Watershed - East River (LF01)
East River Watershed


The East River Watershed includes the 206 square mile (534 square kilometers) area of land extending inland from the Fox River and lower Bay of Green Bay, stretching from the town of Red Banks to the village of Wrightstown. Approximately 90 percent of the watershed is in Brown County and the remaining in Calumet and Manitowoc Counties. The watershed contains many small streams and several large rivers draining directly to the Fox River. The watershed was named for one of the larger river systems: East River in Brown and Calument Counties. Principal streams in the watershed are the Fox River, Baird Creek, Bower Creek and the East River. Rural land uses are predominant in the watershed (152-square miles, 73 percent). Agricultural uses and related open space account for 80 percent of the rural areas. Woodlands and wetlands together cover about 15 percent of the watershed (WDNR 1991). Urban land uses (including developing areas) occupy about 57-square miles, or 27 percent of the watershed. The predominant urban uses are residential (35 percent), and parks and open undeveloped space (48 percent). Population and land use projections indicate that the population will increase between 5 and 10 percent over the next 20 years, resulting in an additional 8,700 acres of urban development (WDNR 1991).

Date  1998

Population, Land Use

The communities located within the East River Watershed include: the cities of Green Bay, De Pere, the villages of Lawrence, Ashwaubenon, Allouez, Wrightstown, and the townships of Scott, Humboldt, Eaton, Glenmore, Bellevue, Rockland, Holland and Wrightstown. Sewer service area plans are developed under Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 121 for cities, towns, and villages with populations exceeding 10,000 and in all designated planning areas, such as Brown County. Plans are developed to control growth in outlying areas and to protect water quality of streams, wetlands, lakes, and groundwater. The 1990 census reported 100,786 people in city of Green Bay and an estimated population of 117,247 for 2015 (WDOA 1995 and BCPC 1997). The 1995 census reported 18,397 people in the city of De Pere and an estimated population of 22,001 for 2015 (WDOA 1990 and BCPC 1997). A Sewer Service area plan was developed for Brown County communities (Green Bay, De Pere, Wrightstown, Greenleaf, Pulaski, Scott, New Franken, Pittsfield, Suamico, Holland, Morrison, Denmark and Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin) by the Brown County Planning Commission in 1972 and updated in 1982, 1987 and 1995. In these plans, environmentally sensitive areas (ESA) are identified and protected from sewered development. In 1997, the Brown County Planning Commission revised ESA definitions to include the following: all wetlands plus a 50-foot buffer; all navigable streams, plus a 100 ft buffer on either side or the floodplain, whichever is greater; all non-navigable, intermittent streams plus a 35-foot buffer on both sides. There are also provisions for steep slopes and erodible soils. Encroachment into the ESAs is allowed only in specific situations, such as a wetland or stream crossing for a utility line or with approval from Brown County and/or Department. ESAs have been identified for all water resources features in delineated sewer service boundaries. However, Brown County has proposed identifying ESAs countywide. Proposals to protect all ESAs countywide from decentralized sewerage systems (onsite and package systems) have been discussed.

Date  1999

Nonpoint and Point Sources

The East River Watershed was selected as a priority watershed in 1986 under the Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Abatement Program. This project has an exceptionally high level of participation for pollution control. Normally limited to three years, the landowner signup period was extended by nine months. The signup ended July 17, 1990. The high level of participation, especially in Manitowoc County, is attributed to the ability and efforts county staff made to establish good working relationships with landowners. The success of this project can also be attributed to the counties' willingness to increase staff and offices to administer this large project. According to models, if all cost share agreements and conservation plans signed up for are actually implemented, theoretically, the goals for pollutant load reduction will be met in three of the four categories of pollution sources. The nonpoint source control plan for this watershed contains detailed information about the streams and water quality objectives. A final report for the watershed project will be prepared by the Manitowoc County Soil and Water Conservation Department. There are five municipal point source dischargers and 16 industrial point source dischargers in the East River Watershed: city of De Pere, Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District, Wrightstown Sanitary Districts Nos.1 & 2, Wrightstown Sewer and Water Utility, Atlas Warehouse & Cold Storage, Dean Foods Vegetable Co Green Bay, Dean Pickle & Specialty Products, Eilers Cheese Factory Inc, Fort-James Paper Co (2 plants), Green Bay Dressed Beef, Green Bay Packaging Inc Mill Division, Nicolet Paper Co, Packerland Packing Co Inc, Proctor & Gamble Paper Products Co, Schreiber Foods Inc, Schroeders Greenhouse, Stokely USA Inc Green Bay, Wisconsin Public Service Corp Pulliam and US Army Corps Engineers (Renard Isle).

