Watershed - Sheboygan River (SH03)
Sheboygan River Watershed


The Sheboygan River Watershed is the largest and possibly the most diverse watershed in the basin, covering about 260 square miles. The Sheboygan River originates in east-central Fond du Lac County and flows generally southeastward into the City of Sheboygan where it enters Lake Michigan. The major tributaries to the Sheboygan River are the Onion and Mullet Rivers. Other named warm water tributaries to the Sheboygan River are Otter and Weedens Creeks. Millhome, Schuett and Feldner's Creeks are trout streams located in the Sheboygan River Basin. There are also ten dams in the Watershed: Sheboygan Marsh, Kiel, Rockville, Millhome, Franklin, Johnsonville, Sheboygan Falls, Waelderhaus, Riverbend and Mischo's. The Franklin dam was breached in 2000 and will be removed in 2001. Removal of the dam will restore this river reach to a free-flowing condition. The positive change in flow, temperature, and oxygen levels will result in habitat suitable for game fish species such as smallmouth bass, northern pike, and rock bass. Land use in the watershed is primarily agriculture, but the downstream most reaches are entirely urbanized.

Date  2001

Nonpoint and Point Sources

Some municipalities in the Sheboygan River Watershed have been designated to receive a municipal stormwater discharge permit to control contaminated runoff from urban areas. These communities include the Village of Kohler, the Town of Sheboygan and the Town of Wilson. The City of Sheboygan and the City of Sheboygan Falls recently obtained municipal stormwater discharge permits. The stormwater permits require these communities to identify stormwater pollution sources, create plans and implement practices to eliminate or reduce stormwater runoff.

Date  2001

Ecological Landscapes for Sheboygan River Watershed

Ecological Landscapes

The Sheboygan River Watershed is located primarily in two ecological landscapes: the Central Lake Michigan Coastal and the Southeast Glacial Plains. The Central Lake Michigan Coastal Ecological Landscape stretches from southern Door County west across Green Bay to the Wolf River drainage, then southward in a narrowing strip along the Lake Michigan shore to central Milwaukee County. Owing to the influence of Lake Michigan in the eastern part of this landscape, summers there are cooler, winters warmer, and precipitation levels greater than at locations farther inland. Dolomites and shales underlie the glacial deposits that blanket virtually all of the Central Lake Michigan Coastal Ecological Landscape. The dolomite Niagara Escarpment is the major bedrock feature, running across the entire landscape from northeast to southwest. Series of dolomite cliffs provide critical habitat for rare terrestrial snails, bats, and specialized plants. The primary glacial landforms are ground moraine, outwash, and lakeplain. The topography is generally rolling where the surface is underlain by ground moraine, variable over areas of outwash, and nearly level where lacustrine deposits are present. Important soils include clays, loams, sands, and gravels. Certain landforms, such as sand spits, clay bluffs, beach and dune complexes, and ridge and swale systems, are associated only with the shorelines of Lake Michigan and Green Bay. Historically, most of this landscape was vegetated with mesic hardwood forest composed primarily of sugar maple, basswood, and beech. Hemlock and white pine were locally important, but hemlock was generally restricted to cool moist sites near Lake Michigan. Areas of poorly drained glacial lakeplain supported wet forests of tamarack, white cedar, black ash, red maple, and elm, while the Wolf and Embarrass Rivers flowed through extensive floodplain forests of silver maple, green ash, and swamp white oak. Emergent marshes and wet meadows were common in and adjacent to lower Green Bay, while Lake Michigan shoreline areas featured beaches, dunes, interdunal wetlands, marshes, and highly diverse ridge and swale vegetation. Small patches of prairie and oak savanna were present in the southwestern portion of this landscape. The Southeast Glacial Plains Ecological Landscape makes up the bulk of the non-coastal land area in southeast Wisconsin. This Ecological Landscape is made up of glacial till plains and moraines. Most of this Ecological Landscape is composed of glacial materials deposited during the Wisconsin Ice Age, but the southwest portion consists of older, pre-Wisconsin till with a more dissected topography. Soils are lime-rich tills overlain in most areas by a silt-loam loess cap. Agricultural and residential interests throughout the landscape have significantly altered the historical vegetation. Most of the rare natural communities that remain are associated with large moraines or in areas where the Niagara Escarpment occurs close to the surface. Historically, vegetation in the Southeast Glacial Plains consisted of a mix of prairie, oak forests and savanna, and maple-basswood forests. Wet-mesic prairies, southern sedge meadows, emergent marshes, and calcareous fens were found in lower portions of the Landscape. End moraines and drumlins supported savannas and forests. Agricultural and urban land use practices have drastically changed the land cover of the Southeast Glacial Plains since Euro-American settlement. The current vegetation is primarily agricultural cropland. Remaining forests occupy only about 10% of the land area and consist of maple-basswood, lowland hardwoods, and oak. No large mesic forests exist today except on the Kettle Interlobate Moraine which has topography too rugged for agriculture. Some existing forest patches that were formerly savannas have succeeded to hardwood forest due to fire suppression.

Date  2010

Recreational Opportunities

The Sheboygan River Watershed is home to two large marsh and wildlife areas - Broughton Sheboygan Marsh and Kiel Marsh. The Sheboygan River flows through the Broughton Sheboygan Marsh and Wildlife Area, which lies in northwestern Sheboygan County and includes about 14,000 acres of land and surface water, half of which are publicly owned. The Kiel Marsh Wildlife Area is located in north central Sheboygan County, with portions lying in southwest Manitowoc County and southeast Calumet County along the Sheboygan River. The Kiel Marsh Wildlife Area encompasses over 2,000 acres of land and water, 800 acres of public land managed by WDNR. Both wildlife areas are ecologically diverse; comprised of cedar and tamarack swamps, lowland hardwoods, and large areas of marsh and open water. Both of these wetland areas are attractive to anglers, hunters, and nature observers alike, for all seasons.

Date  2001

Sheboygan River Watershed At-a-Glance

Impaired Water in Sheboygan River Watershed
River and Stream QualityAll Waters in Watershed

Water quality is good in the headwaters and fair to poor in the lower reaches. Water and habitat quality are affected by contaminated sediments in the lower 14 miles of the river, agricultural and urban runoff, industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plant discharges, stream channelization, dams, and construction site erosion. These pollution sources lead to contaminated fish and wildlife populations (in the lower 14 miles), high stream turbidity, excess sediment, flashy flows, excess nutrients and nuisance algae, dissolved oxygen fluctuations, and fish migration barriers.

Date  2001

Watershed Trout Streams
Watershed Outstanding & Exceptional Resources

Lakes and Impoundments

Impaired Waters

List of Impaired Waters
Watershed Documents
Watershed Grants
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Cedar Lake

Schleswig Town Sanitary District #1: Dash In Cedar Lake: The Town of Schleswig Sanitary District #1 is sponsoring a project to conduct Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting (DASH) for Eurasian watermilfoil control on Cedar Lake in Manitowoc County.

Project final deliverables include: a final report of the harvesting operation on Cedar Lake. The report shall include a map showing areas harvested, total acres harvested, total amount of plant material removed, list of species removed and estimation of percent of each species, GPS locations of harvesting areas, time spent harvesting, and conditions during the harvesting operation.

Special Conditions: NR109 permit required

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Glacierland Rc&D, Inc.: Sheboygan County Ais Control Grant: The Glacierland R & C will hire a half time staff member to work with citizens on lakes located in Sheboygan County, WI. The purpose of the project is to increase citizen and agency knowledge on aquatic invasive species on both inland lakes and Lake Michigan. The project will last three years. This project will: 1) Hold a minimum of 15 workshops and/or trainings (5 to 10 each year) to provide educational programming to lake groups regarding aquatic plant management plans and exotic species; 2) Coordinate and train local volunteers using clean boats/clean waters watercraft inspection program protocol (a minimum of 2 per year); 3) Hire a summer employee to conduct a minimum of 600 hours of watercraft inspection (200 hours/year); 4) Develop county wide known location maps (GIS based) for Phragmites, Purple Loosestrife and Japanese Knotweed on road right of ways and riverine systems ; 5) Provide outreach material and contacts to industry groups such as the bait and garden nursery industries (a minimum of 10 per year); 6) Conduct a minimum of 3 (1 per year) point intercept plant surveys on lakes that lack previous plant survey data; 7) Serve as a coordinator for purple loosestrife biocontrol (beetles) and recruit volunteers ; 8) install signs and kiosks at boat launches; 9) Answer citizen inquiries regarding invasive species; 10) Staff special events (kids fishing, county fair, sport shows, etc) to teach the public about invasive species (a minimum of 8 per year); 11) work with highway crews and cultural sportsmen\2019s groups to train participants in the identification, control and prevention of AIS species. A full description of the project scope and deliverables is in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report. The DNR will also be provided with semi-annual electronic reports.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Little Elkhart Lake

Little Elkhart Lake Rehabilitation District: Little Elkhart Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan Update: The Little Elkhart Lake Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a project to update the Aquatic Plant Management Plan for Little Elkhart Lake.

