for the completion the LMP. This agreement is for the second of two phases. The first phase funds specific activities as described in the grant application and agreement for LPL183723.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Organizational chart defining roles and responsibilities; 2) Stakeholder survey results; 3) Educational meetings, workshops, and materials; and 4) Updated aquatic plant management plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Conduct a sociological survey of lake stakeholders; 2) Complete lake partner responsibility analysis; 3) Organize & conduct stakeholder meetings; 4) Develop an updated aquatic plant management plan (APMP).

Special Conditions: 1) Draft stakeholder survey to be submitted to DNR for review/approval before going out to the public.

If consultant is to provide final report, the Grantee shall provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture Project: Swe - Collaborating For Land Conservation In The Big Green Lake Watershed: The Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture Project is sponsoring a project to implement phosphorus reduction strategies outlined in Big Green Lake's Nine Key Element (9KE) plan to increase soil and water health in and around Big Green Lake. This will be done by developing educational products and outreach for soil and water health and engaging community partners and other resources within the watershed.

Activities: 1) Continue to build capacity of the Conservation Alliance 2) Develop a network of service providers and online database for assistance with land conservation. 3) Hold an in-person conservation easement field day for public education.

Deliverables: 1) a coordinated entity of local organizations for land conservation outreach 2) an online database of conservation service providers 3) Summary report of in-person field day.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture Project: Swe - Developing Regenerative Farmland Choices In The Big Green Lake Watershed: The Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture Project is sponsoring a project to implement phosphorous reduction strategies outlined in Big Green Lake's Nine Key Element (9KE) plan to increase soil and water health in and around Big Green Lake. This will be done by expanding regenerative agriculture through landowner education and outreach.

Activities: 1) Create educational materials about land use options 2) Create a website offering educational materials of land use options 3) Presentation event.

Deliverables: 1) 2 land use option guides 2) a website with guides 3) summary of event.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture Project: Swe - Increasing Community Engagement In Soil And Water Health In The Big Green Lake Watershed: The Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture Project is sponsoring a project to implement phosphorous reduction strategies outlined in Big Green Lake's Nine Key Element (9KE) plan to increase soil and water health in and around Big Green Lake.

Activities: Develop and deliver 4 soil and water health action roundtables

Deliverables: Final summary report.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Comp - Comprehensive Lake Management Plan For Green Lake Phase Ii: The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a project to support a public-facing restructuring rewrite and update of the Green Lake Management Plan (LMP).

Activities: 1) Conduct meetings to detail the final study design, goals, and methods 2) Conduct Economic Impact Study.

Deliverables: Document summarizing the results of the Economic Impact Study

Conditions: Provide DNR Biologist with draft version of the Economic Impact Study for review.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Big Green Watershed Education: 1. Partner with Ripon College interns to create an interactive watershed map which includes location, description, benefits, and photos of best management practices within the Big Green Lake watershed.
2. Partner with one Ripon College intern to conduct a regression analysis for phosphorus in Green Lake.
3. Integrate watershed education into current website.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Big Green Watershed Education: 1. Partner with Ripon College interns to create an interactive watershed map which includes location, description, benefits, and photos of best management practices within the Big Green Lake watershed.
2. Partner with one Ripon College intern to conduct a regression analysis for phosphorus in Green Lake.
3. Integrate watershed education into current website.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Big Green Watershed Education: 1. Partner with Ripon College interns to create an interactive watershed map which includes location, description, benefits, and photos of best management practices within the Big Green Lake watershed.
2. Partner with one Ripon College intern to conduct a regression analysis for phosphorus in Green Lake.
3. Integrate watershed education into current website.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Green Lake Lmp Questionaire: The Green Lake Association proposes to develop a lake management plan, as none currently exists.
As part of the Lake Management Planning process, a citizen survey needs to be designed, distributed to lake stakeholders and results statistically analyzed. Th UW-Stevens Point will assist in these activities along with the WDNR. The survey is vital to understanding the social aspects of lake use along with potential conflicts.