Date  1999

Ecological Landscapes for East River Watershed

Ecological Landscapes

The East River Watershed is located within the Central Lake Michigan Coastal Ecological Landscape which stretches from southern Door County west across Green Bay to the Wolf River drainage, then southward in a narrowing strip along the Lake Michigan shore to central Milwaukee County. Owing to the influence of Lake Michigan in the eastern part of this landscape, summers there are cooler, winters warmer, and precipitation levels greater than at locations farther inland. Dolomites and shales underlie the glacial deposits that blanket virtually all of the Central Lake Michigan Coastal Ecological Landscape. The dolomite Niagara Escarpment is the major bedrock feature, running across the entire landscape from northeast to southwest. Series of dolomite cliffs provide critical habitat for rare terrestrial snails, bats, and specialized plants. The primary glacial landforms are ground moraine, outwash, and lakeplain. The topography is generally rolling where the surface is underlain by ground moraine, variable over areas of outwash, and nearly level where lacustrine deposits are present. Important soils include clays, loams, sands, and gravels. Certain landforms, such as sand spits, clay bluffs, beach and dune complexes, and ridge and swale systems, are associated only with the shorelines of Lake Michigan and Green Bay. Historically, most of this landscape was vegetated with mesic hardwood forest composed primarily of sugar maple, basswood, and beech. Hemlock and white pine were locally important, but hemlock was generally restricted to cool moist sites near Lake Michigan. Areas of poorly drained glacial lakeplain supported wet forests of tamarack, white cedar, black ash, red maple, and elm, while the Wolf and Embarrass Rivers flowed through extensive floodplain forests of silver maple, green ash, and swamp white oak. Emergent marshes and wet meadows were common in and adjacent to lower Green Bay, while Lake Michigan shoreline areas featured beaches, dunes, interdunal wetlands, marshes, and highly diverse ridge and swale vegetation. Small patches of prairie and oak savanna were present in the southwestern portion of this landscape.

Date  2010

Watershed Documents
Watershed Grants
Grant Details
Waters Involved
Fox River

Integrated Stream & Wetland Restoration: Lower Green Bay-Fox River Aoc: This proposal addresses two interrelated BUIs in the Lower Green Bay-Fox River AOC: Degraded Fish and Wildlife Populations, and Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat. Additionally a third BUI, Degraded phytoplankton / zooplankton populations, is addressed through one component in the proposal. To advance delisting, specific actions will restore, improve or create habitat for fish and wildlife populations specifically noted in the delisting targets (WDNR 2009). Quality fish spawning habitats, hydrologic connectivity between interior and coastal wetlands and the AOC, and habitat diversity supporting multiple life stages of target fish and wildlife species were specifically listed as essential for the delisting of these use impairments (WDNR 2009) and will be restored through actions in this proposal. Fish and wildlife populations expected to benefit from this work include top predator fish (northern pike), native forage fish, native furbearers, amphibians, wetland associated reptiles, dabbling ducks and marsh nesting birds. Long term benefits will accrue through effective protection and restoration of priority habitats identified by this project. Degraded phytoplankton / zooplankton populations will be advanced through the development of a nutrient and sediment management framework for this watershed.

Grant Details
Waters Involved
Lake Michigan

Barrens Habitat Restoration For Endangered And Threatened Species: This project will restore 1390 acres of globally imperiled barrens habitat (G1, G2) in the Fox River watershed of the Lake Michigan Basin through:
·tree and brush removal
·invasive species control
·prescribed burning
·site preparation
·seeding to native grasses and forbs
It will provide habitat for the federally endangered Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis), nine other endangered/threatened species, and 44 species of great conservation need. Restoration sites are adjacent to wetlands and streams. Restoration will protect surface and ground water at these locations.

Emmons Creek Fisheries Area in Portage & Waupaca Counties (HUC 04030202); Hartman Creek State Park in Waupaca County (HUC 04030202); Greenwood Wildlife Area in Waushara County (HUC 04030202 & 07070003); White River Marsh Wildlife Area in Green Lake County (HUC 04030201).

Grant Details
Invasive Species
Waters Involved
Lake Michigan

Removal Of Phragmites And Lyme Grass From Wi Lake Michigan Shoreline: Remove Phragmites (Phragmites australis) and Lyme Grass (Leymus arenarius) from 118 miles and 3,600 acres of Lake Michigan Shoreline. Work would be mostly be done below the Lake Michigan ordinary high water mark along identified Conservation Opportunity Areas that include 25 State Natural Areas, 6 State Parks/Forests, 3 State Wildlife Areas and adjacent private lands. Phragmites and Lyme Grass will be removed from 1) 54 miles and 3,315 acres in Brown, Marinette, and Oconto Counties, 2) 50 miles and 240 acres in Door County and 3) 13 miles and 55 acres in Manitowoc and Sheboygan Counties. In addition partners will provide almost $80,000 in matching funds.