Project final deliverables include: all data collected, agendas and minutes for planning meetings, and an aquatic plant management plan that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion with an implementation plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Data Compilation and analysis; 2) Update current aquatic plant management plan

Special Conditions: 1) WDNR review of the draft of the Aquatic Plant Management Plan; 2) WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of data and reports/plans generated as a result of this project.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Elkhart Lake 2015 Clean Boats Clean Water Project: The Elkhart Lake Improvement Association is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2015 at one public boat landing on Elkhart Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Elkhart Lake Improvement Association 2016 Clean Boats Clean Waters: The Elkhart Lake Improvement Association is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at one public boat landing on Elkhart Lake.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Elkhart Lake Improvement Association 2017 Cbcw: Elkhart Lake Improvement Association is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 1 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on ELKHART LAKE.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Elkhart Lake Improvement Association 2018 Cbcw: Elkhart Lake Improvement Association is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2018 at 1 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on ELKHART LAKE.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Elkhart Lake Improvement Association 2019 Cbcw: Elkhart Lake Improvement Association is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2019 at 1 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on ELKHART LAKE (HYW P, N/A).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Elkhart Lake Improvement Association 2020 Cbcw: Elkhart Lake Improvement Association is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 1 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on ELKHART LAKE (HWY P).

Grant Details
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Kiwanis Park Shoreline Restoration: The goal of this project is to restore the terrestrial and aquatic habitat of the shoreline, as well as stabilize the riverbanks to reduce sedimentation and associated habitat impacts. Actions undertaken, as part of the project will include:

Reconstructing or retrofitting existing outlet structures with riprap and engineered flow diversion structures to address erosive flows from the storm water outfalls.
Stabilizing riverbanks utilizing toe erosion structures in combination with geotextile fabrics and vegetation re-establishment. Bank slopes will be “cut-back” where possible to provide more stable profiles. However, encroaching right-of-way lines and roadways, in combination with existing steep slopes and drop-offs, will make this technique particularly challenging. Existing shoreline debris (concrete and asphalt) will be removed.
Re-establishing native vegetation along the riverbank to facilitate restoration of habitat and reduce the impact of non-point storm water runoff. This buffer will be a combination of native trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation. Three growing seasons of maintenance and monitoring of vegetation during buffer establishment will be performed following buffer installation.

Grant Details
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Taylor Drive & Indiana Ave Area Wetland Restoration: The Taylor Drive wetland rehabilitation project will improve the habitat at this existing wetland complex and connect this isolated system to adjacent wetlands and the Sheboygan River to enhance its function to fish and wildlife and improve water quality. Construction of Taylor Drive fragmented this wetland from an emergent wetland and a navigable tributary to the Sheboygan River to the east. The existing habitat in this wetland is degraded and has been significantly impacted by storm water runoff, flash flooding, and is heavily used by resident Canada goose populations. Adjacent riparian emergent wetland habitats are rare in the lower portions of the Sheboygan River, therefore restoring this type of habitat will increase fish and wildlife use at various life stages.

The purpose of this project is to restore connectivity of this wetland to the Sheboygan River and enhance the habitat for a variety of organisms including fish, waterfowl and herptiles. The target fish species is northern pike, specifically creating additional spawning area.

Grant Details
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Sheboygan River Aoc Pathway To Delisting - Habitat Restoration: This project is intended to support the development of delisting strategies and a fish and wildlife population and habitat restoration plan to address the “fish and wildlife population” and “fish and wildlife habitat” beneficial use impairments for the Sheboygan River and Harbor Area of Concern. This project includes a rapid ecological assessment using historical and current data, as well as conducting new field surveys, as needed, to fill data gaps or update data needed for the assessment. This project is part of an overall collaboration with the Sheboygan River Basin Partnership who is also seeking a grant from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative under the same project name.

Grant Details
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Shoreline Stabilization In Problem Areas: This project will address sedimentation from large sections of unstable and eroding riverbanks that are adversely impacting aquatic communities (fish and benthos) and associated wildlife populations in the Sheboygan River AOC. Eroding soil is a significant source of degradation to rivers. The eroded soil impacts water quality, transports excess nutrients into the river and smothers benthic organisms. In the Sheboygan River AOC, several areas have considerable erosion issues.

The F&W TAC identified five problem areas with significant erosion issues during a reconnaissance survey in September of 2010.

Grant Details
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

In-Stream Habitat Improvements: Sedimentation can be reduced and habitat complexity increased through the implementation of restoration design of in-stream scour and cover structures. There is a clear need for increased habitat complexity and scour, however, the extent of the impairment and precise locations of remaining quality habitat as well as degraded habitat has not been adequately quantified. Prior to the establishment of population level targets, information on aquatic habitat availability for species of interest is needed

Grant Details
Toxics and Areas of Concern
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Sheboygan Aoc Pathway To Delisting Habitat Bui'S - Rapid Ecological Assessment: The lower Sheboygan River and Harbor were designated a Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC) in 1985 by the International Joint Commission (IJC). This AOC encompasses the lower river downstream from the Sheboygan Falls Dam including the entire harbor and nearshore area of Lake Michigan. In the Sheboygan River, it is suspected that high levels of nutrients, solids, and toxic chemicals along with land use changes have contributed to the degradation of animal and plant populations and the reduction in fish and wildlife habitat and populations. Two of the Nine Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs) identified for the Sheboygan River and Harbor AOC include:
- degradation of fish and wildlife populations
- loss of fish and wildlife habitat

Grant Details
Toxics and Areas of Concern
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Sheboygan River Aoc Habitat Improvement (Usgs # 9km61 Also Bqy54)

Grant Details
Toxics and Areas of Concern
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Monitoring Of White Sucker Tumors In Sheboygan Aoc: Testing Spatial History With Stable Isotopes [Cap_1_2012]: In coordination with WDNR, USGS, and USFWS, this project involves capturing white suckers in the Sheboygan River AOC to assess whether the tumor BUI can be delisted. These tumors are believed to reflect long-term exposure to chemical contaminants in many AOCs. A fundamental challenge in interpreting results from migratory species such as white suckers is resolving whether they have resided in the contaminated area, or instead entered the area to breed after spending their lives elsewhere. Chemical tracers are a common approach for assessing the spatial history of migratory fish, and can fruitfully be applied to the Sheboygan context.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasive Species
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Sheboygan River Aoc Targeted Invasive Species Control Survey And Plan: This project (the Sheboygan River AOC Targeted Invasive Species Mapping & Treatment Plan) is the first phase, in a two phase project, to control targeted invasive species within the Sheboygan River AOC. This phase of the project includes invasive species mapping and treatment planning. Invasive plant species targeted within this project include Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), giant reed grass (Phragmites australis), garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata), and buckthorn (Rhamnus spp.).The goal of the project is to restore a diverse native plant community in the targeted areas that will provide habitat to a range of fish and wildlife species.

Grant Details
Habitat and Species
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Schuchardt Conservation Plan: The main purpose of this project is to document existing natural resources on the Schuchardt Farms property: upland/riparian/wetland plant communities (including forest stands), wildlife habitat, and aquatic resources. The information provided by surveyors from this project, as well as information from previous reports, will provide the basis for preparing a conservation plan, which will assist City of Sheboygan planners with selecting the most appropriate areas for conservation, restoration, and development. These data will also contribute to the overall knowledge of local natural resources, identify threats to these ecosystems, and providesuggestions for habitat improvements.

Environmental surveys will be conducted at the Schuchardt Farms property with the following objectives:
1. Identify, describe, and assess plant communities.
2. Collect forest stand structure data.
3. Evaluate wetland functions
4. Assess fisheries and aquatic resources
5. Identify, describe and assess wildlife habitat
6. Identify stormwater Infiltration areas

Grant Details
Nonpoint Source Mgmt
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Crep Buffer Program - Sheboygan County: Provide financial incentive to riparian landowers for the installation of buffer strips.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Becker Lake

Calumet County: Lmi-Df-Calman Watershed Managment Plannin Phase 3: Calumet County proposes to quantify and compartmentalize nutrient budgets for the four lakes situated along the Calumet/Manitowoc County boarder which includes Round, Becker, Boot, and Long Lakes through in-lake, tributary, groundwater and watershed monitoring and modeling. Specifically, Phase 3 will include:
1. In-lake baseline water quality monitoring of the four lakes.
2. In-lake phosphorus profiles and sediment-water interface samples.
3. Sediment core samples and analysis from each lake.
4. Tributary flow, phosphorus and suspended solids load monitoring.
5. Shallow groundwater monitoring using mini-piezometers.
6. Watershed modeling for nutrient budget utilizing EVAAL and FLUX.
7. Precipitation monitoring within the watershed.
8. Watershed stakeholder and planning committee meetings.
9. Stakeholder survey and Agricultural producers interviews.
10. Final report summarizing the results as well as an implementation plan for this watershed and these lakes.
The project elements and deliverables are specified in the grant application materials submitted to the Department dated January 30, 2015.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Boot Lake

Calumet County: Lmi-Df-Calman Watershed Managment Plannin Phase 3: Calumet County proposes to quantify and compartmentalize nutrient budgets for the four lakes situated along the Calumet/Manitowoc County boarder which includes Round, Becker, Boot, and Long Lakes through in-lake, tributary, groundwater and watershed monitoring and modeling. Specifically, Phase 3 will include:
1. In-lake baseline water quality monitoring of the four lakes.
2. In-lake phosphorus profiles and sediment-water interface samples.
3. Sediment core samples and analysis from each lake.
4. Tributary flow, phosphorus and suspended solids load monitoring.
5. Shallow groundwater monitoring using mini-piezometers.
6. Watershed modeling for nutrient budget utilizing EVAAL and FLUX.
7. Precipitation monitoring within the watershed.
8. Watershed stakeholder and planning committee meetings.
9. Stakeholder survey and Agricultural producers interviews.
10. Final report summarizing the results as well as an implementation plan for this watershed and these lakes.
The project elements and deliverables are specified in the grant application materials submitted to the Department dated January 30, 2015.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Hlr - Elkhart Lake Water Quality & Habitat Improvement Project - Village Shoreline Enhancement\005c00a0: Partnering with property owners, Elkhart Lake Improvement Association is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.