The deliverable project outcome is a completed citizen survey report which presents the results in a statistically valid manner.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Green Lake Lmp Questionaire: The Green Lake Association proposes to develop a lake management plan, as none currently exists.
As part of the Lake Management Planning process, a citizen survey needs to be designed, distributed to lake stakeholders and results statistically analyzed. Th UW-Stevens Point will assist in these activities along with the WDNR. The survey is vital to understanding the social aspects of lake use along with potential conflicts.

The deliverable project outcome is a completed citizen survey report which presents the results in a statistically valid manner.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Green Lake Assoc. Virtual Tour:
The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a Small-Scale Planning Grant to create a virtual watershed tour film featuring information on Green Lake including its\2019 8 major tributaries, watershed and the lake itself. The major objectives of this tour are:

1. Improve the public\2019s understanding of Green Lake, its\2019 tributary streams and watershed. Additional emphasis will be placed how this unique resource impacts community, local economy and quality of life. 2.Increase public understanding of environmental issues facing Green Lake and what is being done, management wise, to resolve these problems. 3. Information will be given explaining how the public can help improve conditions on the lake and its\2019 watershed.

Project Deliverables

1. One meeting will be coordinated with the DNR and other lake stakeholders to go over results of project prior to finalization of the film (chance for input and feedback). 2.Final film will be made available to the public and information shared via:
a. Mandatory: i.Green Lake Association\2019s web-site. ii.Offered to area schools, within Green Lake\2019s watershed at a minimum, to be used for environmental education. iii.City of Green Lake and Green Lake Counties websites.
b. Offer made: i. The Wisconsin Association of Lakes (conferences). ii.University of Wisconsin Extension \2013 Lakes (conferences). iii.Ripon\2019s Marcus Theater \2013 Public Service Announcement
3. The DNR will be given one copy of the film.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake County: Green Lake County Buffer Assesment:
The Green Lake \2013 Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a Small-Scale Planning Grant to inventory vegetative buffer conditions on 6 tributaries of Big Green Lake. Major components of this field work include:
1. Inventory current buffer status.
2. Identify impaired buffers and areas of bank instability.
3. Classify target areas for precision buffers.
4. Locate target areas for upland conservation practices.
Sampling stations will be field located with GPS and sampling protocols will follow USDA_NRCS Stream Visual Assessment Protocols (SVAP).
Project Deliverables
1. Meeting with DNR and GLSD to go over results of project and to plan future planning and / or implementation projects.
2. Draft Report submitted one month prior to project deadline.
3. Final Report will include:
a. Resource Inventory Maps which identify high priority areas for precision conservation practices.
b. Results of SVAP survey and other field collected data.
c. Recommendations on the creation of a buffer ordinance or other courses of action to improve the water quality of streams discharging to Big Green Lake.
Project Timeline
1. Draft Report submittal by 11/30/2013
2. Final Report will be completed by 12/31/2013. Final report needs DNR approval.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Green Lake Urban Edu. Proj.: The Green Lake Association has sponsored a small scale planning grant to educate residents of the cities of Ripon and Green Lake regarding storm water pollution abatement. Project volunteers will be used to install at least three rain gardens in the two aforementioned cities. In addition, several education outreach activities will be conducted. Primary labor will come from area students, teachers and other residents. Specific deliverable products include:

1. Installation of at least three rain gardens with educational signage on each.
2. Fifty \201CDrains to Lake\201D placards will be installed.
3. Two hundred educational door hangers will be installed.
4. Two classroom outreach events will be conducted.
5. Results of this project will be shared through press releases, websites and e-mails.
6. A final report summarizing project accomplishments will be submitted to the local DNR Coordinator. The report will include:
a. Digital summary of project results
b. Photographs of rain-gardens and other educational materials developed as a result of this project.
c. Synopsis of what was learned along with recommendations to continue / further the program to improve urban storm-water practices via rain gardens.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Green Lake

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Green Lake Urban Edu. Proj.: The Green Lake Association has sponsored a small scale planning grant to educate residents of the cities of Ripon and Green Lake regarding storm water pollution abatement. Project volunteers will be used to install at least three rain gardens in the two aforementioned cities. In addition, several education outreach activities will be conducted. Primary labor will come from area students, teachers and other residents. Specific deliverable products include:

1. Installation of at least three rain gardens with educational signage on each.
2. Fifty \201CDrains to Lake\201D placards will be installed.
3. Two hundred educational door hangers will be installed.
4. Two classroom outreach events will be conducted.
5. Results of this project will be shared through press releases, websites and e-mails.
6. A final report summarizing project accomplishments will be submitted to the local DNR Coordinator. The report will include:
a. Digital summary of project results
b. Photographs of rain-gardens and other educational materials developed as a result of this project.
c. Synopsis of what was learned along with recommendations to continue / further the program to improve urban storm-water practices via rain gardens.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Green Lake Assoc. Virtual Tour:
The Green Lake Association is sponsoring a Small-Scale Planning Grant to create a virtual watershed tour film featuring information on Green Lake including its\2019 8 major tributaries, watershed and the lake itself. The major objectives of this tour are:

1. Improve the public\2019s understanding of Green Lake, its\2019 tributary streams and watershed. Additional emphasis will be placed how this unique resource impacts community, local economy and quality of life. 2.Increase public understanding of environmental issues facing Green Lake and what is being done, management wise, to resolve these problems. 3. Information will be given explaining how the public can help improve conditions on the lake and its\2019 watershed.

Project Deliverables

1. One meeting will be coordinated with the DNR and other lake stakeholders to go over results of project prior to finalization of the film (chance for input and feedback). 2.Final film will be made available to the public and information shared via:
a. Mandatory: i.Green Lake Association\2019s web-site. ii.Offered to area schools, within Green Lake\2019s watershed at a minimum, to be used for environmental education. iii.City of Green Lake and Green Lake Counties websites.
b. Offer made: i. The Wisconsin Association of Lakes (conferences). ii.University of Wisconsin Extension \2013 Lakes (conferences). iii.Ripon\2019s Marcus Theater \2013 Public Service Announcement
3. The DNR will be given one copy of the film.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake County: Green Lake County Buffer Assesment:
The Green Lake \2013 Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a Small-Scale Planning Grant to inventory vegetative buffer conditions on 6 tributaries of Big Green Lake. Major components of this field work include:
1. Inventory current buffer status.
2. Identify impaired buffers and areas of bank instability.
3. Classify target areas for precision buffers.
4. Locate target areas for upland conservation practices.
Sampling stations will be field located with GPS and sampling protocols will follow USDA_NRCS Stream Visual Assessment Protocols (SVAP).
Project Deliverables
1. Meeting with DNR and GLSD to go over results of project and to plan future planning and / or implementation projects.
2. Draft Report submitted one month prior to project deadline.
3. Final Report will include:
a. Resource Inventory Maps which identify high priority areas for precision conservation practices.
b. Results of SVAP survey and other field collected data.
c. Recommendations on the creation of a buffer ordinance or other courses of action to improve the water quality of streams discharging to Big Green Lake.
Project Timeline
1. Draft Report submittal by 11/30/2013
2. Final Report will be completed by 12/31/2013. Final report needs DNR approval.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Creek

Green Lake Association, Inc.: Green Lake Urban Edu. Proj.: The Green Lake Association has sponsored a small scale planning grant to educate residents of the cities of Ripon and Green Lake regarding storm water pollution abatement. Project volunteers will be used to install at least three rain gardens in the two aforementioned cities. In addition, several education outreach activities will be conducted. Primary labor will come from area students, teachers and other residents. Specific deliverable products include:

1. Installation of at least three rain gardens with educational signage on each.
2. Fifty \201CDrains to Lake\201D placards will be installed.
3. Two hundred educational door hangers will be installed.
4. Two classroom outreach events will be conducted.
5. Results of this project will be shared through press releases, websites and e-mails.
6. A final report summarizing project accomplishments will be submitted to the local DNR Coordinator. The report will include:
a. Digital summary of project results
b. Photographs of rain-gardens and other educational materials developed as a result of this project.
c. Synopsis of what was learned along with recommendations to continue / further the program to improve urban storm-water practices via rain gardens.

Monitoring & Projects

Projects including grants, restoration work and studies shown below have occurred in this watershed. Click the links below to read through the text. While these are not an exhaustive list of activities, they provide insight into the management activities happening in this watershed.

Grants and Management Projects
Big Green Lake Watershed


Restore the streambanks in the watershed along the studied streams (Wuerches, Roy and Hill, White Creek).