Grant Details
Nearshore Health and NPS
Waters Involved
Baird Creek

Baird Creek Riparian Protection Project: This project will focus on Buffer Strip installation in key sections of Baird Creek watershed to reduce agriculture nutrient, sediment and pesticide loading to Baird Creek and ultimately the Lower Fox River and Bay of Green Bay. The project will enhance and protect critical wetland habitat in an area of Northeast Wisconsin that contains one of the highest remaining blocks of wetlands. Brown County will partner with the Baird Creek Preservation Foundation to improve local and state water quality goals, educate local officials and citizens regarding the simplicity and effectiveness of buffer strips and develop a adopt a stream monitoring by private citizens of the Baird Creek Preservation Foundation.

Grant Details
Nearshore Health and NPS
Waters Involved
Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan Sanitary Beach Surveys In Northeast Wisconsin: Use high resolution multi-spectral aerial mapping technology to remotely identify the major factors contributing to beach pollution & deteriorated water quality in the nearshore areas of Lake Michigan that are included within the boundaries of Bay-Lake RPC.

Grant Details
ARRA Pass Through Project
Waters Involved
East River

Arra 17 Brown County Targeted Performance Standards Grant 2p-00e73201: TMDL implementation planning for the Lower Fox, Plum, and East River Watersheds; contact with Brown Count LCD.

Grant Details
ARRA Pass Through Project
Waters Involved
East River

Arra 17 Brown County Targeted Performance Standards Grant 2p-00e73201: TMDL implementation planning for the Lower Fox, Plum, and East River Watersheds; contact with Brown Count LCD.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Becker Lake

Calumet County: Lmi-Df-Calman Watershed Managment Plannin Phase 3: Calumet County proposes to quantify and compartmentalize nutrient budgets for the four lakes situated along the Calumet/Manitowoc County boarder which includes Round, Becker, Boot, and Long Lakes through in-lake, tributary, groundwater and watershed monitoring and modeling. Specifically, Phase 3 will include:
1. In-lake baseline water quality monitoring of the four lakes.
2. In-lake phosphorus profiles and sediment-water interface samples.
3. Sediment core samples and analysis from each lake.
4. Tributary flow, phosphorus and suspended solids load monitoring.
5. Shallow groundwater monitoring using mini-piezometers.
6. Watershed modeling for nutrient budget utilizing EVAAL and FLUX.
7. Precipitation monitoring within the watershed.
8. Watershed stakeholder and planning committee meetings.
9. Stakeholder survey and Agricultural producers interviews.
10. Final report summarizing the results as well as an implementation plan for this watershed and these lakes.
The project elements and deliverables are specified in the grant application materials submitted to the Department dated January 30, 2015.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Boot Lake

Calumet County: Lmi-Df-Calman Watershed Managment Plannin Phase 3: Calumet County proposes to quantify and compartmentalize nutrient budgets for the four lakes situated along the Calumet/Manitowoc County boarder which includes Round, Becker, Boot, and Long Lakes through in-lake, tributary, groundwater and watershed monitoring and modeling. Specifically, Phase 3 will include:
1. In-lake baseline water quality monitoring of the four lakes.
2. In-lake phosphorus profiles and sediment-water interface samples.
3. Sediment core samples and analysis from each lake.
4. Tributary flow, phosphorus and suspended solids load monitoring.
5. Shallow groundwater monitoring using mini-piezometers.
6. Watershed modeling for nutrient budget utilizing EVAAL and FLUX.
7. Precipitation monitoring within the watershed.
8. Watershed stakeholder and planning committee meetings.
9. Stakeholder survey and Agricultural producers interviews.
10. Final report summarizing the results as well as an implementation plan for this watershed and these lakes.
The project elements and deliverables are specified in the grant application materials submitted to the Department dated January 30, 2015.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
English Lake

English Lake Management District: Lmi-English Lake Management District Wetland Detention Basin: English Lake Management District proposes to construct a wetland detention basin east of English Lake to treat agricultural runoff from a nearby barnyard/feedlot and cropland. The wetland basin will be built from an approved design to maximize sediment and nutrient removal efficiency. The project activities include site preparation and construction of an approximately 300 foot long dike that will create a detention basin that will result in a wetland about 1.2 acres in surface. The rock spillway and complete approved planting of wetland and aquatic vegetation are also included in this project.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
English Lake