All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.

Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.

Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Res - Elkhart Lake Water Quality & Habitat Improvement Project - Prairie Restoration\005c00a0: The Elkhart Lake Improvement Association is sponsoring a lake protection project to install a 25 acre prairie restoration on the Schaff property, located on a direct drainage area on the south side of Big Elkhart Lake. Installation of this best management practice will reduce runoff into the lake, decreasing nutrient and sediment loading into Big Elkhart Lake.

Specific project activities include: 1) broadcast herbicide application to prepare the site for seeding; 2) placement of native mesic and wet-mesic prairie seed by a tractor mounted seed drill as well as broadcast hand seeding; 3) planting of oak trees and shrubs; 4) management mowing and spot herbicide treatment to manage non native vegetation as needed; and 5) monitoring the site to map non native populations when found.

Project final deliverables include: All design plans, pre/post photographs of each BMP implemented, copies of landowner maintenance contracts, and a final summary report with P loading and sediment reductions calculated for the implementation.

Specific conditions: 1) Prairie restoration shall follow NRCS technical guide wildlife planting standard 420 and tree/shrub establishment standard 612; 2) All permits must be issued before construction, and all regulatory requirements apply. 3) The DNR logo shall be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source. 4) Land restored through the Surface Water Grant program shall be maintained for conservation for 20 years and a signed landowner agreement recorded at the County\2019s Registrar of Deeds Office.

The specific objectives, activities, metrics, and deliverables for the listed activities are explicated in the application and supporting materials. This scope summarized proposed work but does not replace or supersede the information presented in those documents.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
English Lake

English Lake Management District: Lmi-English Lake Management District Wetland Detention Basin: English Lake Management District proposes to construct a wetland detention basin east of English Lake to treat agricultural runoff from a nearby barnyard/feedlot and cropland. The wetland basin will be built from an approved design to maximize sediment and nutrient removal efficiency. The project activities include site preparation and construction of an approximately 300 foot long dike that will create a detention basin that will result in a wetland about 1.2 acres in surface. The rock spillway and complete approved planting of wetland and aquatic vegetation are also included in this project.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
English Lake

English Lake Management District: Lmi-Df-English Lake Drain Tile Diversion Df Study: The English Lake Management District proposes to conduct a diagnostic/feasibility study on drain tile diversion. The project will consist of a site topographic survey; surface, ground and lake water monitoring; drain tile investigation; threatened and endangered species review; public education and involvement and a final report. This final report will contain the collected data and review of alternatives identified in prior planning grants; examination of alternatives based on feasibility, cost and benefits; and an implementtion plan will be selected as the best management option and detailed in this report.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
English Lake

English Lake Management District: Lmi-English Lake Se Drain Tile Diversion Project: The English Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District propose to divert a farmland drain tile that currently discharges to English Lake. The drain tile will be re-routed to discharge to a near-by forested wetland, whereby reducing the phosphorus and sediment loading to English Lake. A final report will be provided both in hard copy and electronically.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
English Lake

English Lake Management District: Acq-English Lake "Pluess" Land Aquisition: The English Lake Protection and Rehab District proposes to purchase 9.82 acres of land known as the "Pluess" property. As part of the District's match, they will use proceeds from a bargain sale and the donated value of .33 acre of property known as the "Burns" property.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Winnebago

Fond Du Lac County: Acq-Fond Du Lac County Camp Shaganappi Acquisition: Fond du Lac County shall participate in the Lake Protection Grant Program by purchasing 97.2 acres of land for public outdoor recreation purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Long Lake

Calumet County: Lmi-Df-Calman Watershed Managment Plannin Phase 3: Calumet County proposes to quantify and compartmentalize nutrient budgets for the four lakes situated along the Calumet/Manitowoc County boarder which includes Round, Becker, Boot, and Long Lakes through in-lake, tributary, groundwater and watershed monitoring and modeling. Specifically, Phase 3 will include:
1. In-lake baseline water quality monitoring of the four lakes.
2. In-lake phosphorus profiles and sediment-water interface samples.
3. Sediment core samples and analysis from each lake.
4. Tributary flow, phosphorus and suspended solids load monitoring.
5. Shallow groundwater monitoring using mini-piezometers.
6. Watershed modeling for nutrient budget utilizing EVAAL and FLUX.
7. Precipitation monitoring within the watershed.
8. Watershed stakeholder and planning committee meetings.
9. Stakeholder survey and Agricultural producers interviews.
10. Final report summarizing the results as well as an implementation plan for this watershed and these lakes.
The project elements and deliverables are specified in the grant application materials submitted to the Department dated January 30, 2015.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Round Lake

Calumet County: Lmi-Df-Calman Watershed Managment Plannin Phase 3: Calumet County proposes to quantify and compartmentalize nutrient budgets for the four lakes situated along the Calumet/Manitowoc County boarder which includes Round, Becker, Boot, and Long Lakes through in-lake, tributary, groundwater and watershed monitoring and modeling. Specifically, Phase 3 will include:
1. In-lake baseline water quality monitoring of the four lakes.
2. In-lake phosphorus profiles and sediment-water interface samples.
3. Sediment core samples and analysis from each lake.
4. Tributary flow, phosphorus and suspended solids load monitoring.
5. Shallow groundwater monitoring using mini-piezometers.
6. Watershed modeling for nutrient budget utilizing EVAAL and FLUX.
7. Precipitation monitoring within the watershed.
8. Watershed stakeholder and planning committee meetings.
9. Stakeholder survey and Agricultural producers interviews.
10. Final report summarizing the results as well as an implementation plan for this watershed and these lakes.
The project elements and deliverables are specified in the grant application materials submitted to the Department dated January 30, 2015.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Manitowoc County: Res-Silver Lake Diversion Project: The Silver Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District proposes to complete the diversion of Silver Creek from Silver Lake which will immediately and significantly lower the amount of sediment and organic loading from the creek into the lake and inhibit migration of undesirable fish species into the lake. The project will consist of bank riprap, outlet control structure, peat berm, maintenance, site ground work, design and consultant services and other miscellaneous structures and activities.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Manitowoc County Lakes Assn: Lmi-Silver Lake Restoration Phase 2: The Manitowoc County Lakes Association proposes to complete Phase 2 of the Silver Lake restoration project. This project will significantly reduce the internal nutrient loading contribution to Silver Lake and reclaim a balanced fishery and lake habitat. This will be achieved through 1) complete eradication of the primarily rough fish population using rotenone, 2) alum treatment to inactivate/reduce internal nutrient load for lake sediments, 3) restocking and regulation of the sport fishery, and 4) terrestrial and littoral habitat restoration along 650 feet of shoreline in the county/city park. The main product will be the restoration of Silver Lake. Press releases, newsletters, and presentations will provide information and education to the public.