Maximize buffers or protected areas along streams with steep slopes should be a high priority for this area due to the nature of the steep slopes in the watersheds of the creeks in this project.
Capitalize on the efforts of the Wisconsin DNR, Green Lake County LCD, Green Lake Sanitary District, Green Lake Association, NRCS, and USGS in these subwatersheds by implementing BMPs (stream bank restoration, sediment basins, vegetative buffers, etc.) where needed will likely have a significant improvement of the water quality in the creeks in this project and Big Green Lake.
Work with landowners and county partners in the watershed to encourage restoration of stream banks and reduction of erosion is a high priority.
Explore the use of forested and native grass buffers compared to grassed buffers to increase nutrient reduction.
Watershed Recommendations
Aquatic Invasive Species Plan
Developed an aquatic invasive species plan
Developed comprehensive AIS plan addressing elements of prevention, control, monitoring, policy development, research, education/information, coordination and regional integration
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Monitored plants on Silver Creek
Used Point-Intercept method
Best Management Practices, Implement
Erosion Control
Implement cover crops to reduce cropland erosion during the late fall and spring.
Best Management Practices, Implement
Winnebago County Stormwater Quality Modeling Update
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance; updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development; other new ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for part of the developed urban area.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Implemented best management practices
Implemented best management practices (BMP) within the lake watershed to reduce nutrient/sediment loadings and protect and improve shoreline habitat.
Carp Barrier
Installed carp barriers
Installed Carp Barriers
Carp Removal
Controlled carp through carp removal and barriers
Project included controlling carp through removal activities and the operation of carp barriers; monitoring the extent of EWM annually; conducting an aquatic plant survey in Silver Creek using the point-intercept method; performing biocontrol of purple loosestrife, including building, operating and maintaining plant nurseries; and developing a long-range funding strategy for aquatic invasive species control
Citizen-Based Stream Monitoring
Citizen Stream Monitoring
Collect chemical, physical, and/or biological water quality data to assess the current overall stream health. The data can inform management decisions and may be used to identify impaired waters for biennial lists.
In Progress
Comprehensive Planning Studies
Prepared Lake Protection Plan
Mapped the watershed and sensitive areas and identified areas contributing polluntants. Mapped sub-watershed. Prepared lake protection plan.
Control Invasive Species
Controlled purple loosestrife
Biocontrol of purple loosestrife
Dam Safety or Removal
Mitigate Water Temperature Silver Creek (146800)
Mitigate impacts on water temperature and fish migration in Silver Creek from the Gothic Mill Dam in Ripon.
Data analysis, report production
Conducted analysis of phosphorus
Conducted a regression analysis for phosphorus in Green Lake
Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
Conducted a feasibility study
Conducted a feasibility study to assess nutrient loadings on Big Green Lake.
Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
Assessed feasibility & costs of phosphorus reduction
Assess feasibility and costs of further phosphorus reduction from effluent of Ripon Sewage Treatment Plant: a) evaluation of current phosphorus removal practices and their associated costs, b)evaluation of various strategies to reduce levels of phosphorus being discharged as to their costs and their potential for phosphorus reduction, c) small-scale pilot program implementing option chosen from evaluation in b. above, devaluation and monitoring of phosphorus reduction in conjunction with pilot program
Collaborate to enhance riparian buffers
Management agencies and landowners in the watershed should work toward enhancing a combination of forest and native grass buffers, which may better reduce nutrients than strictly grassed buffers.
Educate and engage residents
educate residents of the cities of Ripon and Green Lake regarding storm water pollution abatement
Engage Volunteers in Monitoring/Restoration
Continue Monitoring Big Green Lake Watershed for TP, f/mIBI
In Progress
Fish Management, Access
Increase Fish Habitat
Replace perched culverts in the watershed to increase available fish and aquatic life habitat.
Hydrologic Budget Development
Developed a hydrologic budget
Information and Education
several education outreach activities will be conducted. Primary labor will come from area students, teachers and other residents. Specific deliverable products include: 1. Installation of at least three rain gardens with educational signage on each. 2. Fifty \201CDrains to Lake\201D placards will be installed. 3. Two hundred educational door hangers will be installed. 4. Two classroom outreach events will be conducted.
Information and Education
Integrated watershed education into website
In Progress
Informational Meetings
Conducted public meetings regarding lake protection plan