English Lake Management District: Lmi-Df-English Lake Drain Tile Diversion Df Study: The English Lake Management District proposes to conduct a diagnostic/feasibility study on drain tile diversion. The project will consist of a site topographic survey; surface, ground and lake water monitoring; drain tile investigation; threatened and endangered species review; public education and involvement and a final report. This final report will contain the collected data and review of alternatives identified in prior planning grants; examination of alternatives based on feasibility, cost and benefits; and an implementtion plan will be selected as the best management option and detailed in this report.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
English Lake

English Lake Management District: Lmi-English Lake Se Drain Tile Diversion Project: The English Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District propose to divert a farmland drain tile that currently discharges to English Lake. The drain tile will be re-routed to discharge to a near-by forested wetland, whereby reducing the phosphorus and sediment loading to English Lake. A final report will be provided both in hard copy and electronically.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
English Lake

English Lake Management District: Acq-English Lake "Pluess" Land Aquisition: The English Lake Protection and Rehab District proposes to purchase 9.82 acres of land known as the "Pluess" property. As part of the District's match, they will use proceeds from a bargain sale and the donated value of .33 acre of property known as the "Burns" property.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Long Lake

Calumet County: Lmi-Df-Calman Watershed Managment Plannin Phase 3: Calumet County proposes to quantify and compartmentalize nutrient budgets for the four lakes situated along the Calumet/Manitowoc County boarder which includes Round, Becker, Boot, and Long Lakes through in-lake, tributary, groundwater and watershed monitoring and modeling. Specifically, Phase 3 will include:
1. In-lake baseline water quality monitoring of the four lakes.
2. In-lake phosphorus profiles and sediment-water interface samples.
3. Sediment core samples and analysis from each lake.
4. Tributary flow, phosphorus and suspended solids load monitoring.
5. Shallow groundwater monitoring using mini-piezometers.
6. Watershed modeling for nutrient budget utilizing EVAAL and FLUX.
7. Precipitation monitoring within the watershed.
8. Watershed stakeholder and planning committee meetings.
9. Stakeholder survey and Agricultural producers interviews.
10. Final report summarizing the results as well as an implementation plan for this watershed and these lakes.
The project elements and deliverables are specified in the grant application materials submitted to the Department dated January 30, 2015.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Round Lake

Calumet County: Lmi-Df-Calman Watershed Managment Plannin Phase 3: Calumet County proposes to quantify and compartmentalize nutrient budgets for the four lakes situated along the Calumet/Manitowoc County boarder which includes Round, Becker, Boot, and Long Lakes through in-lake, tributary, groundwater and watershed monitoring and modeling. Specifically, Phase 3 will include:
1. In-lake baseline water quality monitoring of the four lakes.
2. In-lake phosphorus profiles and sediment-water interface samples.
3. Sediment core samples and analysis from each lake.
4. Tributary flow, phosphorus and suspended solids load monitoring.
5. Shallow groundwater monitoring using mini-piezometers.
6. Watershed modeling for nutrient budget utilizing EVAAL and FLUX.
7. Precipitation monitoring within the watershed.
8. Watershed stakeholder and planning committee meetings.
9. Stakeholder survey and Agricultural producers interviews.
10. Final report summarizing the results as well as an implementation plan for this watershed and these lakes.
The project elements and deliverables are specified in the grant application materials submitted to the Department dated January 30, 2015.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Manitowoc County: Res-Silver Lake Diversion Project: The Silver Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District proposes to complete the diversion of Silver Creek from Silver Lake which will immediately and significantly lower the amount of sediment and organic loading from the creek into the lake and inhibit migration of undesirable fish species into the lake. The project will consist of bank riprap, outlet control structure, peat berm, maintenance, site ground work, design and consultant services and other miscellaneous structures and activities.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Manitowoc County Lakes Assn: Lmi-Silver Lake Restoration Phase 2: The Manitowoc County Lakes Association proposes to complete Phase 2 of the Silver Lake restoration project. This project will significantly reduce the internal nutrient loading contribution to Silver Lake and reclaim a balanced fishery and lake habitat. This will be achieved through 1) complete eradication of the primarily rough fish population using rotenone, 2) alum treatment to inactivate/reduce internal nutrient load for lake sediments, 3) restocking and regulation of the sport fishery, and 4) terrestrial and littoral habitat restoration along 650 feet of shoreline in the county/city park. The main product will be the restoration of Silver Lake. Press releases, newsletters, and presentations will provide information and education to the public.