Progress reports and a final report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources both in hard copy and electronically.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Sheboygan County: Acq-Gerber Lakes Land Acquisition - Hayes Property: Sheboygan County will acquire 108.9 acres of land located in Section 35, Town of Rhine at the eastern edge of Wisconsin's Kettle Morraine for lake protection and public outdoor recreation purposes. The property includes three lakes - Big Gerber, Little Gerber, and a 1+ acre spring pond that are part of the Sheboygan River Watershed. The primary goals of the property's management plan are (1) to permanently preserve and protect the diversity and uniqueness of the existing land cover including coniferous and deciduous forest, meadow, open water, and adjoining wetland. The approximately 25 acres of upland cropland area will be established in a permanent cover of native prairie and fruit bearing shrubs and trees to eliminate future erosion into the lakes and the adjoining Otter Creek, (2) to utilize the property for natural study and appreciation, outdoor skills training, and passive recreation and enjoyment. It is anticipated that the Sheboygan County Outdoor Skills Center will relocate to the existing farm residence and buildings on the property. Eligible costs are outlined on the attached Cost Estimate Worksheet.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

English Lake Management District: Acq-English Lake "Pluess" Land Aquisition: The English Lake Protection and Rehab District proposes to purchase 9.82 acres of land known as the "Pluess" property. As part of the District's match, they will use proceeds from a bargain sale and the donated value of .33 acre of property known as the "Burns" property.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Calumet County: Lmi-Df-Calman Watershed Managment Plannin Phase 3: Calumet County proposes to quantify and compartmentalize nutrient budgets for the four lakes situated along the Calumet/Manitowoc County boarder which includes Round, Becker, Boot, and Long Lakes through in-lake, tributary, groundwater and watershed monitoring and modeling. Specifically, Phase 3 will include:
1. In-lake baseline water quality monitoring of the four lakes.
2. In-lake phosphorus profiles and sediment-water interface samples.
3. Sediment core samples and analysis from each lake.
4. Tributary flow, phosphorus and suspended solids load monitoring.
5. Shallow groundwater monitoring using mini-piezometers.
6. Watershed modeling for nutrient budget utilizing EVAAL and FLUX.
7. Precipitation monitoring within the watershed.
8. Watershed stakeholder and planning committee meetings.
9. Stakeholder survey and Agricultural producers interviews.
10. Final report summarizing the results as well as an implementation plan for this watershed and these lakes.
The project elements and deliverables are specified in the grant application materials submitted to the Department dated January 30, 2015.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cedar Lake

Cedar Lake Sanitary District #1: Cedar Lake Water Quality Study - Phase 1: The Cedar Lake Sanitary District proposes to study the water quality of Cedar Lake. Project activities include 1) water quality monitoring, 2) a property owners survey related to septic system status, and 3) a final report summarizing the project results. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information about the project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter mailing and public meeting.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cedar Lake

Cedar Lake Sanitary District #1: Cedar Lake Runoff & Land Use Plan Phase Ii: The Town of Schleswig purposes to conduct phase 2 of a planned 3-phase water quality management plan. Delineation of the drainage area and determination of land use in the watershed will be completed. Runoff coefficients will be assigned to the various land use practices to determine phosphorus input. A water budget and direction of flow will also be determined.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cedar Lake

Town Of Schleswig: Cedar Lake Management Plan: The Cedar Lake Sanitary District #1 proposes to continue development of a Lake Management Plan, using past studies completed in Phase 1 & 2 of the project. This plan's deliverables include problem diagnosis, water quality data acquisition, water quality analysis of high capacity well water, identifiction of existing regulations/planning efforts, lake water quality/nutrient modeling, shoreline survey, develop lake management objectives, identify in-lake and watershed management techniques, define roles for action, evaluate alternatives, and communcate results.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cedar Lake

Town Of Schleswig: Cedar Lake Aquatic Plant Survey & Management Plan Development: The Town of Schleswig Sanitary District #1 proposes to develop an aquatic plant management plan for Cedar Lake. The project will include two macrophyte surveys, and development of an aquatic plant management and harvesting plan. The plan will evaluate alternative management tools and will contain recommendations for long-term management of exotic and nuisance species, protection of native plant communities and sensitive areas, and ways to maintain and improve recreational opportunities. A hard copy and electronic copy of the report will be filed with the Department of Natural Resources. Additional copies will be provided to the Cedar Lake Improvement Association and other interested parties. Results will be shared at informational meetings and in newsletters.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cedar Lake

Schleswig Town Sanitary District #1: Cedar Lake Apm Plan Update: The Town of Schleswig Sanitary District #1 is sponsoring a project to update their aquatic plant management plan with special emphasis on aquatic invasive species management and an updated harvesting plan for Cedar Lake.

Project final deliverables include: all data collected, agendas and minutes for planning meetings, and a lake management plan that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion with an implementation plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Public participation meetings; 2) Public opinion and lake user survey; 3) Evaluation of water quality data; 4) Assessment of the current aquatic plant community utilizing the point/intercept survey method; 5) Creation of a public supported updated plan that includes an aquatic invasive species control strategy and a detailed aquatic plant harvesting plan.

Special Conditions: 1) Draft sociological/user must be reviewed and approved by the Department before being initiated.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Elkhart Lake Land Use Inventory, Sanitary Survey, Water Budg: Prepare water and nutrient budgets for lake. Conduct a survey of septic systems around the lake. Conduct a land use inventory of the watershed. Information will be distributed to the public by newsletter mailings, entire reportmailings, public meetings, summary report mailings, local newspaper articles, a lecture series and an essay contest. Project results will be reposited at the Village of Elkhart Lake Clerks office.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Elkhart Lake Management Planning: Develope a database which quantifies: a) the amount of inputs and outputs of water in Elkhart Lake and b) important nutrients in Elkhart Lake. Information obtained will be used in mass balance modeling to : a) assess changes in the food-web, develop andevaluate management plans: effectiveness of fish stocking, limitation of nutrient inputs to the lake by improved or more advanced waste water treatment, boating restrictions, and restricting shoreline development. The grantee will disseminateinformation to the public by newsletter, entire report and summary report mailings, public meetings, local newspaper articles, lecture series and an essay contest. Project results will be reposited at the Village of Elkhart Lake Clerk's Office.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Big Elkhart Lake Water And Nutrient Mass Balance Study: The Elkhart Lake Improvement Association proposes to document and quantify the magnitude of inputs and outputs of water and important nutrients to Big Elkhart Lake. Project activities include 1) measuring ground water inflow, 2) measure nutrients in precipitation, 3) measure nutrients in ground water, 4) measure nutrients in intermittent surface water inputs, 5) to install thermistor chain at the deepest sounding of the lake, and 6) to refine mass balance models for the lake.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Elkhart Lake Groundwater Mapping & Public Ed.: The project consists of groundwater mapping and public education. The goals of this project are a) develop a map of the groundwater recharge areas to Elkhart Lake; b) Determine if contamination from septic systems is impacting groundwater and c) conducting a public information and education seminar.

The project deliverables are: a) One public informational meeting. A paper copy of the presentation will be submitted to the DNR. b) Installation of approximately 50 minipiezometers. c) sampling minipiezometers for E.Coli, nitrite, nitrate, chlorides and total phosphorus. d) An electronic and paper report that will contain the following: 1) A groundwatershed map of the aquifer flowing into (and out of) Elkhart Lake; 2) A map showing groundwater elevations with arrows showing the directions of groundwaterflow and areas of recharge. 3) Results of the private well sampling and minipiezometer sampling. A map will be produced to show any areas of concern or contamination based on the sampling.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Elkhart Lake Surface Water Flow Monitoring: The Elkhart Lake Improvement Association will hire a contractor and will also utilize volunteers to refine their groundwater model. Surface water and groundwater data will be collected. This project will provide direct measurement of a significant component of the lake water budget. This grant is directly linked to a small scale grant. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following elements: 1)Data collected at the outlet of Elkhart Lake. A data logger will be installed at point of discharge from Elkhart Lake. The data will be downloaded periodically by volunteers. 2)Information regarding the installation of three new drive point monitoring wells. 3)Information regarding how the volunteers were trained by the consultant. 4)Results of groundwater elevation monitoring by volunteers. A weekly groundwater measurement will be completed by volunteers with periodic downloads from data logger.

The Grantee must provide a draft copy of the report to Heidi Bunk (DNR lakes biologist). This grant pays for the monitoring well installation, installation of a doppler/pressure transducer unit at the outlet and training of the volunteers. Two paper copies and one electronic .pdf copy of the final report must be submitted to the DNR prior to the submission of the grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership Inc.: Elkhart Lake Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan: The Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership is sponsoring a project to develop an update to the Aquatic Plant Management Plan for Big Elkhart Lake and to conduct point source monitoring in Big Elkhart Lake.

Specific project activities include: 1) Development of an updated Aquatic Plant Management Plan; 2) Elkhart Lake Improvement Association presence at 3 annual events to provide informational and educational programming; and 3) Collection of nutrient samples (6 events) at 4 locations around Big Elkhart Lake.

Project final deliverables include: 1) electronic copy of the P/I raw data collected by WDNR staff in an excel spreadsheet; 2) electronic summary of the lab results from the nutrient sampling and 3) an electronic copy of the final updated Aquatic Plant Management Plan. The updated Aquatic Plant Management Plan will contain the following elements: 1) summary table of plant species noted, frequency of occurrence and density; 2) comparison of P/I data from current survey to previous P/I surveys; 3) plant distribution and density maps for the top 7 species and any exotic species; 4) discussion of the data results;
5) Potential chemical treatment options; and 6) potential DASH harvesting and hand harvesting options.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

The Grantee should provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Elkhart Lake Water Quality & Habitat Improvement Project - Neuses Bay Tributary\005c00a0: The Elkhart Lake Improvement Association is sponsoring a project to develop a conceptual plan for the Neuses Bay Tributary BMP installation for Big Elkhart Lake.