Issue News/Media Release
. Results of this project will be shared through press releases, websites and e-mails
Issue News/Media Release
Issued news release about lake protection plan
Information about lake protection plan disseminated to the public by newsletter, local newspaper articles, a comprehensive management plan, public meetings and report mailings
Lake Management Plan Development
Developed a Lake Management Plan
In Progress
Land Acquisition
Purchased property - "ABA-West"
Purchased 24.5 acres of land known as the "ABA-West" property.
Land Acquisition
Purchased property - "ABA-East"
Purchased property - "ABA-East"
Land Acquisition
Purchased land for conservancy
Purchased 52 acres of land on Green Lake for conservancy purposes.
Land Acquisition
Purchased land for conservancy
Purchased 3.21 acres of land along Wick Road known as the Specht property for conservancy purposes.
Land Acquisition
Purchased land for nonpoint source abatement
Purchased 30 acres of land along Silver Creek which drains directly into Big Green Lake to be used as nonpoint source abatement.
Land Acquisition
Purchased vacant land for conservancy
Purchased 20.5 acres of vacant land with approximately 660 feet of frontage along Big Green Lake. The Sanitary District will keep it in its naturally landscaped state for conservancy purposes.
Land Acquisition
Purchased vacant land for conservancy purposes
Purchased vacant land for conservancy purposes
Monitor Fish Community
Wuerches Creek fIBI
AU 359163, poor fIBI, Station 10012583
Monitor Fish Community
Silver Creek fIBI
AU 359092, poor fIBI, Station 10041510
Monitor Fish Tissue
Confirm FCA: IW pre-2000 data
Monitor Invasive Species
Monitored Eurasian Water Milfoil Extent
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)
TWA Silver and Dakin Creek
This project would assess the water quality condition of the Silver and Dakin Creek Watersheds after implementation of BMPs since 2014. The Green Lake Lake Management Plan has been submitted to DNR for 9KE approval and it is assumed to be approved by the time monitoring begins.
In Progress
Monitor Water Level
Monitored and published water level data
Operate, maintain and publish stage, flow and load data at both stage-discharge stations at White Creek and Green Lake Outlet. 2) Operate, maintain and publish stage, flow and load data at stage-discharge station at Green Lake Inlet.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Unnamed Trib to White Creek TP
Category 3. 2018 TP Results: May Exceed. Station: 10041246. AU: 5476505.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Local Water TP
Category 2. 2018 TP Results: May Exceed. Station: 10033607. AU: 3993744.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Conducted water quality appraisal
Conducted comprehensive water quality appraisal at 2 sites within Green Lake. The protocol is USGS trophic monitoring protocol, to include: 1. 6x /year, sampling events to include profiling, nutrient concentrations 2. Archived data and annual reporting in USGS formal publication 3. Cost sharing from USGS source and GLSD. Specific actions are identified within the original planning grant proposal
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Continued to conduct water quality appraisal
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
Hill Creek Impaired Water
In Progress
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
Propose Impaired
Natural Community Review or Change
Spring Creek Natl Comm. Change
Spring Creek US Cty K, modeled Warm Headwater change to Cool-Warm Headwater (148000).
In Progress
Nine Key Element Plan
Fond du Lac County - Nine Key Element Plan Development
Great Lakes Nine Key Plan Development
In Progress
Partnership Project
Collaborate On Stream Bank Stabilization
The department should work with watershed organizations on outreach efforts with landowners in the watershed, environmental programs in Big Green Lake watershed, and research opportunities for stream bank stabilization opportunities.
Project Deliverable
A final report summarizing project accomplishments will be submitted to the local DNR Coordinator. The report will include: a. Digital summary of project results b. Photographs of rain-gardens and other educational materials developed as a result of this project. c. Synopsis of what was learned along with recommendations to continue / further the program to improve urban storm-water practices via rain gardens.
Restore Riparian Habitat
Increase Buffers
The department should work to increase buffer widths in all of the subwatersheds which will likely reduce nutrient loading and sedimentation.
Rivers Management Grant
Work on Funding Roy Creek (148200)
DNR, county and local partners should work to obtain funds or grants to restore the identified unstable stream banks to reduce sedimentation and erosion in the watershed.
Rivers Management Grant
Work on Funding White Creek (146600)
DNR, county and local partners should work to obtain funds or grants to restore the identified unstable stream banks to reduce sedimentation and erosion in the watershed .
Rivers Management Grant
Work on Funding Wuerches (148300)
DNR, county and local partners should work to obtain funds or grants to restore the identified unstable stream banks to reduce sedimentation and erosion in the watershed
Rivers Management Grant