Progress reports and a final report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources both in hard copy and electronically.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

English Lake Management District: Acq-English Lake "Pluess" Land Aquisition: The English Lake Protection and Rehab District proposes to purchase 9.82 acres of land known as the "Pluess" property. As part of the District's match, they will use proceeds from a bargain sale and the donated value of .33 acre of property known as the "Burns" property.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Calumet County: Lmi-Df-Calman Watershed Managment Plannin Phase 3: Calumet County proposes to quantify and compartmentalize nutrient budgets for the four lakes situated along the Calumet/Manitowoc County boarder which includes Round, Becker, Boot, and Long Lakes through in-lake, tributary, groundwater and watershed monitoring and modeling. Specifically, Phase 3 will include:
1. In-lake baseline water quality monitoring of the four lakes.
2. In-lake phosphorus profiles and sediment-water interface samples.
3. Sediment core samples and analysis from each lake.
4. Tributary flow, phosphorus and suspended solids load monitoring.
5. Shallow groundwater monitoring using mini-piezometers.
6. Watershed modeling for nutrient budget utilizing EVAAL and FLUX.
7. Precipitation monitoring within the watershed.
8. Watershed stakeholder and planning committee meetings.
9. Stakeholder survey and Agricultural producers interviews.
10. Final report summarizing the results as well as an implementation plan for this watershed and these lakes.
The project elements and deliverables are specified in the grant application materials submitted to the Department dated January 30, 2015.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Bay Beach Lagoons

City Of Green Bay: Bay Beach Lagoon Water Quality Eval Phase 1: The City of Green Bay proposes to conduct a Phase 1 water quality evaluation on 42 acres of Bay Beach Lagoons. The project will consist of acquiring water quality data, sediment analysis, watershed evaluations, waterfowl impacts and communications. Recommendations will be made based on these findings in the final report.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Bay Beach Lagoons

City Of Green Bay: Bay Beach Lagoon Water Quality Eval Phase 2: The City of Green Bay proposes to conduct a Phase 2 water quality evaluation on 42 acres of Bay Beach Lagoons. The project will consist of setting water quality goals, alternatives and a cost analysis of feasible improvements. Recommendations will be made based on these findings in the final report.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application

Grant Details
Small Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fox River

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Traveling Education Kiosk: The sponsor will create a traveling educational kiosk designed to be used at Farmer's Markets, conferences, county fairs and other public venues. Booth costs at the Valley Home Builders Association, the WBAY Home and Garden Show and the Brown County Home Builder's Expo are reflected in the request.

Grant Details
Targeted Runoff - Urban Construction
Waters Involved

City Of Green Bay: Barina Creek Relocation & Restoration Project: To provide funds for the construction of best management practices installed by the City of Green Bay.

Grant Details
Targeted Runoff - Urban Construction
Waters Involved

Village Of Bellevue: Townhall Road Streambank - Bower Creek: To provide 50% cost-sharing of eligible construction expenses for the Townhall Road portion of Bowers Creek streambank stabilization project.

Grant Details
Targeted Runoff - Urban Construction
Waters Involved

Village Of Bellevue: Sorenson'S Creek Stabilization: to cost-share @70% construction & construction management of streambank restoration of Sorenson's Creek between Klondike Road and Big Creek Road

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved
Bower Creek

Village Of Bellevue: Bower Creek 2002: To cost-share the construction of Bower Creek Streambank Stabilization projects during 2002-03

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved
East River

Town Of Ledgeview: Pond #3, Stormwater Detentioon: To cost-share land acquisition & construction expenses for Stormwater Detention Pond #3

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved
East River

Village Of Allouez - Dpw: Pond #1 - Longview Avenue Basin: Design, construction management/inspection, and construction of Longview Avenue Basin - Pond #1, including storm sewer rerouting for conveyance to the pond.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved
East River

Village Of Allouez - Dpw: Pond #2 - Macco Basin: Design, property acquisition, construction management/inspection, and construction of Macco Basin - Pond #2, including storm sewer rerouting for conveyance to the pond.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved
East River

Village Of Allouez - Dpw: Pond #4 - Boyd Street Basin: Design, construction management/inspection, and construction of Boyd Street Basin - Pond #4.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved

Town Of Ledgeview: Pond #4 - Stormwater Wetland: To cost-share @50% installation of Pond #4

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved

Village Of Bellevue: Meadow Park Streambank Stabilization: To c-s @50% construction of streambank protection practices within the Meadow Park Drive area on Bower Creek.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Bower Creek

Town Of Ledgeview: Ledgeview East Stormwater Plan: to c-s @70% development of stormwater planning for east side of town

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved

Town Of Scott: Stormwater Planning: To cost-share development of a storm water management plan for the Town.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved

Village Of Bellevue: Sw Plan & Ordinances: To cost-share engineering services to update and expand the scope of the storm water management plan covering the Village of Bellevue, develop associated ordinances, and perform public awareness activities.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Baird Creek

Baird Creek Preservation Foundation: Baird Creek Preservation Foundation Communication, Education & Involvement Program: The Baird Creek Preservation Foundation proposes to conduct a project called Community, Education, and Involvement Program. This is a capacity building effort to increase membership, member retention, member satisfaction and volunteer activity. This will be accomplished by issuing 3 newsletters/year, sponsoring 3-5 community events, deliver member acquisition mailing to 2000 Green Bay residents, develop a membership data base, member retention and volunteer programs.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Fox River

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Swe - Education & Awareness Through The Fox-Wolf Watershed Cleanup: Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance proposes to provide education and awareness in the Lower Fox River watershed by coordinating a trash cleanup event for the water resources.