Project final deliverables include: agenda and minutes for annual meeting, and an conceptual design plan that includes methodologies, data compiled and collected, and modeling results.

Specific project activities include: 1) Compilation of existing imagery data, land use data, FEMA data and meteorological data; 2) Collection of site specific data; 3) Development of a conceptual design plan including SWAT model, alignments, profiles, instream structures and a revegetation plan; and 4) presentation of conceptual design plan at annual meeting and other outreach events.

Special Conditions: 1) All reports shall be entered into the SWIMS database

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership Inc.: Elkhart Lake Water Quality & Habitat Improvement Project - Neuses Bay Tributary: The Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership is sponsoring a project to design a best management practice for Neuses Bay Tributary, a tributary to Big Elkhart Lake.

Activities: 1) Development of bid ready design plans for a wetland scrape; 2) preparation of Chapter 30 permit materials; and 3) public outreach regarding the design plans.

Deliverables: 1) Electronic copy of the bid ready design plans and specifications; and 2) electronic copies of the Chapter 30 permit materials.

Conditions: 1) Provide DNR Biologist with draft version of the final plans and specifications for review before final submittal for a Chapter 30 permit.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership Inc.: Elkhart Lake Water Quality Project - Internal Phosphorus Loading Study: The Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership is sponsoring a project to conduct an internal phosphorus loading study in Big Elkhart Lake.

Activities: 1) Collect sediment cores from 8 sites on Big Elkhart Lake; 2) Analyze sediment cores to determine levels of phosphorus in lake sediment; 3) Write a report summarizing the sediment core data, analyzing the data, and management recommendations; 4) public outreach regarding the report.

Deliverables: 1) Electronic copy of Excel spreadsheet with sediment data; 2) Summary tables of the data; 3) discussion of the methods used to collect and analyze the data; and 4) development of a final report discussing the results and management recommendations.

Conditions: 1) Provide DNR Biologist with draft version of the final report for review.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

If a consultant provides a final report, it is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to consultant. Include electronic copy of the final report along with or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Elkhart Lake

Little Elkhart Lake Rehabilitation District: Little Elkhart Lake Water Level Study: The Little Elkhart Lake Rehabilitation District proposes to conduct a water level study of Little Elkhart Lake. Project activities include 1) a review of the design and placement of the existing high water outlet control structure in Little Elkhart Lake, 2) determine the potential impact of private water supply wells with the potential to impact the lake's water level, 3) develop a diagnostic feasibility study of alternative measures to stabilize high and low water levels. The sponsor will prepare a final report on the project results and provide the Department of Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy. The sponsor will disseminate information to the public by newsletter, fact sheet distribution, public meeting, and summary report mailing.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Elkhart Lake

Little Elkhart Lake Rehabilitation District: Little Elkhart Lake Aquatic Plant Mgt. Plan: Little Elkhart Lake Rehabilitation District is going to develop a Aquatic Plant Management Plan for Little Elkhart Lake. They will be doing data collection of water samples and research pollutants in the lakes watershed. Handouts and informational materials will be developed for distribution as needed.
An Aquatic Plant Management Plan will be delivered to the DNR and the consultants will present project data and information to the district at meetings.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Elkhart Lake

Little Elkhart Lake Rehabilitation District: Little Elkhart Lake Apm Plan: The Little Elkhart Lake Rehabilitation District will hire a contractor to report results of an aquatic plant survey conducted in the summer of 2012 and update the aquatic plant management plan for Little Elkhart Lake. The plant survey was a point intercept survey with approximately 232 points. The final report will contain the following elements: 1) Results of the points sampled, including sediment type found and maximum rooting depth; 2) Results of a general lake survey to map general plant beds, map localized plant beds, map species distribution, summary tables and a list of plant species found; 3) Individual maps of species distribution for the top 5 native species found as well as Eurasian water milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed; 4) An aquatic plant management plan that meets the requirements of NR 109.09; 5) Results of the community survey; 6) Results from water quality monitoring ; 7) Results of WILMS, WINTLOAD and LEAP modeling; and 8) Minutes from one public meeting regarding aquatic plant issues.

The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Elkhart Lake

Little Elkhart Lake Rehabilitation District: Little Elkhart Lake Apm Plan: The Little Elkhart Lake Rehabilitation District will hire a contractor to report results of an aquatic plant survey conducted in the summer of 2012 and update the aquatic plant management plan for Little Elkhart Lake. The plant survey was a point intercept survey with approximately 232 points. The final report will contain the following elements: 1) Results of the points sampled, including sediment type found and maximum rooting depth; 2) Results of a general lake survey to map general plant beds, map localized plant beds, map species distribution, summary tables and a list of plant species found; 3) Individual maps of species distribution for the top 5 native species found as well as Eurasian water milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed; 4) An aquatic plant management plan that meets the requirements of NR 109.09; 5) Results of the community survey; 6) Results from water quality monitoring ; 7) Results of WILMS, WINTLOAD and LEAP modeling; and 8) Minutes from one public meeting regarding aquatic plant issues.

The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wilke Lake

Town Of Schleswig: Wilke Lake Management Planning: 1) Water quality monitoring during 1992-1994 as specified in application. 2) Conduct a land use survey to identify potential sources of pollution. 3)Conduct an aquatic plant survey.4) Conduct a sediment survey of the lake. Prepare a sediment contour map. 5) Collect sediment cores and analyze for parameters. 6) Conduct a public opinion survey of sanitary district members to identify areas of concern.7) Disseminate information to the public by newsletter, local newspaper articles, public meeting and final report.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wilke Lake

Town Of Schleswig: Wilke Lake Apm Plan Update Ph 1: The Town of Schleswig Sanitary District # 2 proposes to update the aquatic plant management plan for Wilke Lake. Specifically, the planning process will consist of extensive public involvement (including meetings, questionnaire, and an invasive species identification training session), an aquatic plant survey, and water quality monitoring. The data collected, along with the public participation effort, will be used to complete a comprehensive aquatic plant management plan for Wilke Lake. The project elements and deliverables are specified in the grant application materials submitted to the Department dated February 1, 2009.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wilke Lake

Schleswig Town Sanitary District #2: Wilke Lake Lake Management Plan Update: The Town of Schleswig Sanitary District #2 is sponsoring a large-scale planning project to update the Wilke Lake comprehensive lake management plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Educate the public on Wilke Lake ecosystems and surrounding watershed by developing educational programming and by holding an open event forum; 2) Seek public involvement by utilizing a public survey, providing outreach, holding workshops and meetings with stakeholders, press releases, newsletters, and websites updates; 3) Conduct an aquatic plant survey utilizing the point intercept (PI) survey following DNR monitoring protocols where raw PI data are provided to the DNR in standard excel format and aquatic plant vouchers are collected for new species found in Wilke Lake; 4) Assess watershed and analyze land-use and phosphorus loading using the WiLMs model, collect updated water quality data where results are entered into SWIMS, collect shoreline condition and course woody habitat data, and compile and integrate fisheries data; 5) Create a publicly reviewed and approved comprehensive lake management plan that includes an aquatic plant management plan and a detailed implementation strategy.

Specific Conditions: 1) Draft of stakeholder survey must be submitted to DNR for review and approval before sending to public; 2) Lake management plan must be reviewed and approved by department staff prior to stakeholder adoption, and release to the public; 3) Data and reports shall be provided in an electronic format; 4) This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein; 5) It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft of the final report for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. 6) Grantee shall submit electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wolf Lake

Wolf Lake P & R District: Wolf Lake Usgs Water Quality Monitoring & Watershed Mapping: USGS will conduct water quality monitoring during 1993-97, compare the water quality monitoring results to those obtained in the 1983-87 study.Identify any water quality trends, publish the water quality data annually, map the lake's watershed, and make a formal presentation to the lake district on the study results.Information will be disseminated to the public by fact sheet, newsletter, local newspaper articles, public meeting, and summary report mailing.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Waibel/Merry Brook Runoff At Elkhart Lake: The study will gather data to determine if runoff from parcels draining to the lake could be impacting aquatic plant growth in the lake. Grab samples of total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, suspended solids, fecal coliform and kjeldahl nitrogen will be taken. 5 sets of samples (three storm event and two low flow) will be taken at 4 locations.

Project deliverable will be sample results downloaded from the SLOH website.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report.