Work on Funding Hill Creek (146200)
DNR, county and local partners should work to obtain funds or grants to restore the identified unstable stream banks to reduce sedimentation and erosion in the watershed.
Social Survey of Residents or Users
Conducted a citizen survey
In Progress
Social Survey of Residents or Users
Conducted a survey of residents, by mail, to assess: a) public opinion of large water impoundments, b) public opinion of eminent domain andcondemnation powers, c) which units of government will need to be involved with the project and at what level.
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Omro - Stormwater Management Plan Update
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance; updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development; other updated ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area; updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and a new storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Fond du Lac Co Stormwater Mgmt Plan - TMDL Analysis & Recs
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Taycheedah Stormwater Management Plan - TMDL Analysis & Recs
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Fond du Lac Stormwater Mgmt Plan - TMDL Analysis & Recs
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Green Lake Storm Water Impact Study and Management Plan
Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance, updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development, updated low impact development/conservation subdivision ordinance, updated ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area, new feasibility analysis of alternative funding mechanisms, and new storm water management plan for the developed urban area.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Eden MS4 Planning
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: new construction erosion control ordinance, new storm water ordinance for new development and re-development, new ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area, new storm water management plan for the developed urban area, and new storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Fond du Lac - TMDL Storm Water Plan
Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance, updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development, updated ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area, new feasibility analysis of alternative funding mechanisms, updated storm water management plan for the developed urban area, and updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Commerce Court Pond Expansion and Storm Sewer Installation
Commerce Court Pond Expansion and Storm Sewer Installation
In Progress
TMDL Development
Parsons Creek TMDL
Parsons Creek is currently being impacted by sediment, phosphorus, and ammonia. Due to excessive inputs of sediment and nutrients, Parsons Creek is experiencing degraded habitat, sedimentation, and aquatic toxicity due to high ammonia levels. On the 2006 303(d) Impaired Waters list, Parsons Creek is listed for the following: (1) Pollutants: Sediment, Nutrients (phosphorus, ammonia) (2) Impairments: Sediment, Degraded Habitat, Aquatic Toxicity (ammonia)
In Progress
Train Volunteers
Conducted workshops on aquatic invasive species monitoring
Conducted workshops to train volunteers in monitoring and prevention methods; monitoring for zebra mussels and other AIS
Water Quality Modeling
Developed watershed and lake models
Developed watershed/lake models for predicting trophic impacts
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Created interactive watershed map
Created an interactive watershed map which includes location, description, benefits, and photos of best management practices
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Mapped the watershed
Big Green Lake WatershedWatershed History Note

The city of Ripon is located in the Big Green Lake Watershed in Fond du Lac County. Ripon, named for the English cathedral city of Ripon, North Yorkshire, was founded in 1849 by David P. Mapes, a former New York steamboat captain. John Scott Horner was the one who named the town, and most of the streets. Within two years the city had absorbed the nearby commune of Ceresco, established in 1844 by the Wisconsin Phalanx, a group of settlers inspired by the utopian socialist philosophy of Charles Fourier. Mapes also initiated the formation of Ripon College, originally incorporated as Brockway College in 1851. The modern Ripon Society, a Republican think tank, takes its name from Ripon, Wisconsin, since Ripon is known as the "Birthplace of the Republican Party." Meeting at a school house in Ripon on February 28, 1854, some thirty opponents of the Nebraska Act called for the organization of a new political party and suggested that Republican would be the most appropriate name (to link their cause with the Declaration of Independence). The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opened new lands that would help settle them, repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, and allowed settlers in those territories to determine if they would allow slavery within their boundaries. The new Republican Party, which was created in opposition to the act, aimed to stop the expansion of slavery and soon emerged as the dominant force throughout the North.

Date  2011