Specific project deliverables include: 1) Purchase supplies needed for cleanup event; 2) Report cleanup results.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Stream Biologist.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Little Lake Butte Des Morts

Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance: Swe - Education & Awareness Through The Fox-Wolf Watershed Cleanup: Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance proposes to provide education and awareness in the Lower Fox River watershed by coordinating a trash cleanup event for the water resources.

Specific project deliverables include: 1) Purchase supplies needed for cleanup event; 2) Report cleanup results.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Stream Biologist.

Monitoring & Projects

Projects including grants, restoration work and studies shown below have occurred in this watershed. Click the links below to read through the text. While these are not an exhaustive list of activities, they provide insight into the management activities happening in this watershed.

Grants and Management Projects
East River Watershed


Reduce excess algal growth. Aesthetic reasons aside, reducing blue-green algae will reduce the risks associated with algal toxins to recreational users of the river and bay. In addition, a decrease in algal cover will also increase light penetration into deeper waters of the bay.
Increase water clarity in Lower Green Bay. Achieving an average Secchi2 depth measurement of at least 1.14 meters will allow photosynthesis to occur at deeper levels in the bay, as well as improve conditions for recreational activities such as swimming.
Restore degraded habitat. This will better support aquatic life.
Increase dissolved oxygen levels. This will better support aquatic life in the tributary streams and main stem of the Lower Fox River
Increase growth of beneficial submerged aquatic vegetation in Lower Green Bay. This will help reduce the re-suspension of sediment particles from the bottom of the bay up into the water column, which will increase water clarity
Watershed Recommendations
Aquatic Plant Management Project
Remove Phragmites & Lyme grass from 118 miles and 3600 acres of shoreline
Best Management Practices, Implement
Calument County Process Wastewater
This project is a landowner installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: a manure storage system; a waste transfer system; and a milking center waste control systems.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Calumet County - Leachate Management
This project is a landowner installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the grantee will implement: a manure storage system; a waste transfer system; and a feed storage runoff control system.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Scott TMDL Storm Water Management Plan
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance, updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development, updated low impact development/conservation subdivision ordinance, updated ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area, updated storm water financing mechanism, updated storm water management plan for the developed urban area, and updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Bellevue Urban Storm Water Plan Update
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for the developed urban area and updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Control Streambank Erosion
Baird Cr Buffer Strips
Buffer Strip installation in key sections of Baird Creek watershed to reduce agriculture nutrient, sediment and pesticide loading to Baird Creek & ultimately the Lower Fox River & Bay of Green Bay.
In Progress
Habitat Restoration - Instream
This proposal addresses two interrelated BUIs in the Lower Green Bay-Fox River AOC: Degraded Fish and Wildlife Populations, and Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat. Additionally a third BUI, Degraded phytoplankton / zooplankton populations, is addressed through one component in the proposal. To advance delisting, specific actions will restore, improve or create habitat for fish and wildlife populations specifically noted in the delisting targets (WDNR 2009). Quality fish spawning habitats, hydrologic connectivity between interior and coastal wetlands and the AOC, and habitat diversity supporting multiple life stages of target fish and wildlife species were specifically listed as essential for the delisting of these use impairments (WDNR 2009) and will be restored through actions in this proposal. Fish and wildlife populations expected to benefit from this work include top predator fish (northern pike), native forage fish, native furbearers, amphibians, wetland associated reptiles, dabbling ducks and marsh nesting birds. Long term benefits will accrue through effective protection and restoration of priority habitats identified by this project. Degraded phytoplankton / zooplankton populations will be advanced through the development of a nutrient and sediment management framework for this watershed.
Habitat Restoration - Upland
Habitat Restoration, Fox River Watershed
This project will restore 1390 acres of globally imperiled barrens habitat (G1, G2) in the Fox River watershed of the Lake Michigan Basin
In Progress
Monitor Fish Community
Fisheries Assessment
WDNR FH staff, in cooperation with WT, should analyze walleye, northern pike, white bass, crappie, yellow perch, carp, gizzard shad, common shiners and smallmouth bass, from Lower Fox River (below the De Pere dam) to determine PCB concentrations and to update the Fish Consumption Advisory. Large walleye should also be analyzed for mercury (Type B).
Monitor Fish Tissue
Confirm FCA: IW pre-2000 data
117900 name Lower Fox River (Depere Dam To Middle Appleton Dam) TMDL ID 150 Start Mile 7.39 End Mile 32.18
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
USGS Gage on Bower Creek
DNR and partners should secure funds to continue operating the U.S. Geological Survey flow gaging station on Bower Creek at CTH MM.
In Progress
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
fixed station (ambient) monitoring on the Fox River
Lower Fox River Basin Team staff should conduct fixed station (ambient) monitoring on the Fox River above the De Pere dam to assess long-term water quality trends in the Lower Fox River Basin and to meet the statewide water quality monitoring network goals (Type B).
In Progress
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Hayton Millpond PCB Cleanup
Hayton Millpond PCB cleanup impacting several PCB listed segments.
In Progress
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
Baird Creek Impairment Proposed
Monitoring 303d listing of water for listing portion of water above main street.
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