Scope change as of 05/13/04: Purchase of a conductivity meter and a replacement unit to be helpful in determining points of runoff with high nutrient loading. No cost increase to grant total.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Elkhart Lake Groundwater Modeling: The Elkhart Lake Improvement Association will continue the monitoring of groundwater started in 2004 and 2005. This monitoring will add 6 new well locations to provide a better distribution of sampling points. A total of twenty wells will be sampled on two dates for total phosphorus and fecal coliform. A consultant will utilize the data collected for a comprehensive report. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of the report will be provided to the department. The report will contain the following elements:

1. Graphics showing the sampling locations and observed concentrations.
2. Identification of trends in groundwater flow and distribution of any potential ground water contamination.
3. A comparison of this data to the data collected in 2004-2005 to determine if the 2004-2005 sampling results represent long-term conditions.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Elkhart Lake Surface Water Flow Monitoring: The Elkhart Lake Improvement Association will hire a contractor and will also utilize volunteers to refine their groundwater model. Surface water and groundwater data will be collected. This project will provide direct measurement of a significant component of the lake water budget. This grant is directly linked to a large scale grant. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following elements: 1) Data collected as a part of grant LPL-1267-09 and the reporting of the data as listed in the grant agreement. 2) Interpretation of the data in tabular, graphical and discussion formats. 3) An explanation of how the data fits into the regional database. 4) Development of an initial water budget as described in the grant proposal. 5) Minutes and summary of public informational meeting.

The Grantee must provide a draft copy of the report to Heidi Bunk (DNR lakes biologist). This grant pays for the analysis of data, database development and the report. Two paper copies and one electronic .pdf copy of the final report must be submitted to the DNR prior to the submission of the grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Elkhart Lake

Elkhart Lake Improvement Association: Aquatic Plant Mgt. Plan: The Elkhart Lake Improvement Association will hire a contractor to report results of an aquatic plant survey conducted in the summer of 2012 and to complete aquatic plant management plan for Big Elkhart Lake. The plant survey was a point intercept survey conducted by DNR staff with approximately 954 points. The final report will contain the following elements: 1) Results of the points sampled, including sediment type found and maximum rooting depth; 2) Results of the lake survey to map general plant beds, map localized plant beds, map species distribution, summary tables, and a list of plant species found; 3) Individual maps of species distribution for the top 5 native species found as well as Eurasian water milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed; and 4) An aquatic plant management plan for Eurasian water milfoil in Sheboygan Bay.

The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wilke Lake

Town Of Schleswig: Wilke Lake Apm Plan: The Town of Schleswig Sanitary District #2 proposes to develop an aquatic plant management plan for Wilke Lake. The project will include two macrophyte surveys, water quality sampling, and development of an aquatic plant management plan. The plan will evaluate alternative management tools and will contain recommendations for long-term management of exotic and nuisance species, protection of native species, and ways to maximize recreation without negatively impacting the aquatic plant community or the fish population.

A hard copy and electronic copy of the report will be filed with the Department of Natural Resources. Additional copies will be provided to the local library, Manitowoc County Planning and Park Commission, and Wilke Lake Advancement

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Village Of Kohler: Lost Woods Streambank Stabilization: To cost-share @50% construction of streambank stabilization in Lost Woods

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

City Of Sheboygan Falls: Catch Basin Installations: installation of an estimated 64 catch basins in conjunction with storm sewer re-construction along STH 32, along with additional WQ BMP(s) where appropriate. Determination of stormwater device shall be approved by the regional project manager.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Sheboygan County: Ordinance Development: Development and implementation of county-wide erosion control and stormwater ordinances to comply with the standards for construction and post-construction stormwater management and erosion control for water quality set by Chapters NR 151 and NR 216, Wis. Adm. Code

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Village Of Kohler: Stormwater Plan: development of a storm water management plan, to include analysis of stormwater flows and pollutant loading, creation of stormwater, erosion & illicit discharge control ordinances, mapping, assessment of alternative practice installations, and evaluation of alternative funding mechanisms.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Sheboygan County: Creation Of Stormwater Partnership: To cost-share creation of a partnership among those municipalities within the County eligible for stormwater permits.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Rockville Flowage

Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership Inc.: Swe - Education And Outreach On The Sheboygan River: Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP) is building the capacity of the Sheboygan River Basin Partnership as described in the revised application submitted February 10, 2023. LNRP was offered and accepted a reduced grant award under the Surface Water Grant Program.

Project final deliverables include: 1.) Provide to the Department a written summary and supporting information for project activities completed.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional River Biologist.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sheboygan Lake

Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership Inc.: Swe - Education And Outreach On The Sheboygan River: Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP) is building the capacity of the Sheboygan River Basin Partnership as described in the revised application submitted February 10, 2023. LNRP was offered and accepted a reduced grant award under the Surface Water Grant Program.

Project final deliverables include: 1.) Provide to the Department a written summary and supporting information for project activities completed.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional River Biologist.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Glacierland Rc&D, Inc.: Sheboygan River Basin Partnership Development: Glacierland Resource Conservation and Development Incorporated is sponsoring the river planning grant application for the Sheboygan River Basin Partnership (SRBP) team. The grant amount requested is $9,371.18 with a total project budget of $12,494.90

The SRBP proposes to develop a sustainable group that can function as an independent river organization of NCO group. The overall goal is to hire a part-time contractor to work with the SRBP board and advisors, to develop and begin implementation of a strategic plan addressing membership, funding, communication, and activities/projects.

The project goals will be met by having the contracted individual coordinate day to day activities for the group; maintain communication between partners; develop and maintain the SRBP database; begin a membership drive to create fundraising opportunities so that the group can become self sustaining; evaluate the success of the project by providing quarterly reports and a final report.

Project deliverables will include promotional brochures; a strategic plan; membership database; and quarterly progress reports and a final project report.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Glacierland Rc&D, Inc.: Sheboygan River Basin Partnership I&E: Glacierland Resource Conservation and Development Incorporated is sponsoring the river planning grant application for the Sheboygan River Basin Partnership (SRBP) team. The grant amount requested is $9,483.00 with a total project budget of $12,644.00

The SRBP proposes to develop partnerships and conduct educational programs and events. The overall goal for this project is to hire a part-time contractor to work with the SRBP board and advisors to develop and begin implementation of a communication and education plan. This plan will be more specific than what is written pertaining to communication and education in the organization's general strategic plan. In addition, the contractor will develop a web-site for SRBP; develop a promotional brochure and Power Point presentation; and will establish a periodic form of broad communication with partnership members and community residents.

Project deliverables will include a communication and education plan document; stand-alone web-site; promotional brochures; Power Point presentation; and quarterly reports and a final project report.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Glacierland Rc&D, Inc.: Sheboygan River Aoc Coordinator: Fund a project coordinator position to support the Sheboygan River AOC citizens' advisory committee and the Willow Creek protection committee. This position will 1) provide communication progress of partners to project partners.2) Coordinate and engage stakeholders. 3) Update the strategic plans for each project. 4) Develop active timelines for implementation, involve public in tasks pertaining to the strategic plan. 5) Encourage municipalities to initiate discussion of comprehensive stormwater and stream improvement projects. 6) Solicit media coverage to enhance public understanding

We interpret the ranking questions very literally. In rare cases, an equivalent effort is considered; it should be clarified by the justification/explanation given with the ranking point and equivalent effort must be approved by Department staff. When the grant is complete, the Department will look for every single deliverable, even minor ones, and if they are not adequately addressed, only partial reimbursement (at the department's discretion) will be made to the applicant.

A full description of the project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report which entails all the items in the project description. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Glacierland Rc&D, Inc.: Sheboygan River Partnership Membership Building: Funding for a part-time person to increase membership and engage volunteers. The membership program will focus on developing services, program & products, i.e. Adopt a Stream, Friends Groups or watershed group to adopt rivers and streams with initial focus on Sheboygan, Pigeon, Black, Mullet, Onion River and Willow, Sauk and Sucker Creeks. This person will coordinate programs and\005Cor events to involve the new members with in depth stewardship activities on the rivers in the Sheboygan Basin. Building membership will also build funding sources for the Partnership.

Department staff are improving the quality of grant reports by making sure applicants know very clearly ahead of time that ranking points ARE deliverables. We interpret the ranking questions very literally. In rare cases, an equivalent effort is considered; it should be clarified by the justification/explanation given with the ranking point and equivalent effort must be approved by Department staff. When the grant is complete, the Department will look for every single deliverable, even minor ones, and if they are not adequately addressed, only partial reimbursement (at the department's discretion) will be made to the applicant. .A full description of the project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Sheboygan River Basin Partnership: Adopt-A-Stream Sheboygan River Basin Partnership: To promote the program by hosting special events and promoting project, Stream Passage Survey, Stream Clean-up and WAV volunteer monitoring with data collection and sharing component. A part of the project will combine recruitment efforts, public events and volunteer management. A final report will be provided and included information on : newsletters, website updates, mailings press releases events and projects , stakeholder and club meeting minutes and public presentation. The report will also included the measured completion of: 1)WI. Ephemeral Ponds Project 2) Stream Passage Survey Training 3) Volunteer Coordination for multiple activities 4) Recruitment, news letter, mailings, Press releases, Website Updates, Meeting Attendance/ Group Presentation.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Sheboygan River Basin Partnership: Sheboygan County Testing The Waters Program: The Sheboygan River Basin Partnership will work with students from 13 area high schools to reestablish the Sheboygan County Testing the Waters School Program (SCTTW). Students will collect and analyze water quality data within the Sheboygan River watershed. Activities will include teacher training and student training at Camp Y-Koda, conducting of 9 water quality tests by the schools and conversion of the data into a \201CQ-value\201D, and analysis of the data and presentation of the results by students to experts at an end of project symposium. The Sheboygan River Basin Partnership will disseminate the SCTTW program through press releases to area papers, newsletters, facebook, websites and flyers. Project deliverables will include a final report that documents the program results (the above outreach materials can be used to help describe the program results), identifies the water quality equipment purchased and summarizes the water quality data collected.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership Inc.: Implementing The Sheboygan River Basin Partner Action Plan: The Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership is sponsoring a project to increase awareness of the Sheboygan River by raising citizen involvement through paddling events, cleanups, seminars, signage, invasive species control, improving fish passage, and agricultural BMP education.