Baird Creek Impairment Assessment
In-stream water-quality parameters (nutrients and suspended solids) will be monitored. The overall objective of this monitoring is to compare daily phosphorus and suspended solids loads for each watershed. Measured loads will be compared with those modeled by the University of Wisconsin Green Bay (UWGB). Monitor progress on stream restoration. Data to be used to assess water quality for Integrated Reporting Process
Nine Key Element Plan
Upper East River PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan
Upper East River PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan - The East River watershed is further divided into two subwatersheds the Upper and Lower East River Watersheds. The Upper East River Watershed drains approximately 22,992 acres. Excessive sediment loads and increased algal blooms in the Lower Fox River and Bay of Green Bay prompted the need for action to be taken in the Lower Fox River Basin.
In Progress
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
Environmentally Sensitive Area Protection
The Lower Fox River Team and the Brown County Planning Department should work together to identify and protect all ESAs countywide
Recreational Use Survey
Use high resolution multi-spectral aerial mapping technology to remotely identify the major factors contributing to beach pollution & deteriorated water quality in the nearshore areas of Lake Michigan that are included within the boundaries of Bay-Lake RPC.
Runoff Evaluation
Biese, Ron Manure Storage
Biese, Ron Manure Storage
In Progress
Runoff Grant - Urban Nonpoint Source & Stormwater Management - Construction
Sediment Remediation
Renard Island, Green Bay Capping
The RAP Workgroup recommended closing Renard Island, in the lower Bay of Green Bay to minimize exposure to 2.7M cubic yards of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and other contaminates contained in sediments placed in the island from the dredging of the Green Bay Harbor.
Sediment Remediation
Sediment Remediation, Fox River
Lower Fox River Basin Team should work with local governments, industry and other environmental agencies (USEPA, USFWS, USGS etc) to remediate contaminated sediment deposits in the Lower Fox River (Type B).
In Progress
Sewer Service Area Planning
BCPC WQM Plan 2020
BCPC WQM Plan 2020
In Progress
Sewer Service Area Planning
Brown County Planning Commission (BCPC) will contract directly with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) for services to be provided as set forth in the work program for 2015.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Harrison - Stormwater Planning
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: other new ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area; development and implementation of a new financing mechanism for funding the storm water program; updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and a new storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
UW Green Bay - Board of Regents MS4 Renewal
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for the developed urban area and updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Calumet Co MS4 Storm Water Management Update
Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for the developed urban area.
In Progress
TMDL Actions in Wisconsin
Fox River TMDL
There are 14 Impaired Waters in the LFR Basin, including Lower Green Bay, that are polluted by excess phosphorus (TP) and total suspended solids (TSS) impairing fish and aquatic life uses of these water bodies. These pollutants reach rivers and streams from polluted runoff from farm fields, barnyards, residential yards and industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants.
In Progress
TMDL Development
This proposal will help County staff implement actions related to the Clean Water Act and DNR?s targeted performance standards for nonpoint source pollution.
In Progress
TMDL Development
Lower Fox River TMDL
The Lower Fox River (LFR) Basin originates at the outlet of Lake Winnebago and flows northeast 39 miles where it empties into Green Bay. There are 14 Impaired Waters in the LFR Basin, including Lower Green Bay, that are polluted by excess phosphorus (TP) and total suspended solids (TSS) impairing fish and aquatic life uses of these water bodies. These pollutants reach rivers and streams from polluted runoff from farm fields, barnyards, residential yards and industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants.
In Progress
TMDL Implementation
Baird Creek Gage Station for TMDL Implementation
2.7 miles of additional buffers were added to the Baird Creek watershed in 2011. This gage is the only active gage in the area that can help determine effectiveness of BMPs installed in this watershed as part of TMDL implementation efforts in Brown County.
TMDL Implementation
BMP Locations for TMDL
Identify Targeted Best Management Practices locations
In Progress
TMDL Implementation
Silver Lake TMDL
Silver Lake, located in Manitowoc Rapids Township, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, in the Manitowoc River Basin, was listed as impaired due to excess phosphorus. The Lake is nutrient (phosphorus (P)) impaired as a result of agriculture, internal loading and local land use, is listed on the 1998 303(d) list as a high priority water and external load sources are nonpoint source (NPS) dominated. The designated use for Silver Lake is a full recreation, warm water sport fishery. Pollutant export data and information on the soils, topography, and other background information on the Silver Lake watershed is included in the Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Plan for the Sevenmile-Silver Creek Priority Watershed, dated February 1987.
In Progress
TMDL Monitoring
Jordan Creek EAP Project
The Hardies Creek TMDL is a product of a partnership between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the Galesville-Ettrick-Trempealeau High School (GET) Science Department. In 2004, the WDNR provided funding, through a local water quality assistance grant to GET, to support supplemental data collection for the development of the TMDL. In coordination with WDNR field staff and under the direction of Mr. Jon Johnson (GET Science Teacher), students monitored habitat, macroinvertebrates, and water chemistry and assisted with fish electro-shocking in Hardies creek. Some of the information collected by students with WDNR supervision was used in the development of this TMDL.
In Progress
Urban Growth Planning
Brown County Sewerage Plan
Brown County Planning Commission should continue updating and amending the Brown County Sewerage Plan (SSA Plan) on an as needed basis to prevent development in unsuitable areas (environmental sensitive areas) and protect surface and ground water quality (Type B).
In Progress
East River WatershedWatershed History Note

The Village of Allouez, located along the East River in Brown County, was named after the French Jesuit priest, missionary and explorer, Father Claude-Jean Allouez (1622-1689). He graduated from the College of Le Puy and became a Jesuit novice in France. In 1655, he was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest and arrived in Quebec in 1658 and prepared for his work as a missionary among American Indians by studying the Wyondot and Anishinaabe languages. Allouez first came to Wisconsin in 1665, when he established a mission on Lake Superior. From 1667 through 1669, Allouez made a missionary tour of the western missions. He returned in November 1669, reaching Green Bay barefoot and covered with ice. He celebrated mass with Indians at the Oconto River, then spent the rest of the winter among the Potawatomi in Door County. After the ice broke in mid-March, Allouez traversed the Fox-Wisconsin waterway, describing Kaukauna, Grand Chute, Lake Winnebago, and other places in central Wisconsin. He also found camps of refugee Indians displaced by the wars with the Iroquois, including the Sauk who were recently driven to Wisconsin by the wars in the East. A good portion of Father AllouezÂ’s written work from that period has been preserved. It provides insight into the missions of that time and provides an extensive and important record of the Catholic Church in mid-America. It also contains the first documented accounts of the Illinois Indians.

Date  2010

Watershed History Note

The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) has been seeking permits and approvals from the DNR since 1985 to construct an expansion to their Renard Isle (Kidney Island) confined dredge spoil disposal facility. In 1987 an exemption was granted from solid waste licensing requirements to Brown County. The Department has also issued a 144.04 Wastewater Treatment Plant plan approval. That approval has expired and needs be reissued (WDNR, 1993a). A WPDES permit is required but has not been issued. A water quality certification was denied following a contested case hearing and review by the Secretary. The water quality certification was denied because there was not reasonable assurance that dissolved oxygen (D.O.) levels in the Fox River and Lower Green Bay would not be adversely impacted by the proposed construction. Subsequently, the Corps developed a model and studied the dissolved oxygen question. They concluded that the proposed confinement disposal facility would not significantly affect impact D.O. levels. The Corps requested a second Water Quality Certification (WDNR 1997). Subsequently, however, the proposed expansion of Renard Isle have since been dropped and plans are now underway to close the existing island (Behrens, 1998). Meanwhile, navigational dredging has been limited, and greater knowledge has been gained about the level of contamination in bottom sediments. The USACOE has been authorized through the Water Resources Development Act to dredge for environmental reasons and to provide assistance for Great Lakes Area of Concern remediation projects. While no funding was allocated to provide such assistance, there are cost sharing provisions for dredging areas adjacent to the navigation channel. Since some of the estimated nine million cubic meters of contaminated sediment in the Fox River Lie outside the channel, USACOE's technical assistance could be beneficial to the Green Bay AOC if dredging is the remedial option of choice (WDNR, 1993a).

Date  1998