The following activities and deliverables will occur:
1) Sheboygan River Paddle Map and Interpretive Signage: a) Create a Sheboygan River Paddle map and provide a hard copy to the Department b) Provide summary of number of hard copies of map distributed to the public. c) Provide screenshots of the interactive online map from the SRBP website. d) Create interpretive signage. e) Provide photos and location of each sign posted along the river.

2) River Paddles: a) Conduct at least two river paddle events in 2017. b) Provide summary of event information and screenshots of advertising used to promote the events.

3) River and Beach Clean-ups: a) Conduct one river cleanup event and one beach cleanup event in 2017. b) Provide summary information on the cleanups and screenshots of advertising used to promote the events.

4) Workshops and Seminars: a) Conduct at least three citizen volunteer days for invasive species removal and restorative plantings. b) Provide summary information on the events and screenshots of advertising used to promote the events. c) Conduct at least two educational opportunities on agricultural BMPs for the reduction of sediment and phosphorus. d) Provide summary information on the events and screenshots of advertising used to promote the events. e) Provide summary of efforts undertaken to promote the development of a producer-led watershed council. f) Provide summary information on council promotion and screenshots of advertising used to promote the council formation.

5) Culvert Improvement: a) Provide summary of efforts to improve impediments to fish passage on Willow Creek. b) Provide post-project study results of native plant fish diversity and unobstructed fish passage.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership Inc.: Implementing The Sheboygan River Basin Partner Action Plan: The Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership is sponsoring a project to increase awareness of the Sheboygan River by raising citizen involvement through paddling events, cleanups, seminars, signage, invasive species control, improving fish passage, and agricultural BMP education.

The following activities and deliverables will occur:
1) Sheboygan River Paddle Map and Interpretive Signage: a) Create a Sheboygan River Paddle map and provide a hard copy to the Department b) Provide summary of number of hard copies of map distributed to the public. c) Provide screenshots of the interactive online map from the SRBP website. d) Create interpretive signage. e) Provide photos and location of each sign posted along the river.

2) River Paddles: a) Conduct at least two river paddle events in 2017. b) Provide summary of event information and screenshots of advertising used to promote the events.

3) River and Beach Clean-ups: a) Conduct one river cleanup event and one beach cleanup event in 2017. b) Provide summary information on the cleanups and screenshots of advertising used to promote the events.

4) Workshops and Seminars: a) Conduct at least three citizen volunteer days for invasive species removal and restorative plantings. b) Provide summary information on the events and screenshots of advertising used to promote the events. c) Conduct at least two educational opportunities on agricultural BMPs for the reduction of sediment and phosphorus. d) Provide summary information on the events and screenshots of advertising used to promote the events. e) Provide summary of efforts undertaken to promote the development of a producer-led watershed council. f) Provide summary information on council promotion and screenshots of advertising used to promote the council formation.

5) Culvert Improvement: a) Provide summary of efforts to improve impediments to fish passage on Willow Creek. b) Provide post-project study results of native plant fish diversity and unobstructed fish passage.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership Inc.: Engaging The Community In Stewardship Of The Sheboygan River: Engage with members of the public in developing and continuing on-going initiatives that improve the health of the Sheboygan River and the surrounding community.

Project final deliverables include: printed and digital copy of a project summary report. Report shall include a summary of all activities conducted under this grant as referenced in the application, as well as a description of and examples of all marketing, communications and outreach efforts.

Specific project activities include: 1) conduct two Lake Michigan beach clean-up days at three different local beaches. 2) conduct the 13th Annual Sheboygan River Clean-up, with clean-ups occurring at multiple sites along the Sheboygan River. 3) conduct two paddle events to showcase the \201CSheboygan River Water Trail\201D. 4) host three workshops/seminars on issues affecting the health of the Sheboygan River Watershed (as described in the application).

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Records, reports, and digital images must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional River Coordinator.

If a consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Rivers Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership Inc.: Building Capacity And Community In The Sheboygan River Basin: This project will build capacity and extend SRBP\2019s reach into the community by conducting clean-ups, paddles, art/poetry events, water testing recruitment, invasives management education, and improvement of Fisherman\2019s Creek Corridor.

Project final deliverables include: Printed and digital copy of a project summary report. Report shall include Plans created or updated, a summary of all activities conducted under this grant as referenced in the application, and a description of and examples of all marketing, communications and outreach efforts.

Specific project activities include: 1) Conduct 2 beach clean-ups at 4 local beaches. 2) Conduct a Sheboygan River Clean-up at multiple sites along the River. 3) Conduct 2 paddle events on the Sheboygan River. 4) Complete SRBP\2019s Annual Action Plan, and update the 2009 Fisherman\2019s Creek Corridor Plan. 5) Conduct SRPB website maintenance. 6) Continue engagement with Chamber of Commerce. 7) Host an Art Community Engagement event. 8) Engage community partners (as described in the application). 9) Conduct water quality testing outreach to UWGB-Sheboygan Campus. 10) Conduct WAV outreach. 11) Conduct Invasives Species Workshop at Fisherman\2019s Creek.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Records, reports, and digital images must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional River Coordinator.

If a consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Rivers Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership Inc.: Swe - Education And Outreach On The Sheboygan River: Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP) is building the capacity of the Sheboygan River Basin Partnership as described in the revised application submitted February 10, 2023. LNRP was offered and accepted a reduced grant award under the Surface Water Grant Program.

Project final deliverables include: 1.) Provide to the Department a written summary and supporting information for project activities completed.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional River Biologist.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Sheboygan River

Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership Inc.: Swe - Education And Outreach On The Sheboygan River: Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership, through Sheboygan River Basin Partnership (SRBP), is sponsoring a project to conduct activities that build knowledge and understanding of the Sheboygan River. ecosystem and provide opportunities to protect it.

Activities: Beach and river clean ups, river paddles, water testing, and educational workshops.

Deliverables: 1.) Conduct two Lake Michigan beach clean-ups. 2.) Conduct Sheboygan River Clean-up Day 3.) Conduct two paddle events on the Sheboygan River. 4.) Conduct a minimum of one urban and one rural community outreach event in connection with the Pigeon River 9Key Element Plan. 5.) SRBP will review its annual action and development plans. 6.) SRBP will update website information to include Pigeon River 9Key plan information. 7.) SRBP will foster community partnerships. 8.) Conduct three educational workshops/activities for pubic and local organizations.

Conditions: Provide to the Department an electronic written summary and supporting information regarding the activities and deliverables conducted under this grant.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved

Glacial Lakes Conservancy: Willow Creek Preserve Detailed Land Management Plan: Glacial Lakes Conservancy will develop a restoration and land management plan for the Willow Creek Preserve in the City of Sheboygan. The plan will identify priority projects to improve and restore wetlands, reduce runoff, and enhance groundwater seeps and native forests in the Preserve. The plan will direct future protection, restoration, enhancement and long-term maintenance and management efforts for the Preserve.

Project final deliverables include: A project summary document outlining development and outreach activities conducted under this grant, including copies of newsletter articles, dates and summaries of meetings held, programs conducted, and a link to the website hosting the finalized Plan. Additionally, provide a printed and digital copy of a Willow Creek Preserve Land Management Plan.

Specific project activities include: 1) Contract with a qualified firm to assist GLC Staff and project manager in Plan development. 2) Complete all activities outlined in sections 1.a and 1.b, of the GLC\2019s Willow Creek 2021 Surface Water Planning Grant application. 3) Create and finalize the Willow Creek Preserve Land Management Plan.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Records, reports, and digital images must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional River Coordinator.

If a consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Rivers Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved

Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership Inc.: Swe - Education And Outreach On The Sheboygan River: Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP) is building the capacity of the Sheboygan River Basin Partnership as described in the revised application submitted February 10, 2023. LNRP was offered and accepted a reduced grant award under the Surface Water Grant Program.

Project final deliverables include: 1.) Provide to the Department a written summary and supporting information for project activities completed.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional River Biologist.

Grant Details
River Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Glacial Lakes Conservancy: Rr - Willow Creek Riparian And Stream Restoration: Glacial Lakes Conservancy (GLC) will revegetate the riparian area and improve fish passage by removing two culverts within the Willow Creek Preserve in the City of Sheboygan.

Project final deliverables include: printed and digital copy of a project summary report. Report shall include a summary of all construction activities with before and after photos of culvert removal and revegetation efforts within the project stream corridor. Report shall also include a summary of monitoring activities under the grant, as well as a description of outreach, workshops conducted, and materials developed.

Specific project activities include: 1) Under preexisting design plans, remove two culverts. 2) Regrade and install riffles, cascades, pools, and brush bank toe per design plans. 3) Revegetate project area. 4) Conduct vegetation and native species recovery monitoring over a two-year period. 5) Conduct an educational field day.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Records, reports, and digital images must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional River Coordinator.

If a consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Rivers Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Monitoring & Projects

Projects including grants, restoration work and studies shown below have occurred in this watershed. Click the links below to read through the text. While these are not an exhaustive list of activities, they provide insight into the management activities happening in this watershed.

Grants and Management Projects
Sheboygan River Watershed
Watershed Recommendations
Aquatic Plant Management Plan
Best Management Practices, Implement
Sheboygan County Farm Nonpoint Source BMPs
This project is a landowner installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Calumet County - Leachate Management
This project is a landowner installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: a manure storage system; a waste transfer system; and a feed storage runoff control system.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Calument County Process Wastewater
This project is a landowner installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: a manure storage system; a waste transfer system; and a milking center waste control systems.
In Progress
Comprehensive Planning Studies
. This project is intended to support the development of delisting strategies and a fish and wildlife population and habitat restoration plan to address the “fish and wildlife population” and “fish and wildlife habitat” beneficial use impairments for the Sheboygan River and Harbor Area of Concern. This project includes a rapid ecological assessment using historical and current data, as well as conducting new field surveys, as needed, to fill data gaps or update data needed for the assessment.
Data analysis, report production
Prior to the establishment of population level targets, information on aquatic habitat availability for species of interest is needed
Educate and engage residents
Implementing the Sheboygan River Basin Partner Action Plan
The Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership is sponsoring a project to increase awareness of the Sheboygan River by raising citizen involvement through paddling events, cleanups, seminars, signage, invasive species control, improving fish passage, and agricultural BMP education. The following activities and deliverables will occur: 1) Sheboygan River Paddle Map and Interpretive Signage: a) Create a Sheboygan River Paddle map and provide a hard copy to the Department b) Provide summary of number of hard copies of map distributed to the public. c) Provide screenshots of the interactive online map from the SRBP website. d) Create interpretive signage. e) Provide photos and location of each sign posted along the river. 2) River Paddles: a) Conduct at least two river paddle events in 2017. b) Provide summary of event information and screenshots of advertising used to promote the events. 3) River and Beach Clean-ups: a) Conduct one river cleanup event and one beach cleanup event in 2017. b) Provide summary information on the cleanups and screenshots of advertising used to promote the events. 4) Workshops and Seminars: a) Conduct at least three citizen volunteer days for invasive species removal and restorative plantings. b) Provide summary information on the events and screenshots of advertising used to promote the events. c) Conduct at least two educational opportunities on agricultural BMPs for the reduction of sediment and phosphorus. d) Provide summary information on the events and screenshots of advertising used to promote the events. e) Provide summary of efforts undertaken to promote the development of a producer-led watershed council. f) Provide summary information on council promotion and screenshots of advertising used to promote the council formation. 5) Culvert Improvement: a) Provide summary of efforts to improve impediments to fish passage on Willow Creek. b) Provide post-project study results of native plant fish diversity and unobstructed fish passage.
In Progress
Habitat Restoration - Instream
This project will address sedimentation from large sections of unstable and eroding riverbanks that are adversely impacting aquatic communities (fish and benthos) and associated wildlife populations in the Sheboygan River AOC.
In Progress
Habitat Restoration - Instream
The Taylor Drive wetland rehabilitation project will improve the habitat at this existing wetland complex and connect this isolated system to adjacent wetlands and the Sheboygan River to enhance its function to fish and wildlife and improve water quality.
In Progress
Informational Meetings
Lakes Planning Grant
Monitor AOC Beneficial Use Impairments
In coordination with WDNR, USGS, and USFWS, this project involves capturing white suckers in the Sheboygan River AOC to assess whether the tumor BUI can be delisted.
In Progress
Monitor Aquatic Biology
Monitor biology on WBIC: 50740
Conduct biological (mIBI or fIBI) monitoring on Unnamed, WBIC: 50740, AU:3991705
Monitor Invasive Species
Invasive species monitoring and control.
In Progress
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Sheboygan River TP
Category 2. 2018 TP Results: May Exceed. Station: 203096. AU: 5753343.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Hayton Millpond PCB Cleanup
Hayton Millpond PCB cleanup impacting several PCB listed segments.
In Progress
Monitor to Evaluate Projects
determine if the water quality of Otter Creek has improved after the implementation of best management practices
Monitoring Ecosystem
Environmental surveys will be conducted at the Schuchardt Farms property with the following objectives: 1. Identify, describe, and assess plant communities. 2. Collect forest stand structure data. 3. Evaluate wetland functions 4. Assess fisheries and aquatic resources 5. Identify, describe and assess wildlife habitat 6. Identify stormwater Infiltration areas
In Progress
Nine Key Element Plan
Fond du Lac County - Nine Key Element Plan Development
Great Lakes Nine Key Plan Development
In Progress
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
Water quality biologists should continue to assist the Sheboygan County Land Conservation Department staff in obtaining stream bank buffers along all of the streams in the county.
Restore Wetlands
Habitat restoration projects will enhance approx 1 mile of shoreline, improve 10 acres of wetland, treat 12 acres of riparian area affected by invasives, and assess benthos health and waterfowl consumption advisories
Runoff Evaluation
Biese, Ron Manure Storage
Biese, Ron Manure Storage
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Harrison - Stormwater Planning
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: other new ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area; development and implementation of a new financing mechanism for funding the storm water program; updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and a new storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
City of Sheboygan Stormwater Management Plan Update
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Fond du Lac Stormwater Mgmt Plan - TMDL Analysis & Recs
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
City of Plymouth Stormwater Planning
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: new construction erosion control ordinance; new low impact development/conservation subdivision ordinance; new storm water ordinance for new development and re-development; other new ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area; and development and implementation of a new financing mechanism for funding the storm water program; and a new storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Taycheedah Stormwater Management Plan - TMDL Analysis & Recs
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Fond du Lac Co Stormwater Mgmt Plan - TMDL Analysis & Recs
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Eden MS4 Planning
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: new construction erosion control ordinance, new storm water ordinance for new development and re-development, new ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area, new storm water management plan for the developed urban area, and new storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Calumet Co MS4 Storm Water Management Update
Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for the developed urban area.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Fond du Lac - TMDL Storm Water Plan
Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance, updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development, updated ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area, new feasibility analysis of alternative funding mechanisms, updated storm water management plan for the developed urban area, and updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
TMDL Development
Parsons Creek TMDL
Parsons Creek is currently being impacted by sediment, phosphorus, and ammonia. Due to excessive inputs of sediment and nutrients, Parsons Creek is experiencing degraded habitat, sedimentation, and aquatic toxicity due to high ammonia levels. On the 2006 303(d) Impaired Waters list, Parsons Creek is listed for the following: (1) Pollutants: Sediment, Nutrients (phosphorus, ammonia) (2) Impairments: Sediment, Degraded Habitat, Aquatic Toxicity (ammonia)
In Progress
TMDL Implementation
Silver Lake TMDL
Silver Lake, located in Manitowoc Rapids Township, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, in the Manitowoc River Basin, was listed as impaired due to excess phosphorus. The Lake is nutrient (phosphorus (P)) impaired as a result of agriculture, internal loading and local land use, is listed on the 1998 303(d) list as a high priority water and external load sources are nonpoint source (NPS) dominated. The designated use for Silver Lake is a full recreation, warm water sport fishery. Pollutant export data and information on the soils, topography, and other background information on the Silver Lake watershed is included in the Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Plan for the Sevenmile-Silver Creek Priority Watershed, dated February 1987.
In Progress
TMDL Monitoring
Jordan Creek EAP Project
The Hardies Creek TMDL is a product of a partnership between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the Galesville-Ettrick-Trempealeau High School (GET) Science Department. In 2004, the WDNR provided funding, through a local water quality assistance grant to GET, to support supplemental data collection for the development of the TMDL. In coordination with WDNR field staff and under the direction of Mr. Jon Johnson (GET Science Teacher), students monitored habitat, macroinvertebrates, and water chemistry and assisted with fish electro-shocking in Hardies creek. Some of the information collected by students with WDNR supervision was used in the development of this TMDL.
In Progress
Water Quality Planning
River Basin Partnership Willow Creek
The impact of current and future land use on water quality conditions in Willow Creek are not well understood. Therefore, planning needs to be completed to help guide the types of BMP?s and management policies that will be needed to preserve and restore water quality and habitat in the watershed. The watershed plan can identify types of restoration and stream improvement projects that could be implemented.
In Progress
Sheboygan River WatershedWatershed History Note